Results 1 - 20 of 4137
  • 阿迪达斯体育有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 岗位职责: Planning ? -Plan and Execute the monthly activities ? -Plan the monthly & daily KPIs for the CS team Management Concierge ? -Set the daily and monthly KPIs for concierge activities ? -Manage and maintain activities workflow for concierge VIP services ? -Set the daily and monthly KPIs for personal shopper, Stylist, VIP manager ? -Manage and maintain activities workflow for each segment activities ? -Implement successfully the monthly activities ? -Prepare the venue of VIP and en...

  • 丹尼斯冠食品有限公司 平湖市

    平湖市 Overall Summary : Actively running laboratory and testing sample 保持实验室的有效运行和检测项目的开展 GLP implementation 执行和落实GLP要求 Customer compliant 客户投诉 Training 培训 Key Responsibility: Perform analyses including physical, chemical, microbiology as testing protocol 对原料和成品进行理化和微生物分析 Responsible for the routine maintenance for lab equipment, can independently conduct testing according to testing procedure 正确熟练使用仪器进行测试检验工作,并维护和保养好仪器设备 Can quickly find out the root cause and fix the problem while device breakdo...

  • 爱特斯商务咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities : The consulting intern will work under the supervision of the Head of the consulting department and will have the following tasks: Carry market study (research, trade fairs visits, experts’ interviews, store check, data analysis and report editing) Search for partners on behalf of our clients (clients, suppliers, agents, distributors, industry experts, JV partners etc…) Follow up ongoing mission/project and daily communication with selected partners Create social media content ...

  • 罗斯蒂精密制造有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 年薪120,000 - 170,000元 1. 为公司高级管理层提供高级秘书和行政支持工作。要求具有独立性、保密性,了解技术和业务词汇,了解公司运营、流程和人员。 Provide high level secretarial and administrative support for one or more of the organization's executives, requiring discretion, confidentiality, a good understanding of technical and business vocabulary, and a detailed knowledge of the organization's operations, procedures, and people. 2. 管理高层经理的约会和计划,安排行程,充分利用时间。维护高层经理的特殊/策略项目。建议,支持,协助,协调和合作涉及不同部门的复杂项目。 Manage the executive’s appointments and schedul...

  • 斯迪迈医疗科技有限公司 Wujiang

    Sterimed recruits for its Chinese Hospital markets the “Hospital Sales Manager”, reporting to the Hospital Team leader : You have been selling medical consumable, medical equipments to distributors and hospitals for several years You are experienced in management of distributors & prospection of new accounts You are eager to develop your customer portfolio and to promote innovative solutions for distributors and hospitals You are looking forward for a long-term experience in a multinational ...

  • 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 Beijing

    JOB SUMMARY岗位综述 : This applied science position utilizes the core competencies of thermal and fluid sciences, using and advancing analytical and experimental approaches to answer key questions about the performance and architecture of a system or component. This drives decisions and creates technical content which ultimately leads to state of the art, highly effective, environmentally friendly, and competitive products. 基于热力学和流体力学的理论知识,应用分析和试验的工程方法优化技术路线和产品性能,推动制定高质量的决策来支持开发先进,高效,环保和有竞争力的产品。 KEY...

  • 江苏斯瑞达塑业有限公司 仪征市

    仪征市 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 在生产主管的带领下,对生产任务和管理工作全面负责; 2)按照生产目标,完成下达的产量、质量、成本等目标; 3)严格遵守生产工艺操作规程,正确指挥生产,搞好平衡操作,合理调配人力、物力; 4)重视生产安全工作,坚持组织每日早会; 5)认真贯彻执行公司的规定; 任职条件: 1)高中以上文化; 2)同等工作经验3年以上; 3)塑料原材料、注塑等行业工作经验者优先考虑。 职能类别: 生产领班/组长 关键字: 挤塑 注塑 微信 联系方式 上班地址:仪征新集镇张集北街104号 公司信息 斯瑞达塑业是专业生产高分子改性增(相)容剂为主的实体,由吴江斯瑞达塑业有限公司及仪征斯瑞达塑业有限公司构成。公司技术力量雄厚,主要以高分子专业、材料工程专业等方向的本科毕业生和研究生为研发团队,并聘请行业内技术精英为技术顾问,同时积极扬州大学、苏州大学等名校进行科研合作。公司生产设备配套齐全,拥有多台知名品牌的双螺杆挤出机,根据产品性质及客户要求进行多样化的产品设计与开发。公司具备齐备的检测设备和多样化的检测手段,同时广泛地与国内知名第三方检测机构展开合作,准确控制产品理化...

