Results 1 - 20 of 991
  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: ? Ability to develop/implement brand design strategies based on consumer insights & recent front trends on world. ? Strong communication skills and ability to cooperate with cross functional teams internally and externally. ? Motivation to create new ideas, inspiring visuals, and strong presentation skills. ? Strong sense of responsibility ? Strong retail construction knowledge ? Strong interior design knowledge ? Takes initiative, organized and resul...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    工作内容: 1. Responsible for the collection, cleaning up, supply and maintenance of compensation data. Cooperate with CIIC / FESCO ADECO to complete monthly payroll calculation and the payment of sales incentive and annual bonus. Complete payroll approval and payment on-time to ensure payroll is received on schedule. Prepare payroll data analysis on request. 2. Responsible for monthly salary calculation for foreign employees and interns, monthly IIT declaration, and supply of materials requested by ...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    工作时间:8:30-17:30 工作地点:闵行区文井路(班车线路:天山,漕宝路,普陀,嘉定,虹口闸北,杨浦中原,浦东杨高路、周浦、上南浦江,黄浦徐汇,九亭,金山等) 合同形式:中智外包,1年,根据表现有转正机会 参考薪资福利:税前5.5-9K,13薪,食堂,班车,五险一金,补充医疗 服务描述/ Brief description of service: Principal Responsibilities: 1) Order fulfillment and Delivery Solution/Operation 2) Customer Agreements and Sales Support 3) Customer Complaints Management 4) Ensure customer service activities are fully compliance in ISO, SOX, EHS, legal etc. with support from CS supervisor and/or manager. 服务担当技能要求/ Skills and qualifica...

  • 江西春光药品包装材料股份有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 外贸业务员岗位职责 1. 配合公司的所需,及时作好翻译工作 2. 熟悉产品,对产品有所掌握,并能独立分析其组成和给予准确的报价 3. 熟悉产品在市场上的定位,找出报价时的不同 4. 能独立开发客户,对外贸流程了解,对产品的规格、质量等都能给客户及时的答复 5. 能有随机应变的能力,处理好客户的疑问,并努力下单 6. 生产过程应跟踪、验货,做到质量保证 7. 能够独立制作整套单据和相关的检验证明等,并独立联系货代,将货物安全送入仓库 8. 及时通知客户和货代有关货物装运的情况 9. 妥善保管客户的资料和样品,有条理的归档 10. 提交季度业务汇总和年度总结 11. 注意提升自身产品知识、英语和业务能力 12. 在国外的重要节假日里,需发送电子贺卡以示问候,及时向客户提供我司最新产品信息和产品目录 13. 处理好与各部门的关系,并及时地向他们请教有关产品的最新信息和动态 14. 根据市场的变化,适时地开发新产品 任职资格: 最低学历:大专 1.大专以上学历、外贸、国际贸易、外语、相关专业 2.英语水平良好、能与国外客户进行良好沟通、英语六级以上。主要负责南美区域,第二外语...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    薪资: 税前6-8k 上班地点:南京西路1515号静安嘉里中心办公楼 工作内容 1.为人力资源部门提供一般协助,包括招聘、培训、员工关系等。 2.维护人力资源内部系统;及时准确地更新 3.根据需要准备人力资源报告 4.主管交办的其他工作 应聘条件 1.本科及以上学历,英文口语流利,书面熟练 2.有HR相关实习/工作经验优先,优秀应届生可 3.良好沟通能力...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 工作内容 1. Plan customer order from approved kick-off to delivery 2. Ensures that demands from customer, authorities or other relevant sources are fulfilled 3. Makes a time schedule for the customer order and ensures that it is followed 4. Make and close customer orders in administrative systems 5. Order and cost follow up 6. Update administrative systems 7. Communication between BU and MC (and other BU:s) 8. Handling of customer property 9. Carry out customer orders to determined cost and...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    薪资:底薪2500+津贴1800+团体奖金500+绩效奖金1200-2000(第一个月从1200开始,逐月200元递增至2000) 上班地点:浦东机场T2/T3 福利:品牌每季度有产品福利,培训福利,员工折扣 工作时间:做二休一,日上排班,9h一个班次,有夜班。 工作内容 负责进店顾客的接待,提供专柜Makeup彩妆和Skincare护肤品的产品介绍,促进销售 应聘条件 18-35岁,相貌端正,接受排班制度作息,有相关工作经验优先 职能类别: 专柜彩妆顾问(BA) 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:浦东机场T2/T3...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 福利:班车+午餐 工作内容 1. Plan customer order from approved kick-off to delivery 2. Ensures that demands from customer, authorities or other relevant sources are fulfilled 3. Makes a time schedule for the customer order and ensures that it is followed 4. Make and close customer orders in administrative systems 5. Order and cost follow up 6. Update administrative systems 7. Communication between BU and MC (and other BU:s) 8. Handling of customer property 9. Carry out customer orders to determined...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    工作内容 ? Guarantee high service level and customer satisfaction ? Strong collaboration and intense communication with customers, throughout order lifecycle, using independent judgment and discretion to resolve conflicts, anticipate customers' needs and solve issues as they arise. ? Create a competitive advantage by daily interactions with customers ? Support full transparency of customer requirements across internal interfaces ? Order processing, invoicing, support of dunning activities ? Lett...

