- 上海复星高科技有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 实习生 日薪100元 1. 熟练运营及维护社交媒体账号,微博、微信等,协助搜集整理文章素材图片,社交媒体稿件撰写、排版以及发布; 2. 了解热搜排行,当下热点,时常与团队分享社交媒体趋势,可以在社交媒体平台策划一些吸粉活动吸引更多的粉丝,欢迎有饭圈经验者; 3. 热爱旅行,参与挖掘世界各地好玩的目的地,参与旅行产品营销传播方案策划并跟进执行 4. 根据旅行产品特点,梳理总结产品亮点、提炼卖点,撰写专题文案及促销方法 5. 协助其他文案相关工作,如H5、线下易拉宝等。 6. 协助数字营销团队运营及维护自有平台(官网及小程序)的产品上传/更新及优惠活动设置 7. 协助效果营销团队整理自有平台的数据及销售报告 8. 与IT和UX团队一起参与内部小程序开发需求的提出及维护 9. 参与制定整体绩效营销战略,与代理公司沟通及项目执行。 10. 欢迎大二、大三实习生,一周至少保证3天工作时间。 职能类别: 市场/营销/拓展专员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:蒙自路207号 部门信息 所属部门:旅游及商业集团...
- 上海当纳利印刷有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: Act as Qingpu local HR & Admin team, deliver all human resource activities, including develop, implement and administer HR strategies and practices that enable the achievement of the organization's strategic objectives ? Act as strategic HR partner to business units and leaders by embedding HR strategy and providing professional HR support and advice. ? Organization diagnosis and develop organization competency to support short term, mid-term and long-term business objectives. ? Fo...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 职位级别: Middle (4-8 years) 岗位职责 1. Perform duties of Radiology according to the arrangement 2. Interpreting the report of Radiography, CT and MRI reading and interpreting 3. Perform routine radiography with contrast studies .as well as CT all procedures 4. Available for night, weekend, or holiday work as needed. 5. Participates in in-service programs, staff, and educational meetings. 任职条件 1. Bachelor degree major in Medicine 2. At least 10 years experience in Radiology (Radiography, CT or MR...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: 主要工作职责 执行医院的各项规章制度,为产妇和新生儿提供高质量的护理服务。 工作职责 ? 积极、认真的工作态度,展现出专业的护理职业形象。 ? 学习、理解和睦家医疗的护理理念和文化,并运用在临床护理工作中。 ? 遵守医院及部门的各项规章制度。 ? 产妇及新生儿护理评估。 ? 按照护理流程做好母婴日常护理。 ? 正确执行医嘱。 ? 帮助产妇树立母乳喂养的信心,提供母乳喂养知识和技能指导。 ? 完成产妇及新生儿护理病历记录。 ? 产妇及新生儿护理宣教。 ? 保持医疗仪器设备的清洁、整齐及完好。 ? 一次性耗材和基数药品的领取。 ? 参加各种护理职业培训及护理继续教育课程。 ? 更新护理知识,符合医院护理发展的需要。 ? 良好的医护团队合作。任职资格: 教育和培训: ? 护理专业毕业 ? 大专学历或以上者优先 ? 1-3年临床护理经验。产科、儿科或产后月子护理经验者优先 ? 中国注册护士执照 技能 ? 提供标准母婴护理服务 ? 具有母婴护理基本知识和技能 ? 基础护理操作技能 ? 有效的沟通交流能力 理论知识 ? 理解医院的各项规章制度 ? 理解部门的规章制度 ? 掌握基...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 天津市 河西区
岗位职责: 1. Pediatric Specialty Nurse 2. Observes and documents pertinent information that reflects the patient’s clinical condition, with respect to the entire human being. 3. Reports the same to oncoming nurses, charge nurses and physicians. 4. Performs or supervises treatment and administers medications as required. 5. Counts narcotics in accordance to the institution’s policies and procedures. 6. Cooperates in maintaining a high level of order, safety and strict control over narcotics and other...
