- 碧艾吉科技有限公司 Tianjin
Perform server and network administration on Windows 2008/2012, Active Directory, MS Exchange, MS SQL, Back Office application servers, Local Area Network(LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) and its components. Manage account, access and availability of MS Office 365 applications for users. Be able to automate via Powershell scripting. Provide help desk support of MS Office 365 applications Perform production operation support including log review, backup/recovery procedures and periodic maintenance. ...
- 美吉莱商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 1年的短期合约 Job Summary Examining, analyzing, and managing Accounts Payable Including Concur system, records and reports. In addition, the position will serve as a resource to support the Accountant and Senior Accountant in the higher-level accounting activities within the team. This will include preparing and reviewing account reconciliations and journal entries, and conducting in depth review and analysis of more complex accounting items as needed. He or She will also work within the team ...
- 吉飞国际贸易有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 高新区 Important European Large Retailer, with more than 400 stores, is looking for SOURCING SPECIALISTS in our Sourcing Office in Ningbo. 法国上市公司,拥有超过400家店面的大型欧洲连锁超市,寻找常驻宁波公司的采购专员. SOURCING SPECIALISTS for Daily Use items, including the families of Dressing, Bathroom, Pet Shop, Broom/Cleaning, DIY/Tools, Laundry, Bin, Household Carpet, etc. 日用品的采购员,包括整理柜,浴室,宠物,清洁,DIY工具,洗衣用品,垃圾桶,家用地毯等系列。 We expect : Man, Woman, 28 to 40 years old, good command of English, spoken & written; Knowledge of Frenc...
- 欣興電子股份有限公司 Taoyuan
1. 審閱中英文合約 2. 可能爭議或訴訟案件處理 +碩士畢業,法律相關科系 +英文能力佳 (龜山工業區) (龜山工業區) 職務類別 : 法務人員 法務助理 休假制度 : 依公司規定 上班時段 : 白天班 年 5 月 16 日 薪資待遇 : 月薪 30,000 至 65,000 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 隨 時 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 工作條件 學歷要求 : 碩士、大學 科系要求 : 一般法律學類 工作經驗 : 1 年以上 身份類別 : 一般求職者 外語能力 : 英文 聽:普通 說:普通 讀:精通 寫:精通 技能與求職專長 工作技能 : 法律相關條文諮詢服務、建立並推動法務規章制度 電腦技能:辦公室應用:Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook 其他條件 1. 抗壓性高、有責任心、善於溝通。 2. 擔任公司法務工作經驗,或具有律師資格者尤佳。 徵才特色 應徵方式 連絡人 : 人力資源部 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。 備註事項 : 請E-mail履歷, 合適者我們將主動與...
tw.indeed.comJune 2,2019 - 邦吉管理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 实习生 Legal Intern (201802) - 6个月法务实习生 Job Description: Assist legal team in handling corporate archive and government registration matters; Provide legal admin support to lots of China and offshore companies; Consult and communicate with government offices and outside agents; Analyze basic data and submit reports timely with guidance. Job Requirements: Postgraduate student; Law major; Work for six months or more, and two or three days per week; Deal with paper and electronic documents careful...
- 吉林华桥外国语学院 Changchun
长春市 岗位 所学专业 招聘 招聘条件 人数 学历 其他 外 语 教 师 商务英语 2 博士/优秀硕士 本科为教育部211院校毕业,金融、会计、商务英语方向,专业八级,有海外留学经历或相关工作经历优先; 英语 1 博士/优秀硕士 媒体主持、涉外文秘方向,专业八级,有海外留学经历或相关工作经历优先; 英语 1 博士/优秀硕士 本科为教育部211院校毕业,语言学、翻译方向,专业八级,海外留学经历优先; 日语 1 博士 本科为教育部211院校毕业,日本文学、日语教育方向,日语国际一级,海外留学经历优先; 韩语 1 博士 语言学、经贸方向,在韩国获得博士学位; 俄语 1 博士 本科为211院校毕业,语言学、翻译方向,有海外留学或工作经历,专八成绩优秀; 阿拉伯语 1 硕士 语音、语调正确,口语流利,有海外留学经历优先; 德语 1 硕士/博士 经贸或翻译方向,专业八级,有留学经历者优先; 法语 1 硕士/博士 本科为法语专业,硕士为经贸方向,有留学经历优先; 西班牙语 2 硕士/博士 商贸或翻译方向; 意大利语 1 硕士 语音、语调正确,口语流利,有海外留学经历优先; 葡萄牙语 1 硕士 语音、...
