- 广州南方外籍人员子女学校 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 职位信息 The role of the Marketing and admissions Officer is to work with the admissions team and management to contribute to the success of GNIS through the development and implementation of marketing plans and initiatives. The Admissions and Marketing Officer will work with the team to direct internal and external communications, fundraising, marketing, public relations, and special events and alumni relations. Key responsibilities include: 1.To develop marketing strategies and organize GN...
- 无锡海归人才子女学校 查看所有职位 泰安市 泰山区
泰安市 泰山区 Policies & Procedures ? The OCACW Core Values underpin our programmes and teachers shall aim to ensure all curriculum implementation will realize our Mission and Vision. ? Classroom pedagogy will reflect the philosophy and guidelines of the PYP, MYP and DP: From Principles into Practice . ? The most recent Faculty and Secondary School Handbooks, as well as policies will be read and followed. Curriculum Planning & Pedagogy Educators will ? follow, maintain, and regularly update th...
- 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校Wellington College International Shan... Shanghai
POST: Marketing Intern (Full-time) TO WHOM RESPONSIBLE: Marketing Manager, Wellington College International Shanghai MAIN PURPOSE: The role of this post is to assist line manager on all activities involving the Marketing department throughout the year. _________________________________________________________ Responsibilities: The ideal candidate will be responsible for the following: Assist in marketing promotional activities (e.g. social media & PR) Assist with regular updates to website c...
- 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校Wellington College International Shan... Shanghai
Responsible to: Director of Higher Education and Careers / Director of Culture Job Responsibilities: To support the university guidance team in providing assistance to all pupils making their plans for higher education. To play a major part in helping to organise the school’s Careers and Higher Education Resource Hub. To Include: Ensuring appropriate and attractive materials are displayed and promoted to pupils, keeping them informed of school and external HE/Careers events and issues and that t...
- 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Job Purpose: To maintain an orderly library so that students and teachers can find books with ease, maintain a good atmosphere conducive to learning and reading. To assist Head Librarian in cataloging books, periodicals and journals. Duties: Keep records of circulation and materials. Keep shelves and library reading area clean and tidy. Supervise students in use of the library. Process and laminate new books. Skills/qualifications: At least Bachelor degree, major in Library or English is a plus....
- 无锡波士顿外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Wuxi
Job requirement Good communication skills and team player. Well patience At least 5 years of classroom teacher work experience Excellent in both Chinese and English Early Childhood Teaching Certificate Diploma in English/Early Childhood Education Self –motivated and well-organized Job Description Respect and value each child’s social, cultural and religious background and by example, provide mutual respect and tolerance; Share in the management of pastoral care, health, welfare and behavior of a...
- 沈阳加拿大外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shenyang
职位描述: 1.协助外教老师进行英语授课,调动学生课堂积极性并维持课堂秩序; 2.参加教学研究和教学培训,参加教师成长培训计划; 3.协助进行教学教具制作; 4.负责协调缺课学员的补课时间安排; 5.积极主动和家长交流学员情况等; 6.其他领导安排的事务处理。 职位要求: 1.本科及以上学历; 2.发音标准,口语流利,具有大学英语6级或同等英语能力; 3.性格开朗活泼有耐心,能和孩子进行积极互动; 4.有表演能力,动手能力强者优先; 职能类别: 幼教 微信 联系方式 上班地址:沈阳市浑南区辉山301 公司信息 沈阳加拿大外籍人员子女学校(CISS)是一所15年一贯制学校,专门招收外籍和拥有外籍绿卡以及来自港澳台地区的人员子女。 作为辽宁省首家IB学校,CISS 也是省内唯一一家在小学(PYP)、中学(MYP) 以及 高中(DP)项目均获得IB组织许可的IB候选学校,CISS实现了IB课程各年级全覆盖。IB课程体系强调学生对多元文化的理解,鼓励多元化的表达方式,广泛开展形式多样的教学活动。IB文凭目前被全球75个国家超过2000所大学所广泛认可,这意味着开设IB课程学校的毕业生将更有机会...
- 苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校 查看所有职位 Suzhou
苏州市 请注意:此岗位为临时代课教师,需要1名,合同期11月至次年2月。签订正式的劳动合同,待遇和正式教师相同,缴纳五险一金。合同结束后在有岗位空缺的情况下会优先考虑代课教师,但不承诺合同结束后能继续续约。如不能接受请不要投递此岗位。 此岗位的要求与正式教师相同:需要有音乐类本科以上学历,音乐教师资格证。2年以上教学经验,英语沟通流利。 Requirements 1. Bachelor’s degree 2. At least 2 years’ experience in teaching the subject area 3. Good communication skills 4. Competence in working with a rich cultural mix of students and teachers 5. Excellent IT skills, and knowledge of how to apply them in a school environment Responsibilities Curriculum: 1. Core curriculum ...
