Results 1 - 20 of 3039
  • 中国欧盟商会 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    Job description The European Chamber is a lobbying organization and as part of the work of the Chamber offers a variety of events to members and the general public. The Marketing and Communications Manager in South China Chapter is a comprehensive role and will be responsible for the Events planning and organising, Media relations and development of Chamber branding, office management and accounting, etc. MARKETING Develop and implement a marketing strategy plan . Promote the chamber activities ...

  • 舜登会展Poseidan Events 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated Marketing Executive to assist the Marketing Manager to deliver a highly focused and powerful marketing campaign. The job is very varied and fast. You’ll be marketing our business conferences and seminars through multiple channels. 我们寻找一位具有工作热情并且敬业的市场专员,协助市场经理完成高水准的营销推广。这项工作充满挑战、节奏快速,需要通过多样化的渠道为我们的商业活动和会议做好营销宣传。 The role is responsible for planning and executing innovative marketing campaigns across a portfolio of events to deliver on key ...

  • 北京同仁堂健康药业股份有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 大兴区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 岗位职责: 1、数据库表结构和SQL优化; 2、数据库架构咨询和建议; 3、数据库系统级别性能优化和建议; 4、数据库备份恢复,同构/异构数据库迁移; 5、数据库故障分析,总结; 6、数据库培训,技术指导。 任职要求: 1、5年以上MySQL 开发或者系统DBA从业经验; 2、熟悉Oracle\MySQL数据库运行机制、体系架构,熟悉表结构和SQL优化; 3、熟悉Oracle\MySQL数据库的高可用、迁移、扩容、备份恢复、性能监控; 4、精通MySQL存储引擎InnoDB,事务和锁,能进行锁分析和分析优化; 5、熟悉MySQL第三方配套工具及原理,能基于 percona-toolkit,MHA等做一些日常的管理维护工作; 6、熟悉linux日常操作与配置,会python编程尤佳; 7、沟通良好有乙方经验优先 职能类别: 数据库工程师/管理员 大数据开发/分析 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:同仁堂健康药业大厦...

  • 阿拉善SEE生态协会 查看所有职位 Beijing

    这是一个深入参与环境保护公益事业的机会! 这是一个与最具公益心的企业家群体一起共事的机会! 这是一个锻炼能力快速成长的机会! 如果你渴望收获一段与众不同的经历,我们正在寻找你! 我们承诺,你将站在一个足够高远宽阔的平台上,为我们的环境做出贡献,共同守卫碧水蓝天! 我们会认真阅读你的自我介绍信和简历。但我们无法对收到的大量求职信件给予一一回复,所以敬请谅解!请将简历及求职信发送至:zhaopin,并注明应聘职位。 职位名称: 污染防治项目官员/高级项目官员 所属部门: 项目经理 工作地点:北京 职责描述: 负责卫蓝侠项目的规划设计,使之可以应对现有的污染问题; 2、负责卫蓝侠项目的全程管理 (1)项目全程管理包括:项目招募、评审、合同管理与拨款、后期项目管理、项目报告、项目评估、项目审计、结项; (2)建立规范的管理流程及文件管理制度并执行; (3)建立资助NGO伙伴档案。 3、负责卫蓝侠项目的传播及筹资工作,与传播及筹资部门或合作方一起制定计划、监督实施、维护与资助方的合作; 4、建立与环保部相关部门、专家、资助方、阿拉善SEE会员及项目中心的合作沟通; 5、与...

  • 北京天达共和律师事务所 查看所有职位 Beijing

    法律文档中、英文互译。 任职要求: 1、大学本科以上学历,外语类相关专业,专业英语八级; 2、外语听说能力良好,笔译功底深厚,精通中外互译,中文文笔优秀; 3、工作认真细致、思维敏捷,责任心强; 4、有编辑及法律英语笔译相关工作经验者优先考虑。 职能类别: 英语翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:东三环北路8号...

