- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 闵行区
岗位职责: ? Assesses a patient’s needs, abilities, or behavior using a variety of methods, including medical record review, psychometric tests, interviews, and direct observation of behavior. ? Interprets intelligence, achievement, interest, personality, and other psychological tests to diagnosis disorders. ? Devises, implements, monitors, and revises as needed appropriate programs of treatment, including psychotherapy, psycho-education, and crisis intervention. ? Provides clinical services in accor...
- 國立中央大學語言中心 Taibei
國立中央大學語言中心 用人單位:國立中央大學語言中心 職缺公告日期:2019-09-18 報名截止日期:2019-10-09 開缺職缺:兼任教師 x 2名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 工作地點:桃園市中壢市中大路300號 學術專長:其他領域(其他學門/中心/體育室等) 公告內容: 應徵條件:【兼任英語教師】 1. 須具英語教學或教育相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷。 2. 具備大學或成人教育階段的英語授課經驗。 【兼任越南語教師】 須具越南語教學相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷,或為母語人士並具備教育相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷,具教學經驗尤佳。 依據本校規定,非相關領域學歷不得聘用。 聘期時程:自108年2月1日起聘。 截止日期:即日起至 10 月9 日 ( 以郵戳為憑) 申請文件:* 中文及欲應徵之語種履歷各一份 (中文履歷請使用本中心制式表格,外語履歷格式不限) (學經歷請註明西元起迄年、月,經歷請註明專、兼任) 自傳(中文及英、外文各一份,格式不限) 在學期間成績單影本(國外學歷者需檢附經外交部及相關單位驗證證明) 最高學歷證件(國外學歷者需檢附經外交...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 18,2019 - LI PO CHUN UNITED WORLD COLLEGE OF HONG KONG 香港李寶椿聯合世界書院 Ma On Shan
Role Summary To provide weekend and evening support for the residential team at the college. To assist Principal in developing Youth Outreach educational programmes based on the mission of UWC. Main Accountabilities Residential Support To respond to emergencies. To cover check-in during long weekend and holidays. To organize/ lead activities on weekend nights (Karaoke/ movie nights). To perform late night walks on campus and encourage students who are up late to go to bed. To liaise with the Dir...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 18,2019 - 路华救援有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: 1. Draft, review, analyze, and negotiate construction, design, repair and maintenance contracts for all of business 2. Assist in the preparation and investigate and take necessary actions to ensure that the Company’s current or proposed activities, business practices, and transactions comply with all relevant laws and regulations. 3. Writing legal documents, making a list of evidence, gathering evidence. 4. Assist in litigations and dispute settlements, working with outside...
- 华硕电脑有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1.Create, write, edit, proofread, update, and maintain technical documentation for a variety of computer, communications, and consumer electronic products 2.Arrange and manage documentation schedule/timeline 3.Research and learn new technology, and be able to give creative ideas to constantly improve technical documentation quality for all ASUS product lines 4.Collaborate with RD engineers, technical support, and product managers 任职资格: 1.Native speaker 2.One of the following: 2+ years tech...
- 沃尔玛华东百货有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Job Description You will be responsible for managing administrative processes and supporting the smooth running of the organisation’s membership function. This will include assisting with the delivery of events, and qualitative market research We are looking for an enthusiastic, detail focused and organised individual, a good team player capable of working autonomously, and with a desire to develop their career in the retail industry. Responsibilities Responsible for assisting with stra...
- 清华大学经管学院 北京市 海淀区
北京市 海淀区 院系,科室 经管学院 / 经济系 岗位类别 教学科研 / Professors at All Levels 招聘要求及职责 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China<br> <br>The Department of Economics at the School of Economics and Management (SEM) of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, invites applications for faculty positions at all levels. We are interested in strong candidates of all fields, but are especially hoping for candidates in the following fields: <br> <br>Macroeconomics/International Macroeconomics,<br>Public Economics<br>&nbsp...