- 苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校 查看所有职位 Suzhou
苏州市 请注意:此岗位为临时代课教师,需要2名,合同期分别从9月至12月和9月至次年1月。签订正式的劳动合同,待遇和正式教师相同,缴纳五险一金。合同结束后在有岗位空缺的情况下会优先考虑代课教师,但不承诺合同结束后能继续续约。如不能接受请不要投递此岗位。 此岗位的要求与正式教师相同:需要有中文类本科以上学历,语文教师资格证。2年以上教学经验,英语沟通流利。 Requirements 1. Bachelor’s degree 2. At least 2 years’ experience in teaching the subject area 3. Good communication skills 4. Competence in working with a rich cultural mix of students and teachers 5. Excellent IT skills, and knowledge of how to apply them in a school environment Responsibilities Curriculum: 1. Core cu...
- 苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校 查看所有职位 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 实习生 岗位要求: 1. 本科以上学历,汉语言文学专业优先; 2. 英语流利,CET-6或相似水平,能够以英语为工作语言; 3. 热爱教育事业,有教育理想,有耐心责任心; 4. 适应高强度工作,抗压能力强,沟通能力强。 岗位职责: 1. 协助主班教师管理课堂; 2. 协助备课; 3. 课堂翻译工作; 4. 家长沟通工作。 福利待遇: 1. 完善的五险一金; 2. 额外医疗保险; 3. 子女入学优惠; 4. 寒暑假带薪; 5. 完善的员工培训体系和内部晋升体系,有机会成为正式教师。 此岗位亦接受在读大学生申请,但需要保证能至少一学期全职实习,实习表现优秀的优先录取为正式教师。实习期间为学生身份,不享受五险一金,实习薪资按照劳务所得纳税。 职能类别: 小学教师 讲师/助教 关键字: 国际学校 PYP课程 助教 实习教师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州工业园区钟南街208号 (新加坡国际学校北门) 公司信息 为了更好地满足海外归国就业人才子女接受国际化教育的需求,在苏州工业园区管委会的大力支持下,中锐教育集团与中新集团合作创办了苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校(Overseas...
- 鹏驰五金制品有限公司 黄江镇
黄江镇 月薪5,000 - 5,500元 职位信息 1、面点专业知识丰富,技术娴熟,负责制作各式中西式面点; 2、虚心听取员工对伙食的意见,研究改善伙食的措施; 3、严格执行((食品卫生法》,防止食品污染,注意食品卫生; 4、懂得各种原料及成品的储存保管方法; 5、合理使用各种原材料,减少浪费,以控制成本; 6、搞好饮食卫生,定期检查食堂仓库物品质量,防止食物中毒; 7、服从公司管理,完成上级临时交办的其他任务。 职能类别:后勤 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:长龙金竹园工业区 地图 公司信息 公司简介: 鹏驰五金制品有限公司是“香港福鹏投资有限公司”在中国投资的集生产、研发、销售为一体的专业紧固件制造商,是全球最大12.9级高强度螺丝制造商之一。公司占地面积5万多平方米,拥有数百套世界先进水平的全套紧固件生产设备,运用ERP系统进行管理,专业生产“EG”品牌德标(DIN)、美标(ANSI,ASME)、国际标准(ISO)、国标(GB)、日标(JIS)等标准件及非标准件高强度螺栓及高级膨胀螺栓,产品广泛应用于汽车、机械、模具、电子及建筑领域。产品行销全国,远销欧美、日本及东南亚。 公司已通...
- 佛山上乘五金有限公司 Foshan
SANSENG Group is the professional manufacturer and supplier for furniture and stainless steel decorative material in foshan of south china. We are looking for sales and market agent in different country and region base on the commission, It will be home base and no need to come to china if not necessary. Sanseng will provide the products and quality control,the most important sanseng will offer high commission and feedback for the hardworking. 职能类别: 大客户销售 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:佛山市顺德区陈村镇金锠国际金属交易广场C区11号...
