Results 1 - 20 of 1913
  • 宁波雷奥自动化设备有限公司 Ningbo

    宁波市 北仑区 月薪5,000 - 12,000元 负责公司文件翻译,涉外接待,邮件处理,保证翻译质量,保障翻译资料的整理收集归档 1、大学本科,英语专业 2、1年以上翻译工作经验,熟练掌握听所读写基本技能,能够用英语熟练沟通 3、思维灵活,有较强的人际沟通交流能力 4、会德语者优先 职能类别: 英语翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北仑大契模具路49号...

  • 杰佛伦西威自动化科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 嘉定区 Key Activities and necessary competences: ? Participate in scientific research activities; ? Monitor the correct application of product and safety regulations; ? Carry out surveys, calculations and measurements; ? Designs customized solutions of the mechanical part of the sensors according to customer requirements; ? Plan solutions aimed at cost optimization, also to simplify the assembly, testing and maintenance phases of the product in the field; ? Provide technical support for product...

  • 中山市泰然光电科技有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 1.负责新产品试产中工艺跟进,异常分析处理,改善结果跟进确认; 2.根据产品特性设计工艺及治具,并负责工艺工装验证自动化改进工作; 3.编制产品工艺文件制定标准工时,协助处理人工产值薪资核算工作; 4.组织实施新工艺新技术; 5.积极开展技术攻关技术自动化改进工作技术改进方案。 任职要求: 1、有相关实验室测试的工作经验,并对针对性验证实验有独立的思考设置能力; 2、熟悉IE操作手法和标准工时工价的统计核算; 3、 个人具有强烈的学习心态,不断通过自觉学习促进自我进步。 4、认同公司给个人最大的福利,就是提供锻练的机会。 5、认同我们的价值观: 自谦、自信、坚持、超越 其它福利: 工作时间:大小周轮换工作制(小周6天工作制,大周5天工作制,月正常休息6天) 保险:购买标准五险 伙食:免费提供早中晚餐 住宿:免费提供舒适的宿舍,2人/间,宿舍内配有空调、热水器 晋升:当公司空缺岗位时,优先考虑内部提拔晋升 奖金:根据公司效益和个人表现发放年度奖金 娱乐: 1. 公司设有图书室、娱乐室(内有健身房、台球、乒乓球)等娱乐设施。 2. 公司不定期组织娱乐活动(烧烤、漂流等),节假日发...

  • 杭州美仪自动化有限公司 Hangzhou

    杭州市 萧山区 实习生 日薪130元 一、岗位职责: 1、维护日常工作中计算机、附属设备的使用、网络、应用软件、安全产品等发生的各类问题; 2、维护网络基础设施,网络通信传输畅通,各重要设备的配置和使用情况及配置参数变更情况,备份各网络设备的配置文件; 3、能够参与ERP实施工作并解决ERP系统运行过程中的问题、协调ERP系统中相关部门之间的工作; 4、安装和维护公司计算机、服务器系统软件和应用软件; 5、负责公司网络安全进行设置、管理以及维护; 二、任职要求: 1.大专及以上学历,通信、电子工程、自动化、计算机、信息管理等相关专业,有网络系统和IT系统维护工作经验优先; 2、熟练运用软件系统对服务器进行维护与管理。 3.勤奋踏实、积极进取并富有责任感; 4.学习能力强,有良好的团队合作意识。 三、福利待遇: 1.签订劳动合同后缴纳五险一金以及额外的商业意外险; 2.股权激励制度; 3.每年组织一次员工境外旅游;每年组织春秋游;每季度组织一次运动会; 4.每周组织公司以及部门的学习活动,为员工的全面发展提供平台; 5.其他外出学习及户外拓展机会。 上班地址: 江干区下沙6号大街新加坡科...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Position Summary: LV Drive service and technical Support for the Greater China, including Drives Startup, maintenance and troubleshooting on site, customer training. Operate as the primary domain expertise for assigned product and customer. Key Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for providing on-site LV Drives products start up and troubleshooting as well as technical support on service to Customers 2. Point of contact for coordinating and supporting product issues (quality, application.. etc) per...

