- 全球国际货运代理有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Position Accountabilities: 1 Responsibility for achieving BD targets 2 To work with existing and potential clients in generating and concluding transportation business opportunities 3 Support to develop robust business development proposals from inception to implementation with the aim of providing quality and innovative transportation solutions against prescribed deadlines 4 Delivers co-ordination of end-to-end business development process: Customer interface with the aim to build good customer...
- 杜尔涂装系统工程有限公司 上海市 青浦区
上海市 青浦区 Job Title: Import & Export - Logistics Specialist Job Objective: Effective log. operation to meet major BU's business requirement and regulation conformity. Job Responsibilities: To plan/organize/monitor domestics and international tranportation for major BU's business; To plan/organize/monitor import and export clearance/pre- & on carriage; To organize/fulfill filing of each logistics shipment; To organize/fulfill PR for relative cost including transportation, brokerage,...
- 南京飞勒克工业设备有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 职位描述: Managing the production of marketing materials, including leaflets, posters, flyers, DM, newsletter, digital media, mall decoration etc; Writing and proofreading copies; Liaising with design agency, printing vendors, mall decoration agency; Arranging for the effective distribution of marketing graphic materials; Organising and attending events such as press conferences, marketing launch, opening events and ongoing events etc. 任职要求: University degree and major in Advertising/Communi...
- 杜尔集团-杜尔涂装系统工程有限公司 上海市 青浦区
上海市 青浦区 Job Objective: Effective log. operation to meet major BU's business requirement and regulation conformity. Job Responsibilities: To plan/organize/monitor domestics and international tranportation for major BU's business; To plan/organize/monitor import and export clearance/pre- & on carriage; To organize/fulfill filing of each logistics shipment; To organize/fulfill PR for relative cost including transportation, brokerage, import tax and etc in due time; To organize/fulfill G...
- 英屬維京群島商李肇勳國際室內設計顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 Taibei
Review requests for proposals (RFPs) and assist in qualifying the opportunity, identifying the sales team, facilitating sales team strategy meetings, drafting contents, establishing deadlines, and managing the overall pursuit process Develop high-impact business development documents reflecting the firm’s brand identity, messaging and positioning within tight deadlines Develop compelling responses to unique and challenging proposal questions within specified deadlines Review, proofread and edit ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 12,2019 - 深圳市鸿安货运代理有限公司 南京市 建邺区
南京市 建邺区 月薪3,000 - 4,500元 岗位要求: 1. 3年以上货代行业经验,对海运航线价格有所了解,有价格报表制作和分析价格的经验者优先。 2. 熟悉EXCEL技能,进行制作报表和分析。 3. 善于沟通交流,有团队合作的精神,力求上进,有较强的学习能力和沟通技巧,工作态度端正。 4. 英语听说读写熟练 。 工作职责: 1. 收集、整理和分析各家船公司的市场动态和价格 2. 制作价目表和系统录入价格系统,以供海外部门推广和报价参考。 3. 对报价和推广后进行跟进和分析。 4. 配合海外部门制定相关的报价表。 5. 与价格专员,管理层沟通制定相应报表供集团参考。 职能类别: 货运代理 关键字: 价格分析员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江东中路333号金奥国际中心8楼807室 公司信息 HLS Group, one of the market leading logistics provider in transpacific trade. HLS has established its own network throughout the Far East region inc...
- 霍夫曼工具贸易有限公司 上海市 闵行区
工作职责: 创建维护产品信息 整理产品文件文档 为客户和销售传递产品知识,做产品支持 和QSC一起进行产品质量比较,并完成培训内容的制作 支持刀具产品总监和高级产品经理的日常工作 处理SAP中特殊的产品需求 SAP中特殊产品的咨询工作 组织技术培训(如:目录/产品培训) 支持目录翻译/校验工作 和供应商联系日常工作 需要和中国采购中心保持频繁日常工作交流 市场和竞争对手分析 和技术中心共同完成技术培训,为技术培训提供支持 背景要求: 本科学历,(机加工或工业制造或技术背景) 2年以上刀具或机加工行业工作经验 熟悉操作采购流程,有相关工作经历 服务导向的工作理念,诚实可靠,积极进取 语言能力:英文听说读写能力强,口语流利 熟练使用office系统和SAP,工作认真负责。 Duties and Responsibilities: create and maintain product data and content cooradinate product portfolio knowledge transfer and support, also for sales and custom...
