Results 1 - 20 of 2694
  • 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    岗位职责 1.协助住客搬迁行李。 2.代客交收信件、包裹、便条及电报等。 3.负责所有电话询问及柜台询问事宜。 4.保持行李搬迁能提供迅速及友善之服务。 5.代理行李保管事宜和签发行李索取标签事宜。 6.保养行李服务设备。 7.保持行李储藏室之整洁。 8.收集住客之退房门匙。 9.提供大堂正门之开门迎宾服务。 10.迎接客人,提供帮助,把客人引领到总台接待处。 11.在正门开门及欢迎客人时,如遇雨天,需拿伞方便客人上、下车。 12.从总台接待员手中接过钥匙后,再一次核对钥匙牌上的房间号码。 13.带领客人到指定房间及介绍房间设备及其使用方法。 14.住客退房时,引领其到收款台办理退房手续。 15.把行李装上出租车,盘点行李件数及恭请客人确认。 16.协助保持大堂区域清洁和整齐。 17.对上向行李组主任报告及负责。 18.负责其它由行李组主任所安排之任务。 岗位要求 1.拥有一年以上五星级酒店相关工作经验; 2.良好的英语运用能力; 3.身体健康,思维敏捷。 职能类别: 行李员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市黄浦区中山东一路2号上海外滩华尔道夫酒店人力资源部...

  • 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    As a Marcom Executive , you will be responsible for the results of the marketing plan and activities used by the hotel to increase brand awareness, communicate promotions to all relevant target markets and address hotel business needs. Specifically, you will perform the following tasks to the highest standards: Business Function ?Coordinate and assist with delivering all agreed marketing and PR strategies and monitor on-going marketing and PR campaigns performance and reporting as directed by th...

  • 深圳龙华希尔顿逸林酒店 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    Greets and registers guests, providing prompt and courteous service .Check in / out of guests. Resolves guest challenges throughout their stay in our hotel. upgrades guests as required . Promotes hotel services . 热情友好的问候客人,确保提供高效一致的服务。对入住期间的各种需求和问题予以快速解决,销售酒店各项产品确保利润***化。 Specific Job Knowledge, Skill and Ability 工作技能技巧要求 : 1. Considerable skill in the use of a calculator to perform moderately complex mathematical calculations without error . 能运用计算器材准确无误的进行各种数据运算。 2. Ability to read, Listen and ...

  • 北京屈臣氏个人用品连锁商店有限公司 Wulumuqi

    乌鲁木齐市 乌鲁木齐县 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 岗位职责 1. Lead the team to achieve/over achieve sales and profit objectives. 带领团队达到/超出销售及利润目标 2. Ensure team delivers high standards of store and merchandise presentation while adhering to company merchandising principles. 确保团队严格高标准地贯彻公司制定的店铺陈列标准 3. To ensure the company promotional program is implemented as per the required standards so as to maximize sales. 确保公司促销计划及标准能够严格执行,以达到销售***化 4. To always explore and suggest opportunities to grow sales and profit within th...

  • 九寨鲁能希尔顿度假酒店 查看所有职位 阿坝藏族羌族自治州

    Greets and registers guests, providing prompt and courteous service .Check in / out of guests. Resolves guest challenges throughout their stay in our hotel. upgrades guests as required . Promotes hotel services . 热情友好的问候客人,确保提供高效一致的服务。对入住期间的各种需求和问题予以快速解决,销售酒店各项产品确保利润最大化。 Specific Job Knowledge, Skill and Ability 工作技能技巧要求 : 1. Considerable skill in the use of a calculator to perform moderately complex mathematical calculations without error . 能运用计算器材准确无误的进行各种数据运算。 2. Ability to read, Listen and c...

  • 安徽元一大酒店有限公司 Hefei

    Job Responsibilities岗位职责 : To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients’needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs. 定期电话拜访了解最新的客户的需求,以便销售完全满足客户需求的酒店产品。 Maximize the full potential of accounts, make sure that their full potential is tapped, research and follow up sales leads. ***限度的开发重要的潜在客户资源,调查研究及跟进潜在客户。 Make sure that the clients are updated with the hotel facility and promotions. 确保客户及时了解酒店的最新设施和促销活动。 To keep in touch with ...

  • 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4 Yangzhou

    扬州市 邗江区 时薪6.30元 扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4S店) 招聘...

  • 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4 Yangzhou

    扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4S店) 招聘单位: 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    全職職位 歡迎無經驗人士 員工福利: • 年終雙糧 • 每年保證2次花紅(需符合指定條件) • 勤工獎 • 全數交通津貼 • 學歷津貼(需符合指定條件) • 醫療保養 • 員工膳食 • 1.1倍加班津貼...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    全職職位 歡迎無經驗人士 員工福利: • 年終雙糧 • 每年保證2次花紅(需符合指定條件) • 勤工獎 • 全數交通津貼 • 學歷津貼(需符合指定條件) • 醫療保養 • 員工膳食 • 1.1倍加班津貼...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    時薪$47-55起 (視乎地區而定) 新店開業首月時薪另加$10 定期薪酬調整,時薪最高+$8 彈性上班時間 無需經驗 員工膳食 交通津貼 兼職申請者可親臨各分店面試...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    全職職位 歡迎無經驗人士 員工福利: • 年終雙糧 • 每年保證2次花紅(需符合指定條件) • 勤工獎 • 全數交通津貼 • 學歷津貼(需符合指定條件) • 醫療保養 • 員工膳食 • 1.1倍加班津貼...

