Results 1 - 20 of 3468
  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    全職職位 歡迎無經驗人士 員工福利: • 年終雙糧 • 每年保證2次花紅(需符合指定條件) • 勤工獎 • 全數交通津貼 • 學歷津貼(需符合指定條件) • 醫療保養 • 員工膳食 • 1.1倍加班津貼...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    時薪$47-55起 (視乎地區而定) 新店開業首月時薪另加$10 定期薪酬調整,時薪最高+$8 彈性上班時間 無需經驗 員工膳食 交通津貼 兼職申請者可親臨各分店面試...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    全職職位 歡迎無經驗人士 員工福利: • 年終雙糧 • 每年保證2次花紅(需符合指定條件) • 勤工獎 • 全數交通津貼 • 學歷津貼(需符合指定條件) • 醫療保養 • 員工膳食 • 1.1倍加班津貼...

  • Saizeriya Italian Restaurant 薩莉亞意式餐廳 Hong Kong

    全職職位 歡迎無經驗人士 員工福利: • 年終雙糧 • 每年保證2次花紅(需符合指定條件) • 勤工獎 • 全數交通津貼 • 學歷津貼(需符合指定條件) • 醫療保養 • 員工膳食 • 1.1倍加班津貼...

  • 嘉吉投资(中国)有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities 1. Supporting campus hiring event, including campus talk, job posting, resume screening, phone interview and other interview arrangement; 2. Internal communication with different teams; 3. Promotion materials preparation and checking with vendors; 4. Other administration work for teams; Requirements 1. Bachelor or Master students, interested in human resource related work, especially recruiting 2. Can work at least 3 months with 3 days per week; 3. Good English communication ski...

  • 南京博森科技有限公司 Nanjing

    南京市 建邺区 月薪4,000 - 6,000元 工作内容: 1、负责装饰图的设计与深化,包括施工图和竣工图的绘制,修改。 2、正常理解设计意图,按要求完成设计图纸。 职位要求: 1、 大专以上学历,一年以上装饰施工图绘制经验。 2、 熟练操作CAD软件,熟悉室内施工工艺及施工材料,能独立完成装饰施工图。具有自校本专业图纸的能力。 3、责任心强,具备团队协作能力。 4、有办公楼、酒店会所、会议中心、城市综合体、综合楼项目设计经验者优先。 5、可接受优秀应届毕业生,老带新。 职能类别: 室内设计 微信 联系方式 上班地址:南京市建邺区奥体大街69号新城科技园6栋A座4F 公司信息 南京博森科技有限公司成立于2005年,注册资金2000万元人民币,是目前国内实验室工程规模最大、覆盖面最广、业务链最完善、研发能力最强的企业之一。南京博森科技专业于中央空调、精密空调、实验室温湿度控制仪的研发、生产、代理,集安装及运行维护等一体,是一家新型现代化高科技企业。公司从事恒温恒湿实验室系统配套设备供应及装修工程,同时提供系统规划设计、项目论证、系统运行维护等一系列服务。 博森科技公司行业范围:纤维检验...

  • 诺森建筑产业有限公司 Changzhou

    职责描述: 1、负责日常收支的管理和核对; 2、办公室基本账务的核对; 3、负责收集和审核原始凭证,保证报销手续及原始单据的合法性、准确性; 4、负责登记现金、银行存款日记账并准确录入系统,按时编制银行存款余额调节表; 5、负责记账凭证的编号、装订;保存、归档财务相关资料; 6、负责开具各项票据; 7、完成上级领导安排的工作。 任职要求: 1、20-40岁,大专及以上学历,要有会计基础,工作认真负责; 2、负责现金,银行存款的往来账目; 3、熟悉操作Excel ,Word等办公软件等,具有出纳经验者优先。 其他: 1、单休,五险一金,工作时间:8:30-17:30,免费工作餐,国家法定节假日。 职能类别:财务助理/文员出纳员 关键字:财务出纳财务助理财务文员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:牛塘镇高家路199号 公司信息 诺森(常州)建筑产业有限公司就由美国Norhtann Building Solutions LLC.全资投资,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的绿色建材企业。于2014年初进驻常州市武进绿色建筑产业集聚示范区,公司位于龙江南路以西、高家路南侧,总用地面积47500平方米(约7...

  • 四川海底捞餐饮股份有限公司 延安市 宝塔区

    【嗅才招聘-海底捞第三方人员招聘供应商】 【职位描述】 一、【招聘岗位】 店长助理 二、【职位要求】 1. 22 - 30 周岁,全日制统招本科及以上学历; 2.身体状况符合国家餐饮行业标准要求; 3. 无不良嗜好和记录,无明显纹身; 4. 需要会日语、韩国、法国、泰国、德国、 印尼、越南、马来西亚、意大利语、西班牙语、 葡萄牙语、俄语、菲律宾语(会其中一种语言即可,得保证语言在6级及以上),英语水平6级以上能够正常交流,可前往 国外发展。 5.酒店、旅游管理、连锁经营管理、人力资源、营销、管理学、营养学、会计学、财务管理等相关专业。、 6、工作有条理,细致、认真、有责任心,办事严谨; 7、熟练电脑操作及Office办公软件,具备基本的互联网操作要求; 8.性格开朗乐观,有亲和力并对服务行业充满热情,抗压能力强。 三、【薪资标准】 薪酬:5600-10000元/月 四、 【福利待遇】 1.工作满三个月公司给予报销家庭地址到工作地的硬座火车票及汽车票;享受五险工作满半年公司给予报销办理健康证费用; 2.员工在公司连续工作满一年,可享受带薪年休假,并报销家庭地址到工作地点的往返硬座火车票及...

