- 安拓国际人力资源(广州)有限公司 广州市
广州市 职位信息 Job Responsibility: 1、Curriculum: Incharge of designing the school curriculum according to GIA requirement andstandard, confirm the standards in all areas of the school. Meanwhile,participate the teaching differentiation plan for students who will attend APtest. 2、Teaching: In chargeof the management and quality control of the teaching of all courses of theschool. Conduct the teaching assessment in a professional manner to improvethe teaching quality effectively. Set up academic goals a...
- 美商艾爾測試系統股份有限公司 新竹縣 竹北市
Roles and Responsibilities Service Sales Orders Reviews the Spares and Service purchase orders for their completeness and accuracy comparing to a quotation / the price list Creates the Sales Order. Route it following the process for review and approval. Send an Order Acknowledgement to Customers Keep Track of order status. Report Weekly. Communicate with customers if there are any changes to the ship date and/or orders. Close out the Sales Order when the order is complete (delivered) Internal Or...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon
請親臨下列招聘日面試。 日期: 2019年9月26日 時間: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 地點: 伊利沙伯醫院S座1樓104室 薪金: 時薪港幣$78.6 工作時數: 最多需要一星期工作 5 天,每天最多工作 7 小時 職責 為九龍區普通科門診提供文職支援,工作內容包括: 繳費處; 接待處及處理公眾查詢; 文件存檔及記錄保管; 接聽電話查詢; 資料輸入 執行其他由主管指派的工作。 入職條件 1. 完成中五; 及 i)會考5科合格包括英文(Syl. B) 及中文 或 ii)文憑試5科合格包括 英文及中文 或 2. 完成中五; 及少許工作經驗。 註:當懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告時,是次招聘日將會取消。 查詢請致電3506 7202 / 3506 4765聯絡。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 22,2019 - 北京诺华制药有限公司 北京市 朝阳区
Your responsibilities include, but not limited to: 你的职责包括但不限于: ? Ensure the customs and trade compliance of all entities in the country; ? Develop and conduct training that are congruent with the strategic direction of Global Customs & Trade Compliance Management; ? Proactively identify, reviews, implement and monitor the actions to close the gaps; ? Reviews and reports on the state of the country's customs & trade compliance effectiveness; ? Proactively identify operational excellen...
- 武汉怡东船舶管理有限公司 武汉市 江汉区
温馨提醒:投递简历前,请认真阅读以下内容,我们不会查阅您投递的简历,为了快递服务,请联系客服:18971325427,请备注:前程无忧+姓名+申请职位,由于投递人员比较多,不会回复邮件,还望理解。 特别说明:邮轮航行于海上,按照海事局规定,录取人员需要前往各地区海事培训学校参加约1个月的海事基本安全、海事英文、保安员意识、客轮船员专业培训,并办理海员证件,参加健康体检等。 岗位要求:男女不限,会英文交流,有相关岗位经验,身体健康,良好的服务意识,能适应全英文工作环境,与来自全球的工作同事友好共事 邮件一般不回复!请认真阅读以下内容: 详细信息如下: 一、 关于邮轮ABOUT CRUISES 邮轮公司旗下有18艘超过10万吨的豪华游轮,集餐饮、娱乐与名胜游览的于一体并为游客提供灵活选择的高级游轮公司,因她的现代化和豪华创新而在世界游轮界享负盛名,已引领百多万游客游历其精彩纷呈的旅游线路。 二、 岗位: PURSERS前厅部: Junior Assistant Purser客服人员 Tour Staff导游 -如有前台、会计方面经验比较好; International Host Trans...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Primary Responsibilities: Manage short-term customer demand (orders or forecast); arrange daily/weekly shipments to customers and trace the shipment until arrives at customer for DDU/DDP customer; Prepare demand file and attend weekly demand review meeting Upload the customer demand into SAP and coordinate with master scheduling team to ensure the products to be produced in time Monitor consignment stock, meet customer request and control FG inventory -Cooperate with Ex-customer & Int-X-func...
