- 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 新竹市 東區
聯絡人:周麗紅 聯絡電話:31963 一、職級:講師(含)以上1名 (以一學年一聘為原則) 二、專長:工業設計せ數位製造、互動科技之實務技術與/或工作室管理 三、任務:協助本所與本校跨域學程之實務教學工作 四、資格:具國內外大學之碩士學位或教育部講師(含)以上證書者尤佳,或具教育部「大學聘任專業技術人員擔任教學辦法」講師級專業技術人員(含)以上資格。 五、應徵資料: 1. 個人履歷資料 (請詳列創新設計、互動科技實務、數位製造設備營運、大專任教或產業專職經驗) 2.教學計畫或可開授課程綱要說明 3.推薦信函 2 封 4.最高學歷證明、最高學歷修業期間之修課成績單 5. 五年內創新設計、數位製造、或互動科技相關之代表性創作或產品開發3 件。 6. 作品集及其他參考資料(如:獲獎證明、數位製造相關之國內外認證、大專教學成果) 六、截止日期:即日起 至 108 年9 月19 日(含)止,請將資料寄至 300 新竹市大學路 1001 號 國立交通大學『應用藝術研究所教評會』收。 信封請註明「應徵約聘專案實作教學教師」。(應徵文件恕不退還) 七、聯絡人:周麗紅小姐 電話:03-5731963 E...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 南京小红花婴幼儿保育有限公司 南京市 秦淮区
工作职责: 1、 完成每月的课程销售任务; 2、 为家长提供详细的品牌和课程介绍; 3、 给孩子的成长提供专业的指导和帮助; 4、 积极协助并参与市场营销活动; 5、 积极维护客户关系,定期做好客户回访工作,及时解决相应问题。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,1年以上早教行业工作经验或销售经验; 2、热心于早教事业,喜欢孩子,乐于帮助孩子成长; 3、沟通能力强、热情开朗、有团队意识,能承受一定工作压力; 4、英文良好者为佳。 Responsibilities: 1.Complete the courses sales task monthly; 2.Introduce brand and courses to parents in detail; 3.Provide professional guidance and help to children; 4.Give positive assistance and take part in marketing activities; 5.Preserving the customer relationship actively,make ...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 成都市
成都市 FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. We have been partnering with K-12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. We are currently recruiting native speaking English teachers to teach online through our platform -FunderStudy. Due to our business expansion, we have the fo...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 天津市
FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. We have been partnering with K-12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. We are currently recruiting native speaking English teachers to teach online through our platform -FunderStudy. Due to our business expansion, we have the follow...
- 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司 重庆市 江北区
重庆市 江北区 公司简介 重庆市外商投资促进中心,直属于重庆市对外贸易经济委员会的政府事业单位,是中国国际投资促进会的会员单位、中国对外服务工作行业协会的成员单位和FESCO人力资源服务会员单位。 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司,系重庆市外商投资促进中心投资成立的全国有性质单位。公司秉承“人尽其才,职路至爱”的宗旨,历经十年的稳健发展,现已拥有国际化、专业化的高素质服务团队,建立了系统、庞大的人才储备库和广泛的招募渠道,已为近600家中外企业、相关政府与事业机构、社会团体,以及数十万人才提供服务,在国内外获得广泛赞誉。 岗位职责 Job Description: 1.Planning and delivering lessons to students aging from 13 to 18. Lessons taught include IGCSE chemistry,AS chemistry and A2 chemistry etc. 2.Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvemen...
- 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区
ABOUT THE ROLE Teachers must be ambitious for the pupils' learning and put their pupils first in everything that they do. Teachers should actively promote the School's Mission and Vision through their enthusiastic and full participation in school life. Every teacher has key academic and pastoral responsibilities. These are listed in the following section and it is important that we all take these responsibilities seriously: ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To contribute to the establishment ...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 太原市
太原市 年薪100,000 - 150,000元 FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our Fu...
- 汎亞國際人事顧問股份有限公司 台北市 松山區
1. 設計符合品牌風格的網站 2. 能觀察對手網站,研究其設計優劣,並能利用手繪或設計稿表達設計概念。 3. 負責廣告橫福(banner)創意設計 4. 能與產品經理、工程師、品管有效率地溝通、合作。 5. 三年以上設計相關工作經驗 6. 提供線上作品集供參考 我們需要一位具有想像力的視覺人才,擁有團隊合作與學習精神並對使用者介面優化具有興趣。我們認為創造良好使用者經驗的設計,除了簡約的視覺風格外,在使用者互動方面更應有所著墨。歡迎有致於使用者經驗提升、參與大型網站建置的視覺設計人才。 1. Present the user interface visually in a consistent brand look/feel that pleases our users, so information is easy to read, easy to understand and easy to find. 2. Have the abilities to observe competitor’s work and utilize sketches, wireframes or moc...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司 重庆市 江北区
Job Description: 1.Planning and delivering lessons to students aging from 13 to 18. Lessons taught include IGCSE chemistry,AS chemistry and A2 chemistry etc. 2.Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement to students. 3.Participating in academic meetings, planning and organizing student activities, open classes, festive performance and decoration, co-hosting events or school promotion with other chemistry teachers. 4.Taking responsibilities as a coach and judge for ...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 湘潭市
FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our FunderStudy online platform...
