- 保时捷汽车销售有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: Manage Porsche Experience digital platforms. Oversee Porsche Experience marketing assets. Coordinate external exhibitions and promotional display opportunities. Requirements: Bachelor degree with 2 years' working experience Familiar with Microsoft Office, Photoshop, SAP Fluent in both Chinese and English languages 职能类别:活动执行 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:伊宁路2000号保时捷驾驶体验中心...
- 如新日用保健品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 奉贤区 Main Descriptions: Develops nutritional supplements in different delivery forms including capsules, tablets, powder drinks, liquid drink etc. Develops new or modified process formulations and specifications, defines processing or handling equipment requirements, and reviews processing techniques and methods applied in the manufacture and evaluation of products. Involvement may begin at any step from theoretical formulation to pilot plant and full-scale manufacturing. Coordinates design r...
- 史带财产保险股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Independently handle the full cycle of recruitment activities, including headcount needs analysis, Job Posting, interview, salary proposal, etc. and follow up with the onboarding process. Participate in the training programs for the company, including identification of training needs, selection training vendors, draft internal training policies, etc. Work closely with New York training team to consolidate training resources into Starr China. Be responsible for HR filing management, incl...
- 保时捷(中国)汽车销售有限公司 Shanghai
Job Description: 1. Respond to public inquiries, direct the general public to the appropriate staff member 2. Provide word-processing and secretarial support 3. Make flight and hotel arrangement and local transportation for CEO office 4. Prepare and maintain expense reports for CEO office 5.Assist in the preparation of events, meetings and conferences of CEO office 6. Prepare CEO related documents e.g. Travel Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Presentations in proper business English and on high standa...
- 南京优托婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing
1. Responsible for English teaching, loving and patient towards infants. 2. Actively attend classes and prepare lessons according to the teaching plan, and prepare courses and provide demonstrations as required. 3. Drive 2-3 years old infants to do interactive activities, games, reading, oral externalization, and life situation playing. 4. Pay attention to the cultivation of children's imagination and creativity in the teaching process. 5. Pay attention to every baby in class and communicate...
- 南京优托婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 雨花台区 1. Responsible for English teaching, loving and patient towards infants. 2. Actively attend classes and prepare lessons according to the teaching plan, and prepare courses and provide demonstrations as required. 3. Drive 2-3 years old infants to do interactive activities, games, reading, oral externalization, and life situation playing. 4. Pay attention to the cultivation of children's imagination and creativity in the teaching process. 5. Pay attention to every baby in class and co...
- 南京小红花婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 秦淮区 岗位职责: 1、教授2-7岁小朋友舞蹈; 2、基本的英语听说能力; 3、声乐、舞蹈专业毕业; 4、能按教学要求完成课程教授; 5、给到家长和孩子专业的指导; 6、教学设备的维护和管理。 任职要求: 热爱孩子,热爱教育事业;舞蹈、音乐专业毕业;性格活泼开朗,积极向上,善于合作;能歌善舞,喜欢与人沟通;具有教育行业相关工作经验优先. 职能类别: 幼教 微信 联系方式 上班地址:秦淮区后标营路100号戎泰山庄西综合楼3楼 公司信息 About New York Kids Club New York Kids Club was founded in Manhattan New York city, 2001. In the past ten years, New York Kids Club has been serving the U.S. upscale families including government officials, lawyers, university professors, doctors and celebrities etc. During th...
- 南京小红花婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing
岗位职责: 1、会员接待与服务,维护中心秩序; 2、负责接听及转接电话,及时处理问题; 3、办公用品、耗材、日常消耗品的采购,管理公共财产及库房; 4、员工考勤统计; 5、协助各部门之间的工作。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,有早期教育行业相关工作经验优先; 2、爱孩子,热爱教育事业; 3、有亲和力、爱沟通、耐心、有热情; 4、良好的计算机操作能力及英文能力; 5、工作主动,有团队意识。 职能类别: 前台接待/总机/接待生 行政专员/助理 关键字: 前台接待 行政前台 前台 行政 前台文员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:秦淮区后标营路100号戎泰山庄西综合楼3楼 公司信息 About New York Kids Club New York Kids Club was founded in Manhattan New York city, 2001. In the past ten years, New York Kids Club has been serving the U.S. upscale families including government officials, lawye...
