- 香港管理專業協會 Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Island
M ajor Responsibilities D evelop and co-ordinate Management Education and Training programmes L iaise with university faculty, working executives and overseas universities H andle enquiries and other administrative duties R equirements D egree holder in any disciplines E xcellent command of written and spoken English (with IELTS 7.0 or above) H ighly motivated with strong initiative, attention to details, ability to work independently and under pressure G ood interpersonal and communication skil...
www.indeed.hkJuly 17,2019 - 邦吉管理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 实习生 Responsibilities: The internship is designed to give interns a valuable educational/work experience, with exposure to a wide range of work to develop their interest in both government relations and corporate communications. Communicate with external stakeholders such as vendors or PR agencies on a regular basis to secure the success of policy monitoring and analysis; Facilitate analytical pieces on Chinese policy, government events and business trends; Maintain communication with Shangha...
- 上海思百吉仪器系统有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Ideal location is Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei or Anhui 岗位职责: Responsibilities: 1. Creping blade technical service in China including: Daily application work for creping blade running Creping blade holder profiling Yankee safety monitoring 2. Together with sales and technical manager, implementation of creping blade trials 3. Maintain and build contact with customer’s operational colleagues 任职资格: Skills and knowledge required of the job holder: 1.A minimum of 2 years relevant expe...
- 上海安吉星信息服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities: 1. Participate in the design, development and maintenance of big data processing systems or applications; 参与大数据处理系统或应用的设计、开发、维护; 2. Participate in or lead the construction of OnStar Big Data ETL related projects, participate in the structure discussion and promote technology evolution and optimization; 参与或主导安吉星大数据ETL相关项目建设,参与架构讨论并推进技术演进和优化; 3. Implementation of big data projects and design the overall ETL architecture and task scheduling platform. 实施安吉星车联网大数据项目,设计ETL整体...
- 佛吉亚排气控制技术开发有限公司 Shanghai
Description: 试验员主要根据试验安排的要求,准备及执行试验。其主要的职责如下: 配合试验工程师执行和实施试验,负责试验样件的准备工作。 负责排气系统发动机台架的搭建。 按维护保养计划对设备进行定期维护保养,排除一般设备故障。 进行相关的样件管理工作。 依据试验计划。能够适应连续翻班运作。 及时完成主管分配的相关工作。 Qualifications: 该岗位技术员应具有: 有汽车零部件行业相关试验/验证工作的背景。具有2年以上相关工作经验。 熟悉相关发动机试验台架内容与规程。 有相关LMS软件或D2t 发动机台架软件经验。 有较强的动手能力,熟悉焊接、金工等工作,有焊工从业资质优先。 有独立工作的能力。 同意并能适应试验室三班翻班连续运作。 具有一定的英语读写和交流能力, 有吃苦耐劳的个性和团队合作的精神。 完全知晓并遵守佛吉亚管理规范及道德规范中的相关内容 职能类别: 发动机/总装工程师 关键字: 发动机台架 测试 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市闵行区朱建路333弄...
- 深圳吉通泰国际货运代理有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 General responsibilities: Live the company value and demonstrate the company culture. Act as an ambassador of JTT when dealing with external parties. Build up effective relations with local vendors and clients Ensure the communication within the team is effective and promote team cohesiveness in day-to-day work Keep and improve team KPI together with team leader. Assist team leader/group leader in all aspects of her job and share the experience to all team members. Specific responsibilit...
- 佛吉亚排气控制技术开发有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 实习生 日薪140元 1. 负责工厂与中国区的沟通,收集报表; 2. 负责工厂合同审批; 3. database更新; 4. skimming跟进; 要求: 1. 本科以上学历; 2. 熟练掌握excel的vlookup和数据透视表功能; 3. 每周至少三天,可持续5-6个月; 4. 有相关工作经验有限考虑; 职能类别: 采购助理 关键字: 采购实习生 Purchasing Intern 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市闵行区朱建路333弄...
