Results 1 - 20 of 14619
  • 上海华医淀山湖疗养院有限公司 Shanghai

    1. 具备中医主治及以上医师资格及执业证书,深入了解传统中医学理论和实践; 2. 擅于沟通,临床经验丰富,能够引导客人建立健康生活 该职位工作地点在青浦金泽,市区从徐汇及闵行或青浦城区区域上下班有班车接送,可提供住宿,欢迎加入华医大家庭! 工作地址:青浦区金泽镇金商公路2121号 联系方式 或直接拨打 15900677527 职能类别: 中医科医生 针灸/推拿 关键字: 中医内科 中医全科 中医师 中医医生 中医全科医生 中医内科医生 中医名医 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:金泽...

  • 上海伊集院人才咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    工作内容: Edit Chairman's Post Coordinate board meeting schedule Collect and maintain board charter documents Collect and maintain quarterly compliance certificates Draft documents as needed Maintain the shared directory Maintain “Legal 1” documents Transfer Corp documents to Chinese as needed Project background search as needed Help audits as needed Manage events (社会责任相关) Manage branding related tasks Logo, letter head template, business card template Magazine Posters, display Coordinate China ...

  • 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization. Job Title : AE...

  • 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Chengdu

    成都市 锦江区 Company Our client is a world famous international multidisciplinary practice and a key player in the transformation of urban space, with its headquarters in France . By expanding its activities abroad, it set its subsidiary corporations in many countries and regions, including Beijing and Shanghai in China, Vietnam, Morocco, Abu Dhabi, Doha in Quarter, India and Russia, etc. Currently, it brings together 900 people and more than 30 nationalities, professionals from diverse disciplines: ...

  • 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 Case Manager: Patient Administrative Navigator SUMMARY: The Patient Administrative Navigator exists to provide to patients and their families a central person who can put them in contact with the services they require at any point in the cancer experience, from diagnosis, through to treatment and after care. This provision of service will improve patient satisfaction with the health care system associated with the cancer experience. There will be a reduction in the anxiety and frustratio...

  • 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 POSITION SUMMARY The Operation Services Administrator of Jiahui will support, coordinate, manage and monitor the planning of services within assigned clinical department(s). Responsible for managing all operation aspects within the assigned clinical department(s) to achieve excellent customer service, quality control, cost, and delivery performance in line with organization strategy, goals and values. Assist the Department Chief(s) with daily operations to include but not limited to coor...

  • 理律法律事務所 Taibei

    新竹所-律師 職務內容 審閱各式契約、承辦有關公司投資、併購、稅務、勞工、醫療藥事、公平交易、不動產營建、政府契約、通訊、公司投資爭端處理、個人資料保護等相關業務案件 學歷 研究所以上法律相關科系畢業 外 語 英文(聽/精通、說/精通、讀/精通、寫/精通) 專業需求 具國內律師資格証 工作經驗 完整3年以上實務工作經驗 其 他 日文(聽/精通、說/精通、讀/精通、寫/精通)者佳 新進律師、法務、行政人員之聘用 理律法務事務所聘用人員之遴選,以其所受學歷、經歷及品德為錄用考慮標準並依本所各部門之需求,採用登報、網路或人才仲介等管道覓才。應徵者履歷資料經彙整後,由本所電話聯絡安排筆試及面 試,但應徵者若具二年以上相關工作實務經驗或具國內外律師或專業技術人員(高考以上)資格或具國內外相關學科碩士以上學位者,得視各部門要求免專業筆試;若應徵者具英語系國家之律師或專業技術人員資格或在英語系國家取得相關學科碩士以上學位者,得免語文筆試。應徵者錄取後,需通過五個月之試用期,必要時得延長試用一個月。 2019年英/日文...

