- 山东锦航正国际邮轮管理有限公司 潍坊市
你曾梦想环游世界,却不知从何做起; 你一直希望能有一份稳定骄傲的职业,却力不从心; 你怀抱着对生活无限的热情和向往,却被现实打败; 你希望自己能有一口流利的英语甚至是几国语言,请加入我们!- 你的精彩人生从此开始! 21世纪最新最热门就业途径-立刻去豪华邮轮工作! 机会改变人生,免费周游世界,提升英语技能,结交异国朋友,丰富人生经验! 年轻人的口号:就业全球化! [国际豪华邮轮] 是指长300-500米,高12-18层,为喜欢享受豪华舒适的海上和沙滩度假的游客,提供一种超大型超豪华超五星级的海上移动的度假村。 国际豪华邮轮就业是一种旅游服务性质的工作,员工可在工作之余享受高薪环游世界的福利待遇。与人们印象中的海员不同,国际豪华邮轮几乎每天都靠港,所停的港口都是世界各国著名的风景名胜。员工和客人一样享受在靠港后随时下船游玩的自由。 【声明】 我司与多家国际豪华邮轮公司合作,包括全球最大的邮轮公司——嘉年华邮轮、美国***邮轮、地中海邮轮、皇家加勒比邮轮、路易斯邮轮等欧美航线邮轮以及国际亚洲航线邮轮——丽星邮轮和星梦邮,我司拥有直接地面试组织权。 一、招聘岗位: 1、Waiters服务员:...
- 上海洋山保税港区企业营运服务有限公司 Shanghai
代园区企业 明绍(上海)贸易有限公司招聘 熟悉关务,仓储,运输,英语优秀,作为经理助理培养 Tracking on delivery process and documents, supply accurate shipping info to oversea Prepare, analyze and publish scheduled weekly, monthly transportation reports and dashboards for inbound/outbound transportation management Manage month end expedite shipment performance Support and drive systems and process improvement programs to achieve continuous improvements in transportation capabilities. Other duties as assigned by Management 任职要求 University o...
- 福特汽车 Shanghai
招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Responsibility Fleet process development incl. policy, discount, incentive reimbursement improvement Lincoln Company Fleet development and customer maintenance Dealer Fleet management Competitor Fleet business Benchmark and Analysis Fleet business forecast and Action plan development Media car, long milelage car, company car management Other adhoc studies Requirement Sales experience in Auto Industry or fleet experience Travel as required Working Passion, positive and can-do...
- 长安福特 Shanghai
上海市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 协助产品传播副经理制定产品计划,并实施产品传播计划,包含有策略的、创新的产品上市、媒体试驾活动、线上/线下的产品传播活动,以高标准地支持长安福特的发展计划 60% To assist Product Communications Deputy Manager to make product communication plan, and to implement the plan, including product launches, media drive events, ATL/BTL product communication campaigns strategically and creatively and to high standards in support of CAF accelerated growth plan in the market 60% o 和内外部的利益相关方紧密工作,以确保产品传播的一致性 by working closely with related internal and external ...
- 恩福检测技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 POSITION TITLE: Lab Assistant CLASSIFICATION : Non-Exempt PROGRAM AREA : As Assigned REPORTS TO: Site Manager - Shanghai BASIC PURPOSE: Working in lab environment. Mainly to comply with Quality system requirement and accreditation of ISO17025 and CMA requirement. Provide timely support to labs instrument and reagent standards per request. Manage instrument calibration, internal and external. Backup the purchase person for instruments, lab supplies and reagents. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIE...
- 福州合盛澳创教育咨询有限公司 Fuzhou
职位信息 岗位职责: 1. 负责公司海外房产项目客户的开发与销售执行; 2. 严格按照公司及项目规定的工作标准及服务流程,协助销售人员为客户提供房产和投资规划的咨询服务; 3. 负责市场信息的反馈,定期对销售数据及成交***进行分析; 5. 维护与客户的关系,积极推荐潜在客户,促进签约业绩; 6. 积极参与公司安排的项目推广和营销活动; 7. 有一定高净值客户资源,有服务高净值客户经验或者可以接触本地高端客户资源,并积极通过多种高端渠道深度开发潜在高净值客户; 岗位要求: 1. 大专以上学历(条件优秀者可适当放宽学历要求),有销售经验(海外或国内房产、外资银行、国内银行理财、移民或留学、奢侈品等行业经验优先考虑); 2. 熟悉电脑互联网操作; 3. 思维灵活且有逻辑性, 良好的沟通交际能力和团队合作管理能力,有强烈的责任心和独立完成任务的能力,工作耐心细致,能灵活的应对不同的客户 ,抗压能力强; 4. 有一定的销售、聊天技巧,思维敏捷,良好的服务意识,勤于奉献; 5.经过公司系统的培训,能够熟悉企业业务流程,识别目标客户潜在需求; 职能类别: 网络/在线销售 房地产销售 关键字: 销售...