  • 上海辉驰包装设备有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 宝山区 因接收简历较多,无法及时回复,欢迎电话联系,可优先安排面试 1、熟悉各大搜索引擎的搜索排名技术,如百度、360等网站上的排名因素; 2、负责公司网站的优化,关注seo动向,适应搜索引擎变化,评估分析网站关键词,提升网站排名; 3、落实网站优化推广计划,制定出seo优化的具体方案,对网站进行内部优化; 4、和第三方网站进行流量、数据或服务转换,增加网站的流量和知名度; 5、结合公司的产品和业务,分析、制定出网站优化排名的整体解决方案,使相关业务的搜索排名能够稳步靠前。 任职资格: 1、大专及同等学历以上,一年以上相关工作经验; 2、具有丰富的实际操作经验,熟悉搜索引擎的优化算法,具有外链资源挖掘执行力和外链建设的丰富经验, 3、对搜索引擎原理和算法有自己的认知和一定的见解;有门户SEO经验并拥有成功案例者优先; 4、对流量分析和互联网各种网站模式有自己的独特见解并能制定出相应的执行方案; 5、良好的沟通协调能力,工作细致、思想活跃、具有团队合作意识,能够独立完成工作。 职能类别: 文案/策划 媒介专员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市宝山区罗南镇东太东路865号6号楼...

  • 艾利(广州)包装系统产品有限公司 Guangzhou

    职位信息 JOB DESCRIPTION According to sales order to entry billing in financial system timely and accurately, finish the routine for voucher pack up and filling; Issue local VAT invoices and send out timely; Follow up and review AR aging report, assist to finish credit control and credit evaluate work; Communicate with customers and confirm monthly statement insure payment collection termly ,comply credit control policy to achieve DSO target; Work closely and communicate with inter_company for the m...

  • 重庆先特服务外包产业有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 高新区 兼职 公司简介 中国西部声谷—重庆先特服务外包产业有限公司是重庆市经信委、永川区政府联合招商引资项目和企业,目前在职员工2000余人,是西南区最大的服务外包运营与交付基地,会同集团公司山东泰盈科技公司,共同组成国内最大的BPO外包企业,致力于通信、金融、电子商务三大领域的呼叫中心及金融后台外包服务。 集团公司于2015年在美国纳斯达克上市,股票代码:CCRC,是全国首个以服务外包为主营的上市企业。 伴随着行业的发展,公司每年以递增30%-50%的速度快速成长! 企业荣誉: 国家商务部服务外包专项资金重点支持企业 2015年度中国软件与信息服务外包最具潜力企业 国家高新技术企业 中华全国总工会“全国优秀职工小家” 共青团省委“大学生就业实训基地” 银行信用AAA级企业 劳动和谐AAA级企业 岗位职责 西部声谷 诚招暑假兼职 重庆先特服务外包产业有限公司(西部声谷)是泰盈集团公司在重庆设立的大型电商后台与信息服务外包企业。“中国西部声谷”是泰盈集团公司投资、建设及运营的国内第一个大型集呼叫中心、金融后台处理、电子商务处理等为核心业务的外包基地。因公司业务需要,...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 薪资:税前7.5k 上班地点:22/F Standard Chartered Bank Tower, no. 201 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai 福利:补充商业保险 职能: Strictly follow CMS procedure and JD, ensure the implementation of internal policy and compliance of regulatory requirements. Timely and accurate resolution to all customer enquiries on CMS related services and products. To maintain quality standards to ensure our services for above mentioned products, meets customers’ total needs, and that continued effort is made to exceed customer’s e...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 职能: Strictly follow CMS procedure and JD, ensure the implementation of internal policy and compliance of regulatory requirements. Timely and accurate resolution to all customer enquiries on CMS related services and products. To maintain quality standards to ensure our services for above mentioned products, meets customers’ total needs, and that continued effort is made to exceed customer’s expectation. To check report and finish the product related returns in time, establish statistic a...

