Results 1 - 20 of 38802
  • 赣南医学院 China

    一、 学校简介 赣南医学院位于千年宋城——江西省赣州市内,是江西省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等医学本科院校。中国科学院院士韩济生教授担任名誉院长。学校前身是创办于1941年的江西省立赣县高级助产职业学校,1958年设置专科建制的赣南医学专科学校,1988年升格为本科院校并更名为赣南医学院,2013年获批为硕士学位授予权单位。学校占地总面积2231.25亩(含直属附属医院),设黄金、章贡两个校区。教学科研医疗仪器等设备总值26.68亿元,图书馆纸质藏书124.2万册,电子藏书127万册。全日制在校本科生、专科生、研究生、留学生12700余人,成人教育在籍学生12700余人。教职员工4400余人(含第一、第二、第三附属医院),专任教师1070人,其中正高职称162人、副高职称367人。 学校拥有良好的教学科研条件,有国家级科研平台2个(心脑血管疾病防治教育部重点实验室、国家中药现代化工程技术研究中心客家中医药资源研究分中心),省高人才培养模式创新实验区3个,省高校实验教学示范中心4个,省2011协同创新中心1个,省博士后创新实践基地1个,省重点实验室1个,省级临床医学研究中心3个(培育),...

  • 宁波鄞州赫德实验学校 查看所有职位 宁波市 鄞州区

    宁波市 鄞州区 岗位职责: 1.至少3年及以上初高中全职教学经验 At least 3 years or above full-time teaching experience in Junior/Senior high school 2.本科或以上学历,与所应聘科目对应或相关的专业背景 Bachelor’s degree or above with major in Chinese, Maths, Science, Humanities or related subject area; 3.持有初、高中教师资格证,热爱教师工作,熟悉中学课程设置,(语文教师须持普通话二甲及以上证书) Junior/Senior high school teaching certificate 4.重视学生素质和学习能力的培养,擅长与学生沟通交流,能因材施教 Care for students, pay attention to students’ character and learning needs, good communication with students, and cater for ...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Opening Title : Assistant Manager / Managing Editor of TheLINK Magazine Department : Marketing & Communications Report to : Assistant Director, Marketing & Communications Major Responsibilities: Work closely with Editors-in-chief to determine content, tone and strategic direction of the magazine. Ensure the highest possible quality of all Chinese language content. Overall responsibility for managing the multi-cultural team that provides content for the magazine (hard copy, website an...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Responsibilities: Full-time Research Assistant position in the department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). It is a full-time position in Shanghai. The main responsibility is to work with Assistant Professor Michelle Zheng of CEIBS on her research and teaching programs. Job tasks mainly include but not limited to the following: Assist in research, including data management (e.g., collecting and analyzing),...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Major Responsibilities: Job responsibilities mainly include but not limited to the following: 1. Assist in research design and research process management, including writing research notes, searching and summarizing literatures, preparing research related materials (e.g. questionnaires, interview outlines, and other instruments), and organize survey and interviews; 2. Assist in qualitative and quantitative data analysis; 3. Assist in other academic works, such as sorting reference list, and ...

  • 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 海口市 龙华区

    岗位职责Job Duties: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 To demonstrate team spirit through teaching activities and constantly motivate passion for learning among students 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experiences 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学...

  • 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 深圳市

    深圳市 岗位职责Job Duties: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 To demonstrate team spirit through teaching activities and constantly motivate passion for learning among students 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experiences 5.通过坚持不懈...

  • 辉瑞中国 Shanghai

    上海市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位类别:人力资源类 职位描述 Position purpose: The CF will be responsible for China IMB Oncology, rare disease and internal medicine business group. The primary focus is to support the business leaders to build a strong team with OWNIT culture to successfully launch the new product and achieve fast growth in next 3-5 years (20 % growth). Oncology and Rare disease business revenue: 490 mlm$, 1000 colleagues Organizational Relationships: Reports to Sr. Director of China HR Head Member of On...

  • 礼来中国 Shanghai

    上海市 Purpose: The purpose of the Senior Product Safety/ Senior Pharmacovigilance (PhV) Associate, or Product Safety/ PhV Associate is to manage adverse event reporting in the affiliate; ensure regulatory compliance for expedited and periodic submission of safety reports; collaborate with internal and external customers to ensure safety reporting process is established; provide support to global personnel regarding Global Patient Safety (GPS) procedures and processes. Key Responsibilities: Case ma...