  • 广州克莉斯蒂贸易有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 海珠区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 职位信息 Job requirement and welfare: By company development, general manager assistant is demanded, focusing on assisting general manager for business and administration work. Requirements: 1. 3-5 years foreign trade or administration experience is preferred. 2. Coordinate General Manager’s business development/schedule arrangement/file management/administration etc. 3. Support department head to draft commercial contracts / letters. 4. Communicate with colleagues of other ...

  • 希尔顿逸林酒店 Xiamen

    工作地点 : 厦门海沧正元希尔顿逸林酒店 No.208 Binhu 1 Road, Haicang District Xiamen 361026 Take part in the planning and costing of menus. 参与设计菜单和成本控制。 Develop and write standard recipes. 发展并完成标准菜单。 Develop new dishes and products. 发展新菜肴及产品。 Ensure that outstanding culinary technical skills are maintained. 保证出色的菜肴烹调技术。 Maintain Team Restaurant is kept to the required level of hygiene as required by the local health and sanitation law. 保证员工餐厅达到当地卫生局标准。 Supervise cleaning of the kitchen, service area, storeroom and...

  • 上海元一酒店有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 实习生 岗位职责/职位描述 Principle Responsibilities & Position Purpose: 职责目标: Escorts arriving and departing guests in a friendly, courteous manner to and from their accommodations, transporting their luggage. Acquaints each guest with room and features. To facilitate a memorable guest experience from arrival, during the stay, and to adhere to Hilton Brand Standards. 热情友好的帮助客人提携行李,引领客人到房间并提供所需服务。贯穿希尔顿品牌服务理念于服务当中给客人留下难忘而又愉悦的回忆。 Essential Responsibilities: 基本职责: Retrieves guests items from cars , bus...

  • 杭州空港君瑞酒店有限公司 Hangzhou

    Assists in sorting hotel and guest linen for washing 协助收集酒店和客人的布巾,然后清洗 Helps in timely loading and unloading of machines 及时协助装卸机器 Assists in transferring linen and clothes between machines 协助机器之间的布巾和衣物传递工作 Feeds in linen in the flat-work ironer 将布巾送入平烫机 Ensures timely addition of chemicals in proper quantity 确保及时添加适量的洗衣粉 Maintains proper temperature, pressure and water level 保持适当的温度、压力和水位 Ensures machines and areas are kept free of lint 确保机器和工作区域中无布巾残留物 Ensures general cleanliness of the entire ...

  • 杭州空港君瑞酒店有限公司 Hangzhou

    Produces food of high quality according to standard recipes 按照标准菜谱制作高质量的食品 Assists with the preparation, presentation, decoration and storage of the following dishes: 协助进行以下饭菜的制作、装盘、装饰和存储工作: o Meat dishes 荤菜 o Meat marinades 腌肉 o Carve meats 割肉 o Fish and shell fish 水产品 o Sauces for fish and shell fish 水产品用酱 o Garnishing techniques and methods of service for fish 对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 o Pastry, cakes and yeast goods 西饼、蛋糕和发酵食品 o Petits fours 法式小点心 o Desserts 甜点 o Chinese Regional Dishes 中国地方菜 § Guangong ...

  • 大连香格里拉酒店有限公司 Dalian

    大连市 中山区 月薪1,500元 Shangri-La Hotel, Dalian Major responsibilities of Executive Japanese Chef of R&D Center Demonstrate Japanese cooking skills by using local food materials Develop products which can sell by video, photo and recipe Develop OEM Products to sell to other sister hotels Conduct on-site Japanese cuisine training To maintain a high standard of all food preparation, service and hygiene in Kitchen, according to the standards required by the management. REQUIREMENTS: To service Japane...

  • 北京屈臣氏个人用品连锁商店有限公司 Wulumuqi

    岗位职责 1. Lead the team to achieve/over achieve sales and profit objectives. 带领团队达到/超出销售及利润目标 2. Ensure team delivers high standards of store and merchandise presentation while adhering to company merchandising principles. 确保团队严格高标准地贯彻公司制定的店铺陈列标准 3. To ensure the company promotional program is implemented as per the required standards so as to maximize sales. 确保公司促销计划及标准能够严格执行,以达到销售***化 4. To always explore and suggest opportunities to grow sales and profit within the operating framework of compan...

  • 上海锦江国际理诺士酒店管理专修学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    请见英文要求 The position is responsible for marketing communications in China, which includes brand building, marketing collateral production, product & content marketing, copywriting for social media, advertising channels & PR articles. The role also handles the day to day online / offline marketing event planning, and duties of industry relations. EDUCATION: Bachelor degree WORK EXPERIENCE: 2 years in graphic design, marketing communication / brand management KEY QUALITIES / COMPETENCIES: I...

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