- 北京熟水酿商贸有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 月薪50,000 - 60,000元 1、根据集团发展战略要求,完成部门工作目标,主持内外部审计监督工作,保障集团控制力度,防范运营风险并实现长期可持续发展; 2、主持拟订集团内部审计制度流程和监察制度流程,经审批后监督执行; 3、负责公司经营活动内控流程审计及合规化管理,监督公司相关部门执行内部管理制度和业务规则, 根据法律、法规和准则的变化,及时建议并督导公司有关部门修改、完善有关管理制度和业务流程; 4、对公司新业务、新产品提供法律合规建议,提供风险评估,对风险进行识别及管控; 5、建立和维护与外部审计机构的长期合作关系,负责协调外部审计工作,负责汇总、分析、报告并执行外审建议; 6、负责对公司资产、投资、融资、抵押、担保等经济行为进行审计; 7、制定专项监察工作计划,对相关部门提交的案件线索进行定性分析,组织开展专项检查、内部巡查等工作。 8、建设公司投诉、举报渠道,组织投诉举报案件调查工作;负责投诉事项监察工作;负责对廉洁从业情况进行调查。 9、集团重要工作推进和重大决议执行的监督执行。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,财务、审计、法律等相关专业; 2、10年以...
- 北京拓达周华咨询有限公司 Beijing
职位描述: SUMMARY OF POSITION Touchdown 职业顾问为TouchdownCareer 项目参与者提供职业辅导,通过一系列职 业咨询,帮助候选人修改简历和LinkedIn 个人资料,并帮助候选人在美国找寻合适 的实习/就业机会,提高候选人的就业竞争力。 A demanding position work as a consultant at TouchdownCareer providing much needed career coaching to Chinese students to help them increase their employability through extensive career consultations, resume and LinkedIn profile improvements, and deep discussion to identify each student’s best internship/job opportunities in the US. 工作职责 JOB SUMMARY 提供一对一的职业...
- 北京锐奇视讯科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 1、统招本科以上学历; 2、1年以上工作经验; 3、精通英语、日语、韩语其中一门外语。 职能类别:网络管理(Helpdesk)技术支持/维护工程师 关键字:呼叫中心 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:国贸三期...
- 北京宣怀教育科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Be responsible for recruiting foreign teachers (cv selection, interview arrangement, candidate selection) 负责招聘外教 (涮选简历, 面试安排, 候选人甄选) Be responsible for maintain and assess recruiting channels for recruiting English teachers招聘外教渠道的维护和评估 Be responsible for the employment approval process and subsequent entry procedures. 负责外教录用审批,安排录用外教签订offer及后续入职手续 4. Other tasks assigned by leaders 领导交代的其他任务。 岗位要求 1. Bachelor’s degree , with oversea study experience , major in HR, education are preferred...
- 北京筑博装饰工程有限公司 Beijing
Generating conceptual design solutions, awareness and response to time planning for projects manage and follow up the whole process of projects from concept stage to completion. Responsible for the conceptual design development and to supervise the project of 3D rendering and construction drawing design. Deep market knowledge in selection of furniture systems / specifications, carpets, lighting and related industry treatments. Degree or diploma in design related discipline,8+ years working exper...
- 北京拓伟环球经贸有限公司 Beijing
北京市 通州区 Job Description / 职位描述 : Order management and tracking to ensure delivery in time; 订单管理及跟踪,以确保准时发货; Report production status and EST delivery time to Sales regularly; 向销售更新生产状况; Coordinate and negotiate the delivery quantity and date with own factory and suppliers according to order, responsible for the shipment transportation arrangement, and notify sales about the status of the delivery; 订单与自己工厂及供应商协商发货数量及发货日期等相关事宜,负责安排货物运输事宜,并通知销售订单交付情况; Inquire and negotiate the freight cost from for...
- 北京途西教育咨询有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Key responsibilities: 1. Communicate daily with parents via WeChat, phone, and email – for example: answering questions about their student’s progress, Due West programming/curriculum, and the application process 2.Serve as a communication liaison and cultural bridge in parent/student–counselor meetings 3. Translate student progress updates and strategy assessments as needed 4. Contribute to the overall success of the counseling team 5. Provide excellent customer service and build long-t...