  • 礼来中国 Shanghai

    1. Responsible for C&B monthly reports preparation such as employees data for insurance, medical check-up, holiday benefits. 2. Responsible for drafting C&B program promotional materials such as WeChat article, email, poster, etc. 3. Assist to organize benefits lecture and communication campaign activities including invitation preparation, logistic and on-site support 4. Participant in benefits system testing such as flexible benefits platform testing 5. Assist to prepare C&B documen...

  • 礼来中国 沈阳市

    Functions, Duties, Tasks: Provide on-site service to customer to ensure great product experience Frequent interact with production and veterinary staffs of customers Adapt and generate technical and product materials Conduct presentations in internal and external seminars and workshops Provide technical training to sales team to improve their technical competency Keep learning of new technology and apply into daily work Enhance brand equity through technical expertise Identify new opportunities ...

  • 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 上海市 闵行区

    JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization. Job Title : AEN/SEN As...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 新北市 土城區

    產業類別: 網路相關 職務類別:軟體工程師 上班地點: 新北市土城區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.Focus on PC/Mobile web app develop(RWD) 2.Integrate backend or third party APIs 3.Optimize UI/UX with graphic designer 4.Protocol Design for the data collection with embedded Team 任職資格 1. Familiar with Grunt/Gulp/Webpack 2. Familiar with Compass/SCSS/SASS 3. Experience on React.js would be a plus...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 新北市

    產業類別: 電子相關 職務類別:經營管理主管 上班地點: 新北市 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.Responsible for developing overseas direct account 2.Harmonize the cross functional communication and collaboration 3.Lead the overseas sales team to achieve the business goals 4. Bring the market trend and turn it into information for company strategy 任職資格 1.Minimum Bachelor degree,Master degree is better 2.At least 10 years experience with global account/sales management in high-tech company 3.Ability t...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 室內設計 職務類別:經營管理主管 上班地點: 台北市中山區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 A right-hand person to the Account Director based in Singapore, you’ll oversee delivery and profitability for all projects delivered in Taiwan for major international clients. You will be responsible for the planning and day to day management of your projects from the design to the installation. The role is client facing and encompasses all aspects of managing projects. It requires a confident, self moti...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 其它電子零組件相關 職務類別:法務主管 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 負責集團全球專利訴訟、專利授權談判、集團產品專利風險控管,建立集團營業秘密管控制度 任職資格 1. 工程背景(電子/電機/機械相關 尤佳) 2. 具有美國Juris Doctor (JD)學位 3. 具有美國專利訴訟實務經驗 4. 具有美國律師資格 5. 若通過Patent Bar尤佳...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 新北市 汐止區

    產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職務類別:高階祕書 上班地點: 新北市汐止區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.Responsible for internal, external and cross function communication, workflow and approval procedures 2.Prepare meeting materials, business reports, documents and presentation slides for GM 3.Coordinate internal and cross function meetings 4.Assist the GM in company's business strategy, operation management plan. 5.Provide secretarial, administrative and business support to GM. 6.Manage GM's...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 台灣

    產業類別: 餐廳/餐館 職務類別:調酒師/吧台人員 上班地點: 美國德克薩斯州 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.負責調製各式含酒精或不含酒精的飲料。 2.負責製作各式餐點、飲料、或服務顧客點餐供餐等工作。 3.負責清理吧台及飲料杯。 4.工作區域環境衛生打掃。 任職資格 1.如有相關丙級調酒證照尤佳 2.英文精通...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 汽車/零件製造 職務類別:工業設計 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Design and execute for electric car projects. Need strong visual sense and sketching/rendering abilities. 2. Concept development for all kinds of transportation design 3. Ability to communicate efficiently and professionally. Work in team environment, eager to learn. 4. Hands-on mentality to solve real world problems. 5. Must be able to draw wheels in right perspective. 任職資格 1. BS in Transportation/I...

  • 國立中央大學 桃園市 中壢區

    天文研究所 Faculty Position in Astronomy, National Central University, Taiwan The Graduate Institute of Astronomy at National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan invites applications for a new faculty position beginning from August 2020. A Ph.D. in astronomy or a closely related field is required prior to the start of the appointment. Duties include research, teaching, and service. Candidates from all areas of observational and theoretical astrophysics are encouraged to apply, but preference would be ...

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