- 罗宾斯地下工程设备有限公司 上海市 闵行区
Essential Duties/Responsibilities 工作职责 : Inspects the following: 检查事项: o Work in process fabrications (large and small) prior to final welding o 最终焊接前的加工制品(大小型) o Welds both during process and after process—visual inspection o 加工过程中及加工后的焊接工作 — 目视检查 o Manufactured components using non-destructive testing (NDT) technology such as magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic testing and penetrate testing o 运用无损检测(NDT)技术制成的部件,如磁粉检查、超声波测试和渗透测试 o Manufactured components, both welded and machined o 焊接和加工部件...
- 上海冠狮石化工程技术有限公司 上海市 普陀区
上海市 普陀区 Major Responsibilities: Maintain close working relationship with Project managers, other discipline engineers, other CSA engineers. Build up CSA related 3D model. modeling related change management provide draft proposals using 3D-model Capability and Competence: Under-graduated technical draftsman in civil engineering Skilled in drafting relevant software and related tools, Good communication skills in English, Knowledge of civil, structural and architectural design Open minded, active,...
- 台北市私立亞伯拉罕語文短期補習班 Taibei
Abraham Academy is seeking eligible English teachers who are capable of teaching American Elementary and Junior High school subjects such as history, science, health, and language. Elementary School: Mon to Fri, 12:00 ~ 19:00 Qualifications: University Bachelor‘s degree Kindergarten: at least two years of experience in teaching children at age 3~4 Elementary: at least two years of experience in teaching science, health, history or language. Teaching certificate or TESOL certificate is preferable...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 11,2019 - 鸿霖国际货运代理有限公司 深圳市 福田区
Job Description 1. 负责空运客户的日常进口客户服务工作; 2. 维护空运进口系统中相关物流信息; 3. 公司安排的其它工作; Qualifications: 1-2 years working experience. Good computer skill—proficient in MS office, including Words / Excel etc. Good English read and write. Good Chinese speak , read& write ,canton preferred. Secondary school graduate or above. 职能类别:客服专员/助理其他 上班地址:福华一路1号深圳大中华国际交易广场2806...
- 深圳市鸿安货运代理有限公司 南京市 建邺区
南京市 建邺区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 岗位要求: 1. 海运和空运相关行业一到两年销售经验。 2. 有兴趣学习物流行业各航线海运/空运相关知识。 3. 积极主动,自我激励,积极进取,外向,良好的沟通技巧。 4. 可接受出差。 5. 英语良好。 工作职责: 1. 专注于服务各航线海运和空运业务。 2. 完成相关航线的销售目标。 3. 确保销售活动符合公司标准和程序。 职能类别: 销售代表 关键字: 货代销售人员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江东中路333号金奥国际中心8楼807室 公司信息 HLS Group, one of the market leading logistics provider in transpacific trade. HLS has established its own network throughout the Far East region including mainland China ( Shanghai, Tianjin, Ningbo, Qingdao, Dalian, Nanjing, Nantong, Zhangjiagang,...
- 厦门豪帝卫浴工业有限公司 厦门市 同安区
厦门市 同安区 月薪12,000 - 60,000元 厦门豪帝卫浴工业有限公司创建于2008年3月,注册资本人民币1600万元,公司座落于同安浦头实业园,厂房面积8000余平米,现有员工200余人。是国际知名的卫浴产品制造企业,是科勒,乐家等国际知名品牌的指定供应商。公司产品畅销欧美多个发达国家,成立初期即展现出强劲的活力与发展势头。 雄厚的技术力量和人性化的管理手段是公司的立足之本。公司集研发设计,生产销售,服务于一体,年产量高达60万套。配备先进的生产设备。在生产管理方面,全面遵循ISO体系并使用ERP软件进行系统化、科学化的管理。 “为品质超越,因服务永恒”是公司的经营方针。我们的理念是为客户提供一流的产品和一流的服务,尽我们最大的努力以提升客户的最大满意度。 员工是我们成长的坚强后盾。公司将给员工提供舒适的工作和生活环境,灵活多样的用人及育人机制,将员工的发展作为企业的责任与使命,真正的将“以人为本”融进企业。 我们相信,舒适的工作环境,人性化的管理模式,良好的发展平台可以使您与企业共同成长,一起成功。 公司将为员工提供良好的福利待遇: 1.公司为每位员工缴纳医社保 2.每年年...
