Results 1 - 20 of 17680
  • 礼来中国 Shanghai

    招聘类型:校招 工作性质:实习 职能:人力资源 职位描述 1. Responsible for C&B monthly reports preparation such as employees data for insurance, medical check-up, holiday benefits.2. Responsible for drafting C&B program promotional materials such as WeChat article, email, poster, etc.3. Assist to organize benefits lecture and communication campaign activities including invitation preparation, logistic and on-site support4. Participant in benefits system testing such as flexible benefits platform testing5. Assist t...

  • 美国艾赛思国际有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 ACS International (ACSI) is looking for a Development Editor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research / Energy & Fuels in China. ACS Publications is rapidly expanding its global editorial presence in key markets and the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research / Energy & Fuels Development Editor will have the opportunity to be part of this exciting phase. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research has been at the forefront of chemical engineering research since 19...

  • 海连(中国)国际货运有限公司 Guangzhou

    职位信息 岗位要求: 1. 大专或以上学历, 英语4级以上,能熟练应用Office等办公软件; 2. 有1-2年以上货代操作经验者优先考虑; 3. 良好的沟通协调能力,具有承受工作压力的品质和良好的工作责任心及团队合作精神; 4. 有在货运代理行业长期发展的愿望; 5. 薪资:4000―5000元/月; 6. 福利:双休,购买五险一金 工作地点为:广州 职能类别: 船务/空运陆运操作 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦118A 地图 公司信息 Founded in 1990, the Topocean Group has experienced 16 years of continuous growth serving the fast growing Asia trade. By the late 1990’s, Topocean had a well established network of offices and agents throughout Asia. By the turn of the century, Topocean was we...

  • 德勤华永会计师事务所 查看所有职位 Chengdu

    Description: About Deloitte China Our professionals at Deloitte China provide a full range of audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services, and work closely within Greater China, across Asia-Pacific and around the world to provide clients of every size with local experience and international expertise. We have considerable experience in China and are one of the leading professional services providers in this marketplace. The Deloitte purpose is about ma...

  • 安利(中国)日用品有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 Designs ABO-centric products and solutions that drive towards an experience-based outcome in line with the ABO and customer digital strategy, including: 1.Liaising with design teams in an agile methodology-driven approach to enable solution development to achieve these experiences 2.Developing concept prototyping, journey maps and storytelling, wireframes, and ABO and customer needs analysis to set experiences that impact “moments that matter”, including: o Social experience, including h...

  • 上海味滋国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 1、Achieve Tmall/ JD (marketplace) flagship store net sales and E-commerce target 2、Direct and implement regular marketplace events to generate more traffic and sales 3、Responsible for keeping track and updating monthly marketplace promotion calendars, working with marketing to ensure synergies with marketing efforts 4、Establish good relationship between Brand and marketplace for strong marketplace support for key events 5、Drive self-learning and improvement in the area of Shared Service...

  • 纽约国际儿童俱乐部New York Kids... Xiamen

    厦门市 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 职位信息 工作职责: 1. 按照前台接待的标准服务流程,对行政服务团队进行标准化服务流程培训,管理整体服务团队; 2. 按流程分配安排前台接待与电话、环境维护与督查、及其它常规各项服务工作的分工与配合; 3. 会员接待与服务,执行与监督为会员安排上课的相关流程规范,及时反馈与协助解决会员问题; 4. 培训和管理保洁团队,执行清洁流程监控流程,维护整体环境; 5. 监督与执行接待非会员来电或到访的咨询及后续咨询服务的跟进安排,及时更新维护客户管理系统; 7. 办公用品、耗材、日常消耗品的采购与管理,管理维护公共财产及库房,员工考勤统计; 8. 负责前台日常突发或紧急事件及投诉等处理; 9. 积极配合执行市场部或其他部门的活动计划,协助协调各部门之间的工作。 任职要求: 1. 大专以上学历,有2年以上早期教育或其他教育培训类或服务类相关行业工作经验; 2. 爱孩子,热爱教育事业,有亲和力、有责任心、耐心、细心、有热情; 3. 良好的计算机操作能力和沟通能力,普通话流利; 4. 工作主动,有良好的服务意识; 5. 有良好的团队管理能力,能够清晰地进行...

