- 普罗名特流体控制有限公司 Shanghai
Job Title : HR & Admin Manager Purpose/Goal: Formulate and implement HR strategies, assist in attract, manage, retain and develop staff to meet current and future business needs. Reporting Line: Report to Chairman PM China Location: Shanghai Main responsibilities: Understand exactly the corporate strategies and business, formulate and implement HR strategies which can make sure meet the business development needs with short and long term. Ensure HR activities e.g: talent acquisition, organiz...
- 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Shanghai
Main Responsibilities: Propose and decide customer strategy in terms of effective segmentation & targeting, value proposition development (incl. value added service and customer experience for proposition) and business case development, pilot optimization. Be responsible for strategic marketing planning, translating business objectives and goals into annual marketing strategies and plans to drive business growth, providing structured plans on where to play and how to win and identifying metr...
- 中国欧盟商会 Beijing
北京市 Receptionist: Manage the main switchboard, screens/answers all incoming phone calls, answers questions professionally, provides information as required and passes phone calls to required extensions providing the person with proper information Greet visitors and direct them to appropriate staff Manage the office facilities, such as fax machine, photocopier, scanner Liaise with express companies, office building management etc. Assist the Office Manager in the Head Office in administrative and...
- 曼宁家屋面系统 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Authority range of the Job: 1. Product management: including product developing, positioning, pricing (ASP, CM% controlling) , introduction, promotion . 2. Make the long and middle term product plan 3. Lead the whole process of new product launch, from planning, developing, introduction, and track the production, logistic, landing and launch 4. Work with sales and headquarter technical team to define the product specification and the assess the product feasibility from technical, cost and go to ...
- 无锡格兰名新材料科技有限公司 Wuxi
无锡市 Manage delivery and operations of computing services based on a Wintel environment (physical or virtual) both on premise or in cloud / outsourced. ? Manage delivery and operations of network and communication services (LAN, Wi-Fi, WAN, VoIP and Videoconference) ? Manage end users infrastructure support services ? Work jointly with Corporate ICT team to define local ICT infrastructure services strategy and economics ? Setup and manage suppliers and contracts related to his/her area of respons...
- 上海稻草人旅行社有限公司 Shanghai
职位描述: 1. 辅助设计师完成日常工作,如产品包装、活动海报、物料周边等; 2. 稻草人周边产品创意及设计,如T-shirt、笔记本、稻稻插图等; 职位要求: 1. 视觉传达、平面设计相关专业,具备手绘/插画能力者优先; 2. 设计感好,有较强的视觉表现力,并具备一定程度的独立思考及完稿能力; 3. 具有团队合作精神以及服务协作意识,良好的沟通能力及习惯; 4. 熟练操作photoshop、illustrator、indesign(尤其前两个); 5. 每周到岗至少3个工作日,工作至少3个月。 职位福利: 1. 一天100元的补贴; 2. 公司零食畅吃,吃胖不负责; 3. 实习证明; 4. 参加稻草人旅行活动可以打85折。...
- 某知名企业 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
Responsibilities: Accountable for the management of supply commitments from Purchase Orders and/or Supply Planning Forecasts, Supplier performance, and Supply related escalation management. Accountable to the Manager of Global Supply Management for reporting on the key performance measurements and KPI targets associated with 13 weeks supply vs demand schedules, Supplier on time ship performance metrics, supply expedites, and supply commits to FCST Maintains an effective and healthy relationship ...
- 中国欧盟商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 卢湾区 Job description The main task of the Desk Coordinator relates to the coordination/management of the ‘China Desk - European Heating Industry’ and related lobbying activities (a China Desk is composed of individuals from the corporate sector representing different industries/sectors and that share common interests in the policy/business environment.) Tasks Coordinate Communication with Key Interlocutors: - Draft a yearly lobby action plan (in coordination with the Senior Business Manager- ...
- 公司名称 空中客车企业管理服务有限公司 Beijing
Responsibilities: ? Identify opportunities and potential application with the support of subject experts ? Set up collaboration with external expert patterns in China to design, develop and demonstrate the concept in collaboration with CTO China office ? Carry out material report, monitor aeronautical standard of materials and report the latest status of ongoing projects ? Act as technical interface between Airbus internal Research & Technology division experts and external partners Qualific...