  • 銓律國際法律事務所 Taibei

    工作內容 一、聯繫事項:接聽電話,發送傳真,聯繫法院、檢察署、行政機關以及當事人等。 二、接待事項(此非行政助理例行事項,必要時支援總機即可):接待及引導當事人,準備茶水或咖啡。 三、內勤事項: (一)整理卷宗、文件及檔案(歸檔、卷宗、圖書及檔案管理),掃描、影印卷宗、文件及檔案,傳送或持送文件資料給本所律師,必要時協助文件打字、製作簡報檔及錄音檔文字轉譯。 (二)負責人事行政作業例如薪資、勞健保、同仁差勤休假以及律師工作明細彙整等。 (三)負責財務行政例如每日零用金收支紀錄、事務所月結報表(有例稿可參照)、銀行存匯款及帳務記錄、各項繳費及用品採購等)。 (四)其他一般內勤行政事務,例如管理行程及案件進度等。 四、外勤事項(必要時方出勤,本所行政助理除存匯款、繳費等帳務作業外,原則上不出外勤): (一)至法院等機關影印卷宗(閱卷)、申請戶政及地政謄本、申請財產所得清單、申請其他文件資料、送交文件及遞狀。 (二)偶爾需至外縣市閱卷。 (三)外勤時無須騎乘機車,火車、高鐵、計程車等交通費向事務所事先或事後請款,實報實銷。 五、本所有法務助理及總機(行政助理),人力上可相互支援。 六、希望能...

  • 灵北医药信息咨询有限公司 Chengdu

    Job Purpose Develop and maintain good relationship with key decision makers at KA target hospitals, Manage and execution the district hospital listing plan to achieve KA business target, and leverage distributor’s capabilities(e.g product promotion, 2nd tendering and bidding ) for hospital listing Deeply covered the top pharmacy KOLs for provincial bidding & N/PRDL. Major Accountabilities Establish the relationship with hospital administrators and decision makers to accelerate the process of...

  • 深圳市惠泰医疗器械有限公司 河北省

    河北省 1、负责部分地区销售市场的维护和开发工作; 2、负责所属区域的产品宣传、推广和销售,完成销售指标; 3、与临床科室保持有效沟通,帮助科室解决业务、临床质量问题,协助科室推动电生理的发展,推广科室知名度; 4、管理经销商,与经销商一起维护客情关系,做好产品相关培训,协助完成招投标工作; 5、举办地区性临床培训活动,参加学术性会议; 6、定期完成并递交公司要求的销售报告。 任职资格: 1、专科及以上学历,具备一定行业销售经验和较强的销售能力,熟悉高值耗材的销售、采购模式的优先考虑; 2、心脏科医学背景或有心内科高值耗材销售经验的,优先考虑; 3、良好的沟通能力,可以与医生,代理商和上级主管进行很好的沟通; 4、较强的执行能力,对工作安排认真执行; 5、具有很好的团队合作精神; 6、应届毕业生或无行业经验者本科及以上教育背景,有行业经验者可放宽至大专。 福利待遇: 1、入职购买五险一金,且足额缴纳。 2、享受国家法定假期,过节费等各项福利。 3、13薪+年终丰厚奖金。 4、行业前景好,国内领先医疗器械。 5、在职培训、团队氛围好。 职能类别: 销售主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:驻家...

  • 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 日薪350元 工作职责: 每次完成四个时段,即一天(每个时段约为1小时)的汉语言教学工作 与中小学部外籍教师共同承担Form Tutor 的相关职责 公正、客观并及时对学生进行各项记录和评估 按时完成管理方面的工作任务,即:课程教学记录,备教/反思等等 准备并整理各种学习材料与资源 回复家长关于中文课程的各方面咨询 基本要求: 汉语言文学硕士或对外汉语系硕士研二或有相关教学经验的教师,持有小学教师资格证书 有上海本地学校国际部或上海相关国际学校工作经验优先 熟悉国外IGCSE/IB课程中文考核体系 认同耀中的使命与价值观 英语熟练,与外籍老师及学生交流无障碍 开朗、积极主动,乐于并善于学习,具有团队协作精神 熟练使用计算机 上课时间: 周一至周五7:30-16:00,无需天天来,只在有需要时候通知 薪资待遇: 有教师资格证:RMB 350/天(税后) 在校无教师资格证:RMB 150/天(税后) 毕业无教师资格证:RMB 300/天(税后) 职能类别:兼职教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:花木路1817号...

  • 上海东萃会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 任职要求: Certificate of CET 6 or other equivalent qualification. Good communication skill in English and Mandarin, both verbally and in writing. Bachelor degree or above major in financing or accounting. Spirit of team work Willing to travel Sense of responsibility. 职能类别: 审计专员/助理 关键字: 实习 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:延安西路1118号龙之梦丽晶大厦16楼1607室...