- 吉飞国际贸易有限公司 Ningbo
Important European Large Retailer, with more than 400 stores, is looking for SOURCING SPECIALISTS in our Sourcing Office in Ningbo. 拥有超过400家店面的大型欧洲连锁超市,寻找常驻宁波公司的采购专员. SOURCING SPECIALSITS for Indoor Decoration items, including the families of decoration items, photo frames, mirrors, clocks, decoration lights, candles, etc. 室内装饰品的采购员,包括一般装饰品,相框,镜子,钟,装饰灯,蜡烛等系列。 We expect : Good command of English, spoken & written. Knowledge of French language will be considered as a +, as well as any other la...
- 吉美艾国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 产品:hardgoods jewelry 首饰品 项链 耳环 头饰品 发饰品 工作地点 1 :上海市闵行区延安西路 3062 弄 18 号华菱大厦 8 楼(长宁区西郊动物园、北新泾、闵行区虹桥、程家桥、龙柏、七宝) Main Responsibilities: 1. Work with designers to develop the desirable products according to the tightly time frame; 2. Guiding the factories on the samples modifications base on the feedback from the headquarter; 3. Negotiating with the vendors for the quotation; 4. Monitoring the mass production schedule, controlling every step, and ensure finished goods shipped on time in correc...
- 吉美艾国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 产品:hardgoods sundry/home decoration/stationary 家居 杂货 礼品 文具 玩具 小商品 香熏 蜡烛 陶瓷 杯具 餐碟 jewelry 首饰品 项链 耳环 头饰品 发饰品 cosmetics 化妆品 沐浴露 洗手液 唇彩 护手霜 日化用品 浴盐 包材 工作地点 1 :上海市闵行区延安西路 3062 弄 18 号华菱大厦 8 楼(长宁区西郊动物园、北新泾、闵行区虹桥、程家桥、龙柏、七宝) Main Responsibilities: 1. Work with designers to develop the desirable products according to the tightly time frame; 2. Guiding the factories on the samples modifications base on the feedback from the headquarter; 3. Negotiating with the vendors for the quotation; 4. Monitori...
- 吉美艾国际贸易有限公司 Nantong
职位关键词: merchandiser 外贸跟单员 业务跟单员 外贸专员 采购 供应商开发 产品: sports fitness 健身器材 运动器件 健身用品 体育用品 瑜伽垫 瑜伽球 哑铃 健腹轮 拉力器 护腕 护膝 工作地点 : 南通 Main Responsibilities: Work with designers to develop the desirable products according to the tightly time frame; Guiding the factories on the samples modifications base on the feedback from the headquarter; Negotiating with the vendors for the quotation; Monitoring the mass production schedule, controlling every step, and ensure finished goods shipped on time in correct shippi...
- 吉美艾国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 产品: softline hosiery socks legging 袜子 针织袜 棉袜 女袜 男袜 童袜 船袜 运动袜 无缝袜 打底裤 连裤袜 地板袜 工作地点 1 : 上海市闵行区延安西路3062弄18号华菱大厦8楼(近虹桥、程家桥、龙柏、七宝、西郊动物园、) Main Responsibilities: Work with designers to develop the desirable products according to the tightly time frame; Guiding the factories on the samples modifications base on the feedback from the headquarter; Negotiating with the vendors for the quotation; Monitoring the mass production schedule, controlling every step, and ensure finished goods shipped on t...
- 吉常同法律事務所屏東所 屏東縣 屏東市
工作內容 提供民眾法律諮詢、開會 撰擬書狀或法律意見書 律見、開庭、陪同偵訊 薪資待遇: 面議(薪資達四萬以上) 上班地點: 屏東市建國路20-3號 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 日班 依公司規定 休假制度: 依公司規定 職務類別: 律師 職務更新日期:2019-06-02 職缺條件 工作性質: 全職 身份類別: 一般求職者 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 不拘 學歷要求: 大學、碩士 語文條件: 不拘 擅長工具: 不拘 工作技能: 不拘 所需證照: 高考律師 需備駕照: 普通重型機車、普通小型車 其他條件: 享勞健保、年終獎金 需求人數: 1人...
tw.indeed.comJune 2,2019 - 添吉商务咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 虹口区 We are looking for a QC inspector for hardgoods to conduct Quality Inspections according to Target requirements so that “fit –for-purpose” products are delivered on time. Job Responsibilities: Conduct QC inspection (in-line or final) in accordance with pre-defined AQL sampling plan and Target Australia quality standards Carry out functional and safety tests on product during QC inspection which are required Lead initiatives assuring Target Australia quality standards are clearly understo...
- 吉途航运有限公司 Shanghai
Please apply online with below weblink: https://www.g2ocean.com/career/ G2Ocean is a joint venture of two of the world's leading breakbulk and bulk shipping companies: Gearbulk and Grieg Star. We operate the largest fleet of open hatch vessels worldwide. In addition we operate a substantial fleet of conventional bulk carriers. With 130 vessels and 13 offices on six continents, we can serve all our customer's needs. Our vessels are tailor-made for breakbulk cargoes like forestry products,...