- 国家会展中心上海洲际酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 青浦区 Assist the Engineering superior with general hotel and building maintenance and ensure that work is completed to a high standard within your established trade which meets the needs and expectations of your customers. 协助工程主管负责整个酒店及大厦的维修,确保在你的专业领域中高标准完成工作并满足客户的需要和期望。 Operate boiler and attend all repair works related to steam supply. 操作锅炉并负责与供汽有关的所有维修工作 Maintain all additional systems which adjust the quality of boiler and laundry systems 保养所有其他调整锅炉质量和洗衣房系统的系统 Record mechanical readings of...
- 杭州市公羊会公益基金会 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
岗位职责: 1、公益讲师招募、管理,课程课件开发设置,排课调课等相关服务工作; 2、合理领用教学点上课前物品、上课期间学员安全和课后回收教具等工作; 3、公益大学各项常用材料准备及公益教师的安排; 4、每次课程活动的宣传推广。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,有从事教务工作者或幼儿教师相关经验者优先; 2、具有一定的教案写作经验;能熟练使用微信推送及办公软件; 3、熟悉教育知识,有耐心,有爱心,愿意从事扶老助残行业。 目前,社会组织的发展,正逢政策春风,急需有识之士加盟。以下职位虚位以待,一旦录取,待遇可期,期待您的奉献! 职能类别: 院校教务管理人员 关键字: ngo 公益 支教 幼教 教务 非盈利 志愿者 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:直戒坛寺巷16-2号...
- 上海君名信息技术有限公司扬州分公 Yangzhou
扬子人才网(www.yzjob.net)成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 上海君名信息技术有限公司扬州分公司 招聘单位: 上海君名信息技术有限公司扬州...
- 上海会贤教育投资管理有限公司 Zhengzhou
Job Responsibilities: 1、 Teach 3 to 12 years old children 2、 Teaching, training and research activity 3、Coordinates the market and other activities 4、Communicate with parents about the student study situation, do home school interaction 5、Be responsible for the results of students learning, to solve the difficulties in learning English , and provide professional consulting and study suggest 工作职责: 1、教授3到12岁儿童 2、教学,培训及教研活动 3、配合学校的市场等其他活动 4、与家长沟通学员学习情况,做好家校互动 5、对学员的学习结果负责,解决学员在英语学习中的疑难,并提供专业的咨询和学习建...
- 挪威船级社有限公司 Shanghai
DNV GL - Software is a major supplier of strategic, technical software within the oil and gas, process, energy and maritime industries. It also deploys innovative QHSE solutions within general industry, healthcare and transportation/aviation sectors. Our customer base is global. Working closely with colleagues in the Plant Ecosystem, the Technical Support Engineer role will entail assisting our customers in their daily use of advanced software products such as Phast & Safeti, Maros & Tar...
- 美国船级社有限公司 Shanghai
Applicable to: ABS QE China General Summary Execute social related audit (SA8000, BSCI, Sedex etc.) at customer site, to confirm that major buyer, retailers and manufacturing facilities are complying with both local regulations and international standards in areas such as employee health and safety, corp social responsibilities and fire protection, among other. Principal Duties and Responsibilities (PDR) 1. To achieve the department Goal & Objective 2. Act as a professional auditor during on...
- 挪威船级社有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Major Tasks and responsibilities: 积极参与ISO26262/Automotive SPICE相关项目的客户培训、现场及离线咨询服务及审核工作; 善于对ISO26262/Automotive SPICE关联的硬件和软件部分的过程分析、使用工具及控制方法的知识积累和应用等; 积极向客户推广汽车功能安全项目,协助销售拜访客户,并为客户提供ISO26262/Automotive SPICE等的相关技术演和解读; 协助销售制定ISO26262/Automotive SPICE相关的培训、咨询及审核的技术方案。 Qualifications: 熟练掌握ISO26262系列标准业务框架、能够熟练应用标准以及讲解标准; 具有IEC 61508相关项目评估经验,或经过IEC61508相关培训取得功能安全工程师资质者; 对ASPICE有一定的了解,熟悉能力维及过程属性定义; 熟练掌握功能安全基本工具和算法,例如SIL等级计算、FMEA/FTA、诊断措施应用等; 至少3-5年的嵌入式电气产品(软件/硬件/Both,汽车类控制器尤佳)的开发和实施经验,熟悉嵌入...