- 清华大学苏世民书院 查看所有职位 北京市
【岗位名称】学生职业发展副主任 【机构名称】清华大学苏世民书院 【所属部门】学生生活部 【招聘人数】 1 职位描述 作为学生生活团队的一员,职业发展副主任将在职业发展主任的指导和合作下,提供职业指导和教育并开展雇主拓展。副主任将负责设计、开发和执行与职业发展相关的一系列项目(包括大型讲座、实践培训课程、虚拟和在线/录制课程、职业活动、一对一的职业辅导以及其他项目)。副主任还将领导,发展和执行大中华地区的雇主拓展的战略。 学生生活团队是一个高度协作的部门。我们共同努力创造并提供全面创新的学生生活项目 -包括从入学到毕业的一些列代表性活动。作为一所刚成立不久的学院,我们采纳学生、员工和教师的多方意见,不断设计,创新和提供解决方案。理想的候选人将是一个充满热情、善于随机应变和有很强的主观能动性的人,精通技术,并愿意在这个协作、精益的初创的环境中承担应有的责任并在团队需要时协同合作。候选人必须对学生有同理心,能够积极与学生沟通。我们是一个了不起的团队,希望同样优秀的你能够加入我们! 岗位职责 负责创新,开发,执行/共同执行职业生涯管理计划;为学生从进入书院的探索阶段一直到毕业后的发展实行全方位...
- 中山大学 珠海市 香洲区
医院依托中山大学和珠海市政府的有力支持,以学科齐全、技术力量雄厚、特色专科突出、多学科综合优势强享誉珠江口西岸城市群。现有多个省市重点专科,形成了五大优势学科群:医学影像学科、感染病学科、肿瘤学科、心脑血管学科、器官移植学科。肿瘤科是广东省临床重点专科,拥有珠海市唯一全面的肿瘤防治体系,多年来一直是珠海地区肿瘤防治体系的中坚力量。感染病科是珠海市唯一感染病治疗专区,承担了珠海市绝大部分疑难危重感染病的诊疗工作和全部新发突发传染病、输入性传染病的救治工作。 医院现有广东省生物医学影像重点实验室、广东省分子影像技术工程研究中心等省级科研平台,中山大学“三大”建设“大平台”――生物功能与分子影像平台和感染与免疫平台(筹)等重大科研平台,为医院开展高水平医学研究提供有力支撑。此外,医院还拥有分子影像中心、生物组织标本库、实验动物房、中心实验室、中大五院-中山医学院结核病联合实验室、中大五院-华大基因联合实验室等公共平台。广东省生物医学影像重点实验室建筑面积近3000平方米,拥有一流的分子生物学、化学合成、单分子单细胞影像学、小动物活体成像、纳米材料与探针、基因组学、蛋白组学与代谢组学、生物信息...
- 赣南医学院 China
一、 学校简介 赣南医学院位于千年宋城——江西省赣州市内,是江西省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等医学本科院校。中国科学院院士韩济生教授担任名誉院长。学校前身是创办于1941年的江西省立赣县高级助产职业学校,1958年设置专科建制的赣南医学专科学校,1988年升格为本科院校并更名为赣南医学院,2013年获批为硕士学位授予权单位。学校占地总面积2231.25亩(含直属附属医院),设黄金、章贡两个校区。教学科研医疗仪器等设备总值26.68亿元,图书馆纸质藏书124.2万册,电子藏书127万册。全日制在校本科生、专科生、研究生、留学生12700余人,成人教育在籍学生12700余人。教职员工4400余人(含第一、第二、第三附属医院),专任教师1070人,其中正高职称162人、副高职称367人。 学校拥有良好的教学科研条件,有国家级科研平台2个(心脑血管疾病防治教育部重点实验室、国家中药现代化工程技术研究中心客家中医药资源研究分中心),省高人才培养模式创新实验区3个,省高校实验教学示范中心4个,省2011协同创新中心1个,省博士后创新实践基地1个,省重点实验室1个,省级临床医学研究中心3个(培育),...
- 上海交通大学 上海市 闵行区
“智能感知、导航未来” Postdoctoral Recruitment of Institute of Sensing and Navigation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Intelligent Sensing & Navigating Future” 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院感知与导航研究所因发展需要,面向海内外公开招聘博士后,欢迎感兴趣的研究人员应聘。 Institute of Sensing and Navigation in School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University is open for domestic and overseas postdoctoral researcher recruitment. Interested researchers are welcome to apply. 一、研究所简介(Introduction of the Institute) 研究...
- 上海科技大学 China
中国 岗位名称: Innovation Instructor 岗位人数: 1 Apart from classroom teaching and test-based assessment, the instructor will ・ Lead discussion sessions in a thought-provoking way; ・ Design project goals and evaluation criteria; ・ Develop and update course materials and lecture plans; ・ Provide mentorship and oversight to students by advising them on group projects and monitoring their work progress; ・ Develop and maintain an effective network of industrial expertise and links that can provide course-rela...