- 上海复星高科技有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 Key accountabilities and decision ownership [ max 8] : Develop offline travel agency business plans, drive KPI achieve, maximize business opportunities Mainly sales Middle East & Africa and Europe itinerary product through sales call cover East China market (华东市场:江浙沪区域) Responsible for partners development, sign contract, sales promotion, establish a wide range of cooperation relations Coordinate with product, OP teams to provide good service experience to the partners & speed up...
- 上海依视路光学有限公司 Shanghai
Assist staff with the installation, configuration and ongoing usability of desktop computers, peripheral equipment and software 协助工作人员与台式电脑,外围设备和软件的安装,配置和持续可用性 Works with vendor support contacts to resolve technical problems with desktop computing equipment and software pan>工程与供应商的支持接触与桌面计算设备和软件解决技术问题 Ensure desktop computers interconnect seamlessly with diverse systems including infrastructure servers, application servers and administrative systems 确保台式电脑不同的系统,包括基础设施服务器,应用服务器和行政系统无缝互连 Works ...
- 福瑞斯金融集团(Forex Club International Limited 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区
职位名称:金融投资高级经纪人/电话销售 要会泰语和中文! 薪酬目标:具竞争性的待遇 地点:上海,中国 主要福利: 与市场专业人士共业,接触到世界金融市场 建立强意识的团队精神 积极参与市场交易 提供深度且持续的培训,以协助新员工面向成功 月度奖金 综合的雇员福利计划 15天带薪假期 主要职责: 推广福瑞斯外汇,贵金属,股票和差价合约的零售产品和服务,给讲普通话的国家与地区以完成销售目(No Cold Calling) 专业且流利地讨论国际金融市场与影响市场波动的因素 开发和维护与潜在客户和现有客户的关系,主要工作以维护已有客户并进行深度再次开发为主 执行一个有组织性的,高效的和结构化的销售流程 资格 本科学历,专业不限 性别不限,22-35岁之间 必须能说流利的普通话(会话,阅读,写作) 外汇,贵金属或二元期权销售经验者优先 将提供在职培训 有金融市场工作的激情 聪明,有组织性,目标专一,自信,善于表达,上进 良好的英语书面和口头沟通能力优先考虑 Job Title: Forex Club Financial Sales Broker Salary Target: Competitiv...
- 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 We are looking for a full-time/part-time teacher for IB Mathematics IA. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Mathematics, especially with IB Math IA. 2. Use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 3. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school. 4. Check students' homework and give feedback on their progress. 5. Follow up on student performance. 6. Help to develop a...
- 上海网鱼信息科技有限公司 Shanghai
工作职责: 1、课程开发:根据营运一线伙伴的岗位需求及胜任力,分析整理课程资料,根据学习目标规划课程设计及课件制作; 2、平台运营:根据要求制作线上视频音频课程、管理线上报名及考试,对接E-learning产品的问题解决、拓展开发、更新及优化; 3、数据分析:通过E-learning线上各类数据整理,有较强的数据分析能力 4、训练评估:通过训练稽核访店,掌握门市训练系统执行状况 5、组织培训:根据各类主题培训组织大型特训会议 任职资格: 1、有3年以上学习平台E-Learning的搭建或运营经验,在运营方面有成功案例; 2、能够使用多种音频、视频、动画等软件设计制作线上课程; 3、有搭建知识管理体系的经验; 4、具有较强的计算机软件使用和学习能力 5、有较强的运营和统筹规划能力,有连锁行业管理经验的优先。 6、沟通协调能力强,执行力强,有较强的文字编写能力。 7、有组织大型特训会议的成功经验(150人以上) 职能类别:培训经理/主管培训督导 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:田林路487号26号楼2楼...
- 上海磊岩信息科技有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: 1. Daily work of eBay, Amazon, Wish, AliExpress and other foreign trade online stores, including: consumer information processing, product listing translation, after-sales problem processing; 2. After training, you can use Portuguese to reply to customer emails, maintain good communication with consumers, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce customer complaints; job requirements: 1. Skilled in using office software such as excel and word; 2. Be good at communication an...
- 高临管理咨询(上海)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 实习生 Company Overview Third Bridge provides private equity firms, hedge funds and strategy consultants with the information that they need to understand the value of their investment opportunities. Our vision for delivering deep insight and unbiased market intelligence has evolved into a business with a range of complementary services, eight offices across three continents and a global client base. Whether it is facilitating a private conversation with an industry veteran or moderating a dial...