- 鹏驰五金制品有限公司 黄江镇
黄江镇 月薪4,000 - 10,000元 职位信息 1.完成责任销售区域的销售任务和回款任务; 2.积极推广公司新产品,开发新客户;协助团队完成其他相关指标。 3.收集产品、行业、竞争对手的相关市场行情,为公司销售策略出力 3900底薪+季度奖金+提成 大专以上学历,有C1驾照,公司配车,18-30岁,形象好,对跑业务有浓厚的兴趣,有冲劲,有热情,有朝气! (在东明,工品一号,晋亿,奥展等五金螺丝行业干过的优先) 备注:业务不是销售,销售靠你一张嘴在夸自己的东西,让人购买,业务是你有,客户需要,只是其中的某个点或者某些点(比如:价格,交期,月结方式等)双方未达成一致意见,双方通过谈判达成一致意见,从而促成合作。 职能类别:大客户销售销售工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:长龙金竹园工业区 地图 公司信息 公司简介: 鹏驰五金制品有限公司是“香港福鹏投资有限公司”在中国投资的集生产、研发、销售为一体的专业紧固件制造商,是全球最大12.9级高强度螺丝制造商之一。公司占地面积5万多平方米,拥有数百套世界先进水平的全套紧固件生产设备,运用ERP系统进行管理,专业生产“EG”品牌德标(DIN...
- 西门子有限公司 Shanghai
提醒: 请务必通过西门子专属申请链接(如下)申请该职位,您需要登录西门子专属招聘系统后方可提交申请,未注册用户需先注册。https://ars2.equest.com/?response_id=0cc1bd696d027bb36ca3f72fe96a7250 Job Description Depending on size of site/location: One Local EHS Manager is responsible for one or several sites/locations or several Local EHS Managers are responsible for one site/location. A site/location represents one or more divisions. Management Systems: Supports the implementation, actively monitors, controls and reports as required Acts as single point of co...
- 深圳市庭锋五金制品有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 1.be good at listening,speaking,writting,and can read the English letter. 2. Understand customers' needs and provide professional consultation ,can do well the other routine work which assigned by superior. 3. can follow customers' order untill to delivery. 4. standard mandarin, clear, and be good at language and communication skills 5. strong adaptability and coordination ability, can deal with emergency 6. More than 1 year sales or customer service experience, familiar with metal p...
- 辉碧电子有限公司 清溪镇
清溪镇 Serves as the critical liaison between Sales, PMC, Operations, Sourcing staff on the effective delivery of customer service Ensure the accuracy of order processing and delivery planning activities Manage internal and external customers relationship to ensure customer satisfaction, timely complaint handling, feedback and resolution. Breakthrough improvement of OPDP processes to achieve better KPI result, timly reporting and proposal to Management Team Develop team capability, retent key talen...
- 富昌电子有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities 1. Provide high level secretarial and administrative support for Executive, requiring discretion, confidentiality, a good understanding of organization’s operations, procedures, and people. 2. Make sure daily calendar is managed effectively to Manage the Executive's appointments and schedules and make travel arrangements, and preparation of expenses report in line with the company policy and process. 3. Gather, compile, verify and analyze information for the executive to use...
- 芯原微电子有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: 1. Develop driver for Sensor, bring up CMOS sensors as well as initialization 2. Develop driver for ISP products 3. Validate functionality of ISP pipeline on FPGA 4. Co-work with customer to launch ISP integrated platform Qualifications: 1. Bachelor or above degree in electronics engineering, computer science, image signal process related fields, 2+years ISP driver development 2. Excellent C/C++ language and Linux, RTOS, OS-less, V4L2 understanding. 3. Familiar with ISP pipelin...
- 顺卓微电子有限公司 Xi'an
Responsibilities: Resolve service desk tickets using the ITIL processes within SLA time frames including following and implementing change control using the company’s ITIL Ticket system. Provide support and training regarding IT software and processes on site and using remote support tools. Maintain and develop the company network and VPN connections using IPv4 and transition to IPv6. Diagnose and resolve technical issues and undertake other IT projects as instructed by the senior IT engineer. P...
- 泰凌微电子有限公司 Ningbo
1. 编写数据手册(Datasheet)和产品简介(PB)并负责后续更新维护,在此工程中和芯片设计、硬件、软件、运营部门的同事沟通,收集芯片产品相关的信息并深入理解技术细节。 2. 编写应用产品的规格书(PS)并负责后续更新维护,和硬件组、软件组、测试组同事沟通确保规格书的准确性。 3. 编写各种类型的应用说明文档(Application Note)和测试报告(Test Report)并负责后续更新维护,类型包括但不限于:工具/平台使用手册,SDK开发指南等。 4. 负责技术文档的版本控制、上传和备份,帮助优化公司技术文档的处理流程规范。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,工科专业,电子通信类专业优先。 2. 英语六级及以上,读写能力佳,必须能熟练运用英语编写、阅读技术文档,口语优秀者优先。 3. 善于信息的收集、综合和归纳,具备较强的书面表达能力和快速学习能力,能够简洁、有条理地用文字表述复杂的技术问题。 4. 熟练使用办公软件,包括但不限于Microsoft Word、Excel、PowerPoint,要求会使用Visio等绘图工具。 5. 工作细致耐心,逻辑思维清晰,具有较好的沟...
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