- 希马工业自动化有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Tasks and duties of the position: 1. Ensure that the global IMS and FSM processes are established, implemented and maintained. This includes the single processes and the interfaces between the processes. 2. Supporting the process owner for their processes and the improvement of the process performances, and ensuring alignment with the global stakeholders. 3. Managing the internal and external audits, supplier qualification, change control, non-conforming, corrective and preventive actio...
- ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 North point
Responsibilities: Plan and conduct regular internal quality audits and coordinate for external audits; Review, monitor and evaluate the implementation of quality management system; Assist in maintaining quality documentation; Arrange regular training to internal staff on quality management system; Perform related duties as assigned. Requirements: Degree or above in Quality Management, Engineering or related disciplines 5 years relevant working experience, preferably in engineering or construct...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 13,2019 - ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 North point
Job Role Take ownership of all technical aspects of lift/ escalator design and ensure drawings are properly issued Responsibilities Lead the design team and coordinate the design and preparation of shop drawings (AutoCAD) and manufacturing drawings (SolidWorks model) for new lift/escalator; Ensure quality of all drawings; Preparation of technical documentation and update technical drawing for new lift/escalator; Provide solution and technical advice to the department; and Coordinate with suppl...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 13,2019 - 杜尔涂装系统工程有限公司 上海市 青浦区
上海市 青浦区 Job Title: Import & Export - Logistics Specialist Job Objective: Effective log. operation to meet major BU's business requirement and regulation conformity. Job Responsibilities: To plan/organize/monitor domestics and international tranportation for major BU's business; To plan/organize/monitor import and export clearance/pre- & on carriage; To organize/fulfill filing of each logistics shipment; To organize/fulfill PR for relative cost including transportation, brokerage,...
- 南京飞勒克工业设备有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 职位描述: Managing the production of marketing materials, including leaflets, posters, flyers, DM, newsletter, digital media, mall decoration etc; Writing and proofreading copies; Liaising with design agency, printing vendors, mall decoration agency; Arranging for the effective distribution of marketing graphic materials; Organising and attending events such as press conferences, marketing launch, opening events and ongoing events etc. 任职要求: University degree and major in Advertising/Communi...
- 杜尔集团-杜尔涂装系统工程有限公司 上海市 青浦区
上海市 青浦区 Job Objective: Effective log. operation to meet major BU's business requirement and regulation conformity. Job Responsibilities: To plan/organize/monitor domestics and international tranportation for major BU's business; To plan/organize/monitor import and export clearance/pre- & on carriage; To organize/fulfill filing of each logistics shipment; To organize/fulfill PR for relative cost including transportation, brokerage, import tax and etc in due time; To organize/fulfill G...
- 霍夫曼工具贸易有限公司 上海市 闵行区
工作职责: 创建维护产品信息 整理产品文件文档 为客户和销售传递产品知识,做产品支持 和QSC一起进行产品质量比较,并完成培训内容的制作 支持刀具产品总监和高级产品经理的日常工作 处理SAP中特殊的产品需求 SAP中特殊产品的咨询工作 组织技术培训(如:目录/产品培训) 支持目录翻译/校验工作 和供应商联系日常工作 需要和中国采购中心保持频繁日常工作交流 市场和竞争对手分析 和技术中心共同完成技术培训,为技术培训提供支持 背景要求: 本科学历,(机加工或工业制造或技术背景) 2年以上刀具或机加工行业工作经验 熟悉操作采购流程,有相关工作经历 服务导向的工作理念,诚实可靠,积极进取 语言能力:英文听说读写能力强,口语流利 熟练使用office系统和SAP,工作认真负责。 Duties and Responsibilities: create and maintain product data and content cooradinate product portfolio knowledge transfer and support, also for sales and custom...