  • 宜堡斯箱包科技有限公司 Guangzhou

    一、 板房车位3名 岗位要求: 1、男女不限,年龄22岁-45岁; 2、熟手,有多年箱包袋板房车板工作经验,会高车、平车和打枣车。 3、能够独立看懂纸格、资料,完成样板车位所有工序的操作。 4、有责任心,做事认真负责,服从管理,发现问题能及时提出。 职能类别: 缝纫工 纸样师/车板工 关键字: 手袋板房车位 车位 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:白云大道北113号(地铁3号线白云大道北站A2出口) 公司信息 宜堡斯(广州)箱包科技有限公司成立于1999年,是一家集电脑周边产品设计、研发、生产为一体的自主品牌出口企业。公司专注创造数码商务箱包国际知名品牌数码商务包袋类——笔记本电脑背包、手提电脑包、商务拉杆箱、专业相机包、电脑内胆包、多功能箱包等; 至今,公司已在国内及海外100多个国家及地区注册了自有商标“EBOX”,公司坚持以自有品牌EBOX为主,多元化品类的经营策略,产品销售辐射全球 60多个国家及地区,在大部份国家地区享有非常高的品牌知名度。自创建以来,一直以产品创新、品质优良、诚信经营为理念,不断完善管理机制、扩大生产规模、出口创汇、依法纳税,致力成为广州市优秀出口名牌企业。 公...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 应届生 职位信息 工作内容 Car booking arrangement Receive visitors Answering incoming phone calls Contact and accompany with Printing/Drink water/Florist onsite delivery to ensure the services are running smoothly. Monthly payment preparation and reconciliation with vendors and users. Manage and purchase office and pantry supplies. branch’s other ad hoc assignments. 应聘条件 1 Prefer bachelor 2 Responsible. Good team work. Patient and willing to go to details 3 Good English Writing and Reading 4 Prefer ...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    福利: 节日慰问福利(中智俱乐部); 一年6天标准的带薪病假; 一年10天标准的带薪假期(法定带薪年休假+公司福利假)。 工作内容: 1. Category Insight Partnership - Skincare métier in L’Oreal R&I China In the field of cosmetics and skin care related topics, conducting consumer & market research plan (about the consumer needs, products and the existing service, innovation territories and trends, qualitative exploratory study and strategic quantitative market research), identify consumer insight and share with internal customers, to ensure that the app...

  • 鹏达精密包装材料有限公司 Shanghai

    Headquartered in Wisconsin USA, Prent Corporation is an international company specialized in design and manufacturing of thermoformed parts for the leading Medical device & High-end Electronic/Consumer products companies. As we now undergoing aggressive and rapid business growth in China, we seek a qualified, and motivated Design Engineer to join us in Jiading, Shanghai. This is a rare personal opportunities in working for a growing global company and you will find it motivating to be part o...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 青浦区 Main responsibilities/工作职责: AP 应付账款: 1. Check invoices, PO, receiving note are approved and match invoices to purchase order. Ensuring no duplicate, illegal or unapproved invoices are submitted for payment. 审核发票、采购单、收货单,确保所有发票合规,所有费用合理。 2. Accurate transaction entries to our spreadsheet and system compliance with accounting principle, company policy and tax law. 准确入账,遵守会计准则、公司财务制度和税法。 3. Timely and accurately processing of payments. Avoid duplicate and delay payment. 及时准确地安排付款,避免延误和重复支付货...

  • 上海中智项目外包咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 工作内容 Maintain executive's appointment schedule by planning, scheduling and following through meetings, conferences, telephonic and video conferences, preparing materials and ensuring participation Ensure that all travel accommodation, transportation and other logistic details are managed properly for GSG Head Assist in logistics planning on events and conferences, and for overseas senior executive visits Provide assistance for expense reimbursement, chop management and other governm...

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