- 上海锦江国际理诺士酒店管理专修学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 This position requires the supervision and implementation of the efficient delivery of high quality academic programs that prepare students to succeed in today's demanding and dynamic culinary, food service, and hospitality industries. 职能类别:院校教务管理人员 关键字:教务长 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:海思路100号(上海师范大学奉贤校区内)...
- 上海锦江国际理诺士酒店管理专修学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
This position requires the supervision and implementation of the efficient delivery of high quality academic programs that prepare students to succeed in today's demanding and dynamic culinary, food service, and hospitality industries. 职能类别: 院校教务管理人员 关键字: 教务长 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:海思路100号(上海师范大学奉贤校区内)...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Video editor for informational, internal support videos that support new Apple products. This is a multi-editor production environment where the Editor will be refining and advancing numerous timelines with very specific scripting required. This role favors detail-orientation and FCP process expertise over creative editorial skills because we produce highly functional technical procedurals and we produce a lot of them. You may be working on localization cuts that require re-timing, assisting our...
- 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 上海市 闵行区
JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization. Job Title : AEN/SEN As...
- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
Harrow International School Shanghai is looking for Peripatetic Music Tutors to teach the following instruments Drums and Guitar Woodwind and Piano The ability to offer ABRSM Music Theory tuition would be of benefit. The successful candidate will Have experience teaching students from different nationalities Be an excellent teacher and communicator as well as a proficient player Have fluent English, as lessons are taught in this language Working days/hours can be flexible, with Tutors paid on a ...
- 上海长宁国际外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Teach grades 1-5 as a movement assistant teacher Co-coordinate, develop and facilitate the SCIS Lower School movement program with the music and PE teachers Assist in the production of four concerts performances each year Plan, teach and assess movement lessons Take responsibility for professional development and current with research and developments in pedagogy and in the taught subjects. Understand professional responsibilities in relation to school policies, guidelines and practices Evaluate...
- 富朗世水务技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 RESPOSIBILITIES In charge of China legal entities and consolidation group reporting and ensure the accounting principal adhere to IFRS in all group finance system. Prepare management reporting packing and detail analysis to support local business divisions Contribute in the Budget and Forecast preparation. Track the performance against the plan. Supports month-end processes to ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close; Prepare comprehensive and detailed reports, com...
- 人才天下有限公司 台北市 信義區
工作內容 活動名稱:徵9/16、9/18-9/19會議英文人員 活動時間:9/16 13:00-17:00 職訓 9/18-9/19 08:00-17:30 (用餐休息30分鐘,供餐不計薪) 工作內容:報到台、引導機動、會議室助理等 活動地點:台北國際會議中心 活動服裝:黑色正式服裝(白襯衫+黑褲+黑西裝外套+黑皮鞋/黑包鞋) 活動薪資:職訓 NT150/HR 活動 NT170/HR 活動人數:9/16、9/18-9/19 1人 9/16、9/18 3人 匯款日期:活動結束隔月15號,遇例假日順延(10/15匯款,郵局10/16入帳) 意者,請寄簡歷及數張照片至bfhrs5b32@gmail.com (須具備英文溝通能力,多益成績700分以上或相關英文檢定) 薪資待遇: 時薪 150 至 170 元 上班地點: 台北市信義區信義路五段1號 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 上班時段:08:00/下班時段: 17:30 休假制度: 依公司規定 職務類別: 工讀生、英文翻譯/口譯人員、活動展覽人員 職務更新日期:2019-09-12 職缺條件 工作性質: 打工 身份類別: 一般求職...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019 - 爱思开海力士半导体有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 年薪200,000 - 500,000元 1. 负责上海摄像头模组客户的品质技术支持(QA) 2. 为客户在产品(芯片,摄像头模组)生产线过程中遇到的不良,硬件和测试相关问题提供品质技术支持和解决放案 3. CIS(CMOS Image Sensor)/摄像头模组产品相应的分析测试工具和问题解决方法 4.与顾客进行不良索赔协商的业务(RMA 工作) 任职要求: 1. 大学本科及以上,电子信息类相关专业 2. 5年以上芯片(Image Sensor)和摄像头模组产品相关工作经验或品质技术支援相关工作经验 3. 摄像头模组生产制造CSP,COB),工艺,生产线,品质,等知识 4. 英文可以作为工作语言者优先 职能类别: FAE 现场应用工程师 测试工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:娄山关路533号金虹桥国际中心B座19楼....
- 莱佛士设计学院 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
Responsibilities: 1. Research and compile teaching materials for modules assigned. 2. Plan and deliver these lessons in a clear and appropriate manner. 3. Develop students learning enthusiasm and monitor the learning styles and developmental stages of the students. 4. Ensure that students are appropriately supported and provided with timely and constructive guidance for their academic developments and pastoral care. 5. Develop students' creativities and problems solving skills through compet...
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