- 无锡中感微电子股份有限公司 Beijing
负责项目中模拟IP 架构研发包括模拟电路设计、模拟电路仿真验证、数模混合仿真验证,模拟版图设计,实现芯片功能/性能要求; 模拟IP性能验证测试. 撰写详细设计/测试文档; 任职要求: 微电子及电子类相关集成电路设计专业,硕士学历,工作两年以上。 熟悉模拟电路,从事模拟IP设计(电路及版图),经验要求:对模拟电路的各种参数了如指掌,如信噪比、谐波失真等等; 熟悉模拟IC设计流程,掌握相关EDA工具(Composer/Spectre等); 具有半导体理论基础,熟悉模拟版图,能够处理或指导版图设计; 有PLL/Serdes/ADC等IP设计经验; 熟悉音频系统,了解audio codec更为有利; 熟悉Matlab, Verilog/VHDL 的知识更为有利; 熟悉测试仪器,示波器,逻辑分析仪等。 职能类别: 集成电路IC设计/应用工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北京市海淀区学院路35号世宁大厦...
- 莱尔德电子材料(上海)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Summary: Supporting PMTO head, the specialist will track, coordinate, communicate and report global business initiatives to realize the value creation for the company, with his / her deep understanding of busienss / financial implication, strong skills of project and change management, and positive while tanatious personality. RESPONSIBILITIES Support PMTO (Program Management and Transformation Office) to track, coordinate, communicate and report global business initiatives. Projects cov...
- 广州立而方电子科技有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 1.负责外贸订单的出口维护及订单跟进,联系货代、确认运费、订舱、核对提单、核对运费、出口退税等。 2.负责与销售同事、物流同事及时沟通,确保货物及时安全出运。 3.展会安排:展会定展协助安排,出差协助安排,展品运输等; 4.完成上级安排的其它事项,部门的日常行政协助工作。 要求: 1.大专或本科以上,国际贸易或英语相关专业。 2.英语CET4级以上,良好的英语听说读写能力,有跟单相关经验者优先考虑。 3.有较强的沟通协调能力,工作积极主动,工作细致,责任感强,高度的团队精神。 4. 熟悉掌握EXCEL 、 WORD 、 PPT 等办公软件; 5.对外贸感兴趣,愿意在此行业长期发展; 职能类别: 助理业务跟单 贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字: 外贸 业务 跟单 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:番禺区市桥大北路 488 号 鸿基国际商务中心 4楼 415-421 号 地图 公司信息 广州立而方(冠达)电子科技有限公司成立于2006年,是一家集研发、生产、销售,场地运营管理于一体的公司,经法国BV、德国莱茵TUV等国际专业机构认证。其工厂位于广东省中山市南区,占地面积约7,000多平方...
- 广州立而方电子科技有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 岗位职责: 1.依据设备使用说明书进行参数设置与调整; 2.认真完成产品制作及数据记录并协助工程师完成其它相关工作等。 任职要求 1.中专及以上学历,仪器仪表、检测技术、测控系统设计、人工智能、工业计算机、无线电技术等相关专业; 2. 懂一般仪器仪表的使用,了解简单的通讯原理、掌握一定的电子技术知识; 3. 有较强的学习与动手能力,有较强的意向。 职能类别: 化验员 关键字: 电子 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广东省中山市南区105国道城南五路2号(广珠公路龙环村段) 地图 公司信息 广州立而方(冠达)电子科技有限公司成立于2006年,是一家集研发、生产、销售,场地运营管理于一体的公司,经法国BV、德国莱茵TUV等国际专业机构认证。其工厂位于广东省中山市南区,占地面积约7,000多平方米,现有生产员工100多人和20多位专业的软件开发人员。在他们坚持不懈的努力下,现公司产品多达数百种,主营产品有:飞镖机,压币机,龙拳可乐机,喜从天降(双人荧光跳跳球),疯狂篮球机,金银岛推币机,娃娃机,糖果机,幸运手指礼品机,剪刀礼品机,侏罗纪时代(双人射球),保卫潜艇(双人射水),羊羊运动...
