- Excellent Management Limited (創博資訊科技有限公司) Quarry Bay
Job Description Handle general enquiries from client, internal departments & others stakeholders Provide high quality service to achieve and uplift customer satisfaction Quality assurance of end product and committed delivery to ensure customer expectation is met Provide user training at different levels & on-going client supports Occasion overseas traveling may be required Job Requirement Higher Diploma or above in Business, IT or Computer related subjects Good customer service mindse...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 23,2019 - 源讯云计算有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 Role & Responsibility: Network design and implement for Data Center both physical and Virtualization network environment, Solution Design of network system, and ensure high quality, performance, and compliance with the site design Analyze, design, test, and evaluate network systems, such as LAN, WAN, Internet, intranet, and other data communications systems Network operation include Incident, Problem, Change and Configuration Management Provide Level 2 support to operations teams fol...
- 源讯云计算有限公司 Shanghai
Role & Responsibility: Data Center or Enterprise class networking architecture design implementation and support Understanding of Network Security standards, concepts, processes, governance, change management, change approvals, and implementation of new services Network Security Service operation include Security Incident, Problem, Change and Configuration Management Support Security audit in the region Support problems solving by identifying abnormalities, reporting violations Support Busin...
- 宁德新能源科技有限公司 宁德市
职位信息 岗位职责: 1. Draft, review and revise various contracts and agreements, including but not limited to commercial contracts & legal documents; 2. Assisting in commercial negotiations; 3. Provide consultancy, suggestions, and solutions on legal and compliance related to daily business operations; 4. Take legal action such as arbitration or lawsuit on behalf of company; 5. Providing legal training in a focused and consistent manner and in accordance with company's policy; 6. Other task assi...
- 伟尔格罗普能源设备有限公司 Changshu
Review open purchasing requisitions, place purchase orders to suppliers and monitor on-time material delivery. Comply with applicable laws and regulations, develop vendor and visit suppliers for delivery or supplier competence approval. Research and evaluate suppliers based on price, quality, service, support, availability, reliability, production and distribution capabilities, and supplier reputation and history. Quick solution with vendors to discuss defective or unacceptable goods or services...
- 杭州桑尼能源科技股份有限公司 Hangzhou
任职资格: 1、财务专业,3年以上财务工作经验 2、英语口语流利,有英语相关工作经验者优先 3、能适应长期出差(英文)工作 岗位职责: 业务账务处理 工作地址: 出差(英文)(偶尔也会回杭州工作) Qualifications: 1. Major in finance / Do financial job more than 3 years. 2. Very fluent oral English / Person who have work experience in English is prior. 3. Be able to accept bussiness trip. Responsibilities: Deal with the financial work by bussiness trip. Salary:Can be negotiable. Working address: Generally work on bussiness (occasionally come back to Hangzhou) 职能类别: 会计 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:桐庐县桐庐经济开发...
- 西可通信技术设备(河源)有限公司 河源市
河源市 月薪6,000 - 9,000元 职位信息 1、大专及以上学历,有三年以上相关工作经验; 2、熟悉电子产品生产工艺,能熟练使用生产的仪器设备; 3、有独立处理生产异常能力,沟通能力强,有团队精神; 4、有手机、平板电脑或电视主板的PE工程师经验的优先。 职能类别: 产品工艺/制程工程师 机械工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:高新区科技九路 地图 公司信息 西可通信技术设备(河源)有限公司是一家专门从事移动电子通信设备设计/研发/制造/加工和销售于一体的高科技外资企业,广东省手机生产基地的龙头企业。公司投资总额9900万美元,注册资本4900万美元,企业类型为外商独资。 公司位于河源市高新技术产业开发区,主要生产手机、平板电脑、TV、三合一电视主板等通讯终端产品及其零部件。公司设备和技术均已达到业界先进水平。整个工业园的实际产能是年产移动电话5000万台,主板1亿PCS。产品远销世界各地。 联系人:具先生 E-mail:ckhyhr@ckhy.com 公司地址:广东省河源市高新区科技九路 公司网址: http://www.ck-telecom.com...
