- 兰博运载装备制造股份有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 经济技术开发区 Mission: Define the needs of our new factory in terms of: Respect of local & National regulations from China, at long term Respect, even exceed, the requirements on protection of the Employees, at long term Respect, even exceed, the requirements on management of rejections, noise, etc., to totally protect the Employees, the Neighborhood, and the Shareholders vs any threat. Submit the related actions-plans to COO & CEO, with the timelines, details, and budgets Fight for the im...
- 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: Direct patient care, learning skills and increasing knowledge so that they may become a full functioning Emergency Medicine physician. Constant assessment and re-assessment of the current evidence regarding clinical problems, attending didactic lectures arranged by the program leadership, presenting at those and other didactic sessions, and, once a suitable level of seniority is achieved, act as preceptors for less experienced junior physicians. Perform any other duties as may be reque...
- 无畏营造建筑综合设计有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 项目管理及品牌推广专员Project Manager&Promotion Representative 1. 建筑、环艺、设计或传媒等相关专业大专及以上学历,对建筑行业有一定了解 2. 具备优良的文字撰写能力,图纸整理能力及平面排版能力 3. 具备良好的语言表达能力以及沟通协调能力,可协助出版、展览、媒体活动等相关事宜;责任心强,具有团队合作精神 4. 具有企业宣传与推广的策划及设计经验,熟悉新媒体设计及后台维护等工作 5. 熟练应用Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign,等设计软件和Microsoft Office(掌握AutoCad及SketchUp者优先) 6. 客户关系创建,维护和管理 7. 项目跟踪、挖掘,负责完成投标流程;并配合经营部负责人进行合同谈判; 8. 项目合同签订后,负责合同管理工作中与商务相关的部分,例如设计费增补;配合项目经理进行收款等工作 9. 擅长摄影或具备良好的英语沟通交流和听说读写能力者优先考虑 1. Bachelor degree or above, major in architecture, en...
- 上海数造机电科技股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities: To complete various international trade tasks given by the managers according to the needs To know well of products, including each of the parameters, theories, applications etc., able to organize face to face English technical training with the help of engineers, able to independently analyze clients and offer reasonable quotations. 3. To explore clients independently and understand all the procedures of foreign trade, to maintain good relationship with the current cl...
- 艺普得城市设计咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 月薪8,000 - 16,000元 景观设计师 ( 上海 / 深圳 ) 工作职责: 负责总体规划,景观设计,文本(各阶段)的准备,并组织与景观设计相关的学习及调研; 与跨区域办公室的设计师合作; 职位要求: 能独立完成上级布置的工作; 至少4年以上创意设计及团队合作经验; 具有国际视野,优先考虑; 愿意出差; 出色的视觉表达能力及软件运用能力; 英语流利,优先考虑; Landscape Designer ( Shanghai/Shenzhen ) Responsibilities: Preparation of masterplans, landscape design (all stages) and undertaking landscape related studies and research. Interaction with project designers in international offices. Abilities and requirements: Independently complete assigned tasks Minimum...
- 连城天一温泉度假村有限公司 龙岩市 连城县
龙岩市 连城县 月薪2,000 - 2,500元 连城天一温泉度假村由厦门华荣泰集团旗下子公司福建省天一旅游发展有限公司投资兴建,已荣膺“五星级旅游饭店、五星级温泉企业、AAAA级旅游景区、金叶级绿色饭店”等称号,集温泉度假、养身保健、休闲娱乐、会议宴会、餐饮、住宿于一体的新型温泉旅游综合体。本公司坚持“以人为本”的管理方针,视人才为资本,为您提供广阔的发展空间。 心有多大,我们的舞台就有多大。 酒店福利: 1、免费提供食宿; 2、工作满半年后即可每月享有工龄津贴; 3、酒店提供系统的各类培训;开展丰富多彩的员工活动; 4、良好的晋升平台; 5、享有学历及外语等级津贴。 6、办理社会保险(五险) 7、享有每月6天带薪休假及每年法定假期;工作满一年后享有带薪年假; 1、计算机或相关专业,有星级酒店同岗位工作经验者优先。 2、思维活跃,善于沟通; 3、性格开朗,有良好的团队精神。 4、月休6天。...
