Results 1 - 20 of 38802
  • 尚德机构 查看所有职位 武汉市 洪山区

    武汉市 洪山区 月薪30,000 - 40,000元 基于尚德销售转运营战略背景之下,无限接近互联网,无限迭代组织,培养具备CEO潜质的业务负责人 岗位介绍 运营总监=军团长乃一军团负责人,内部不同sku模式划分版图,西方文化,既彪悍凶猛,又通识博雅 岗位职责: 1. 负责整个军团的全面管理工作,带领团队完成业绩指标,对收益率和人力成本负责,完成从销售到运营的转型 2.流量投放管理:带领广告投放团队拓宽公司互联网流量渠道,包括投放计划的制定与执行,推广预算与成本控制,基于ROI的管理,为结果负责。 渠道包括但不限于:SEM、APP、展示类联盟、DSP、各种新媒体与媒介代理广告。带领团队进行投放优化,ecpm降低点击成本,提高网销; 3. 销售管理:配合销售管理,带领团队完成业绩指标,完成从销售到运营转型,拉升人均单产 4.人员管理:基于人均单产效率下的有效增员和规模化复制,军团bp体系搭建 5.运营策略:招生说明会引导、AB角创新运营、群运营、高点设计、新媒体运营、转介绍推动等, 任职要求: 1.学历:211/985本科以上学历,24-33岁,有过大企业工作经历。(几项硬性要求,介意勿...

  • 國立台灣大學秘書室 台北市 大安區

    一、應徵條件: 1.大學以上畢業,新聞、媒體、資訊傳播相關系所畢業尤佳。 2.具備媒體和公關工作之經驗。 3.擅長採訪報導、新聞稿之撰寫,具敏銳的文字能力。 4.平面刊物編輯經驗,基礎美編設計與排版軟體應用之能力。 5.熱愛媒體公關工作。 二、工作內容: 1.新聞稿與媒體回應稿之草擬,協助相關稿件和新聞事件之處理。 2.校內平面刊物之編輯與配送安排,含文字編輯與美編排版。 3.記者會、公關與相關活動之舉辦與支援。 4.行政庶務、團隊工作互相支援及其他交辦業務。 三、工作地點:臺北市羅斯福路4段1號 臺灣大學媒體公關中心 四、待遇:月支薪酬視進用人員學、經歷,依本校約用人員薪資標準支給,並視資格條件另議特殊加給。 五、應徵方式: 1.歡迎有意應徵者備妥:約用工作人員履歷表【請至臺大人事室首頁- 常用表單-行政人力組-約用工作人員-約用工作人員履歷表下載】、學經歷證明文件、身分證正/反面影本、其他可資證明工作能力之文件(以上資料請以A4紙張裝訂),並於108年9月20日前郵寄(以郵戳為憑)或專人送達臺灣大學秘書室。(信封請註明...

  • WIRTGEN CHINA (维特根中国 ) China

    中国 Report to: Quality Manager Working place: Langfang Job Responsibility: Monitor and analyze the trend of field quality KPI’s performance against target; Manage the analysis of claim data and QFA release, follow up for prioritized quality issues by cooperating with technology and other quality members; Data collection to support claim recovery from interested suppliers; Support field endurance testing of new component and jobsite survey to support related cross-function teams for the localizati...

  • 上海沃德医疗有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Summary To provide appropriate nursing care by applying clinical nursing knowledge and skills, and ensure the safety and comfort of patients/families according to legal, institutional, and professional standards. Qualifications 1.College degree or above in nursing, 2.Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in OR department of hospital or clinic, overseas or joint venture health organization experience preferred 3.Hold current nursing license; 4.Good communication skills in Engli...

  • 金乔投资顾问有限公司 深圳市 福田区

    Job Description We are looking for a PHP Developer responsible for e-commerce website development and management, Your primary focus will be the development of all server-side logic, definition and maintenance of the central database, and ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end. You will also be responsible for integrating the front-end elements built by your co-workers into the application. Therefore, a basic understanding of front-end technologies is necessa...