  • 东风本田汽车有限公司 Wuhan

    武汉市 岗位职责: 1、负责新车型先行企划阶段冲压领域冲压件产品制造可行性技术分析,利用AUTOFORM等CAE分析软件对乘用车大型外观覆盖件进行成形性分析,判断缺陷程度并提出更改方案或工艺对策,并不断提升CAE分析精度; 2、针对冲压领域过往不良、生产困扰事项、生技性要件,通过DPM/GMS/CAE手段实施产品工艺性审查,确保产品仕样品质; 3、新车型冲压领域工艺工程、工装方案的设计及验证,投资/经费/成本/要员检讨,确保车型顺利投产。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,材料科学与工程等相关专业毕业; 2、3年以上汽车冲压工艺部门工作经验,熟悉新车型冲压领域同步工程业务内容,有丰富冲压覆盖件CAE分析业务经验; 3、熟练运用CATIA软件、AUTOFORM、 OFFICE等办公软件; 4、学习能力强、责任心强、有较强的沟通能力和分析解决问题能力。...

  • 广东大鹏液化天然气有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 Roles and Accountabilities (岗位职责) Provide support and assistance to departmental contract administration, including logistics support to contract negotiation, word processing, translation and proof-reading assistance in contract development, establishment and administration of the commercial contract system as well as support to other departmental functions and activities. 为部门的合同管理工作提供支持和协助,包括合同编制过程中提供文字整合处理、文件的翻译及校对等,为合同谈判安排提供支持,管理部门的合同文档,为部门相关功能和活动提供支持。 Principal Activities (主要工作) Provide ...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 What you will do: Fire suppression product management (Gas & Chemical Extinguishing) including portfolio improvement, roadmap plan, Interface to co-working drive and coordinate Engineering, Manufacturing, Marketing, Tech Service and Sales Implement & track NPI plan, VA/VE project Market study & Competition analysis Develops, update and analyse product sales revenue, margin VOC management Documentations including sales & marketing materials Product Management: 70% Sales &...

  • 上海电气泰雷兹交通自动化系统有限公司 Shanghai

    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1.The job holder will be as close as possible to the operational people in order to help them to elaborate relevant contractual solutions and identify possible legal stakes so that risks are clearly detected, measured and mitigated. 2.The job holder will ensure proper communication and process in a matrix organization where functional reporting lines will be split between various SBLs and countries. He (she) will ensure timely and comprehensive reporting to CEO/DCEO. 3. In c...

  • 中信房屋 Taizhong

    職務名稱:行政秘書 店 名 台中漢中加盟店 工作說明 1.資料管理.檔案管理 2.合約契據管理 3.簡易會計帳務 4.制式用品及日常文具採購 5.協助設計廣告DM 及促銷文件 6.接待客戶.接聽電話.維護辦公室環境 7.主管交辦事項 上班地點 台中市西屯區漢口路二段11號 教育程度 專科 工作經驗 皆可 薪 資 27000元+全勤獎金 其他說明 1.服務具有服務熱忱 2.樂觀開朗積極正面的心 3.具有良好學習態度 4.公司提供績效獎金.每月聚餐及活動.員工購屋優惠 加入我們 創造人生新幸福...

  • 易凯资本有限公司 Beijing

    Job Description: Participate in building and constantly improving our TMT practice; Develop multiple deal sourcing channels and fine tune our ability to identify deals; Keep in constant contact within TMT to understand the overall landscape, trends, and opportunities; Help develop execution standards and train junior investment banking professionals; Lead deal execution on major TMT opportunities. Qualification: At least 6 years of TMT relevant experience, either within industry or at a service ...

  • 上海奥然致嘉信息科技有限公司 Shanghai

    职位描述: 负责协助工程师做网格划分、清理,整车外流场仿真,发动机舱热管理仿真、热保护仿真,气动噪声仿真,空调系统性能仿真与优化(除霜、风量分配、温度线性、蒸发器均匀性、驾驶室升温与降温舒适性、空调气动噪声等)、雨水/灰尘管理性能仿真、制动系统散热性能仿真、一维冷却系统性能匹配、一维空调系统性能匹配、新能源电池包热管理等的CFD仿真 任职要求: 本科以上学历(博士、硕士优先考虑)车辆工程,机械,流体力学、热力学、动力机械、内燃机及相关专业(对口专业优先考虑) 熟练使用市场主流的前后处理软件和CFD求解器工具; 有一定的CFD专业软件使用基础; 专业的英语能力良好优先考虑; 对CFD仿真具有浓厚的兴趣。 福利: 1, 面议 2, 转正之后,公司按照正规流程缴纳社保、公积金等 公司地点:上海市杨浦区 职能类别: 技术研发工程师 汽车设计工程师 关键字: 流体力学实习 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:合生汇...