- 北京纯本文化发展有限公司 Beijing
1, Bilingual in English and Chinese 2, Complete the works that assigned to you 3, Make development plans for different exhibitions 4, Coordinate with your colleague to achieve performance goals 5, Be responsible follow up on the development of market and client, and to reach cooperation Annual net income is RMB150000, other benefits are negotiable Job Requirements岗位要求: 1, Develop overseas booth build business 2, Have business travel from time to time depend on the location of booth International...
- 北京松林和创广告有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1、新项目提案:创意方案撰写,合作策略制定;整体把控竞标比价环节; 2、现有项目整体把控:包括项目执行把控、成本控制、项目质量控制、即时了解客户反馈并保证客户满意度,能够处理突发情况及客户投诉; 3、公司内外团队和资源的整合和协调; 任职资格: 1、本科毕业,3年以上数字媒体开发及数字媒体传播相关经验,1年以上同等级职位经验; 2、熟悉H5开发、产品交互; 3、了解数字媒体产品、动态、趋势,有较强的输出能力以及表现力,能为客户提供最前沿***的创意以及解决方案,引导培育客户; 4、优秀的沟通理解能力和洞察力,能深度了解客户现状,满足客户需求; 5、语言能力:英语【沟通、读写】流畅, 6、办公地址:HOME OFFICE 职能类别: 广告客户经理 广告客户总监/副总监 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:杨树浦路2866号...
- 北京外交人员人事服务公司 Beijing
北京市 西城区 Vacancy –IT Assistant (Outsourced) of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) AIIB would like to select suitable candidates to fill the position of IT Assistant. Monthly salary (before tax and social security insurance deduction) will be between RMB11000yuan and RMB17000yuan which is based on the competencies and skills demonstrated by applicants in the interview and experiences. We are seeking high-quality written applications to establish a shortlist for further testing. Job Type: ...
- 北京腾云天下科技有限公司 Beijing
工作职责: 1. 负责公司日常财务运营分析,包括:收入、成本计算及分摊、产品及业务线投产分析等,并提供分析报告以支持日常管理决策; 2. 建议和推动业务对应的财务处理流程优化和执行跟踪; 3. 评估、改进和制定财务政策,包括:业务线内部管控、内部结算等,并通过内部提效、降低成本等帮助企业提升财务表现; 4. 推动公司整体预算管理,跟踪和推动各部门的预算编制、审核,预算执行跟踪; 任职资格: 1、 主动思考、积极心态、独立完成工作和解决问题的能力; 2、 具有良好的服务精神,沟通能力强,团队协作和业务协调能力; 3、 自我驱动及自我管理;主动、快速的学习能力,对问题分析、数据有敏锐的洞察; 4、 熟悉国内会计准则及相关的财务、税务、审计法规政策; 5、 会计、金融、审计等相关专业的大学本科及以上学历; 6、 至少3年的财务或财务分析的相关工作经验,具有中级会计师职称,注册会计师(CPA)证优先。 职能类别:财务分析经理/主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北京市东直门外大街39号院2号楼航空服务大厦6层602...
- 北京乾道文化发展有限公司 Beijing
岗位职责: 1、公司原创儿童绘本的插画绘制,绘制童书封面插画; 2、负责进行公司项目的插画制作,独立完成插画图案设计,针对不同主题完成相应的设计; 3、根据策划案,敲定童书、绘本美术风格的敲定,在保证整体风格的前提下,设计绘制角色、场景及其他相关细节,丰富画面内容,提高画面的观赏性; 岗位要求: 1、美术类院校本科以上学历,有留学经验者优先录用; 2、3-5年手绘插画经验或板绘插画经验; 3、有出版物儿插署名作品,熟悉几种画风及技法,对近几年插画市场风格走向有所了解,本地及国外画师画风特点熟悉; 4、熟练运用PS、AI、SAI、Painter、Comic Studio、数位板等软件; 5、热爱儿插,对作品质量有严格要求; 6、工作有计划性,,能在指定时间内完成本职工作,有较强领悟能力和沟通能力,有较强的团队合作精神。 职能类别:美术编辑 关键字:童书插画绘本设计 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:惠河南街国粹苑...