- 东莞市泽芯电子科技有限公司 Foshan
佛山市 三水区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 职位信息 任职要求:年龄18-45岁,身体健康,能适应两班倒的工作时间 主要工作内容:分拣水果,蔬菜,一些农富产品,包吃包住。 上班时间:中晚班两班 两班倒 员工工资167小时按15元/小时!超出小时按16元计算工资,包住提供吃,电费宿舍平摊。员工在职满一个月有夜班补贴10元/晚,如果未上班满一个月离职没有夜班补贴。 比较工资5000-6000左右 工资高 能吃苦.服从工作安排, 欢迎有志之士的投稿!! 联系人:黄主管:19141216910 职能类别:理货员 微信分享 联系方式 联系人: 黄主管 联系电话: 上班地址:三水工业区 地图 公司信息 规模化、专业化、品牌化、产业化 中国LED节能户外灯具行业的旗舰品牌 Energy Conservation industry's flagship brands “泽芯科技”作为中国广东LED节能户外灯具行业的旗舰品牌,现已形成规模化、专业化、品牌化、产业化的竞争优势,是中国广东最具规模之一的大功率LED户外灯具专业生产商。泽芯科技以“做节能事业,创自主(世界)品牌”为企业目标,以占...
- 中以联科电子安装工程(北京)有限... Guangzhou
职位信息 Main Responsibilities: To be the dedicated system consultant in security consulting project, it is required to provide qualified and accurate technical supports to the system design and the tender proposal for the sales department. Research and recommend the products subject to client’s needs; Support sales to choose the best product which could fulfill good performance with lowest cost so as to enhance our competitiveness. Verify System design (system overview, function list and system dia...
- 宁波邦卖云集电子商务有限公司 Ningbo
在这里,你将得到专业的培训; 在这里,你将会有施展才能的机会; 在这里,你将会得到足够的成长空间; 在这里,你将能够实现自我价值和人生梦想。 我们的理念:我们是创业型企业,我们为我们的梦想奋斗,我们不招打工人员,只招志同道合的小伙伴们一起做事业 -欢迎加入我们。 ? 招聘岗位(Recruitment): 德语客服(CS Agent) 采购专员(Purchasing Agent) 销售助理(Sales Assistant):英语,德语,日语 Net软件工程师(Integration Engineer) 国际物流业务员(Logistics Salesman) 数据专员(Data Steward) 仓库操作员(Warehouse Operator) 物流跟单仓库储备干部(Logistics documentary warehouse reserve cadres) 日本仓服装QC(Japanese Warehouse Garment QC) 储备干部 (Associate Trainee) 人员薪资(Staff salaries) 实习期:薪酬福利及作息具体如下: 1. 薪酬等级分为1-6档...
- 艾驰电子检测设备技术有限公司 Suzhou
岗位职责 1、负责日常收支管理和核对、会计凭证、出纳、税务工作; 2、成品成本核算与分析; 3、认真核对并确认客户的每一笔回款,做好客户回款的审核确认工作,编制收款会计凭证并登记应收帐款明细帐; 4、每月提供上月客户回款计划执行情况及本月回款计划统计表,每月向部门主管领导报送一份应收帐款分析明细表; 5、对应收帐款金额较大、帐龄较长的客户进行重点跟踪,包括及时与客户对帐,协调跟进帐务处理; 6、负责工资提成的核算等; 7、负责结账、编制会计报表,安排各项税费的申报事宜; 8、协助主管完成其他日常事务性工作。 任职资格 1、年龄20-35,本科以上学历,会计学或财务管理专业毕业; 2、熟悉操作财务软件、Excel、Word等办公软件; 3、2年以上工作经验,有一般纳税人企业工作经验、有会计从业资格证,且有初级会计证优先,形象气质佳; 4、具有较强的独立学习和工作的能力,工作踏实,认真细心,积极主动; 5、良好的职业操守,强烈的责任心和团队精神,良好的学习能力和分析解决问题的能力。 职能类别: 会计 关键字: 财务 会计 出纳 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州市姑苏区长泾庙街11号 公司信息...
- 科伲可电子测量仪器贸易有限公司 Shanghai
Function of the Position: In order to ensure Knick China growth, we are looking for a customer service executive to take care of general administration and day to day office operation. This position will work closely with Knick China GM, Knick China clients as well as with vendors and service suppliers. 为确保Knick中国业务的发展,我们诚聘一名客户服务执行,负责公司的日常行政管理工作。该职位将与Knick大中华区总经理、Knick中国客户以及供应商和服务供应商紧密合作。 Role and Responsibilities: Order process management: Preparing and releasing quotations, Follow up and stati...