  • 金乔投资顾问有限公司 深圳市 福田区

    深圳市 福田区 As a project manager you are passionate about machines and technology, and feels excited to work in an international continous learning environment where self development and carreer opportunities. You have an eye for detail and will coordinate manufacturing by lean principles to achieve qualitative machines that achieve our European quality standards. You are part of an international team and enjoy working in a no nonsense open culture where creativity is promoted, teamwork and collabor...

  • 金乔投资顾问有限公司 深圳市 福田区

    深圳市 福田区 Python web Programmer developer As an experienced Python Web Developer you are responsible for managing the interchange of data between the server and the users. Your primary focus will be the development of all server-side logic, ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end. You will also be responsible for integrating the front-end elements built by your co-workers into the ERP application; therefore, a basic understanding of front-end technologies is nec...

  • 上海锦江国际理诺士酒店管理专修学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    This position requires the supervision and implementation of the efficient delivery of high quality academic programs that prepare students to succeed in today's demanding and dynamic culinary, food service, and hospitality industries. 职能类别: 院校教务管理人员 关键字: 教务长 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:海思路100号(上海师范大学奉贤校区内)...

  • 上海锦江国际理诺士酒店管理专修学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 This position requires the supervision and implementation of the efficient delivery of high quality academic programs that prepare students to succeed in today's demanding and dynamic culinary, food service, and hospitality industries. 职能类别:院校教务管理人员 关键字:教务长 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:海思路100号(上海师范大学奉贤校区内)...

  • 美国HBA国际上海代表处 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1)Assume an assistant role in design presentations in communicating with clients and ensure that format is compatible with office and client standards/requirements. 2)Help develop and execute the design direction for overall project and communicate to the project team. 3)Communicate project status to Senior Designer on a regular basis and develop and maintain communication with all project team members. 4)Attend site meetings and assist in the process of re...

  • 广东岭南职业技术学院 广州市

    职位信息 职位要求/Job Requirements Native English speaker Bachelor degree or above, with teaching certificate is preferred. At least one year of English teaching experience is required Clear thinking, pronunciation standards, the image of teachers are excellent, good at mobilizing the classroom atmosphere, a team spirit The candidate should have a passion of teaching, be responsible and be patient with students, have a strong sense of cooperation with colleagues and teamwork Weekly class hours: 10-20 ho...

  • 弗兰德传动系统有限公司 天津市 北辰区

    天津市 北辰区 工作经验: 最低学历: 本科以上 管理经验: 工作性质: 全职 综合月薪: 面议 职位类别: 机械设计师 年龄要求: 福利待遇: 职位描述: 1. Mechnical design based on customer requirement: a. Mechnical design of parts, gearbox, etc. b. Calculations for design validation. c. BOM creation and other engineering documentation for projects. 2. Technical support to assembly line regarding to order issue. 3. Technical support externally as per leader's instructions. 4. Necessary technical support to localization issues. 5. Project fulfillment. 职位要求: 1. Bac...

  • 中原大學電子工程學系 Taibei

    中原大學人事室 用人單位:中原大學電子工程學系 職缺公告日期:2019-08-05 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 工作地點:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 學術專長:工程製造及營建環保領域(電算機/工程/建築及都市規劃/環境保護學門) 公告內容: 中原大學電子工程學系徵聘專任助理教授(以上)1名 一、學歷:博士學位以上 二、專精領域:電子電機資訊相關領域 三、應徵教師需具備英語授課能力且合乎下列條件者請備妥: 1.推薦函三封。 2.個人履歷表(含自傳及現職)。 3.學經歷影本。 4.成績單(持國外學歷者,畢業證書、成績單須經駐外單位驗證;博士候選人請附指導委員會主席(Committee Chairman)或院、系(所)主管(Dean, Chairperson )完成論文答辯、審查及畢業日期證明函)。 5.博士論文及相關研究著作(作品)。 6.可教授之課程及其內容大綱。 四、聯絡人:李祐禎(電話:03-2654603; 五、收件截止日:108年9月30日止,以掛號送達...