- 美商艾爾測試系統股份有限公司 新竹縣 竹北市
Roles and Responsibilities Service Sales Orders Reviews the Spares and Service purchase orders for their completeness and accuracy comparing to a quotation / the price list Creates the Sales Order. Route it following the process for review and approval. Send an Order Acknowledgement to Customers Keep Track of order status. Report Weekly. Communicate with customers if there are any changes to the ship date and/or orders. Close out the Sales Order when the order is complete (delivered) Internal Or...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 22,2019 - 西交利物浦大学 苏州市 工业园区
苏州市 工业园区 100-101 | 苏州 工业园区 | 全职 | 本科 | 经验3年 年终奖 绩效奖金 职位介绍 性别:不限 | 驾照:不要求 岗位职责: Responsibilities To liaise with clients to ascertain their needs and to operate or support the use of associated equipment and resources involved in the capture and editing of digital video and audio content. To coordinate booking of the digital video and audio content capture and production facilities by clients and ensure associated equipment and resources are prepared and ready for use as necessary. To maintain the...
- 苏州国际外语学校 查看所有职位 苏州市 相城区
苏州市 相城区 Job Duties: 1. The main duty of the ‘Head of University Counselor’ is following counseling-related work, proving professional and sound counseling support for students and parents: a) Keeping a track of and assisting with the running of students’ activities and school-scale events, by working with CAS coordinator and responsible staff of other activities; b) Follow up with extramural organizations regarding the outsourced service and collaboration activities, e,g. language training compa...
- 國泰世華商業銀行 Taibei
Content 1.擬訂年度公關廣宣目標、執行方案與KPI 2.公關、品牌活動、粉絲團經營企劃與執行 3.媒體策略規劃與執行、新聞稿撰寫 4.各類贊助活動評估與執行 5.其他主管交辦事項 Type: Full-time Expatriation: Business trip/expatriation not required Work hour: Day shift Location: 台北市 Leave system: Negotiable Required number of employee: 1 ~ 1 person(s) Requirements Work experience: No restriction Required education level: Master Above Required program: 國內外大學(商學、企業管理、廣告、行銷、大眾傳播、新聞)碩士 Required language ability: English -Proficient Proficient skill: 熟悉電腦文書軟體操作,若擅長美編軟體(Photoshop、Illu...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 21,2019 - 广州英国学校 广州市
职位信息 The British School of Guangzhou is looking for someone to manage front desk operations and handle administration work for Music department. Ensure that the Head of Music and Principal's PA receive high quality administrative support. Job Description: Receptionist 1. Greet visitors, and direct them to appropriate areas of the school, provide visitors with drinks (coffee, tea etc) 2. Handle all reasonable requests from members of staff, intended for official school affairs 3. Identify and...
- 香港公開大學 Hong Kong
Established by the Hong Kong Government in 1989, OUHK today has developed into a young, dynamic, full-fledged university. We began offering full-time face-to-face programmes since 2001 and currently have about 10,000 full-time and 9,000 part-time students in the five Schools at the OUHK with about 220 programmes of studies. In addition, there are about 2,000 full-time/part-time students studying in LiPACE. The University strives to be a leader in providing open and flexible education to all, and...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 20,2019 - 东方丝路科技有限公司 深圳市 宝安区
工作职责: 1. 职位概述/Job Description ? Generate original English content and edit or translate existing content for: online product listings, packaging, product manuals, social media, company website, and promotional videos and materials. ? Provide culturally relevant insight for marketing, sales, and customer support teams. ? Work directly with customer support team to help provide native language customer service. 2. 主要职责/Native English Copywriting 主要内容/Assist the Language Center Manager with proofre...
- 多特瑞商贸有限公司 上海市 静安区
岗位职责: 1.负责本公司品牌宣传广告及各类推广活动的宣传文案; 2.对公司产品进行创意和卖点提炼,撰写广告文案、产品介绍等资料,各类其他相关产品刊物、礼盒包装等呈现文案; 3.具备一定的策划能力,阶段性开展线上活动、粉丝互动、话题制造、传播和推广产品; 4.懂得广告文案措辞,能独立完成公司相关的宣传性软文的撰稿、组稿、编辑工作; 5.进行品牌其他如美国、新加坡等市场的相通类文案的搜集整理; 6.协助部门内其它需要的工作。 任职要求: 1.新闻、中文、广告学、市场营销、传播学等专业本科及以上学历; 2.三年以上工作经验,能独立撰写文章、文案,擅长多种文风; 3.文字功底深厚,文笔流畅,洞悉时尚及潮流热点,熟悉新媒体传播规律; 4.具有较强的规划、分析能力和创新意识,思维清晰而有条理; 5.善于沟通,有责任感,有良好的执行力和团队精神; 6.有媒体从业者及美妆、个护行业经验者优先。 Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the company's brand advertising and all kinds of promotional ac...