- 杭州余杭区五常街道糖村食品店 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
岗位职责: 1.负责市场战略规划,制定市场总体工作计划,深入了解业务商务模式,并提出市场推广、品牌、活动等方面的具体方向和实施方案; 2.负责市场整合营销资源,能结合业务需求提出有创新的整合营销方案,推进所有通路渠道完成项目营销; 3.挖掘买家洞察和买家画像,研究同行竞品以及业态的发展状况,定期进行市场预测及情报分析,为公司和业务决策提供依据; 4.为重点客户可进行公关推进,并制定业务解决方案。 5.主动开拓与行业媒体、零售行业机构、ERP或垂直行业平台、专业会展机构等行业资源的合作,拓展产品营销渠道。 6.配合产品与市场发展的不同阶段,定期策划并组织实施各类市场推广活动。 7.制定年度市场研究项目并对平台工具、预算费用及代理商进行合理利用和控管。 8.其他市场开拓活动。 9.有经销商和代理商管理经验的优先考虑。 任职资格: 1.年龄28-40岁,大专及以上学历,广告、市场营销、新闻传播、广告学、平面设计、工商管理、文学等相关专业; 2.有5年以上快消品行业相关市场部工作经验或具备营销策划、品牌推广、广告营销等相关岗位的工作经验; 3.具有极强的市场感知能力,敏锐的市场分析判断能力,富...
- 小黑鱼科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪25,000 - 35,000元 岗位职责 1.带领导ETL团队完成日常需求的分析工作并指导开发人员进行ETL开发 2.负责数据仓库模型设计和优化,基于Hadoop/Hive/ODPS(MaxCouputer)、ADB等进行数据仓库ETL开发和维护工作; 3.负责日常作业的部署和调度研发及维护工作; 4.负责制定数据标准制定,数据质量标准,从而有效的进行数据治理工作。 5.负责各类业务数据的ETL任务及数据仓库部署和管理,持续改进优化ETL、分析处理、数据呈现等流程,协调海量数据压力问题。 任职资格 1.三年以上数据仓库/ETL/数据处理相关开发经验; 2.具备MySQL、Oracle或Hive等主流平台的数据开发及调优经验,熟悉Python或Java优先; 3.具备良好的学习能力,善于沟通,具备较强的业务推动能力和执行力; 4.熟悉数据仓库体系架构、建模理论和模型设计思路,能用于项目实践; 5.有良好的快速学习能力和团队协作能力; 6.有Java或Python项目研发经验者先考虑; 7.有产品意识,善于沟通,积极主动,能够以目标为导向理解工作中相关任务的处理优先...
- 慕尼黑展览有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibility: 1. Implement project operation plan and coordinate concurrent events. 2. Responsible for work flow designated by the DM to provide effective and in-time support to the project teams 3.Build close relationship with government organizations like the customs, fire protection, security and other units 4. Setup and maintain close contact with exhibition centres, official booth contractor and official forwarder, supervise non-official booth contractor 5. Responsible for exhibitor servi...
- 佛吉亚(中国)投资有限公司 大岭山镇
职位信息 FCT( Faurecia Cockpit Technologies), focuses on Display & Kinematics, Intuitive HMI & Touch Surface, Decoration & Interior Lighting and Personalized Climate Comfort & Air Quality, pushing Faurecia’s digital transformation. The role of a Plant Production Control & Logistics Supervisor is to manage logistics activities of a plant and deploy the Group's Production Control & Logistics (PC&L) policy. The main missions of the role are to: Ensure customer satisfacti...
- 邦吉企业管理服务有限公司 Tianjin
Ensure all parked GL documents correctly and timely. Review manual Journal Entries and make necessary adjustment. Monthly end closing & Hyperion reports. Provide financial reports and other internal reports correctly and punctually. Account reconciliations, identifies and resolves issues. Obey SOX standard and avoid SOX issues. Identify and enhance areas of opportunity for standardization and improvement in GL Function, assist in optimize team performance measurement system. Ad hoc finance t...
- 上海思百吉仪器系统有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 月薪4,000 - 5,000元 岗位职责: 本岗位为短期合同(7个月),与正式员工享受同等福利。 1.Responsible for daily office routine work, such as answering telephone calls, receiving visitors, distributing letters, faxes and couriers, stationary purchasing, recording and delivering and etc. 处理公司日常行政工作,如接听电话,接待访客,分发信件及快递;日常办公用品的购买,登记及分发等 2.Book tickets, make hotel reservations and transportation arrangement as required;Cooperate with hotel, agent, and car leasing company, negotiate, renew and sign the contracts. 负责机票酒店的预定,火车票购买,租车服务的安...
- 上海思百吉仪器系统有限公司 Shanghai
base: 安徽省 岗位职责: 1. Creping blade technical service in China including (1)Daily application work for creping blade running (2)Creping blade holder profiling (3)Yankee safety monitoring 2. Together with sales and technical manager, implementation of creping blade trials 3. Maintain and build contact with customer’s operational colleagues 任职资格: 1. A minimum of 2 years relevant experience in tissue mill or tissue mill supplying industry (machinery, consumable, electrical or chemical suppliers) 2. Un...