  • 艾睿(中国)电子贸易有限公司 Guangzhou

    As a strategic partner of Field Sales in winning business, this role is responsible for providing customers competitive quotations, which includes strategizing quotes for bids (i.e., mark-ups). Stock checking & handling sample requests are also part of the CSO' s sales role. In addition to its sales role, this position is responsible for order management (SO entry & maintenance and shipment release), which includes inventory management as well as updating relevant information in the ...

  • 摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 职位信息 J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering innovative and intelligent solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available. We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their wealth for more than 200 years and we keep their interests foremost in our minds at all times. This combination of product strength, intellectual capital and character sets us apart as an industry leader. J.P. Morgan is part...

  • 德莎国际货运代理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Liaise with Corporate, Regional and Local IT & BPO Resources to ensure a timely resolution of all issues 2. Ensure satisdaction of End Users meets the desired Service Level Agreements 3. Ensure issues are handled effectively to closure 4. Analyze issues effectively, using existing knowledge base within the team 5. Resolve issues independently 6. Communicate effecitvely and in a timely manner with all users 7. Flexibile with extended working hours in the morning, and or in the evening,...

  • 浙江国际赛车场 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 月薪8,000 - 15,000元 该职位是为浙江国际赛车场内的精品酒店-Cachet Botique Zhejiang Circuit在上海地区开展业务活动 Cachet集团是来自美国的精品酒店品牌,浙江国际赛车场选择和该品牌合作,开发充满赛车艺术气息的精品酒店 酒店设计出众,个性突出,极具市场竞争力,是潮流之选,我们欢迎有识之士加入! 工作职责: 1. 负责向上海地区客户销售酒店产品,包括会议、宴会、公司团建等 2. 负责拓展在上海地区的业务渠道,包括与业务联系人、会务策划者、游客和会展局、旅行社、旅游运营商、航空公司、公司客户、政府部门和其它客人发展并保持联系 3. 与公司酒店部同事保持沟通协调,确保业务接待顺利开展 4. 通过参与上海市场的各种活动在上海市场上为酒店树立良好形象 5. 拜访上海地区有潜力的客户,发展并保持与客户合作的关系 6. 与上级主管保持良好的互动和沟通,协助处理相关事宜 7. 及时了解酒店最新产品动态和定价策略 8. 不断努力,完成销售目标 任职资格: 1. 有至少1年相关工作经验 2. 具有代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能...

  • 雷诺斯国际货运代理有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: ? monitoring and analysis of the realized KPIs for quality, performance and productivity ? analysis, conception, calculation of new warehouse projects incl. tender preparation and sales support ? Project management for warehousing projects for planning and operative implementation of warehouse projects ? optimization of operative warehouse processes (e.g. optimization of picking processes) ? preparation and care of workflows and process instructions for regulating meetings and ...

  • 三立国际教育集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 岗位职责: Reading and Writing Enrichment Instructor Sanli International is looking to fill full time and part time positions for a Reading and Writing Enrichment Instructor. Qualified candidates are experienced educators who are passionate about building close relationships with students through the pursuit of rigorous academic goals. Sanli International serves talented and highly motivated students looking for academic enrichment from instructors who can model expertise in a scholastic disc...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    I. Responsibilities 1) Support Project Manager in developing the yearly brand promotion plan of CEIBS E-Platform as a knowledge provider in Entrepreneurship field 2) Develop the media plan for admission & marketing purposes of CELC & CVCC programs 3) Being an in-house journalist for the alumni stories editing and writes press releases/articles for the events. 4) Monitor the social media content and maintain the Wechat public accounts 5) Other related tasks assigned by Project Manager 一、 ...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Job Major Responsibilities: 1. Write and edit Chinese news releases and high quality Wechat stories , a wide variety of school events and activities on time; 2. Manage school website and social media platform (Wechat minsite etc), ensure quality of news and articles before releasing. 3. Monitor the media and social media coverage, manage the vendor, write the analysis, initial social media campaign accordingly; 4. Work with other departments and teams to initiate, organize and implement effe...