- 汉能移动能源控股集团有限公司 Beijing
北京市 职位描述:职责描述: 1.按照集团在金融板块的发展战略,统筹产业链融资工作,开展供应链金融业务; 2.创新金融解决方案,设计金融产品操作流程及风险管控措施; 3.负责与中小银行、信托公司、保理公司、租赁公司等资金方高层接洽,打通资金通道,推进项目资金落地和实施; 4.维护顺畅的融资渠道,引入中小银行等资金方资源,促成项目与金融机构的合作,完成指定的融资目标。 任职要求:任职要求: 1.金融、经济、财务、法律、投资或企业管理相关专业本科以上学历。 2.具有5年以上对公信贷、财富管理等相关金融背景,有成功开展供应链金融业务或保理业务的工作经验,能独立带团队,具有较强融资落地能力; 3.有银行工作经验者优先;具有银行、信托、保理及财富管理公司的机构资源和融资经验优先; 4.形象气质佳,具有良好的商务合作和谈判能力,能适应出差及商务应酬。 职能类别:首席执行官CEO/总裁/总经理 微信分享...
- 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司 Chongqing
Job Description: 1.Planning and delivering lessons to students aging from 13 to 18. Lessons taught include IGCSE chemistry,AS chemistry and A2 chemistry etc. 2.Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement to students. 3.Participating in academic meetings, planning and organizing student activities, open classes, festive performance and decoration, co-hosting events or school promotion with other chemistry teachers. 4.Taking responsibilities as a coach and judge for ...
- 上海申馨人力资源外包服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 普陀区 1. Routine performance review report delivery (monthly/quarterly) Monthly MG sell-in/out report; Monthly Market share reports Supporting on other group meeting preparation 2. Competitors analysis & follow-up: Competitor price tree (with Philips) online/offline Competitor feature comparison (with Philips) online/offline 3. Product samples/warehouse administration: 1st batch sample application and approbation tracking Team samples management On/offsite warehouse management 4. Support M...
- 銘傳大學人力資源處 Taibei
銘傳大學人力資源處 用人單位:銘傳大學人力資源處 職缺公告日期:2019-08-17 報名截止日期:2019-08-22 開缺職缺:兼任教師 x 6名 學校地址:台北市士林區中山北路五段250號 工作地點:臺北市Taipei (Shih-Lin District), Taoyuan (Gui-Shan District) , (Kinmen: Jin-Sha Township) 學術專長: 公告內容: 1. Unit: English Language Center 2. Job Title: Part-time Instructor or above 3. Number of Candidates: 6 4. Location: Taipei (Shih-Lin District), Taoyuan (Gui-Shan District) , (Kinmen: Jin-Sha Township) 5. Education: M.A. or Ph.D. in one of the following fields 6. Fields of Specialty: TESOL, Lingu...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 得人資訊整合有限公司 Taibei
工作類別 行政秘書 尋才企業簡介 性質單純、環境優良的大型跨國企業行政人員,兼顧家庭。此工作非常適合作為重回職場的第一站,再次回到熟悉的辦公室。 工作說明 部門會議安排 國外重要訪客接洽 部門費用申請 部門文件處理 其他主管交辦事項 候選人要求 Good Communication Skill Good Coordination skill Familiar with Office Software and quick learning in new process. Average English Skill Secretary experience will be a plus. 工作地點 南港區 職缺編號 20190805 更新日期 2019-08-06 有效期間 2019-08-06 ~ 2019-08-30 若對此職缺有興趣或是進一步問題,歡迎以電話與得人聯絡 ( 02-2558-6752 )。謝謝。...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 环球资源 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
Responsibility: Assist in planning overall Startup Launchpad Show projects, monitor the compliance and project progress. Assist in planning and executing activities during the show including conference, workshop, pitch competition, buyer match, etc. Liaise the good relationship with the partners, explore the business opportunities and coordinate the cooperation details. Organize monthly community events (in Hong Kong/Shenzhen) in the form of roadshows, workshops, forum, etc. The scale of the eve...