- 北京外交人员人事服务公司 Beijing
Vacancy –Research and Data Assistant (Outsourced) of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) AIIB would like to select suitable candidates to fill the position of Research and Data Assistant. Monthly salary (before tax and social security insurance deduction) will be between RMB11,000yuan and RMB17,000yuan which is based on the competencies and skills demonstrated by applicants in the interview and experiences. We are seeking high-quality written applications to establish a shortlist for fur...
- 北京外交人员人事服务公司 Beijing
Vacancy –Finance Assistant (Outsourced) of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) AIIB would like to select suitable candidates to fill the position of Finance Assistant. Monthly salary (before tax and social security insurance deduction) will be between RMB11,000yuan and RMB17,000yuan which is based on the competencies and skills demonstrated by applicants in the interview and experiences. We are seeking high-quality written applications to establish a shortlist for further testing. Job Ty...
- 北京外交人员人事服务公司 Beijing
北京市 西城区 Vacancy –Administrative Assistant (SPB) (Outsourced) of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) AIIB would like to select suitable candidates to fill the position of Administrative Assistant. Monthly salary (before tax and social security insurance deduction) will be between RMB10,000yuan and RMB14,000yuan which is based on the competencies and skills demonstrated by applicants in the interview and experiences. We are seeking high-quality written applications to establish a shortlist...
- 北京拓达周华咨询有限公司 Beijing
北京市 海淀区 对进行客户背景挖掘,为客户量身定制商科硕士的申请策略以及时间规划 Explore client background, develop application strategies for clients applying to business master programs in North America, UK, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore 根据客户的需求选择合适的申请项目 Select schools and programs for clients 指导客户整个申请进程,及时解决客户的问题并协调解决 Guide clients through application process, answer their questions and help to solve problems in a timely manner 收集研究学校的相关项目的资料,通过建立知识网络来帮助客户进行全面申请 Conduct research to schools, programs, companies, and industries...
- 北京途西教育咨询有限公司 Beijing
Key responsibilities: 1. Communicate daily with parents via WeChat, phone, and email – for example: answering questions about their student’s progress, Due West programming/curriculum, and the application process 2.Serve as a communication liaison and cultural bridge in parent/student–counselor meetings 3. Translate student progress updates and strategy assessments as needed 4. Contribute to the overall success of the counseling team 5. Provide excellent customer service and build long-term, las...
- 北京拓达周华咨询有限公司 Shanghai
对进行客户背景挖掘,为客户量身定制商科硕士的申请策略以及时间规划 Explore client background, develop application strategies for clients applying to business master programs in North America, UK, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore 根据客户的需求选择合适的申请项目 Select schools and programs for clients 指导客户整个申请进程,及时解决客户的问题并协调解决 Guide clients through application process, answer their questions and help to solve problems in a timely manner 收集研究学校的相关项目的资料,通过建立知识网络来帮助客户进行全面申请 Conduct research to schools, programs, companies, and industries; build ...
- 北京融英乐知科技有限公司 Beijing
岗位职责: 1、协助项目主管进行相关项目管理类文档的收集、整理,归档; 2、协助产品线经理依据项目开发计划协调、统计项目进度; 任职要求: 1、大专科及以上,可接受应届生,转行人员; 2、年龄18-26岁之间,男女不限。 公司福利: 1、基本工资5-8K+福利补贴+外地员工可以提供住宿; 2、五险(养老、失业、工伤、医疗、生育)一金(公积金); 3、公司设立良好的晋升机制并提供内部招聘、职位轮换机会; 4、全体员工除享受以上福利待遇外还将享受带薪年假、婚假、产假等国家法定节假日; 职能类别:网络推广专员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:西红门北京城乡文化科技园...
- 北京科诺思通咨询有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 罗湖区 Responsibilities 工作职责 Main responsibility including: ? Responsible for all holiday program sales including telephone sale, direct sale ? Meet the sales target for each product ? Maintain client data base ? Organize and participate in product promotion event ? Help with product operation procedure if necessary ? Help with all kind of visa application ? Maintain and organize all relevant documents. ? Travel with SC group being the group leader. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS & SKILLS 任职要求 A su...
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