- 銘傳大學 Taiwan
108.07.17 [徵才公告]國際學院新聞與大眾傳播學士學位學程 誠徵國合會專案經理 1名 (截止日期:108.08.15 ) 一、 聘任日期: 預計 108年 9月。 二、 工作地點: 臺北校區(士林區) 三、 學歷要求: 學士(含)以上 四、 資格要求: 1.英文能力佳(聽、說、讀、寫流利)。 2.熟個人電腦(作業系統:Windows ME/XP)、網頁管理與一般文書 處理/郵件軟體之操作與使用。 3.個性開朗,負有責任感,肯積極學習,具團隊合作、服務熱忱、 溝通技巧及獨立作業能力。 五、 專長要求: 1.英文、電腦能力。 2.大眾傳播相關科系畢業者尤佳。 六、 應檢附資料:(資料恕不退還) 1.履歷表及自傳一份。 2.最高學歷證明(面試時需檢附正本)。 3.英文能力成績證明。 4.其他相關證照或作品集等。 七、 收件截止日期: 108 年 08 月 15 日止 (以郵戳為憑) 八、 應徵資料請以掛號郵寄: 111臺北市士林區中山北路五段 250號 銘傳大學國際學院新聞與大眾傳播學士學位學程收 (信封請註明應徵傳播學程國合會專案經理)。 九、 聯絡電話: (02)28824564...
tw.indeed.comAugust 14,2019 - 上海合全药物研发有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪8,000 - 23,000元 工作职责: ? 承担各种原辅材料、无菌注射用水、医疗器械的无菌检查工作。 ? 承担API及DP样品的无菌放行。 ? 承担稳定性样品的无菌检查,并出具产品质量稳定性数据报告。 ? 参与实验室仪器设备的维护、保养和验证,并按要求作好相关记录和报告。 ? 参与洁净区环境监测, 包括HVAC系统, 超净工作台,生物安全柜、无菌隔离器等。 ? 参与高压灭菌器、细胞计数仪、酶标仪、PCR仪等设备的校验。 ? 其他无菌和细胞生物学实验室相关的工作。 任职资格: ? 微生物学及相关专业本科以上学历。 ? 两年以上药品微生物实验室或相关实验室工作经验。 ? 了解cGMP相关法规,熟悉各类药典(USP, EP,JP和ChP等)的微生物操作规程。 ? 有高度责任心,工作细致,认真负责,良好的团队合作精神。 ? 有大型药企无菌检查工作经验者优先。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 化学分析测试员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:外高桥保税区德林路90号...
- 保赋贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Position : Senior Merchandiser-Hard goods Report Line: General Manager of Polyflame China Team Management: team leader of 3-member team Team Products Involved: Lighters and Gas torches 打火机、点火枪等烟具类产品 LOCATION: Xuhui District 4号线-上海体育场站星游城附近20米可达 Qualification Requirements: University/College Graduate at least 8 years’ relevant working experience of hardline products Good inter-personal communication skills. Diligent, careful, organized and willing to learn. Assertive and can work independentl...
- 礼蓝动物保健有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 奉贤区 Primary Function Provide technical and professional expertise to the QC microbiological laboratory, supporting manufacturing / customer supply, quality and regulatory aspects of the business. Primary Accountabilities/Responsibilities Lead analytical investigations within the QC micro lab, ensuring that customer supply and quality is maintained at all times. Perform routine analytical testing and/or Second Person data verification (2PV) and/or Test Result Release (TRR) if required by the ...
- 苏州黑蚁环保科技有限公司 Suzhou
随时随地都在销售,把销售变成一种习惯。成长永远比成功重要,你可以不在销售中成交,但你不可以在销售中不成长。 薪资待遇: 1、无责底薪4000+提成(25%)+效绩奖+奖金(3000-10000) 转正底薪6000-8000+提成(30%)+奖金 2、公司设有日奖,周奖,月奖,季度奖,年终奖(现金奖励累计达到23000元以及电子产品手机,彩电,空调等一系列奖励) 3、免费提供住宿(空调冰箱洗衣机等家电齐全,24小时热水供应,拎包入住,整洁舒适,交通便利) 4、公司不定期安排活动(烧烤,K歌,聚餐,节日晚会,旅游活动) 5、国家法定节假日正常休息,公司提供省内外免费旅游和学习机会 二、岗位职责: 1、负责公司产品的销售及推广 2、维护老客户,开发新客户,开括市场,完成销售指标 3、线上,线下整合营销体系,公司设有独立的APP软件,销售人员有固定的客户资源 三、任职要求: 1、年龄28周岁以下,学历,性别不限 2、喜欢和人打交道,能快速与客户建立良好关系,健谈,口才好 3、不安于现状,喜欢挑战,勇于突破,竞争意识强 5、有强烈的赚钱欲望,谋求长远的发展 6、有销售经验者,退伍军人优先,欢迎应...