  • 万宝盛华人力资源有限公司 Hangzhou

    杭州市 月薪7,000 - 12,000元 负责区域内美容医疗激光产品市场销售指标的达成 对于所负责的区域,制定有挑战性和可执行的销售计划,并成功实施 根据地区年度销售目标,在地区经理协助下,规划个人年度销售业绩目标及费用预算,合理控制费用开支 通过定期的WORKSHOP和科内会等活动,挖掘潜在客户,与客户建立和维护良好的合作关系 通过日常拜访和其它学术活动,体现公司专业、创新、合作的学术形象 按时准确提交各项报告、报表;认真参加相关培训和会议 负责日常的销售工作及上级交与的其他任务 任职要求: 医学相关专业统招大专以上学历 市场敏感性强,具备积极开拓意识,1年以上销售工作经验 良好的语言表达能力,善于沟通,较好的判断力,较强的建立客户关系的技巧 具有独立工作能力,具营销能力,有较强的团队协作精神 良好的学习能力和敬业精神,道德品行规范 能适应经常出差 个性好,形象好,有创新精神 职能类别: 医疗器械销售代表 医疗器械市场推广 关键字: 销售代表 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:homebased...

  • 上海和誉生物医药科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Primary Responsibilities ? Develop and conduct in vitro (enzyme and cell based assays) and in vivo animal studies to support novel drug discovery and development ? Perform molecular and cell biology experiments including western blot, cell proliferation and apoptosis, RT-PCR, realtime PCR, siRNA/shRNA and CRISPR, and FACS etc. ? Routine cell line culture and maintenance. ? Hands-on experience with in vivo animal studies is a plus, such as handling mouse samples from tumor xenograft mode...

  • 上海康德弘翼医学临床研究有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 General SummaryThe Clinical Research Associate II (CRA II) will monitor the progressof clinical studies at investigative sites or remotely, and ensure clinicaltrials are conducted, recorded, and reported in accordance with the protocol,standard operating procedures (SOPs), ICH-GCP, and all applicable regulatoryrequirements. Keyresponsibilities ? Implementsand monitors local clinical trials to ensure sponsor and investigator obligationsare being met and are compliant with applicable local...

  • 汎亞人力資源 Taibei

    企劃/行銷/廣告/公關 職務說明: 1. Leading Product marketing, Sales marketing, and Visual Design team. 2. Responsible for Global marcom activities and needed tasks programs (Events, Trade Shows, Social Media, etc.) 3. Manage and allocate Sales MDF globally 4. Integrated Marketing Communications Strategies 5. Supervise and direct the workflow of marketing, advertising or public relations 6. Coordinate with PR agency and Media relations management 7. Collecting marketing and competitors’ information (news, acti...

  • 汎亞人力資源 Taibei

    PM 職務說明: 1. Oversee the project planning, implementation and tracking of a specific project which has a beginning, an end and specified deliverables. 2. Be accountable for schedule, cost and quality, drive engineering team to meet the goal from concept phase to development and launch phase. 3. Project management, including daily operation with internal function team, weekly meeting with external team(Dell). 4. Communicate & coordinate between Dell, Wistron HQ & Wistron factory & supp...

  • 北京和睦家医院有限公司 Beijing

    岗位职责: 0 任职资格: 1. Completion of nursing education. 2. Updated Chinese nursing licensure 3. Minimum of 3 years clinical nursing experience in Pediatric or NICU nursing preferred. 4. Candidates with overseas nursing experience or experience working in a joint venture facility will have priority. 5. Nursing knowledge and skills that meet requirements based on specific clinical needs 6. Verbal and written communication skills in English and Mandarin Chinese 7. Good team work player 8. Professionalism...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei

    產業類別: 汽車/零件製造 職務類別:行銷企劃助理 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Conducting and presenting detailed research on electric vehicles and marketing strategies 2. Writing, editing or translating copy for press releases, social media, newsletters, company materials and website 3. Communicating with local media/press, marketing suppliers and members of the XING Community 4. Helping to organize various aspects of XING Mobility's upcoming events 5. Creating content f...

  • 全球華人股份有限公司 Xinbei

    產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職務類別:廣告/行銷企劃主管 上班地點: 新北市中和區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1. Leading Product marketing, Sales marketing, and Visual Design team. 2. Responsible for Global marcom activities and needed tasks programs (Events, Trade Shows, Social Media, etc.) 3. Manage and allocate Sales MDF globally 4. Integrated Marketing Communications Strategies 5. Supervise and direct the workflow of marketing, advertising or public relations 6. Coordinate with PR agency and Media re...

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