- 源讯信息技术有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Responsibilities: ? Understand and follow operational processes and policies and work with 1st level support to ensure timely, effective incident resolution. ? Focus on automating administration tasks ? Install and maintain servers and workstations ? Adhere to documented, approved standards ? Work with team to identify tasks to automate and develop automation scripts Required Skills: ? Completion of an IT related Associates or Bachelor’s degree ? 1+ years of professional experience or in...
- 翰仕人力资源有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Responsibilities: Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve software. Ensure software quality standards are met through documentation, risk analysis and testing support. Connect with product managers and system architecture team to identify development plans. Guide team’s technical direction and coach junior software engineers. Continue improving product performance, stability, maintainability robustness etc. Drive collaboration across teams. Drive technical evolution for modules &...
- 昆明星雅人力资源有限公司 云南省
云南省 职位类别: 媒体/影视/摄影/其它 - 更多 工作性质: 全职 招聘人数: 10 人 薪资待遇: 面议 (元/月) 公司直聘DJ学员,工资面议,不会的可以学。©ynzp.com...
- 毕恩人力资源顾问有限公司 Shenzhen
Responsibilities: Planning Develop/implement materials dept. operation budget ( productivity goal) ,monitor the achievement of the budget in order to achieve targeted department performance People management and development Build a team with strong sense of urgency, sense of responsibility, proactive, strong team working and adequate necessary skills, and fully align with core value: Allocate and balance the allocation of work across direct reports; Review and provide timely feedback to direct r...
- 万宝盛华人力资源有限公司 Jiaxing
嘉兴市 KEY SERVICES: Management of subordinate PBP review and coach; Manage the interface with other departments; Follow DPES policy and procedure; Provide training and cross training for staff and develop subordinate; Implement EC4 activities to reach plant material cost reduction target; Lead plant localization team to develop, implement and improve localization plan in China; Assist Purchase Manager to define saving strategy and realize the objective of material price reduction in China; Respons...
- 万宝盛华人力资源有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 日薪120元 职位名称: IT Helpdesk Intern 所在产品线: 集团总部IT部 职位目标: 负责集团IT部门的日常协助工作,该职位为实习岗位。 主要职责: 1、为终端用户提供二级支持,对所有台式机、笔记本的系统运行和软件安装提供现场支持; 2、对外围终端用户设备提供支持,例如:移动设备、打印机、视频/电话会议、网络电话; 3、安装、配置台式机和笔记本电脑; 4、与各部门协同合作,处理紧急事件; 5、保证解决方案质量,达到SLA目标; 6、确保客户满意度。 职位要求: 1、管理类、计算机科学类相关专业大专及以上学历或者将来有想法愿意从事IT相关专业的在读学生; 2、熟悉微软操作系统和微软应用(Windows, MS Office); 3、有一定的客户服务意识; 4、有较强的沟通能力。 岗位吸引力: 1、有资深IT工程师指导工作,可以让你在短期内积累大量实操经验; 2、团队大,聚集资深IT从业者,可以让你提前感受团队工作的气氛,了解职场环境,认识大咖; 3、系统全面,可以让你有机会了解和精通各种先进系统,拓宽思路,增长见识; 4、名企效应,为你的简历增色不少...
- 汉能移动能源控股集团有限公司 Beijing
北京市 职位描述:岗位职责 1、负责全集团财务、内控体系的建设和管理工作 2、建立科学、系统、符合跨国公司要求的财务核算、财务监控体系 3、统筹集团和下属公司的资金管理,开拓融资平台和渠道 4、协助董事会主席进行公司投资、重要经营活动的决策 5、负责与金融机构、投资机构联系,寻找融资资本,全面规划融资项目 6、完善税收政策及方案,统筹税务筹划及外部工商、税务等外部关系 任职要求:任职要求: 教育背景:会计学、财务管理、工商管理,经济学等相关专业本科以上学历; 工作经验:20年以上财务、金融工作经验,10年以上集团CFO管理经验; 专业资质:中级会计师及以上职称,具有CPA资格证书者优先; 其他:具备良好的英语听说读写能力;精通财务管控; 专业技能要求: 知名大型民企、跨国企业或多元化业务集团CFO背景;重资产企业实业背景:如能源、大工业、重型机械、高端制造、化工、汽车、大型设备等行业 职能类别: 财务总监 微信分享...
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