  • 富事德电子科技有限公司 厦门市

    厦门市 have at least 3-5 years of Fuji machine work experience for customer service junior colleague of Mechnical design & Automatic system for 3 years have good communication skill Be able to use Fuji Flexa/Trax knowledge Have patient in detailed work clarification with reponsibility and good performance. Be able to work under pressure and working in East China 职能类别: 售前/售后技术支持工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门...

  • 富事德电子科技有限公司 深圳市

    深圳市 have at least 3-5 years of Semiconductor machine work experience for customer service junior colleague of Mechnical design & Automatic system for 3 years have good communication skill Have at least 3 years of Die bonder\Plasma\bond tester machine service experience Have patient in detailed work clarification with reponsibility and good performance. Be able to work under pressure and working in Shenzhen 职能类别: 售前/售后技术支持工程师 关键字: Service Engineer 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:深圳...

  • 普�_德教育咨询香港有限公.. 南昌市

    Job 903: JiangXi universities(XXP) CIVIL ENGINEERING, DRAMA, ESL TEACHERs NEEDED ASAP In JiangXi province. Start asap. Drama: 12-18k, Housing, Can process Z visa for nonative, must major in drama, Must can teach drama or write play, theater, It is a school attached to University. Civil Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering: 13-15k, Process Z visa for nonative, Housing, PHD preferred. Teaching experince inside China prefered. asap. 86-189 274 274 29...

  • 上海依视路光学有限公司 Shanghai

    Assist staff with the installation, configuration and ongoing usability of desktop computers, peripheral equipment and software 协助工作人员与台式电脑,外围设备和软件的安装,配置和持续可用性 Works with vendor support contacts to resolve technical problems with desktop computing equipment and software pan>工程与供应商的支持接触与桌面计算设备和软件解决技术问题 Ensure desktop computers interconnect seamlessly with diverse systems including infrastructure servers, application servers and administrative systems 确保台式电脑不同的系统,包括基础设施服务器,应用服务器和行政系统无缝互连 Works ...

  • 金华东晨教育咨询有限公司 金华市 金东区

    金华市 金东区 月薪6,000 - 12,000元 要求: 来自母语为英语的国家(阿森松、澳大利亚、百慕大群岛、英属南极领地、英属印度洋领地、 加拿大 、福克兰群岛(即马尔维纳斯群岛)、直布罗陀、英国格恩西岛、圭亚那(原名英属圭亚那)、 爱尔兰 、马恩岛(英属爱尔兰海域领地)、泽西岛、 新西兰 、皮特凯恩群岛、 新加坡 、 南非 、塞浦路斯的亚克罗提利与德凯利亚的英属地区、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛、圣赫勒拿岛、特里斯坦-达库尼亚群岛、 英国 、 美国 、美属维京群岛、安提瓜和巴布达、安圭拉、巴哈马群岛、巴巴多斯岛、英属维京群岛、英属开曼群岛、多米尼克、格林纳达、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、牙买加、蒙特塞拉特岛、圣基茨岛和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特、特立尼达和多巴哥、特克斯和凯科斯群岛) 有幼儿园教学经验优先 待遇: 工资月薪8000-16000 提供早餐和午餐,可以提供住宿 Jin Yibao Foreign Teacher Recruitment Requirements: 1. From English-speaking countries(Ascension, Australia, B...

  • 德乐食品饮品配料有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: 1.Working with BU and marketing team to identify private label opportunity in retail channel; 2.Approach key retailers with customized private label business proposal; 3.Working as a project leader to commercialize the product which is approved by customer in own factory or bottlers; 4.Building relationship with key offline and online retailers. Requirements: 1.Bachelor or above; 2.At least 3 years' working experience in retailers, especially in procurement /category manage...

  • 德商优尼博览咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Position: Motion Designer (Shanghai) Reporting Line: Report to: Creative Director in Charge of Digital General Responsibilities: Create special effects, animation, or other visual images using film, video, sound, music, or other electronic tools and media for use in products or creations. Especially related to motion graphics for live events and exhibitions. Detailed Responsibilities: Work with creative teams to understand project scope and objectives. Participate in brainstorming sessio...

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