- 上海苏尔寿工程机械制造有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Supervisory responsibilities 管理职责 Work in South area (Guangdong, Guangxi,Hainan, Fujian,Jiangxi, Hunan,Hubei,Guizhou) as Sales manager Guangxi or Guizhou province can be the focused area at beginning, refinery and coal chemical application as key industry. Site service with plant Engineer contact to pushing TAS business. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE经验和知识要求 Related work experience相关工作经验 2-3 years' experiences as Process, technical or Mechanical engineer in refinery, chemical or ...
- 李尔投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 HR Manager, COE Leadership & Organization Development, Asia Position Focus: Leverages learning and business expertise to improve business outcomes through developmental solutions for the organization and leaders. Job Description: Enable country L&D Managers to conduct Training Needs Analysis, Training Design and Solutions, Training Calendar, and comprehend the Asia wide development needs for Managers and Leaders. Support countries on Talent Review and Management process, enabling exe...
- 上海启李广告有限公司 上海市 静安区
上海市 静安区 Responsibilities: 1. Partner with others in the creative team to develop exceptional and groundbreaking concepts. 2. Brainstorm interesting and viral story angles. Develop targeting strategy for key content. Qualifications: 1. Outstanding writing skills in short and long copy with the talent to touch any target audience. 2. Strong team spirit, smart independent skills. 3. Drive to keep growing and improving while working on interdisciplinary projects. 4. Fluent in both English and Mandar...
- 國立台灣大學秘書室 台北市 大安區
一、應徵條件: 1.大學以上畢業,新聞、媒體、資訊傳播相關系所畢業尤佳。 2.具備媒體和公關工作之經驗。 3.擅長採訪報導、新聞稿之撰寫,具敏銳的文字能力。 4.平面刊物編輯經驗,基礎美編設計與排版軟體應用之能力。 5.熱愛媒體公關工作。 二、工作內容: 1.新聞稿與媒體回應稿之草擬,協助相關稿件和新聞事件之處理。 2.校內平面刊物之編輯與配送安排,含文字編輯與美編排版。 3.記者會、公關與相關活動之舉辦與支援。 4.行政庶務、團隊工作互相支援及其他交辦業務。 三、工作地點:臺北市羅斯福路4段1號 臺灣大學媒體公關中心 四、待遇:月支薪酬視進用人員學、經歷,依本校約用人員薪資標準支給,並視資格條件另議特殊加給。 五、應徵方式: 1.歡迎有意應徵者備妥:約用工作人員履歷表【請至臺大人事室首頁- 常用表單-行政人力組-約用工作人員-約用工作人員履歷表http://www.personnel.ntu.edu.tw/下載】、學經歷證明文件、身分證正/反面影本、其他可資證明工作能力之文件(以上資料請以A4紙張裝訂),並於108年9月20日前郵寄(以郵戳為憑)或專人送達臺灣大學秘書室。(信封請註明...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 李斯特技术中心有限公司 天津市
1. provide English/German training for employee 2 times every week 2. Prefer native English speaker 3. business English 4. Attend 2 times every week, at least 3-6 months 职能类别: 兼职教师 关键字: 英语老师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:天津市开发区西区新业五街8号...
- 科莱恩化工有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Purpose of Job: Contributing to the execution of R&D and related projects. Entering as a limited or none experienced (catalysis) engineer or chemist; Developing expertise and skills for more advanced jobs within BU Catalyst; Reassigning after two years. Job Profile: Essential Function 1:Development of knowledge in Catalysis through problem solving 1.Develops understanding of BU Catalysts business. 2.Solves technical problems (internal and external) and develop technical expertise through...
- 美国智慧全球公司上海代表处 Shanghai
上海市 职位要求 4 years or more experience programming in Visual Basic 6.0 + and/or VB.Net 4 years or more experience in SQL database programming in a business environment related to product development, import and distribution 2 or more years programming experience in an ERP-system environment Network Administration experience a major plus Good Verbal Communication Skills in Mandarin and English Ability to travel between China and U.S Excellent Team work and good sense of humor Ethical with quality re...
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