  • 社企流 Taibei

    職稱:特約採訪編輯(外稿合作) 工作內容包括: 選題:協助蒐集、分析社會創新創業領域具新聞價值之題材 採訪:協助採訪並撰寫人物專訪、活動報導、分析評論等內容 編輯:協助編譯外文與整理新聞、處理稿件校對、潤飾、下標、上稿等事務 其他編輯庶務與文書作業 遵守編輯台交稿時間,酬勞依合作內容議價 我們期待你所具備的能力包括: 中英文流利 熟悉電腦操作及網路各大社群平台 具有編輯、採訪相關工作經驗 1-2 年 能獨立作業,並有駕馭短、中、長篇文章之撰寫能力 加分條件—懂得影音製作與攝錄影 加分條件—對新創圈或社會企業生態圈有基本認識 給我們一點線索更了解你: 請準備五頁內中英文履歷(PDF格式)與過往採訪、編譯或新聞整理作品 請寄至,信件標題統一為: 社企流_應徵特約採訪編輯_姓名 若獲得面試程序會於七天內主動通知,因小公司事務繁忙,懇請投件者配合,請勿主動來電或來訊聯繫,非常感謝!...

  • 礼来中国 Shanghai

    continuously improve Medical affairs core capabilities especially for new product launch Partnering with the LCDDMAC leadership team to prioritize capability areas of focus fon Medical affairs esp. new product launch. Develop and facilitate an capability development plan including sharing plateform and training plan. Create strong Lilly networks to leverage/synergy the resouces for capabilities enhancement solutions , especially from global medical affairs team. Launch readiness roadmap and proc...

  • 海连(中国)国际货运有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 职位信息 岗位职责: 1. 掌握货运文件及各项货运进出口有关文件流程 2. 及时、有效利用现代通讯手段与公司各代理,处理各项文件疑难,有自行处事能力 3. 及时统计并向上级领导反馈本部门发展中面临的问题 4. 能够熟练运用计算机及办公软件; 5. 语言能力:需有一定英语基础,能读能写,熟悉英语者优先考虑; 6. 有船务操作经验者优先考虑; 职能类别: 船务/空运陆运操作 关键字: NVOCC 货代 海运操作 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦118A 地图 公司信息 Founded in 1990, the Topocean Group has experienced 16 years of continuous growth serving the fast growing Asia trade. By the late 1990’s, Topocean had a well established network of offices and agents throughout Asia. By the turn of the cent...

  • 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Chengdu

    负责分公司银保培训规划、组织、执行和管理,执行销售督导,提高内部银保团队的综合能力和银行销售人员的销售技能和销售效率,达成业务目标 Plan,organize and manage the bank insurance training in branches, supervise its sales, enhance internal bank insurance group ability and increase the marketing skill and efficiency, so as to reach the goal. 1. 协助银行保险负责人规划、组织和执行三级机构内外部培训和训练,通过销售督导,提高内部银保团队的综合能力和银行销售人员的销售技能和销售效率(产能),达成业务目标 Asssist the bank insurance director to plan,organize and manage the bank insurance training in branches, supervise its sales, enhance internal gr...

  • 浩辰国际贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Qualification: 1. Min. 10 years of experience as a Technician in the field of apparel 2. Familiar with paper pattern, marker laying, sewing technical on Waterproof outwear, woven , knit , sweater, etc. 3. Be able to communicate with local factories in making recommendations on production improvement as well as sample approval 4. Be able to check samples and write comments independently and communicate with local factories in making recommendations on sample improvement as well 5. Be able to work...

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