- 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校Wellington College International Shan... Shanghai
Supervisor : Classroom Teacher/Head of Lower Prep Main Task: The post-holder will assist teaching staff as required during the school day. This may include taking the class, small groups within the classroom or offering one to one support under the guidance and supervision of staff members. To offer help to class teachers as required. This may involve working with children, supervising activities. 1. Have knowledge and understanding of the curriculum at a level, which will assist the effective t...
- 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校Wellington College International Shan... Shanghai
Job Title: Teaching Assistant Department :Pre-Prep School Supervisor:Classroom Teacher/Head of Pre-Prep Main Task: The post-holder will assist teaching staff as required during the school day. This may include taking small groups within the classroom or offering one to one support under the guidance and supervision of staff members. To offer help to class teachers as required. This may involve working with children, supervising activities. 1. Have knowledge and understanding of the curriculum at...
- 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校Wellington College International Shan... Shanghai
Supervisor: Director of Sports Key Responsibilities: Monitors activities at the pool to prevent accidents. Rescues swimmers in danger of drowning. Administers First Aid. Cautions swimmers regarding unsafe practices and safety hazards; enforces and adheres to pool rules and regulations. Follows emergency action plan and procedures established in the event of an emergency. Maintains order in the pool and adjoining areas. Inspects facilities for cleanliness; completes general pool cleaning and main...
- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Duties and Responsibilities Tosupport the School’s ensembles by playing the Piano parts in rehearsals andperformances as required by the Music department. Toprovide support in classes by playing the Piano and assisting students withtheir work. Assistingthe Head of Music in administrative duties as required for the Musicdepartment. Attendingand accompanying performances outside of regular hours on an as needed basis. Supportwith design of promotional material for performances. Qualificat...
- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Outline Duties: To generate content for social media, website, media andevent internally and externally. To support the Line Manager, Admissions Department topromote the School through PR. Advertising and marketing activities viaplanning and execution. To provide support for school events and prepare forcollaterals and resources tailor made for students and parents. To support administrative tasks of the Marketing andCommunications Department. Responsibilities: To operate school's s...
- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Job Purpose The Library Assistant provides assistance with story time, student research, and support for teachers and parents. Also, this role is responsible for doing the clerical, technical, and computer tasks required to allow the school library to function effectively. Responsibilities 1. Responsibility for promoting and developing reading, literacy and information skills to students by: Managing the Library services to ensure the provision of an effective resource and information s...
- 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization. Job Title :Ass...
- 台灣積體電路製造 Xinzhu
1. Power IC product development 2. CIS product development 3. NVM (MRAM, RRAM) product development 4. MEMS product development 5. 3D-IC development 6. Analog/RF product development Qualifications 1. MS degree or above in Engineering or Science related (EE, Physics, Material Sciences, ...) 2. Familiar with process/device/product analysis in related fields is preferred. 3. At least 3-yr experiences of related fields. 4. Good communication skills, can converse in both Chinese & English. Primary...
tw.indeed.comAugust 27,2019 - 台灣積體電路製造 Xinzhu
1. 文書處理、資料歸檔 2.檔案管理與其他行政事務 Qualifications 1. 具行政工作相關經驗者尤佳 2. 具Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint基本能力 Primary Location : Taiwan-Hsinchu Job : Administration...
tw.indeed.comAugust 27,2019 - 天津市中北御河酒店管理有限公司 Tianjin
天津市 西青区 月薪3,000 - 4,500元 ? In absence of Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。 ? Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes: 进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o Appetizers, Savories, Salads and Sandwiches 开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 ? Applies organization skills for mise en place 在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力 o Sauces 调味汁 ? Produces hot and cold sauces for menu items ensuring consistency 制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致 o Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit...
- 达科电子有限公司 Shanghai
Job Duties岗位职责: 1. Works independently handle customer service commercial issues, including: 能独立处理客户服务商务事宜,包括: ? Ownership and follow through of critical cases until issue is resolved. Case activity may include coordinating the following: lining up technical support for a customer, ordering parts, setting up repair and returns, dispatching resources to go on-site to fix issues. This may also include communicating to customers on the progress throughout the process. 从头到尾跟踪重要案件的进展,包括为客户安排技术支持,订购零件...
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