- 摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司 广州市
广州市 职位信息 J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering innovative and intelligent solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available. We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their wealth for more than 200 years and we keep their interests foremost in our minds at all times. This combination of product strength, intellectual capital and character sets us apart as an industry leader. J.P. Morgan is part...
- 上海纽约大学 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Department: Academic Affairs Reports to: Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Position Summary Academic Advisors assist students as they develop meaningful educational plans compatible with their life goals. They serve as a source of information about the degree requirements, policies, and procedures of the university and meet with students to discuss individualized academic questions and concerns. The advisors serve as a liaison with other offices on student cases and make referrals for students...
- 上海科技大学 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Introduction An excellent opportunity for a creative, adaptable and self-motivated individual looking for new challenges, with a good command of English and with native proficiency in Chinese. This is a research assistant position with two internationally famous professors working on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision in a fast developing university. The successful applicant will be responsible for acquiring goods for their high-tech, fast paced laboratories, communica...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 昆山市
昆山市 Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education. DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Academic Success Tutors will be expected to...
- 美国驻华大使馆 查看所有职位 Shanghai
U.S. Mission China Announcement Number: Shanghai-2019-09 Opening Period: July 12, 2019 – July 25, 2019 Series/Grade: LE-1515-11 Salary: RMB 375,134 p.a. USEFM is FP-4 USD 56,711 p.a. Actual salary will be determined by Washington D.C. For More Info: Human Resources Office American Consulate Shanghai, China No.1469 Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai 200031 Email: ShanghaiRecruitment@state.gov Fax: 86-21-6121-2179 (Please specify the position title in the subject line.) Website: https://china.usembassy...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Job Outline: The role is to provide first-line and second-line IT Support to staff and students reported via email, phone, walk-in and self-service system, to collaborate with team to provide consultation and support in the utilization of Computer systems involving desktop and server based, electronic resources and associated facilities, to provide information skills training to staff and students of the University. Qualifications Essential Bachelor’s degree; Working experience in customer servi...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 6,000 in just 12 years. The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, a pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, is rapidly expanding. It is looking for ambitious, talented academics with a passion for teaching as well as research flai...
- 大连维特奥健康管理有限公司 大连市
GENERAL PRACTITIONER全科医师 Qualifications: 任职资格: 1. Obtain a bachelor's degree or above in medical school and graduate from a medical school/ college listed in the Directory of medical schools published by China Ministry of Education or the World Health Organization (WHO) or in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) of the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) 1.取得医学院学士及以上学位,学校在中国教育部考试或世界卫生组织公布的医学院校目录之列。学校在(国际医学教育与研究发展基金会FAIMER的)国...
- Bella Napoli 意大利餐厅 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区
上海市 静安区 Report to the general manager Able to create new dishes and new promotions Able to make menus all the times Able to make the recipe cost Able to communicate with the suppliers Able to do meetings , trainings and briefings Responsible to keep the cost low accordingly the budget Responsible to maintain the food with labels all the times Responsible to maintain the food quality all the times Comply with establish sanitation standards, personal hygiene and health standards Observe proper foo...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Job Outline: The role is to provide first-line and second-line IT Support to staff and students reported via email, phone, walk-in and self-service system, to collaborate with team to provide consultation and support in the utilization of Computer systems involving desktop and server based, electronic resources and associated facilities, to provide information skills training to staff and students of the University. Qualifications Essential Bachelor’s degree; Working experience in customer s...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区
ABOUT THE ROLE Teachers must be ambitious for the pupils' learning and put their pupils first in everything that they do. Teachers should actively promote the School's Mission and Vision through their enthusiastic and full participation in school life. Every teacher has key academic and pastoral responsibilities. These are listed in the following section and it is important that we all take these responsibilities seriously: ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To contribute to the establishment ...
- 申请国外博士后的好网站(大综合) China
中国 http://www.academictransfer.nl/org/ http://www.postdocjobs.com/ http://www.sciencejobs.com http://scijobs.org/ http://recruit.sciencemag.org/ http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/ http://www.ccom/areerpath. http://www.jobsunlimited.com/ http://www.newscientistjobs.com/ http://www.smth.org/bbscon.php?board=AdvancedEdu&id=637 1.英国:http://jobs.ac.uk/ 每天更新, 2.德国马普研究所 http://www.mpg.de/english/institut/ 3.AIP工作信息: http://www.aip.org/careersvc/jobs/ 综合(很多国家): 或者 http://careers.physicstoday.org/sear...
- 清华大学苏世民书院 查看所有职位 北京市
【岗位名称】学生职业发展副主任 【机构名称】清华大学苏世民书院 【所属部门】学生生活部 【招聘人数】 1 职位描述 作为学生生活团队的一员,职业发展副主任将在职业发展主任的指导和合作下,提供职业指导和教育并开展雇主拓展。副主任将负责设计、开发和执行与职业发展相关的一系列项目(包括大型讲座、实践培训课程、虚拟和在线/录制课程、职业活动、一对一的职业辅导以及其他项目)。副主任还将领导,发展和执行大中华地区的雇主拓展的战略。 学生生活团队是一个高度协作的部门。我们共同努力创造并提供全面创新的学生生活项目 -包括从入学到毕业的一些列代表性活动。作为一所刚成立不久的学院,我们采纳学生、员工和教师的多方意见,不断设计,创新和提供解决方案。理想的候选人将是一个充满热情、善于随机应变和有很强的主观能动性的人,精通技术,并愿意在这个协作、精益的初创的环境中承担应有的责任并在团队需要时协同合作。候选人必须对学生有同理心,能够积极与学生沟通。我们是一个了不起的团队,希望同样优秀的你能够加入我们! 岗位职责 负责创新,开发,执行/共同执行职业生涯管理计划;为学生从进入书院的探索阶段一直到毕业后的发展实行全方位...