- 中山凯旋真空科技股份有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 要求装配经验! 职能类别:钳工 关键字:机械装配 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中山市横栏镇环镇北路27号 地图 公司信息 中山凯旋真空科技股份有限公司成立于1992年,为广东省广业电子机械产业集团有限公司控股,经广东省科技厅认定的专业生产真空技术应用设备的高新技术国有企业。公司具有雄厚的科研加工实力及完善的售后服务体系,并于2008年成为广东省装备制造业100家重点培养企业和中山市装备制造重点企业。 中山凯旋真空科技股份有限公司目前是我国规模最大,产品种类最齐全的电工专用真空设备制造企业。公司产品凭借先进的技术、优良的品质及良好的市场信誉被国外多家大型变压器、互感器等知名企业采用。目前产品遍布国内三十个省、市、自治区,先后为国内电工行业近两百家企业提供装备超过1500余台(套),且产品现已批量出口全球20多个国家和地区共100余台(套)设备,目前主要产品市场占有率达到35%以上。 公司为员工提供具有市场竞争力的薪酬,并为员工提供良好的培训和发展机会。 加入我们,创造未来! 中山凯旋真空科技股份有限公司成立于1992年5月,公司员工210人,70%为中高级专业技术人员,注册资...
- 昆山艾斯检验技术服务有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 Responsibilities: Perform internal audit on inspector’s inline and final inspection Analyze all conformity, quality, measurements, conformity, security and labelling / packaging, to check if the inspector’s work is done properly Examine all inspection process according to AS internal request Ensure all specified operations are performed accurately Evaluate if inspector’s report meets AS internal inspection report request Build, maintain professional and healthy relationship with inspector An...
- TechnipFMC China 德希尼布福默诗中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Main duties: 1. International Mobility (45%): ? Helps to define personnel cost estimate on bidding to acquire contracts ? Manages the Company mobilization policies for projects/Sites ? Processes Immigration and permitting ? Secondments contracts for expats and impats ? Analyses tax planning and Tax obligations (personnel income tax) ? Analyses Social Security planning and obligations ? Manages intra-Group orders ? Supports international project staffing ? Applies International mobility p...
- 佛山市诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Foshan
具体职责: 认同学校理念与愿景,服从人文部门负责人相应的工作安排,定期参与组内会议,遵守学校、部门相应的政策 熟悉佛山市课程体系,并具有国际化的视野或国际教育背景,能与外籍教师沟通,传达佛山地理课程标准,为课程引入国际元素。 具有现代教育理念,能够参与教学研究;或能带领学生参与各类学科竞赛和开展跨学科学习 在课堂上协助老师,调动课堂气氛,协助老师对学生进行评估和记录;课后辅导学生课业,关注学生个人情况,及时向班主任汇报 疏导学生的情绪问题,帮助学生提高社交和个人能力,鼓励和支持学生独立和自立更生 任职要求: 善于沟通,并能与同事、家长建立良好关系。 以身作则,不仅对学生树立较高的期望和标准,同时对自身也能做到高标准、严要求。 具有一定的抗压能力,同时在工作中有想法、有条理。 善于合作和沟通,不仅和同事要保持良好沟通,致力于完成学校的首要发展目标及长远目标,同时要和家长定期保持有效的沟通。 经验资格: 优秀大学本科或硕士应届毕业生,必须具备双语能力(中文和英语) 有双语教学工作经验优先 专业为教育学或地理优先 具有中华人民共和国教师资格优先 所有助教都作为我校的储备教师。 职能类别: 中...
- 杭州市萧山区惠立学校 Huili School Hangzhou 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
杭州市 萧山区 JOB QUALIFICATIONS Education: Bachelor’s degree or above Major: English Language Translation or related subject Language: Fluent written and spoken English, minimum CET8 Working Experience: Previous experience in similar roles preferable EXPERTISE: Ability to fluently interpret between English and Chinese in live situations both in small group settings and in large audience settings Ability to turn around high-quality translations of written work both in Chinese to English or English to ...