  • 北京塞尚国际旅行社股份有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 月薪5,000 - 8,000元 岗位职责: 根据需求为欧洲或非洲旅游团队预订酒店住宿、团队用车、安排导游、进行团队操作; 与境外分公司协调对接,完成团队操作; 拓展境外地接资源; 公司安排的其他相关工作。 任职要求: 大专以上学历,西班牙语专业毕业,听说读写流利; 具有高度的客户服务意识和团队合作精神; 认真细心,责任心强,沟通能力优秀; 能承受工作压力,接受短期独立出差,如中东非地区; 同时兼具法语沟通及写作能力者优先。 福利待遇: 六险一金,周末双休; 节日福利,生日红包; 工作满一年后可享受带薪年假。 工作环境: 地址:北京市朝阳区北苑路欧陆经典大厦; 新三板上市公司,品牌领先,口碑良好,实力沉淀,发展稳健; 团队年轻,扁平管理,氛围友好,老板nice。 联系方式: 电话:010-84801965-8016 邮箱 职能类别: 行程管理/计调 西班牙语翻译 关键字: 西班牙语 西语 操作 计调 OP 翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北苑路欧陆经典大厦B座...

  • 德勤华永会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Chongqing

    重庆市 Qualification: 大专学历及以上 除普通话外,应有良好的英文读写能力(英语四级,六级优先) 非会计类专业优先(例如:劳动与社会保障专业、人力资源管理相关专业、日语专业等) 有团队精神和高度的责任心 工作积极主动,注重细节 沟通能力强,能与同事和成员所团队进行高效率的沟通" 职能类别: 税务专员/助理 法务助理...

  • 德勤华永会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    DeloitteChina DeloitteChina'sprofessionalsprovideafullrangeofaudit&assurance,consulting,financialadvisory,riskmanagementandtaxservices.WeconnectwiththeDeloitteGlobalnetworktoprovideclientsofanysizewithlocalexperienceandinternationalexpertise.Asoneoftheleadingprofessionalservicesproviders,wehaveconsiderableexperienceinthismarketplace. The Deloitte purpose is about making an impact that matters to our clients, people and society. Our extensive spectrum of services enables us to help our cl...

  • 中国法国工商会 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 职位信息 Tasks & Responsibilities: Purchasing policy and strategy Define the purchasing strategies for the categories for which he is responsible. Define and implement by category the Purchasing action plans for the areas for which he is responsible in accordance with GYICC Purchasing Policy. Purchase and supply operations Assemble the needs of the Venue for: The purchasing categories concerned and the associated purchasing budgets. The different events. Implement the Purchasing process ...

  • 挪威船级社有限公司 河源市 和平县

    河源市 和平县 Responsibilities: Documents prepare , follow DNV GL Rules and other program requirements. Making and signing back the contracts for existing clients Maintain and develop the relation with existing clients Existing clients visit (including phone and on site) Maintain data for current client demands and feedback Identify existing clients' new demands and take actions to meet them Qualifications: College /university degree or above Fresh Graduate is acceptable Having relevant working ex...

  • 会通新材料股份有限公司 Chengdu

    1、在专注PA/PC/PBT材料产品开发及研究方向制定,及时输出研究结果的同时; 2、负责模块项目的及时跟进,协助解决项目技术异常,并协调资源对行业内重点难点、客户痛点痒点进行攻关; 3、持续推动老产品的材料降本及新产品的技术降本,以公司经营战略为导向,无条件 完成既定降本工作; 4、负责该模块研发队伍工作有序进行,并对新进人员及后备人员进行督促及培育。 任职要求: 1、28到35岁,高分子、材料、化学等相关专业硕士及以上学历; 2、3年以上同岗位工作经验 ,并有完成独立研发项目;6年以上改性行业工作经验; 3、工作责任心强,具备创新性思维。 职能类别: 塑料工程师 关键字: PA PC PBT 上班地址:高新区柏堰工业园芦花路2号...

  • Bureau Veritas 必维船级社有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Job Description To be chairman of HAZOP, HAZID, SIL workshop etc., Gained knowledge in the development of risk assessment and safety studies, such as quantitative risk assessments (QRA), FEMA, escape, evacuation and rescue analyses (EERA), fire and explosion risk assessments and consequence analysis for both marine and offshore facilities. Risk Assessment Project Management activities for local clients. Frequently communicate with clients in a clear, concise, and professional manner, pre...

  • 上海诺本会展服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Specialize in business research and project management. They are responsible for conducting desktop and telephone research, developing conference agenda, recruiting speakers, and coordinating with other internal departments. To succeed you will need: 1. BA or BS degree, knowledge of business, trade, economy, international relations 2. Powerful written and verbal communication skills-in both English and Chinese (for Chinese nationals);in English and -on supplementary basis- other languages (f...

  • 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Company Our company client is committed to produce products that can make women become attractive from inside out, bringing them confidence and happiness. Instead of focusing on the single conception of fashion products, the DNA of the group runs through the growth of the whole group and all the brands. We are seeking for a delicate and elegant spirit and life style. The group creates a multi brands joint operation while never lose the unique characteristic of every single brand. Now the...