- 上海由由国际广场有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 岗位职责 1.执行咖啡厅领班的工作,向其负责并报告工作。 2.了解咖啡厅自助早餐及正餐服务程序,并能够严格按照服务程序及规程对客进行服务。 3.保持咖啡厅环境整洁,确保餐具、布件清洁完好,备齐各种物料用品。 4.做好早、中、晚三班的交接工作,确保没有任何疑问。 5.解答客人问题,收集客人意见,及时向领班汇报。 6.了解西餐知识,并对西菜西点有一定的了解,并了解简单制作方式。 7.按规定的工作流程及服务程序摆台,为客服务。 岗位要求 1.具有一定餐饮服务工作经验 2.思维敏捷,能够独立完成上级交待的工作 3.有英文基础者优先考虑 职能类别: 咖啡师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:浦建路38号...
- 东方海外货柜航运有限公司 上海市 虹口区
上海市 虹口区 Remarks: 需要根据欧洲时间上班,每月两周中班(15:00~23:00),两周白班(8:30~17:30) 出口客服代表工作职责及范围 1. 帮助所有在西欧及南欧的分公司做好订舱信息的正确、完整系统录入,并达到内部服务等级协议之规定。 2. 根据不同分公司的要求,查清每票货物的正确提箱地。 3. 及时正确地处理客人的订舱更改请求。 4. 订舱信息录入完成后,及时发送订舱确认给客人。 5. 能及时、流畅地与欧洲同事及客人进行沟通,确保信息传送、沟通无障碍。 6. 做好相关文件的存档工作以备日后核对查阅之需。 Requirements: 1. College graduate or above 2. Working efficient, strong responsibility, quick response on daily accountabilities 3. Working positive, good communication ability with internal and external parties 4. Fluent in both ora...
- 上海万耀企龙展览有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 ESSENTIAL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Plan and execute the international marketing strategy to develop the exhibition’s global awareness, channel potential clients to the sales team and recruit international trade visitors; Be in charge of international marketing budget; Provide necessary marketing research/analytical information to allocate/invest funds wisely; Measure and report performance of marketing campaigns, gain insight and assess against goals; Ensure the accomplishment of marke...
- 上海立幼教育科技有限公司 上海市 杨浦区
上海市 杨浦区 The requirement is as follows: Native English speaker, and it's good if English is your mother language. It's preferred if you have relating teaching experience. Now from Monday to Friday you work four times . The time is 10:00-11:00 in the morning. Every Monday、Wednesday and Friday. But if the time is not fit for you, we could discuss. Salary: 250-300RMB/h.According to the interview results Address:1031 Zhenghe Road, Yangpu District(Grow Garden) Email:yangyf@haiziguo.com.cn 职能类别...
- 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree h...
- 上海世博土地控股有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs 负责酒店宾客、员工及设施的安全保卫工作 Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents 执行安全和紧急事件处理程序 In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan 发生火灾时,应熟知并按照酒店应急事件处理要求进行工作 Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment 熟悉消防报警及灭火器材的位置 Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code 掌握有关酗酒及犯罪管理条理 Maintain a regular presence in public area or...
- 上海瑞慕项目管理有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
Responsibilities 1、Plan and organize the event project Professional communication skill, quick grasp the needs of clients 2、Establish and maintain the good relationship with clients and business channels 3、Direct the team in an effective way; In charge of event planning/ implementation /construction and cost control etc to ensure the successful completion Requirements: 1、Related major in marketing/public relations/ advertisement, bachelor degree or above,3 years relating work experience 2、Experi...
- 上海药明生物技术有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
2.1 Create and maintain specification, analytical methods, SOPs and training materials. 2.2 Responsible for sampling/sample retention management of raw materials. 2.3 Create the work plan of raw materials testing including physical/chemical tests and follow up the plan implementation status to support related production. 2.4 Process analytical data in workstation for acceptability of calibration curve, control values and chromatograms. Responsible for investigation of incident reports and OOS/OO...
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