- 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: ? Professionalism and positive work attitude ? Ensure all the required equipment and instruments are available and functional well ? Assist dentist for dental procedures ? Provides total patient care in accordance to the dentist’s orders and individual patient needs in conformance with standards of nursing practice. ? Observes and documents pertinent information that reflects the patient’s clinical condition, with respect to the entire human being. ? Reports the same to oncoming nurses...
- 上海诺地乐通用设备制造有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 嘉定区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 岗位职责: 利用FEA分析软件对风机叶轮及整机进行力学模拟计算并给出优化指导意见。 参与新产品开发设计以及老产品的升级优化,特别是可靠性和振动分析。 参与配套项目和非标定制产品的模型研发设计和优化。 掌握风机行业新技术和新产品动态,与产品工程师一起研制具有竞争力的产品。 负责消化国外新技术,掌握国内外风机行业相关标准,参与产品试验和认证等工作; 为销售和客户提供技术疑难解答 任职要求: 硕士学历,力学、机械设计,流体机械等相关专业; 熟练ANSYS等FEA分析软件; 能看懂风机英文专业资料,并能进行英语顺畅沟通,通过CET-6; 具有转子动力学理论基础和经验者优先; 熟悉通风机等透平机械工作原理和结构设计者优先; 严谨细心,沉稳耐心,具备良好的抗压力,工作敬业,有责任心。 职能类别: 技术研发工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:外冈镇清能路55号...
- 上海苏尔寿工程机械制造有限公司 Shanghai
1) Monthly payroll calculation, 2) Verify workshop staff's attendance record, and OT hours etc. 3) Staff database input and maintenance 4) Employment enroll and exit registration process execution 5) Handle social insurance, integration insurance, commercial insurance & house funding support and management 6) Maintain personnel record in HR database 7) Prepare the Personal Files, 8) Vacation and other absence maintenance in SAP 9) Access control system and fingerprint system management 1...
- 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
深圳市 Job descriptions: Providing effective and high quality services and support on campus, ensuring the smooth operation of the campus on a daily basis (24 hours). General services including budget planning and execution, school bus operation, laundry, cleaning of boarding, security and landscape vendor management, logistic and campus event support. Manage, cooperate and communicate with the Property management company, make sure the teaching building is clean and tidy and everything is in order...
- 中电科新型智慧城市研究院有限公司 Shenzhen
1、负责海量数据仓库建设与模型设计工作; 2、负责数据仓库ETL设计与优化工作; 3、负责政府各系统数据的接入工作; 4、负责将业务需求转化为数据需求并落地实现; 5、负责数据仓库管理:数据治理、数据生命周期管理、数据安全等; 6、负责维护数据库系统的稳定、高效、安全运行,参与数据架构规划设计。 任职要求 1、掌握数据仓库(DW)商业智能(BI)理论知识,具备3年以上数据仓库建设经验; 2、熟悉元数据管理、数据质量管理; 3、熟悉MySQL、Oracle或No-SQL技术(如MongoDB、Hbase、Memcached或Redis等),参与过各种数据数据架构设计; 4、熟悉HADOOP大数据平台相关技术,精通HIVE开发者优先; 5、具有高度的责任感,思路清晰,有良好的沟通能力; 6、全日制本科及以上学历,计算机、软件及相关专业; 7、有以上系统perl/php/python/shell一种或多种脚本语言优先,熟悉Linux/Unix操作系统优先; 8、良好的学习能力和对新技术的追求精神,良好的团队协作能力,积极主动,乐于接受挑战,能承受工作压力。 职能类别: 数据库工程师/管理员 ...
- 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
深圳市 Job descriptions: Providing effective and high quality services and support on campus, ensuring the smooth operation of the campus on a daily basis (24 hours). General services including budget planning and execution, school bus operation, laundry, cleaning of boarding, security and landscape vendor management, logistic and campus event support. Manage, cooperate and communicate with the Property management company, make sure the teaching building is clean and tidy and everything is in order...
