- 长沙书海教育科技有限公司 Changsha
长沙市 芙蓉区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 任职要求: 1、母语为英语,大专及以上学历; 2、遵守学校和部门的规章制度; 3、英语表达能力强,应变能力强; 4、富有朝气和活力,有亲和力和幽默感,善于调动课堂气氛; 5、学识广博,对应聘科目有一定的研究,有培训行业授课经验优先。 工作内容: 1、全英文教授托福、雅思等相关课程; 2、每周组织英语沙龙及讲座; 3、协助校长做好对外宣传工作; 4、协助校长洽谈业务、合同等; 5、协助校长制定教学方案; 6、完成校长交办的其他工作任务。 福利待遇: 1、带薪年假、法定节假日福利; 2、团建活动,旅游; 3、晋升通道; 4、有竞争力的薪资:10000元/月(25小时课时费)+3000元/绩效(根据岗位考核校长打分得工资)。 Foreign Teacher(President’s Assistant) Essential requirements: 1、A native English speaker; A holder of college degree or above; 2、Obey school’s and department’...
- 上海惠萌教育科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 周薪500元 We are looking for an ESL teacher who will be responsible to deliver comprehension based ESL classes to young learners. This teacher must have at least one year experience teaching English as a second language and be confident to use different materials and props to deliver fun lessons. Some essential functions and responsibilities include but are not limited to: 1. Teach ESL comprehension based lessons on the following schedule. 2. Support the education team in evaluating childre...
- 武汉星启辰教育科技有限公司 Wuhan
1、Host holiday party for students 1. Bachelor Degree or above, native speaker of English. 2. High level of English proficiency, good oral English communication skills, standard English pronunciation, fluent expression; 3. Teaching experience is preferred. 职能类别: 小学教师 关键字: Native English speaker 微信 联系方式 上班地址:关山大道328号哈乐城2层4号...
- 新加坡伊顿国际教育集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Job Responsibilities Teach & facilitate classes,help with teaching and taking care of children aged 18 month to 6 years old Assist to prepare lessons with Mandarin Teacher and International Teacher Help to set up classroom for class activities in different culture days Maintain accurate and complete records of children's progress and development Prepare classroom for class activities To take the class to and from specialist lessons and remain with the class in the lesson when di...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Chinese teacher With teaching certification At least Master degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progress. Preparing...
- 北京途西教育咨询有限公司 Beijing
Responsibilities: I ntellectual Stewardship Guide students through a process of self-discovery, help them identify their interests and ambitions, brainstorm authentic essay topics, and advise students on a comprehensive and cohesive application angle. Provide detail-oriented guidance on all components of students’ school applications, including school list generation, personal statement development, resume polishing, and interview preparation. Client Services Create and execute a plan for studen...
- 上海学建教育管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 ELG’s Marketing Department oversees internal and external marketing for ELG. Internal marketing includes but is not limited to ELG event invitations for families and staff, yearbook production, office content and signage design, business card design, and name badge design. External marketing includes building relationships with external channels, such as media, schools, medical facilities, and community groups. The Marketing Department creates promotional materials such as brochures, fl...
- 恒基兆業地產有限公司 Hong Kong
中五畢業程度 具物業租售或客戶服務經驗優先考慮 需於週末及假日駐各樓盤租務處工作 具良好溝通技巧及人際關係 耐心有禮,工作主動及積極性強...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 30,2019 - 恒基兆業地產有限公司 Hong Kong
中五程度 懂普通話及英語 五年以上駕駛大公司私家車及接載高級管理人員經驗 良好駕駛記錄 待人有禮、具責任感及工作熱誠 需輪班工作 持保安人員許可證者將獲優先考慮...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 30,2019 - 恒基兆業地產有限公司 Hong Kong
持有電力工程人員牌照(A牌或以上)及平安咭 三年以上樓宇保養經驗 負責公司內之水電及冷氣設備等維修保養工作 略懂文書及電腦操作 每週五/六天工作(長短週),逢星期日休息 每天工作九小時 享有免費膳食及公眾假期...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 30,2019 - HN Group Ltd. (Macau) 殷理基集團有限公司 Macau
责任 直接向财务主任报告,负责: Performing FP&A planning, reporting and analysis for the Group’s business and project invested in China. Preparing financial modelling and projections (including PL forecasts, Capex investment forecasts and cashflow projections) supported by valid assumptions through detailed market research and data collection. Preparing operational and cashflow budgets, and periodic rolling forecasts and analysis with high level of accuracy. Liaising with various parties such as legal and ...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 30,2019 - HN Group Ltd. (Macau) 殷理基集團有限公司 Macau
Responsibilities Prepare different types of financial reports such as budget, cashflow forecasts, business modeling, financial projections etc. Perform financial analysis of various data and being able to discern areas of importance. Liaise with various parties such as bankers, government departments and other related parties Report and assist to Finance Director for other ad hoc assignments Assist Company Top Management in business development with emphasis on data collection, data comparison, ...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 30,2019 - 苏州集品教育科技有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 月薪25,000 - 40,000元 We are seeking: An amusing Art Teacher At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject With very good understanding of children's / teenagers' art education Flexible thinking, strong creativity Excellent professionalism and teamwork awareness, strong sense of responsibility, kindness and sincerity, serious and responsible Excellent communication skills Wish great passion in education and love student 职能类别: 音乐/美术教师 其他 微信 联系方式 上班地址:姑苏区渔郎桥浜16号1号楼101 公司信息 Yes! We are JP, ...