- 上海凯宾斯基大酒店 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Responsible to Assistant Stewarding Manager / Stewarding Manager 向管事部副经理/管事部经理负责。 Provide a professional and courteous service at all times and ensure that all employees of the assigned outlet follow the example. 随时提供专业和礼貌的服务, 按照标准事例完成所分配的任务。 Ensure that the place of work and surrounding area is kept clean and organised at all times. 确保工作场所及周边区域保持干净整洁。 Execute and demand the team to execute the highest level of service and set-up standards at all times. 执行和需求团队服务和设置标准的最高水平。 Be knowledgeable of a...
- 大连智信宇盛教育咨询有限责任公司 China
中国 月薪8,000 - 11,000元 国际豪华邮轮针对应届毕业生(毕业2年内均可)或在校大学生直招乘务员,投递简历前请仔细阅读以下内容! 工作地点:国际豪华邮轮 国际豪华邮轮乘务定义: 豪华邮轮(cruise ship),也称豪华旅游船,是指环球海上航行或在地中海、加勒比海等特定地区航行的,以在船上娱乐和停靠地观光游览为目的的船舶总称。豪华游轮内部设有供乘客生活使用的一切设施,能够满足舒适的奢华生活水平要求,并且一般内设各式各样的娱乐设施。什么是国际邮轮乘务?很好解释。国际邮轮相当于酒店、那么国际邮轮乘务就是酒店里的服务员。海乘的称呼是相对于空乘的一种名称叫法、实际工作性质与空乘有着本质上上的区别,首先、海乘服务的环境、实际上是一个五星级的酒店的环境、邮轮活动和工作空间较大、每一艘豪华邮轮员工可以达到几百到上千人、客人从几百到几千人不等。其次、海乘的服务层次、随着更多的邮轮公司看好国内的市场、相继开拓了国内的航线、邮轮更为大家熟悉、更多的有钱人、旅游出行都会选择邮轮这个古老又新鲜的旅游方式、所以就缺少不了为他们服务的人员。而海乘们提供的服务是国际水平的、相当于国际的超五星级别的酒店...
- 上海理工大学中英国际学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 Key Responsibilities: 1. Brand management 1) Establish and encourage adoption of a consistent collegiate image, including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, logos, spirit marks, etc. 2) Managing college souvenir and Coordinating stock products. 3) Designing college materials. 2. Public Relations 1) Developing a social media strategy and plan for implementation. 2) Developing monthly and annual calendar of digital marketing activities, implement report and optimize regularly based on anal...
- 中原大學 Taibei
中原大學人事室 用人單位:中原大學人事室 職缺公告日期:2019-07-23 報名截止日期:2019-09-16 開缺職缺:專任助理教授 x 1名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 工作地點:桃園市中壢市中北路200號 學術專長: 公告內容: ~中原大學環境工程學系徵聘短期專任助理教授(以上)1名 一、學歷:博士學位以上 二、專精領域:環境工程或環境科學相關領域 三、應徵教師需具備英語授課能力且合乎條件者請備妥: 1. 推薦函三封。 2.個人履歷表(含自傳及現職)。 3.學經歷影本。 4.成績單(持國外學歷者,畢業證書、成績單須經駐外單位驗證;博士 候選人請附指導委員會主席(Committee Chairman)或院、系(所)主管 (Dean, Chairperson )完成論文答辯、審查及畢業日期證明函)。 5.博士論文及相關研究著作(作品)。 6.可教授之課程及其內容大綱。 四、聯絡人:王玉純主任(電話:03-265-4900;E-mail:ycwang@cycu.edu.tw) 五、收件截止日:108年9月16日止,以掛號送達(郵戳為憑)。 六、收件地址:320桃園市中壢區中...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019 - 中國文化大學 Taibei
中國文化大學人事室 用人單位:中國文化大學人事室 職缺公告日期:2019-07-30 報名截止日期:2019-09-15 開缺職缺:教師 x 1名 學校地址:臺北市11114陽明山華岡路55號 工作地點:臺北市士林區華岡路55號 學術專長: 公告內容: 請詳見相關連結 相關附件 無 學校網址:http://www.pccu.edu.tw/ 聯絡人:陳嬿而 連絡電話:02-28610511#15203 E-MAIL:cye@ulive.pccu.edu.tw 相關連結:https://ap2.pccu.edu.tw/pccupost/post/content.asp?Num=20190628093126453 意向書連結:請登入會員後填報意向書 備註:如對本職缺有投件意願,可參考本意向書...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019 - 中國文化大學 台北市 士林區
一、應繳資料:請備妥履歷表(須註明 e-mail 帳號)、學經歷證件影本、大學和研究所的成績單(國外學歷須經駐外單位驗證)、近五年之研究論文著作、未來研究計畫、可擔任課程等。 二、收件截止日期:108年9月15日(含)前至本校 人才招募系統 完成登錄並將資料寄(或送)至中國文化大學人事室收(以郵戳為憑),所寄資料恕不退回,由本校徵才單位逕行銷毀。 三、聯絡地址:台北市111士林區華岡路55號 四、聯絡電話:(02)28610511 轉15203陳嬿而小姐...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019
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