  • 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu

    1、六年以上汽车行业的质量工作经验,三年的管理经验 2、熟悉质量的五大工具的运用 3、熟悉主机厂的质量规定 4、英语能力良好,能承受较大工作压力 职能类别:质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管) 关键字:质量五大工具质量主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and now Hutchinson has a long history of 160 years. In 1974, Hutchinson became a subsidiary of TOTAL Group. Being the world's fifth largest oil and natural gas company, Total Group involved in business activitie...

  • 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China

    岗位职责: 1) Leading the facilities management (FM) activities of the campus and manage the subcontractors day to day activities in support of the oil field in a safe and efficient manner; 2) Responsible for the management of personnel transportation, accommodation and life support services....

  • 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China

    岗位职责: 1) Well conversant with the financial provisions of the contract to demonstrate sound interpretation and deliver advice on work program and budget / cost, time & resource submission requirements; 2) Forecasting and monitoring cash flow and use of funds; 3) Responsible for budgeting and communication, including but not limited to scheduling, providing advice to budget-developed business units to ensure their completeness and accuracy, analysis to identify potential capacity constraints ...

  • 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China

    岗位职责: 1) Negotiating with subcontractors, and approving subcontractors' invoices (jointly with other delegated managers); 2) Approving budget and payment planning for each department/unit, approving payment releasing, and (jointly signing up the outgoing invoices to the company); 3) Signing up employment contractors, and approving administration related (e.g. Catering and office supply subcontractors' invoices, etc.); 4) Approving it related subcontractors' invoices....

  • 吉利德科学 Dalian

    招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 The Azure Big Data Architect role drives high priority customer initiatives, leveraging Azure data services to solve the biggest and most complex data challenges faced by customers. The Big Data Architect own’s the Azure Data Services technical architecture: data architecture design sessions, implementation projects and/or Proofs of Concepts. The ideal candidate will have experience in customer facing roles and success leading deep technical architecture and design discussio...

  • 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Hong Kong

    Responsibilities: Personal assistant to Director Support marketing, filing documents, HR & Office Admin Collect and prepare information for use in both internal and external organizations.   Handles details of a confidential and critical nature. Other ad-hoc business tasks assigned by Director.   Qualification Good communication skills with both written and spoken English and Cantonese Demonstrate extend experience use of MS Office applications: Word, Excel & Powerpoint Familiar with Ado...

  • 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Causeway

    協助管理店舖日常運作 負責店鋪正常運作、沖調飲品、廚房備料、收銀等工作 負責管理及培訓員工...

  • 莱尔森塑胶有限公司 Changzhou

    1、Set up and improve company purchasing system, specify and optimize purchasing process. 2、Develop short - term and long - term purchasing strategy. 3、Maintain communication with headquarters in France. 4、 Instruct purchasing team members to complete purchasing task in time. 5、 Analyze the purchasing market (competitors, suppliers), develop and manage the purchasing channel, continuously improve the work. 6、Formulate and optimize the procurement process, control the quality and cost of procureme...

  • 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Hong Kong

    Responsibilities: Personal assistant to Director Support marketing, filing documents, HR & Office Admin Collect and prepare information for use in both internal and external organizations.   Handles details of a confidential and critical nature. Other ad-hoc business tasks assigned by Director.   Qualification Good communication skills with both written and spoken English and Cantonese Demonstrate extend experience use of MS Office applications: Word, Excel & Powerpoint Familiar with Ado...

  • 戴森2020秋季校园招聘 China

    中国 戴森全球各地的研发团队致力于持续研发固态电池,高速数码马达,视觉系统,机器学习技术及人工智能方面的创新技术。 戴森工程与技术学院(Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology)位于威尔特郡的马姆斯伯里镇,占地67英亩,于2017年九月正式开放。戴森投入3150万英镑用于帮助缓解英国工程师匮乏的处境。戴森将支付学生们四年课程的全部学费,其中包含了第一年和第二年的工程学基础知识。课程在第三年和第四年将教授电子和机械工程学。与此同时,他们还将在戴森的全球工程团队中带薪工作,接触真实的工程项目,参与开发未来的戴森技术。 戴森是一家全球科技公司,也是由创始人、发明家及总工程师詹姆斯•戴森(JamesDyson)领导的家族企业。詹姆斯•戴森致力于利用科学技术,用以解决他人忽视的问题。目前,戴森公司在新技术中已投入25亿英镑,其中包括投入2.5亿英镑,用于马尔姆斯伯里的研发总部和新加坡及上海科技实验室等扩建项目。通过这项投资,戴森不断扩大与大学共同展开的研究计划,并加深其核心技术领域的内部专长,如电池、电机、机器人视觉系统、机器学习、人工智能和材料...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 DUTIES: Responsible and accountable for the proper implementation of CSL, including day to day tasks such as planning and coordination between various internal and external parties, preparing status reports, ensuring key performance indicators (KPI’s) are achieved, and escalating concerns that may lead to non-compliance. Responsible for implementation of tools and processes that support CSL globally, as determined by the CSL assessment project. Coordinates closely with other IT towers and th...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Beijing

    What you will do: ?Meet the sales target of North China Kitchen & China Vehicle fire suppression business How you will do it: For Kitchen business ?Manage and support existing distributors of North China to develop their kitchen business. ?Build and maintain good relationship with main international hospitality groups, kitchen consultants and kitchen contractors, arrange seminars termly for customers to promote ANSUL Kitchen system. ?Develop new channels, key account customers and expend new...

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