- 上海名饮国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 第一外语:法语 (熟练) 工作性质:全职 职位描述与任职要求 工作内容 1、在葡萄酒领域内不断学习研究,根据公司需要设定系列培训课程 2、参加公司开展的专业培训与交流,提高翻译水平 3、对接合作公司,完成具体所需的中文法语互译工作 4、协同公司销售同事举办客户、消费者红酒品鉴活动并进行现场翻译。 5、完成上级交代的其他业务。 岗位要求 1、良好的语言表达及较强的沟通能力,工作认真细致,善于学习与创新; 2、精通法语,具有很好的听说读写能力,具有较好的语言沟通能力; 3、形象气质佳,注重商务礼仪,能够善于应对各种商务场合; 4、能适应出差 工作地址:北京朝阳...
- 广州建廷会展集团有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 高新区 Job Position: Foreign Trade Specialist / Assistant Job Description: Responsibilities: 1. A clear understanding of the company's sales goals and strive to achieve the goal and accomplish the task. 2. Responsible for the management of clients, including the development of new clients and the maintenance of the olds. 3. Keen attention to market conditions, integration of all resources, and actively marketing public relations activities 4. Assist the department director strengthen the sa...
- 重庆渝宜国际旅行社有限公司 Chongqing
重庆市 江北区 月薪5,000 - 8,000元 公司简介 重庆渝宜国际旅行社有限公司,系经国家旅游局、国家工商部门批准的专业从事长江游轮运输的游轮管理公司。注册资本100万人民币,总部位置中国重庆。 公司旗下:长江游轮票务联网销售中心(www.cqcpw.com )是中国长江游轮票务领先的在线和无线预订服务平台,通过网站及移动手机端的全平台覆盖,随时随地为旅客提供最新、最准确的重庆船票价格和游轮时刻表查询和网络在线预订服 务。作为游轮公司唯一的官方售票平台,上线至今一直承“安全、优质、高效、热诚”的质量方针,恪守“顾客第一”、“服务第一”和“信誉至上”的宗旨。为游客提供提供长江客船、国内豪华游轮(普通游轮)、涉外豪华游轮供旅客选择,并且游轮多样化,航线丰富、价格透明,全年365天24小时400电话预订,并提供丰富的后续服务和保障。 为了能够确保游客买到真实有效的游轮票,在长江游轮票务网站(www.cqcpw.com ),实现实名制购票机制,只需在购买票时填写出游人的国籍、姓名、证件号码、儿童的年龄和所订游船的船名、开航日期、航线、用房类型及数量。 即可直接购票,只需凭身份证即可登船!...
- 北京福莱森特康辉国际旅行社有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 普陀区 工作职责: BlueSky OBT & App 日常支持 需求分析并为BlueSky OBT和App的配置和部署提供适当的解决方案 与TravelSky合作,调查、诊断和恢复Bluesky OBT&App的问题 确定并分析问题的原因,以避免以后此类问题的发生 将问题或流程分解,确定原因和影响模式并分析问题以得出适当的解决方案 在关键问题上及时向关联方提供Bluesky OBT和APP的更新 要求: 在旅游行业的相关工作经验,做过OBT/APP支持、具有BlueSky TMC解决方案背景的优先考虑 管理供应商关系的经验 有效的项目管理技术,项目管理和系统迁移的经验。 旅行技术产品的经验和知识 优秀的客户服务技能及沟通技巧,能够专注,建立并满足客户的需求和期望 能够为客户提供高水平的持续服务和支持,建立并保持合作,理解和信任 多任务处理并有效应对紧急情况 优秀的团队合作意识,可以积极倾听,开放式沟通和信息共享,与同事建立富有成效的合作关系 高度责任感和主人翁意识,善于把握好项目的完成时间和里程碑以确保实现目标 We are now looking for a Tec...
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