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services Executive Officer I The appointee will (a) develop Intellectual Property (IP) related projects, handle patent prosecution, and conduct technology licensing activities; and (b) work closely with Faculty and research staff, the industry, and other external organisations in IP protection and commercialisation of technology. Applicants should have (i) a good Bachelor’s degree or above in Science, preferably in the fields of Engineering and Informati...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 20,2019 - 武汉怡东船舶管理有限公司 武汉市 江汉区
武汉市 江汉区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 温馨提醒:投递简历前,请认真阅读以下内容,我们不会查阅您投递的简历,为了快递服务,请联系客服:18971325427,请备注:前程无忧+姓名+申请职位,由于投递人员比较多,不会回复邮件,还望理解。 特别说明:邮轮航行于海上,按照海事局规定,录取人员需要前往各地区海事培训学校参加约1个月的海事基本安全、海事英文、保安员意识、客轮船员专业培训,并办理海员证件,参加健康体检等。 岗位要求:男女不限,会英文交流,有相关岗位经验,身体健康,良好的服务意识,能适应全英文工作环境,与来自全球的工作同事友好共事 邮件一般不回复!请认真阅读以下内容: 详细信息如下: 一、 关于邮轮ABOUT CRUISES 邮轮公司旗下有18艘超过10万吨的豪华游轮,集餐饮、娱乐与名胜游览的于一体并为游客提供灵活选择的高级游轮公司,因她的现代化和豪华创新而在世界游轮界享负盛名,已引领百多万游客游历其精彩纷呈的旅游线路。 二、 岗位: PURSERS前厅部: Junior Assistant Purser客服人员 Tour Staff导游 -如有前台、会计方面经验比较好...
- 华晨雷诺金杯汽车有限公司 沈阳市 大东区
沈阳市 大东区 实习生 日薪100元 1.Major requirement: business,accounting,management,economics,English and their related majors. 2.Education requiremental: bachelor degree or above. 3.English skill: CET-6 and fluent in listening,speaking and writing.(English is the working language.) 4.Personal trait: responsible,scrupulous, and good at communicating. 5.Others: relevant work experience is preferred. 职能类别: 实习生 关键字: 国际贸易 国际商务 进出口贸易 国际结算 微信 联系方式 上班地址:沈阳市大东区东望街39号 公司信息 华晨雷诺金杯汽车有限公司成立于2017年12月15日,是由全球知名的先进汽车企业雷诺集团...
- 广州尚宸企业管理顾问有限公司 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Identify and define use cases for data science and machine learning to solve business problems throughout Banking and Wealth Management Asia Pacific, and communicating these to senior and working level business partners across multiple functions. Work with the wider Analytics Centre of Excellence to deliver the use cases in a timely manner, including tracking results and communication to relevant business partners. Build and embed the data science and machine learning capability in Banki...
- 诺力昂化学品有限公司 宁波市 镇海区
宁波市 镇海区 ALPS deployment (Mainly focus but not limited to maintenance and capex) Lead/ support the local ALPS implementation and build-up of required capabilities and ensure ALPS full and successful implementation and practical application on a daily base Network within the Nouryon CI community/ALPS team and share insights, problems and opportunities to promote improved performance and problem-solving across the company as well as encourage others to do the same Develop 5S standards and lead to p...
- 香港公開大學 Hong Kong
Established by the Hong Kong Government in 1989, OUHK today has developed into a young, dynamic, full-fledged university. We began offering full-time face-to-face programmes since 2001 and currently have about 10,000 full-time and 9,500 part-time students in the five Schools at the OUHK with about 220 programmes of studies. In addition, there are about 2,000 full-time/part-time students studying in LiPACE. The University strives to be a leader in providing open and flexible education to all, and...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 19,2019
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