  • 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 招聘职位: 行业研究与市场分析实习生 Industry Research and Marketing Analysis Intern Key Responsibilities/主要职责: Collect and organize new energy vehicle industrial policy and marketing info for regular reports收集整理新能源汽车行业政策及市场信息,协助制定有关报告 Conduct systematic research in new energy vehicle and key components 对新能源汽车行业及细分市场进行系统调研 Conduct internal and external interviews for market projects 对内部和外部的客户进行访谈 Support manager to take meeting notes for key projects and prepare reporting documents 支持经理做项目会议记录及准...

  • 科文斯医药研发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities / Duties: The statements below reflect the general responsibilities and requirements of the identified position but may not describe all the work requirements that may be inherent in the job. It is the responsibility of each employee to comply with all applicable regulations e.g. Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, in the performance of their role. Perform assigned clinical laboratory testing accurately and in a tim...

  • 索迪斯管理服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Job Purpose: This role pertains to the China Marketing team. 1.Develop timely, relevant and differentiated offers to drive client and consumer perceived value. 2.Develop marketing concepts and projects for Corporate Segment, delivering profitable solutions to drive sales, attract and maintain clients. 3.Drive the development, measurement and continuous improvement of one or multiple offer modules delivering financial performance and differentiating Sodexo from its competitors for caterin...

  • 爱特斯商务咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    We are currently seeking qualified candidates as support purchasing-supply position in our consulting project. You role is service for leadership in the industry of the safety company. POST AND RESPONSIBILITIES Under this post, your principal responsibilities would be: ? Ensure regular contact with the various factories with which our company works in China, ensure their reliability and respect for environmental and societal standards. ? Ensure regular contact with the various factories with whi...

  • 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 兼职, 实习生 康明斯(中国) – Marketing Intern 市场实习生 职位亮点:外企氛围、交通方便、免费培训 公司地址:北京市朝阳区广顺南大街8号院3号楼H区6层 企业信息: 美国财富500强 世界级独立发动机制造商 业务遍及190多个国家,600多家分销机构,7200多个经销商网点 多元包容的企业文化,连续9年入选全球“多元化企业50强” 连续十年入选道琼斯北美可持续发展指数榜 Responsibilities Support marketing data analysis and maintain database Build platform for tracking and communication between Marketing Department and sales managers Integrate sale report and related strategies Prepare for meeting materials and presentations 工作职责: 1、市场分析支持,维护数据库 2、搭建市场部与销售经理追踪及沟通平台...

  • 斯帕姆工程咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Qualification: Minimum 8 years working experience in the instrumentation and control, preferably some working experience with foreign owned companies. With good understanding for process control. Hardware, software and engineering work experience of process automation control system, DCS or PLC. Emerson DeltaV experience is a must Design institute or engineering company experience is a plus. Proficient in using AutoCAD for hardware drawing preparation Strong computer proficiency Fluent Engli...

  • 美国汉斯地产 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Responsibilities Visitors welcoming, represents project image as the first contact; Receive and screen all incoming calls, transfer appropriate calls to relevant people or back up person; Schedule meeting rooms and office equipments effectively; Collect, sort, distribute mails/ packages/ couriers; Order office stationeries and always keep sufficient stock for daily operation; Book air-tickets, hotel rooms as requested and be in alliance with company Travel Policy; Prepare expense report ...

  • 康斯博格汽车部件有限公司 Wuxi

    无锡市 1. Areas of responsibility Target is to: Secure the correct resources in the team to be able to deliver with high efficiency and a cost effective work in the team Secure the correct knowledge and process in the team Secure a quick response to customers and projects Utilize resource to support RFI,RFQ,KBD,PIP,POI projects Establish and maintain a development plan for the team and follow up trainings Manage approved recruitments and hiring Approve design review, RVS, system requirements and re...

  • 沈阳澳斯凯利科技有限公司 辽阳市 白塔区

    辽阳市 白塔区 月薪2,000 - 4,000元 澳斯凯利不仅是公司,它更是你实现梦想的舞台! 如果你心怀梦想、有远大的抱负; 如果你渴望施展压抑已久的聪明才智、渴望成功、渴望实现你的价值; 如果你有志于电子商务、有志于实效营销、并相信自己能够做到***; 如果你认同“服务他人,就会成就自己”; 如果你相信“一分耕耘一分收获”; 如果你乐于为自己、为亲友、为家人创造真正的价值和美好的生活; 那就加入我们朝气蓬勃、积极奋发的团队吧! 工作内容:(需要在沈阳面试+培训10天左右) 通过公司提供的外贸平台:阿里国际站/B2B/ebay/amazon/aliexpress/wish/Facebook/linkedin/ins.等公司官网分发的询盘、其他搜索引擎获取的询盘,以及自主开发客户的方式开展外贸销售的工作。整理回复询盘并做好后期跟进,维护好客户关系。 我们需要这样的你: 1、 为人诚实上进,有一颗热爱学习不断进取的心; 2、 国际贸易、商务英语类相关专业; 3、 有较强的英文邮件能力,听说读写流利,口语优异者优先; 4、 较强的逻辑思维能力,良好的沟通能力、积极的开拓意识和极强的团队协作...