- 上海交通大学 Shanghai
密西根学院招聘 Associate Professor with Tenure The UM-SJTU Joint Institute is located in Shanghai, the heart of the most internationalized and economic-active area of China, Asia and even the world nowadays. From its role as the bridge of the advanced engineering education of the U.S. and fast development and plenty of resources in China, to our proud innovative curricular enhancements and current cutting-edge research programs, the target of the institute is to become a world-wise top level research i...
- 莱佛士设计学院 广州市
广州市 职位信息 Reports to : College Director / Academic Director / Programme Director Key Roles, Responsibilities and Duties: Deliver lessons in a clear and organized manner to ensure respective modules’learning outcomes are achieved. Adhere to Raffles proprietary curriculum and course outlines as prescribed in the Programme Handbook. Develop weekly lesson plans and compile teaching materials at least one week in advance for modules assigned. Digital copies of all teaching materials and lesson plans m...
- 上海理工大学中英国际学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 Key Responsibilities: 1. Brand management 1) Establish and encourage adoption of a consistent collegiate image, including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, logos, spirit marks, etc. 2) Managing college souvenir and Coordinating stock products. 3) Designing college materials. 2. Public Relations 1) Developing a social media strategy and plan for implementation. 2) Developing monthly and annual calendar of digital marketing activities, implement report and optimize regularly based on anal...
- 國立清華大學 新竹市
Open Rank Faculty Openings Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management at National Tsing Hua University is the top IE department in Taiwan. The department invites applications for several tenured/tenure-/non-tenure-track faculty positions. A Ph.D. degree or Ph.D. candidacy in related field(s) is required. The level of appointment will be commensurate with the quali...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 國立清華大學 新竹市
國立清華大學化學系 甄聘專任教師 國立清華大學化學系將於109或110學年度< 2020或2021年8月1日起聘>甄聘2-3位專任助理教授或副教授,有機化學、分析化學或無機化學領域優先考量。申請人須具備化學或相關領域博士學位,具博士後研究或教研工作經驗尤佳。有意者請將履歷表、3-5篇代表論著(PDF檔案)、論著目錄、研究計劃與教學計劃各一份以及介紹信三封(需包含博士班指導教授推薦函),以電子郵件寄給清華大學化學系陳盈潔小姐(Email: chen@mx.nthu.edu.tw,網址:www.chem.nthu.edu.tw)。所有申請資料請於2019年8月31日前寄達。申請人面試將持續進行至員額聘滿為止。 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY at NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY (TAIWAN) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the area of Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, or Inorga...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 國立清華大學 新竹市
Open Rank Faculty Openings Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management at National Tsing Hua University is the top IE department in Taiwan. The department invites applications for several tenured/tenure-/non-tenure-track faculty positions. A Ph.D. degree or Ph.D. candidacy in related field(s) is required. The level of appointment will be commensurate with the quali...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 國立清華大學 新竹市
國立清華大學科技管理研究所誠徵專任教師 ( 延長至 2019.02.28) 職務名稱 : 助理教授級以上專任教師 職務條件 : 已獲得國內外大學相關科系博士學位,且對教學、研究有高度熱忱能全英文授課者為佳 領域專長 : 心理、社會、科技管理應用相關領域皆可 繳交資料 : 個人履歷 博士畢業證書 學經歷證明文件 ( 含大學、研究所 ) 研究計畫書 教學理念 著作目錄 代表著作 可開授之課程及規劃 推薦函二份 其他有助審查資料 擬應徵本職者,請於 108 年 2 月 28 日前請以電子檔 (PDF 合併 ) 寄出或掛號寄出上述資料: Email to tm@my.nthu.edu.tw,廖小姐 電話: 03-5742249 相關網址: http://www.tm.nthu.edu.tw/bin/home.php E-Mail : tm@my.nthu.edu.tw 住址 : 30013 新竹市光復路二段 101 號 ( 清華大學科技管理研究所 / 台積館 545 室 ) Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Management The Institute o...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 燃石医学 Shanghai
上海市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Are you creative, multitasking, and thriving in a fast-paced working environment? If so, Burning Rock is THE place for you. As the CEO-Assistant, you will have the chance to influence Burning Rock’s success through effective coordinations within or outside of the company. The role offers a unique opportunity to engage with almost every aspect of Burning Rock’s business in China. The pace is fast, and the reward is amazing – You will have the opportunity to upgrade your s...
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