- 上海思百吉仪器系统有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 岗位职责: Responsibilities: 1. Creping blade technical service in China including: Daily application work for creping blade running Creping blade holder profiling Yankee safety monitoring 2. Together with sales and technical manager, implementation of creping blade trials 3. Maintain and build contact with customer’s operational colleagues Ideal location is Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hubei or Anhui 任职资格: Skills and knowledge required of the job holder: 1.A minimum of 2 years relevant expe...
- 吉祥航空 Shanghai
上海市 所属公司: 上海吉祥航空股...所属部门:信息管理部 工作地点: 上海市招聘人数:1学 历:大专 及以上工作类型: 全职 发布时间:2019-07-05 工作内容/职位描述: 1、负责数据库的日常运行维护、安装、配置、监控、备份、恢复和管理; 2、快速处理解决数据库系统运行中出现的故障和问题,保证业务数据安全、可用; 3、实施系统安全策略,数据备份/灾难恢复; 4.、实施数据库优化方案; 5、撰写并维护工作相关的文档; 6、为开发团队提供数据库相关的技术支持服务,包括SQL编写规范制定、指导、审核等。 任职要求: 1、计算机及相关专业专科及以上学历 2、3年及以上Oracle DBA工作经验 3、熟悉Oracle数据库体系结构,配置,备份,日常维护、系统迁移、故障处理 4、精通Orale RAC、Dataguard安装、部署、监控 5、熟悉Linux操作系统 6、有OCP证书 7、熟悉MySQL数据库 8、有OCM证书优先...
- 黑革萝贸易有限公司 延安市
延安市 Position: Regional Sales Manager 区域销售经理 Reports to: Managing Director Location: Based in Shanghaiand other cities in sales areas. Willingness for domestic and international travel is required. 职位总结:致力于农业种植大棚类温室产品的全球贸易、国内销售及客户维护。 工作地点:上海以及各销售区域主要城市 Key Responsibilities: To identify, build, and manage relationships with Haygrove Shanghai's potential key clients across China To identify, build, and manage relationships with Haygrove Shanghai's potential key sales agents across China Rep...
- 佛吉亚投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 FCT( Faurecia Cockpit Technologies), focuses on Display & Kinematics, Intuitive HMI & Touch Surface, Decoration & Interior Lighting and Personalized Climate Comfort & Air Quality, pushing Faurecia’s digital transformation. Job Description: Develop process assumptions, define technologies and equipment concept, and develop the production system assumptions in accordance to Acquisitions Quality, Cost, Delivery and Performance targets. Lead the acquisition from the Manufactu...
- 北京吉晟餐饮管理有限公司 Beijing
任职要求: 1、两年以上SEO优化经验; 2、精通百度、360、搜狗搜索引擎优化技巧,负责网站站内及站外内容优化,提高网站流量、收录及权重; 3、熟悉各大搜索引擎的算法; 4、有较强的数据分析能力,能定期对相关数据进行有效分析,快速、有效提升网站关键字搜索引擎排名及网页收录。 岗位职责: 1、负责网站SEO的优化工作,通过内容手段优化搜索结果页或提升关键词排名; 2、关键词分析挖掘以及维护,外部链接、友情链接、博客、论坛、社区推广等; 3、查询统计网站排名、流量、页面转化率等数据进行分析及制度优化策略; 4、负责网站文章、问答、伪原创等文案的编写; 5、制定并组织实施公司网站及栏目的SEO优化方案,参与栏目结构规划; 6、负责对内容、构架及代码等进行优化,分析搜索引擎流量,有效支持运营产品发展; 5、同第三方网站进行流量、数据、反向链接或服务的交换,增加网站的流量和知名度; 7、制定网站SEO优化方案和分析; 8、负责外部SEO文章的采集、整理和发布等. 职能类别: SEO/SEM 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:大族广场T6-501...
- 上海思百吉仪器系统有限公司 Beijing
北京市 石景山区 岗位职责: 1. Perform seismic data processing from a variety of different mining sites 2. Create, maintain, and update auto report pre-sets. 3. Identify and submit bugs using Bugzilla. 4. Ensure that daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and bi-yearly reports are submitted on time. 5. Adopt lean management principles to initiate more efficient processes. 6. Trouble shoot issues regarding processing, reporting, or client complaints. 7. Other duties as assigned. 任职资格: ? University Degree in relat...
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