  • 阿特斯阳光电力集团有限公司 Changshu

    常熟市 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 此职位将负责组件用材料寿命评估及失效分析,主导叠片组件导电胶材料测试项目开发与可靠性分析。具体责任如下: 1、 新型材料表征方案实施,为各种光伏组件设计建立寿命模型。 a) 负责高分子类新材料(导电胶为主)的选型评估和失效分析 b) 材料可靠性评估方案制定与寿命评估 2、 参与组件失效分析,协助建立各项失效及问题的应对措施及解决方案,推动实现公司光伏组件设计的可靠性目标。 a) 负责开发与制定叠瓦组件与ECA的失效分析方案,研究和分析失效机理,对可靠性问题有效关闭。 b) 其他失效分析方案的执行,项目进度管理,实验结果及时分析与汇报 c) 支持经理和主任工程师失效分析研究 3、 支持可靠性研究开发先进的组件无损测试平台。 4、 推动外部测试开展与项目合作。 5、 开发/引入先进失效分析与寿命评估技术,外包项目,以推动实现公司光伏组件设计的可靠性目标。 6、 工程师工作指导。 7、 负责上级交待的,和公司业务相关的其他任务。 THE PERSON 候选人 程露 Key Result Areas and Characteristics: 主要能...

  • 阿特拉斯科普柯贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Company introduction The Asia-Pacific Regional Distribution Centre in Shanghai is a fast-growing organization with 80 employees, serving several divisions of the Compressor Technique, Industrial Technique, Power Technique and Vacuum Technique Business Areas. With the recent development into a regional hub for spare parts, our organization delivers over 30,000 customer order lines a month throughout China and Asia-Pacific for 10 different brands within the Atlas Copco Group. The main act...

  • 广州贝斯特教育科技有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 荔湾区 月薪2,000 - 3,000元 职位信息 岗位职责 1、教授国际部初中、高中物理课程,班级授课,人教版教材,中文教学; 2、帮助学生提高学习兴趣,养成良好的学习方法及习惯; 3、参加学科教研活动,提高教研、教学水平。 任职资格 1、物理相关专业,统招本科及以上学历; 2、普通话标准,相貌端庄,言谈举止大方得体,有亲和力; 4、英语四级以上有相关教学经验优先; 3、思维敏捷,沟通表达能力佳,应变能力强; 4、性格开朗,态度积极,做事严谨,虚心好学,有责任心,执行力强; 5、口才好,讲课条理清晰、风趣幽默,有互动、能够因材施教,启发教学; 6、为人师表,热爱教育教学工作,热爱学生,具有良好的服务意识。 职能类别: 中学教师 关键字: 中学物理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广州市西关外国语学校 国际部(5号线,中山八地铁站) 地图 公司信息 贝斯特教育介绍 贝斯特成立于2011年,足迹遍布了中国、美国、英国、澳洲等全球各地,我们的使命在于实现真正的教育公平化,用一生去架好教育之桥,让最优质的教育资源,最先进的教育理念,以最快的速度传播到每一位学生,每一个有求知欲望的地方。...

  • 南京金斯瑞生物科技有限公司 Nanjing

    工作职责: 1. 负责公司蛋白分析产品包括:预制胶产品、e系列蛋白分析仪器产品以及相关试剂、试剂盒产品应用数据开发,操作指南、FAQ等中英文技术文档资料编写; 2. 负责蛋白分析相关产品售前、售后技术支持,解决客户产品与技术问题; 3. 负责分析仪器产品的演示及安装,提供3Q认证服务; 4. 编写产品培训资料,负责内外部产品培训。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历且有2年以上工作经验; 2. 生物或化学等相关专业; 3. 有蛋白相关工作经验,了解多种蛋白分析鉴定方法与技术,熟练掌握蛋白电泳、蛋白显色、免疫荧光印记、ELISA操作流程,能独立完成上述实验操作并撰写实验记录与实验报告; 4. 有较强的问题分析及解决能力,能快速解决产品使用过程中的难点和问题; 5. 良好的人际沟通能力,倾听客户反馈,解答客户疑问,协助客户解决问题; 6. 有上进心、责任心、敬业精神,良好的团队合作与沟通能力。 7. 良好的英文书写与口语能力。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 微信 联系方式 上班地址:科学园雍熙路28号 公司信息 金斯瑞生物科技股份有限公司(股票代码HK01548)是全球化的生物科技集团公司...

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