- 罗宾斯地下工程设备有限公司 上海市 闵行区
Essential Duties/Responsibilities 工作职责 : Inspects the following: 检查事项: o Work in process fabrications (large and small) prior to final welding o 最终焊接前的加工制品(大小型) o Welds both during process and after process—visual inspection o 加工过程中及加工后的焊接工作 — 目视检查 o Manufactured components using non-destructive testing (NDT) technology such as magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic testing and penetrate testing o 运用无损检测(NDT)技术制成的部件,如磁粉检查、超声波测试和渗透测试 o Manufactured components, both welded and machined o 焊接和加工部件...
- 上海冠狮石化工程技术有限公司 上海市 普陀区
上海市 普陀区 Major Responsibilities: Maintain close working relationship with Project managers, other discipline engineers, other CSA engineers. Build up CSA related 3D model. modeling related change management provide draft proposals using 3D-model Capability and Competence: Under-graduated technical draftsman in civil engineering Skilled in drafting relevant software and related tools, Good communication skills in English, Knowledge of civil, structural and architectural design Open minded, active,...
- 厦门豪帝卫浴工业有限公司 厦门市 同安区
厦门市 同安区 月薪12,000 - 60,000元 厦门豪帝卫浴工业有限公司创建于2008年3月,注册资本人民币1600万元,公司座落于同安浦头实业园,厂房面积8000余平米,现有员工200余人。是国际知名的卫浴产品制造企业,是科勒,乐家等国际知名品牌的指定供应商。公司产品畅销欧美多个发达国家,成立初期即展现出强劲的活力与发展势头。 雄厚的技术力量和人性化的管理手段是公司的立足之本。公司集研发设计,生产销售,服务于一体,年产量高达60万套。配备先进的生产设备。在生产管理方面,全面遵循ISO体系并使用ERP软件进行系统化、科学化的管理。 “为品质超越,因服务永恒”是公司的经营方针。我们的理念是为客户提供一流的产品和一流的服务,尽我们最大的努力以提升客户的最大满意度。 员工是我们成长的坚强后盾。公司将给员工提供舒适的工作和生活环境,灵活多样的用人及育人机制,将员工的发展作为企业的责任与使命,真正的将“以人为本”融进企业。 我们相信,舒适的工作环境,人性化的管理模式,良好的发展平台可以使您与企业共同成长,一起成功。 公司将为员工提供良好的福利待遇: 1.公司为每位员工缴纳医社保 2.每年年...
- 上海苏尔寿工程机械制造有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Supervisory responsibilities 管理职责 Work in South area (Guangdong, Guangxi,Hainan, Fujian,Jiangxi, Hunan,Hubei,Guizhou) as Sales manager Guangxi or Guizhou province can be the focused area at beginning, refinery and coal chemical application as key industry. Site service with plant Engineer contact to pushing TAS business. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE经验和知识要求 Related work experience相关工作经验 2-3 years' experiences as Process, technical or Mechanical engineer in refinery, chemical or ...
- 上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: ? 负责具体SAP采购申请交付信息的澄清和协调。 Responsible to clarify and coordinate information delivered for detailed SAP Procurement Requests. ? 负责采购订单的制定、发放、跟踪、记录、催交和汇报。 Responsible to formulate, issue, track, record, expedite and report Procurement Orders. ? 协调交付中的检验/验证和收货工作。 Coordinate inspections/certification and acceptance of deliveries. ? 负责检查收货情况和接收供应商的***。 Responsible to inspect acceptance status of deliveries and receive invoices of suppliers. ? 负责提出采购费用的支付申请。 Responsible to raise applications for ...
- 科莱恩化工有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Purpose of Job: Contributing to the execution of R&D and related projects. Entering as a limited or none experienced (catalysis) engineer or chemist; Developing expertise and skills for more advanced jobs within BU Catalyst; Reassigning after two years. Job Profile: Essential Function 1:Development of knowledge in Catalysis through problem solving 1.Develops understanding of BU Catalysts business. 2.Solves technical problems (internal and external) and develop technical expertise through...