- 赫拉环境保护技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 工作范围:负责指定项目的电气设计/技术文件审查/技术支持,以确保项目按规范交付并符合所有电气标准和规范。 Scope of the position : Take responsibility of electrical design/ technical documents review/technical support on assigned projects to ensure the projects are delivered on specification and align with all electrical standards and codes. 岗位职责: Main job description : 电气工程师岗位职责包括但不限于以下内容: The Electrical Engineer will have ,but not limited to, the below list of tasks: 检查并检查电气设计要求,确保所有技术文档符合电气相关的当地法规和标准以及国际规范。Review and check electrical des...
- 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Beijing
北京市 海淀区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 招聘经理:李经理 联系方式:前面( 150 )中间( 1026 )后面( 2015 ) 应聘方式:投简历、短信、电话预约均可(编辑“姓名 + 学历 + 年龄”发送至本机) 公司目前在地铁8号线林萃桥附近有全新的项目在扩招,是与去哪网合作对接的项目,工作地点在去哪网的客服中心当中。工作内容很简单,不存在上手难度,薪资收入不错,很稳定。 你需要做的: 利用公司提供去哪网的高品质客户资源,进行老客户维护和准客户的产品咨询解答,掌握有效沟通技巧,发掘客户需求,促成交易; 你可以有的薪资福利: 1、 纯无责底薪3000-6200在职员工平均薪资8600以上,高收入者可达3万元以上,优秀者更高; 2、享有国家规定的五险一金(公积金按最高比例),补充医疗保险(日常看病公司90%报销); 3、享有带薪年假、婚假、产育假、病假等假期; 4、享有国内外三次旅游,旅游基金可以折现,及舒适的办公环境; 5、学历再深造可以报销部分学费; 6、朝九晚六、双休、法定节假日带薪休息; 晋升平台:实习专员—初级—银阶—金阶—钻石—白金职级晋升,也可以进行转岗工作到内...
- 全球華人股份有限公司 Xinbei
產業類別: 電子相關 職務類別:韌體研發類主管 上班地點: 新北市 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:3 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1)Device Driver Porting and BSP development 2)Embedded System 3)程式設計C, assembler 任職資格 1)具相關工作經驗3年以上 2)大學或研究所,資訊 or電子 or電機工程相關系所...
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei
產業類別: 汽車/零件製造 職務類別:機械工程師 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Design and development mechanical components and subassemblies for electric vehicle system, such as suspension, brake, steering, and drivetrain system. 2. Manage and execute the prototype system process including manufacturing process, testing, assembly, and validation plan. 3. Establish design architecture and create tools to compute/simulate performance of models. 4. Use CAD to design and optimize...
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei
產業類別: 軟體/網路全部 職務類別:軟體工程師 上班地點: 台北市大安區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:0 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Expert Unity 3D Programmer, be able to work independently or collaborate with a small team. 任職資格 1.C# skill and 3D game(project) experience are required. (2~3+ years experience in the this field) 2.Familiar with develop follow of GIT. 3.Experience of APP development (Android) could add additional point. 4.Computer Graphics skill could add additional point....
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 康宝莱保健品有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1. Responsible for defining, documenting, analyzing, tracing, and managing business requirements. 2. Responsible for converting the business requirements into functional specifications for system development activities. 3. Responsible for documenting business scenarios and use cases for testing and validation of solutions. 4. Ability to write SQL to set initial data conditions and verify test results from test cases. 5. Identifies and understands the business problem and the impact of the ...
- 汇丰人寿保险有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 In this role, you will: The principal responsibility of the Business Analyst is to manage the analysis of processes in HSBC and to oversee and manage all or some of the associated activities during change implementation. They may be located in a variety of areas of HSBC, they may be located in projects as well as in established BAU teams. It is possible that the Business Analyst works on multiple projects simultaneously. Business Analysts may have reports – these may be junior Business ...
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