- 台灣積體電路製造 Xinzhu
The candidate will be placed under Financial Planning Department with responsibilities including various corporate finance projects such as cash flow and balance sheet rolling forecast, dividend policy, planning and execution of quarterly dividends, capital market transactions, valuation, credit rating agency relations, etc., VC fund investment and performance monitoring, US SEC compliance such as Form 20-F, and projects deemed necessary to support management decisions. Qualifications KEY REQUIR...
tw.indeed.comAugust 24,2019 - 盛世长城国际广告有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 滨江区 月薪25,000 - 30,000元 职责描述: 负责监督广告的艺术设计,比如平面广告,电视广告或其他内容。负责广告“视觉”部分; 与文案进行头脑风暴并积极提供核心创意,并按时产出符合策略要求的高质量视觉呈现方案; 将创意从概念通过视觉表现发展成为具体的设计 ,安排、指导、跟进美指完成各项工作。 任职要求: 本科及以上学位,3年以上创意广告公司资深美术指导的经验优先 良好的沟通技巧,包括表达创作理念的能力,以及向客户和团队阐述 能够同时有效的完成多项工作 自我激励,注重细节 职能类别: 广告创意/设计经理 美术指导 关键字: Creative, Group Head, art 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:江陵路1760号...
- 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 职位概述 Family physicians provide comprehensive, coordinated and continuous care for patients within the context of their community. Family doctors are able to treat a wide range of conditions (acute and chronic) and have a breadth of knowledge that spans across all specialties. A well trained family physician can diagnose and treat 80% or more of the health care issues presented by patients in his/her community, and works together with colleagues from other medical specialties to provide int...
- 扬州楚门机电设备制造有限公司 Yangzhou
扬子人才网(www.yzjob.net)成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州楚门机电设备制造有限公司 招聘单位: 扬州楚门机电设备制造有限公司 所属...
- 上饶筑城房地产开发有限公司 上饶市 信州区
上饶市 信州区 月薪8,000 - 12,000元 1. 负责公司PHP项目的需求分析,参与架构设计,实施开发; 2. 参与评估项目开发周期,并带领组员按既定的开发进度,完成工作任务; 3. 与产品、测试沟通,保证项目质量; 4. 与第三方平台沟通,开发接口相关功能; 任职要求 1. 本科及以上学历,英语四级水平,熟练使用PHP语言3年以上,基础扎实,有大型项目开发经验; 2. 能与团队其他人进行高效、友好沟通;工作积极性、主动性、责任心强;学习能力、进取心、求知欲强;有项目管理经验; 3. 有独立解决问题的能力,逻辑思维清晰、严谨,掌握PHP语言发展的新特性,及其适合的应用场景; 4. 熟悉至少两种PHP开发框架,熟练使用git,熟练使用Linux作为开发环境,熟练使用shell,理解docker技术; 5. 熟练掌握面向对象编程,熟悉常用设计模式; 6. 熟悉TCP/IP协议,熟悉HTTP协议和安全套接字层协议,掌握至少一种报文抓包工具,熟悉蜘蛛爬虫技术; 7. 掌握HTML、CSS、Javascript语言基础,了解各种前端工程的系统边界; 8. 熟练使用MySQL,理解数据库原...
- 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
Job descriptions: Providing effective and high quality services and support on campus, ensuring the smooth operation of the campus on a daily basis (24 hours). General services including budget planning and execution, school bus operation, laundry, cleaning of boarding, security and landscape vendor management, logistic and campus event support. Manage, cooperate and communicate with the Property management company, make sure the teaching building is clean and tidy and everything is in order. Ac...
Job Duties: Assist IT Manager in IT support and AV system and equipment set up in club events. To ensure AV system performing well at live events in club. To install & cross check the AV system and equipment before club events. To record & take photo for club events and put up in website and social media. Conduct regular test and fine-tuning for all AV equipment Standby to perform troubleshooting for AV system & equipment as required Requirements : Certificate or above in Electroni...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 23,2019 - 中國港灣工程有限責任公司 Hong Kong
工作地點 - 香港機場第三跑道 填海工程現場 工作時間:早上8時至下午6時或下午8時至早上6時,9小時工作,每週工作6天,需輪班及輪休。 工作經驗:3年相關工作經驗優先;如沒有相關工作經驗但有填海工程地盤工作經驗,可考慮其他工種是否適合,人工面議。 語文要求:基本聽講寫中文能力 公司福利:市區有定點交通接駁和項目附近碼頭交通船接駁。安全培訓、海事工程方面培訓,個人勞保安全用品,有薪假期、激勵機制等福利...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 23,2019
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