- 生醫材料暨組織工程研究所 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:生醫材料暨組織工程研究所 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 醫學工程學院_生醫材料暨組織工程研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名 (公告至108.9.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):理工農醫相關科系畢業 Ph.D. degree related to Biology,Medicine,Agriculture,Science or Engineering * 職務條件: 1. 組織工程(Tissue Engineering) 2. 生醫材料(Biomaterials) 3. 幹細胞(Stem Cells) 4. 3D列印/3D生物列印(3D-pr) 5. 醫學工程相關(Biomedical engineering related) 6.博士後研究經驗(Postdoctoral research experience) 7.執行科技部計畫經驗(MOST program execution...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 爱孚迪制造系统工程有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities 工作职责: Make annual training plan and implement; Lead the Trainee Program and recruit qualified trainee; Organize internal leadership training as a trainer; Support Recruitment team according to hiring requirement; Coordinate department employee’s all HR issues . Qualification Requirements 资质学历要求: Bachelor degree or above, at least 3 years experience in HR training and recruitment function; Good English communication both in oral and written; Good team-work attitude; Being pas...
- 新北市政府捷運工程局 Xinbei
截止日期:2019-09-09 發佈單位:新北市政府捷運工程局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 辦理捷運工程新聞、行銷相關業務及臨時交辦工作。 工作地點:新北市政府捷運工程局(新北市蘆洲區集賢路245號) 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 一、國內外大學畢業者,具有與擬任工作性質相當之訓練或工作經驗者。 二、具Office文書處理能力。 三、有任職政府機關經驗尤佳。 四、具有新聞、行銷相關工作經驗優先考慮。 五、依規定本機關長官對於配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親,不得在本機關任用,有上開情形者,請勿應徵。 報名手續: 一、報名日期:108年9月3日起至108年9月9日截止。 二、報名方式:意者請於108年9月9日下午5點前將應徵資料送達新北市蘆州區集賢路245號新北市政府捷運工程局人事室黃先生收,掛號郵寄者以郵戳為憑,並請於信封上註明應徵職務及職等(逾期或證件不齊者以棄權論)。 三、檢附資料:除報名表外證件以A4格式影印後依下列順序裝訂: (1)非編制人員甄選報名表(正本並須親自簽名或蓋章)請至新北市政府捷運工程局-機關介紹-最新消息-徵才資訊網頁下載...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 德保工程(香港)有限公司 Hong Kong
Job Highlights Business Development of green products and services Form 5/6 graduate Job Descriptions Responsibilities Business development and selling of green products and services Work with the operation team to meet the expectation of clients Maintain excellent relationship and active interaction with property management, commercial sectors, and sub-contractor, etc. Requirements Form 5/6 graduate Mature, independent & Hard work Good negotiation and interpersonal skill Good command of wri...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 9,2019 - 空气化工产品投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 POSITION SUMMARY This position is responsible for providing Quality Control expertise to gasification procurement department of GEMTE. This position will create source inspection estimates and manage the source inspection requirements for all projects executed by gasification project execution unit of GEMTE. A sense of urgency and ownership are essential. NATURE AND SCOPE The role involves working closely with the project execution, project engineering, discipline engineering, expeditin...
- 空气化工产品投资有限公司 Shanghai
PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES 1. Employment Administration A. Administration for new employees on boarding, contract renewal and separation. B. Local employment procedure handling C. Local contact person for the company and labor bureau 2. Employee Record Administration A. Employee’s P-File and social archive management B. Employees government related issues support C. Employees’ benefits tracking & management 3. Others A. Employee Shanghai Residence Point and Shanghai Hukou application B. Loca...
- 福斯特惠勒工程设计有限公司 Shanghai
Identify and develop new business growth opportunities in terms of chemicals, petrochemicals market and services, Complete company marketing KPI. Develop strategies and tactics and capture teams needed to bring opportunities to fruition. Part of the negotiating team that enables bids to come to contract. Prospect generation (through service and market development processes) and Revenue generation (through key account management processes). Build and manage a business development focus in the Chi...
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