  • 大众汽车自动变速器有限公司 Tianjin

    Your Responsibility Hardware integration of power electronics in electric drives Involvement in local validation tests: tracking of local validation activities, identification/definition of suitable tests, check/review of environment conditions during validations in the car Communication and information exchange with engineering teams in Europe and Asia Analysis on parts from validation/endurance tests Definition of tests based on requirements Internal communication with other departments/divisi...

  • 锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 1. Job identification工作摘要 Job Title: 岗位名称 咨询顾问1级 Consultant L1 Reporting to: 汇报对象 技术经理 Technical Manager Sideways: 协作对象 麦咨达质量&追溯专员,麦咨达业务支持专员 Star Farm QC & TS specialist, Star Farm BM specialist Direct reports: 直接汇报 技术经理 Technical Manager 2. Job content工作内容 Job purpose: 工作目标 有效完成公司分配的1S/ 2S的工作任务 Effectively complete the task of the 1S/ 2S 3. Job dimensions工作范围 Decision making/ freedom to act 决策权/自主权 N/A 4. Key responsibilities & accountabilities主要职能/主要职责 Key responsibilities/...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化制造有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose Achieve the customer service rate with desired inventory level by material and production plan control Key Responsibilities ?Demand review with cross-function team to keep the production stability ?Daily production scheduling and follow up to ensure the OTD ?Daily PO Management according to real demand request together with SSO team ?Handle PO receiving discrepancy with cross function team ?Deal with MRB Material ?Material shortage review and analysis to ensure the material availabil...

  • 蒙德拉贡自动化设备有限公司 金华市 浦江县

    1.Review the general planning of the project and make the internal planning 2.Make Electrical Guideline 3.Make spec. for each special device, if it’s necessary 4.Make sure the elements are following the customer spec and MAK standard 5.Follow the delivery time of electric and control elements 6.Make spec. for supplier or outsourcing *PC Data Base *Special equipment 7.. Make the IO sheet file for each project with mechanical engineer *Personal 8.Follow up on the person who makes the electrical sc...

  • 中船瓦锡兰电气自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Main Responsibilities: Understanding of power conversion products in Shipping Segments including switchboard, converter, generator and emotor Manage the interface with shipyard, ship owner and vendors Making and delivery the relevant drawings and documents Follow the main equipment delivery process Technical sales support for power conversion solutions Attend commissioning and Sea trail if required Job Requirements: Strong interpersonal communication as well as influencing skills Familiar with p...

  • 苏州金拓自动化设备有限公司 Suzhou

    Your responsibilities : 1.Creation of the customer drawings based on the existing CAD models 2.Localisation of the product drawings including translation from English to Chinese 3.Localisation of the product technical documentation and of the testing/ validation reports including translation from English to Chinese 4.Design of accessory parts for the product according to the customer requirements 5.Creation of the specific technical documentation for the local customers, coordination of it with ...

  • 大众汽车自动变速器有限公司 Tianjin

    天津市 Your Responsibility ? Price negotiations with national and international suppliers ? Advisory function on procurement decisions as well as support of the implementation of negotiation results ? Close cooperation with other departments regarding all procurement matters ? Support control and coordination of supplier relationship in terms of date-, cost- and demand situation ? Identification of new or alternative sources of supply as well as continuous improvement of the procurement situation Y...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Shanghai

    What you will do: § Develop and maintain Health, Safety and Environmental Management System. Audit the effectiveness of EHS System and report issues to management. § Assists organization understand EHS regulations and other applicable standards, including guidance on handling compliance, inspections and citations. § Identify and evaluate hazardous conditions and practices and develops, in consort with the line organization, hazard control practices and programs. § Identify EHS training needs, im...

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