- 杭州市萧山区惠立学校 Huili School Hangzhou 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
杭州市 萧山区 KEY RESPONSIBLITIES Follow up all aspects of the College’s marketing strategy and communication plans, including graphics collection, proof-reading, drafting and preparation of media content, and managing and monitoring the College’s media communication channels. Help establish good relationships with the media, and manage the content of the College’s external communications. Manage and monitor the College’s social media accounts, and ensure the timely implementation of the media communi...
- 國立中山大學 Kaohsiung
應徵資格: 1. 對社區營造、地方創生、地方文化推廣有強烈熱情、善於跨領域協調與溝通。 2. 具活動企劃、宣傳推廣、文字文案能力。 3. 善於跨單位組織協調溝通。 4. 具基金會、NGO組織工作經驗者佳。 5. 可配合出差及彈性工作時間。 工作內容: 1. 執行中山大學社會實踐與發展研究中心行政、活動、推廣、研究相關業務。 2. 協助中山大學校內各社會實踐計畫之相關活動執行。 3. 校內各社會實踐行活動報導與推廣 4. 社會實踐白皮書及年度報告匯整及撰寫。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。 專長/其他需求: 待遇福利: 按聘任職等參酌國立中山大學研究人員薪點報酬標準表或國立中山大學(行政類)專業經理人薪資支給標準支薪 薪資範圍: 月薪3萬4千至4萬0千 應徵方式: 請檢附下列履歷表及資料,彙整成一份PDF檔案(請勿設定保全、加密或保護密碼),於108年8月26日(一) 17時前以e-mail附件電子檔同時寄至 nsysusec5255845@gmail.com及cwchen0711@gmail.com,並請於e-mail主旨註明:「應徵社發中心專案管理- 」(請於 填入姓名)。 經書面資料審查...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 福特汽车有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: The primary responsibilities of the HR Business Advisor are to partner with customer groups to own and execute all HR people processes and drive value through being trusted HR to provide HR counsel and deliver strategic talent management. Key Roles and Responsibilities of Position 1. Lead & support the full execution of the HR people processes such as talent & organization health review, talent retention and development plan, workforce planning, performance management, ...
- 华福涂料(江门)有限公司 江门市
职位信息 Responsible for the facility maintenance program Establishes and manages the master maintenance program. Creates a record to track performance of all critical machine components to formalize a predictive and preventive maintenance (TPM Operating Systems). Cooperating with technical department to optimize and modify the production equipment to improve safety, productivity and quality. Responsible for directing engineering and maintenance depart to drive breakthrough and commitment to the con...
- 都福企业管理有限公司 Shanghai
Reception Services 1. Operate a switchboard and receive visitors so that all callers/visitors are dealt with promptly, courteously, and accurately. 2. Receive and correctly route incoming and outgoing telephone calls at a switchboard or multi-line phone and maintain long distance call logs. Take and distribute accurate messages. Greet visitors and determine the nature of their visit; issue visitor passes and maintain visitor logs; alert appropriate party of visitor arrival or direct visitors to ...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
Position Overview: The Undergraduate Academic Activities Coordinator provides comprehensive academic support for the smooth operation of the undergraduate degree and non-degree programs at DKU. Working closely with DKU faculty, the Coordinator will lead, manage and initiate various academic activities including but not limited to class field trips, class activities, class guest lecturers, and other activities that enhance the students’ academic life. The position-holder will have the chance to d...
- 喬山健康科技股份有限公司 Taizhong
職位類別: FM行政幕僚Administration 發佈日期: 2019-07-23 工作性質: 行政幕僚 招聘人數: 1 應聘條件 管理職責 無 是否出差 無 職位要求 職責說明 備註...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education. In preparation, DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Academic Success Tutors will be...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 Kunshan
Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU) a Sino-foreign Cooperative University approved by the Ministry of Education and founded by Duke University, Wuhan University and Kunshan City Government. DKU is a non-profit public welfare social organization with independent legal status. The campus is located in Kunshan Yangcheng Lake Science Park, Jiangsu Province. The Administrative Specialist of Chancellors' Office is a member of DKU's Chancellors' Office team and will play an imp...
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