- 南京瑞凡教育咨询有限公司 Nanjing
Full-time Children English Teacher Requirements: Native speaker or Europeans with authentic accent; 5 working days a week; Maximum 25 teaching hours per week plus 15 office hours; Big passion for teaching and kids; More than 1 year kids' teaching experience; TESOL/TEFL holders are preferred; Job Description: Teaching small group ( 4-8 students ) classes; Preparing and conducting Demo lessons; Following school's training arrangement; Working with bilingual Chinese teaching assistant; Bene...
- 上海凡智教育科技有限公司 Shanghai
1、参与整个项目并独立完成指定板块的策划,制定执行计划,并跟踪执行进度; 2、组织并参与项目各里程碑式的活动; 3、协同解决在项目实施过程中出现的任何问题; 4、内外部沟通桥梁,及时反馈阶段性成果; 5、线下会议、宣讲、营地、培训活动的策划、执行及完整跟进。包括:物料的设计、制作、发包流程的跟进;各地渠道项目执行情况的统筹、跟进及信息汇总;活动执行媒体素材的统筹与搜集;线下活动费用开支的统筹及财务单据的搜集和整理;活动执行报告撰写、分析及改进建议。 任职要求: 1、工作思路清晰,具备项目运营大局观,执行力强; 2、了解行业发展方向,学习能力强,具备良好的沟通和协调能力,对行业竞争,企业产品优劣有充分的认知; 3、3年教育类或NGO项目经验,了解NGO预决算流程、了解NGO项目的申报、支付及验收等节点时间的要求和对验收标准; 4、具备优秀的团队合作精神,熟练的掌握WORD、EXCEL、PPT、XMIND等办公软件。 职能类别:项目经理/主管项目管理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:龙阳路2277号永达大厦1901室...
- 丽水市贝乐教育信息咨询有限公司 丽水市 莲都区
丽水市 莲都区 月薪8,000 - 15,000元 关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、全面负责管理教学部各项工作,带领教学团队营造积极向上的氛围; 2、依据整体运营目标,把握中心教学和学术工作的关键指标; 3、负责确保所有教师按照校区英语教学标准和大纲,提供高质量的教学服务; 4、监控中心的教学质量同时兼顾各部门间的沟通工作; 5、为校区的招生发挥教学的优势,激励教师团队作出绩效方案; 6、负责培训新教师,培养提拔优秀教师;管理学术团队,培养和建立学术人员梯队; 7、负责进行家长学生满意度调查; 8、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 9、服从校长安排的其它工作; 晋升:TUTOR-tutor主管-校长-区域总监...
- 丽水市贝乐教育信息咨询有限公司 丽水市 莲都区
丽水市 莲都区 月薪4,000 - 8,000元 关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、承担3-12岁少儿英语日常教学工作。 2、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 3、积极参与总部教师培训会议。 4、定期参与校区内部教研会,提升教学质量。 5、配合中心教务部门完成教学的监测与评估工作。 6、定期与家长沟通,进行电话回访,不断完善教学工作质量。 7、完成学员续费、转介绍等工作。 8、完成教学主管安排的其他工作事项。 任职要求: 1、性格开朗,喜爱孩子,有较强的亲和力。 2、具有专业英语考级证书,专业水平过硬,发音标准,口语流利,具有良好的职业道德。 3、踏实、有责任心,能吃苦,具有良好的职业形象。 4、乐于接受全新的...
- 湖南爱薇博雅国际教育科技有限公司 Changsha
长沙市 月薪6,000 - 15,000元 岗位职责: 1. 负责3-12岁学员的英文授课; 2. 按照教学的目标和计划,保质保量地完成教学任务; 3. 积极参与教学培训与教研活动; 4. 积极与学员的家长沟通,做好家校互动; 5. 配合市场部的招生活动; 任职要求: 1. 热爱有少儿教育事业,富有亲和力和责任心; 2. 英语口语流利,发音标准,富有感染力; 3. 英语专业本科以上学历; 4. 一年以上幼少儿英语教学经验,有一定才艺专长优先; 5. 英语专业八级、雅思6.5+优先; 6. 海外留学工作经历优先。 薪资福利: 基本工资+课时费+业绩工资+年终奖+福利(社保五险+双休+节假日福利+生日福利+餐饮补贴+通讯补贴+专业培训+团队建设活动+美国进修交流机会) 快速晋升通道:初级教师-中级教师-高级教师/培训师-教学主管/培训主管-中心储备校长-中心校长(合伙人机制+股权激励) 培训合格可获得TESOL国际少儿英语教师资格证书! 职能类别: 外语培训师 小学教师 关键字: 英语老师 英语培训 早教 剑桥少儿 热爱教育 微信 联系方式 上班地址:旭辉国际广场 公司信息 爱薇国际英语依...
- 苏州爱特精英教育培训中心 查看所有职位 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 Introduce to clients the information of the educational system, application policy, universities and majors, application requirements and application procedures of their applying countries; Provide clients with profile/background evaluation as well as professional consulting services on school selection and major/program selection; Design custom-tailored training plan and application plan including the Preliminary School List and the Application Schedule; Provide profile sculpting servi...
- 中華廠商聯合會 Central
Requirements: Form 7 above or Diploma holder; exposure to event management or customer services would be an advantage; Self-motivated, a good team player with strong interpersonal skills and service-oriented minds; Good PC knowledge in MS Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint and Chinese Inputting method; and Immediate availability preferable. Job Responsibilities: To provide administrative support to the Brand Development, Policy Research and Training Department; To assist in project management, even...
www.indeed.hkAugust 29,2019
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