  • Anantara Vacation Club安纳塔拉度假会 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Position Overview: To serve as the key contact point for our Club Owners, providing customer service and reservation service to Club Owners in the language of their choice. To also liaise closely with the Contract Administration and Financial Services departments, ensuring sales contracts are processed and payments collected in an accurate and timely manner. Key Responsibilities: ? Provide a high level of customer service for Club Points Owners through the Club Services centre, website and vario...

  • 滴咚共享 Fuzhou

    20000-40000 | 福州 闽侯县 | 全职 | 本科 | 经验10年 年终奖 绩效奖金 股票期权 五险一金 带薪年假 下午茶充足 员工旅游 节日福利 办公室漂亮 优秀人才多 晋升空间大 领导易相处 更多 职位介绍 性别:不限 | 驾照:不要求 岗位职责: 岗位职责: 1、依据公司的整体战略,制定全年的运营计划及工作安排,完成公司的经营管理指标; 2、主要负责统筹渠道、客服、运营等各职能部门工作安排,项目的运作计划制定与细化落实,制定工作流程及管理制度;负责定期为公司提出当前企业经营状况分析和前景预测报告; 3、组织协调各部门工作,培养建立一支高素质的运营团队和团队管理机制; 4、在CEO的指导下组织编制公司年度、季度总体经营规划,工作计划,并安排组织实施; 5、负责线上与线下业务及流程的疏导、整合,将线上与线下打造成一个真正无缝连接的整体。 职位要求: 1、年龄30-45岁,本科及以上学历,企业管理或者营销管理等相关专业。10年以上同行业工作经验,至少3年以上同等岗位工作经验。 2、丰富的互联网行业背景,对互联网行业有独到专业的见解和分析,有知名互联网、高新科技公司从业经验;熟...

  • 中国欧盟商会 Guangzhou

    职位信息 Membership development ・ Development of the membership of the South China chapter according to monthly and annual targets ・ Preparation of potential members lists and of focused membership development campaigns ・ Contact, meet and provide information to potential members according to the development campaign ・ Contact and follow up with all non-members participating European Chamber events, WG and Forum meetings Membership retention ・ Managing member relations for the Chamber through teleph...

  • 中国法国工商会 Guangzhou

    职位信息 Description: Our member is seeking a dynamic and outgoing individual that can work collaboratively with a highly talented cross-functional team. The ideal candidate thrives in an agile environment and has a passion for developing dining concepts focus on creating experiences that stimulate social connections and conversations. The candidate is responsible for the overall administration and operations of the Food and Beverage Division including the maximization of profits, enhancement of cus...

  • 重庆缘共梦商贸有限公司 Chongqing

    公司简介 重庆缘共梦有限公司简称缘梦科技——于2000年12月25日在浙江省温州市成立,经过不断的发展壮大,现在是一家集电脑耗材、手机耗材、监控耗材、多媒体制作、平面广告设计、电脑维修等为一体的高科技公司,公司有重庆石桥铺泰兴缘梦批发店、涪陵缘梦批发店、重庆大学城缘梦零售店等。本着“结诚信商友,赚微薄利润,做长久生意”的经营理念,十六年行业经验为您打造性价比更高的商品成为可能,本批发店95%商品厂家直接出货,质量保证,是您采购商品的选择,为您节省每一分成本,优质优价使您具有更强的竞争优势。本公司商品丰富,一般的电脑、手机、监控耗材能一站式采购,不再让您东奔西走, 公司郑重承诺:所有商品三包,部分商品永保 相识相聚就是缘,有缘一切皆有可能,您的圆梦就我的圆梦,我们共同——【缘梦】 缘梦宗旨:结诚信商友 赚微薄利润 做长久生意 岗位职责 全网引流 SEO优化 关键词优化 内容营销 补充说明 如果你自信、阳光、正能量,有SEO基础,欢迎加盟缘梦——实现自己的梦想之旅...

  • 挪威船级社有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: Generating draft i***oices for approval Ensuring compliance with internal management system and procedures Issuing final i***oices Issuing credit notes Generating relevant reports Qualifications: Experience with Oracle Bachelor's degree Good communication skills Attentive to detail and deadlines Proactive and self-going problem solver Ability to work under (time) pressure with high peaks Proven ability to learn and understand new software/accounting systems Positive...

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