- 长春吉润达汽车科技有限公司 Changchun
职位描述: 岗位职责: 1) 能从客户的角度进行动画的交互设计; 2) 具备较强的审美观,动画效果做到尽善尽美,给人愉悦的享受; 3) 具备一定的策划能力,动画脚本设计要合理和紧凑; 任职要求: 1) 了解3D动画制作; 2) 有机械设计,汽车设计基础,了解机械原理等; 3) 熟悉catia软件,做过汽车设计者优先; 4) 熟悉图像处理,熟练操作PhotoShop等; 5) 熟悉动画制作软件,如3Dvia Composer,Flash,3DMax(可后期引入)等; 6) 熟悉视频处理软件:如会声会影(会其他更专业的软件更好)等; 职能类别: 其他 汽车设计工程师 关键字: 手册 汽车 图片 视频 设计 微信 联系方式 上班地址:飞跃路与蔚山路交汇东北亚文化创意园 公司信息 长春吉润达汽车科技有限公司位于高新区硅谷大街超达国际商务港,公司主营业务汽车整车车身设计及汽车零部件研发、技术咨询、技术转让;计算机硬件的开发及销售。公司本着“以人为本,科技领先的经营理念!以诚实、实干、铸企业精神;技术、服务、创造客户价值。 公司成立以来独立承担多个涉及汽车领域的设计项目,为各主机厂提供先进的技术支...
- 吉林省华魂商盟创业服务有限公司 Changchun
长春市 负责创业园新园区商业物业招商。位置原月星家居,临中东七彩城。 招商定位:华魂商盟创业特区、City-club、各品牌客户增值服务中心、客户俱乐部、VIP服务中心。可覆盖汽车、红酒雪茄、红木家具、工艺摆件、文玩、书画、古玩收藏、健康养生、食品保健品、读书教育培训、乐器、教室、会场、婚纱婚礼婚庆、专业服务外包公司等。 任职要求: 1.5年以上连续本职工作丰富经验,成功案例众多,业绩成效显著,善于组建带领团队; 2.吃苦耐劳,精明强干,能打硬仗,善于攻坚克难,积极敬业,超强执行力。 职能类别: 销售总监 销售经理 关键字: 招商 微信 联系方式 上班地址:飞跃北路与自立西街交汇处华魂商盟创业园 公司信息 华魂商盟和富广场创业园 华魂商盟和富广场创业孵化基地 华魂商盟和富广场创业创新实践训练基地 华魂商盟联合创业产业园 简 介 华魂商盟联合创业产业园位于长春西部新城开发区腹地,绿园区与汽车产业开发区交汇地段,飞跃北路与自立西街交汇处和富广场大厦,绿园区自立西街1833号。项目运营主体为吉林省华魂商盟创业服务有限公司,该公司由吉林省华魂文化科技创新服务有限公司发起设立,由吉林省沈达江海房...
- 吉途航运有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 虹口区 Please apply online with below weblink: https://www.g2ocean.com/career/ G2Ocean is a joint venture of two of the world's leading breakbulk and bulk shipping companies: Gearbulk and Grieg Star. We operate the largest fleet of open hatch vessels worldwide. In addition we operate a substantial fleet of conventional bulk carriers. With 130 vessels and 13 offices on six continents, we can serve all our customer's needs. Our vessels are tailor-made for breakbulk cargoes like forestry p...
- 吉米周贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 NATURE AND SCOPE OF POSITION Prepare all reports which including sales and merchandising forecasts, sales analysis, weekly sell-thru, re-orders and OTB sheets Implement and manage a detailed store selling report to analyse weekly sales thereby giving an ability to react more quickly Apply the distribution strategy by replenishing the continuative stock with a view of optimization of the business including sizing, seasonal and logistic challenges Attend the buy trip and support the line m...
- 吉利汽车 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Responsibilities and tasks 1. UI Design UI Designer with Strong graphic skills working as a team member of a specific team. Screen is getting bigger and bigger, Making Visual bigger and wider appearance , more integrate into the interior environment , 2. UX concept HMI Designer is not only work on graphic, he need have UX concept in mind , understand keep optimize user experience is forever task ; Nice looking is first eye , Good User experience is your “Wife” . Keep your loyalty of brand and pr...
- 邦吉管理有限公司 Shanghai
Title: Marketing intern 市场部实习生 Responsibilities: Assist marketing team with various tasks product labeling and artwork review desk/market research social media content management copy writing ad-hoc tasks Qualifications: college graduate, preferably master program candidates prefer ad/marketing/ business/ English major proficient in Microsoft docs/excel/ppt creative/bold/Yes attitude an avid reader/learner Attendance: minimum 3 working days per week; can work from dormitory 1-2 days per week. 职能...
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