Results 1 - 20 of 33278
  • 东方海外货柜航运有限公司 上海市 虹口区

    Remarks: 需要根据欧洲时间上班,每月两周中班(15:00~23:00),两周白班(8:30~17:30) 出口单证代表工作职责及范围 1. 根据船期及时制作停靠所有西欧、南欧、中欧及波罗的海港口出口船只的船期表。 2. 及时制作截单时间表,并根据船期变动及时调整及更改。 3. 根据船期表时间及时完成开船动作并设置相关汇率。 4. 船开后及时签发提单给客人。 5. 根据客人要求及时完成改单。 6. 确保美国、加拿大、欧洲、中国、日本、以色列、土耳其的出口舱单发送并确保发送成功。 7. 在舱单发送截止时间或船开前,提前催促提醒客人发送托单,以免造成不必要的罚金。 8. 作为一个沟通桥梁,做好欧洲同事、客人与珠海货讯通同事之间的沟通协调工作。 9. HRC系统的跟踪和清理。 10. 能及时、流畅地与欧洲同事及客人进行沟通,确保信息传送、沟通无障碍。 11. 做好相关文件的存档工作以备日后核对查阅之需。 Requirements: 1. College graduate or above 2. Working efficient, strong responsibility, quic...

  • 东方海外货柜航运有限公司 上海市 虹口区

    上海市 虹口区 Remarks: 需要根据欧洲时间上班,每月两周中班(15:00~23:00),两周白班(8:30~17:30) 进口客服代表工作职责及范围 1. 根据进口船舶靠港时间制作每周船期表。 2. 根据船期表时间及时完成开船动作并设置相关汇率。 3. 在规定时间内完成进口单子的核对:包括收货人、通知人地址信息核对,进口费用核算及发票开具。并及时发送到货通知或放箱清单给指定客人。 4. 滞箱费用计算及发票开具。 5. 在SEAGHA系统中及时发送T1文件从而确保货物到达欧洲后始终在欧洲海关的监控下。 6. 及时在系统中完成更改、添加运输途中所产生的额外费用。 7. 确保欧洲进口舱单的及时发送并处理其有可能产生的相关问题。 8. 能及时、流畅地与欧洲同事及客人进行沟通,确保信息传送、沟通无障碍。 9. 做好相关文件的存档工作以备日后核对查阅之需。 Requirements: 1. College graduate or above 2. Working efficient, strong responsibility, quick response on daily accoun...

  • 东莞搜谷计算机系统有限公司 东莞市

    Recruitment I. Company Profile: Sogoode International has dedicated to cross-border E-commerce industry for many years. Company has set up the warehouses in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and other developed countries in Europe and North America to develop its business. In line with the business philosophy of concentration, sureness, innovation, Sogoode stands in the forefront of the industry. Songshan Lake Zone has been adhering to the developmental concept of integrating technology and landscap...

  • 东莞市图兰文化传播有限公司 东莞市 南城区

    职位信息 Responsibilities: Preparing daily classes, related lecture notes and demo classes. Working closely with other teachers, create a good teaching environment. Assist in training Chinese teachers, product development and teaching materials development. Helping pupils to succeed in their learning tasks, giving them good experience so that they develop self-respect and foster personal maturity; Providing guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters; making relevant records and ...

  • 哈尔滨新东方学校 查看所有职位 哈尔滨市 南岗区

    Harbin New Oriental School needs two foreign English teachers for children (4-9 years old) Required Qualifications: The candidate must come from the US, the UK, Australia, Canada,New Zealand or other countries where English is the native language. Benefits: The salary may go up to 25,000 Yuan per month after tax.(about 100 hours per month for teaching) You have 2 days off per week. The New Oriental School can provide you a work visa and the insurance. The holidays, air tickets, rental subsidy ca...

  • 上海德稻集群文化创意产业有限公司 武汉市 江夏区

    Key responsibilities: Fashion photography, Fashion film making. Production, lighting, styling, editing still and moving image post production. Main duties and responsibilities The main duties and responsibilities of this role have been grouped in the following areas: 1. Learning and Teaching. 2. Innovation and Industy engagement 3. Mentoring and Pastoral Care. 4. Curriculum Development. 5. Quality Assurance and Enhancement. Essential requirements: 1、First degree in Photography and / or film maki...

  • 阿里巴巴集团 Shanghai

    工作年限: 五年以上 所属部门: 阿里集团 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 岗位描述: 协助公司建立健全有效的内部控制体系,为业务方高效识别、分析和应对业务风险提供技术支持。包括: 1、负责IT类风险的日常评估; 2、参与公司现有IT业务流程优化与标准化,以及各项政策制度的拟定; 3、利用IT相关的专业技能、手段和方法,参考行业实践标准和监管要求,发现和减小IT系统在设计和运行方面的潜在风险,并对公司内部IT规程和操作实践提出建议和意见,确保IT内控管理规范性,提高IT运作效率、保障安全运行; 4、强有力的项目计划和执行力,能推动问题的识别、诊断和解决,通过有效的跨部门协作机制推动IT治理和管理持续改进; 5、和产品技术团队、业务内控团队密切合作,确保各项内控措施能高效、正确地植入公司业务流程,不断推动公司风控工作的信息化水平; 6、完成上级交办的其他工作。 岗位要求: 1、7年以上内控/合规相关工作经验,有四大会计师事务所或专业IT咨询经验者优先考虑,有互联网行业或上市公司工作经验者尤佳; 2、具有丰富的风险合规管理工作经验和良好的IT管控方面的专业能力,掌握IT风险管理方法论框架...

  • 阿里巴巴集团 深圳市

    深圳市 工作年限: 七年以上 所属部门: Lazada 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 若干 团队介绍: Lazada is the No. 1 online shopping & selling destination in Southeast Asia – present in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Lazada helps more than 145,000 local and international sellers as well as 3,000 brands serve the 560 million consumers in the region through its marketplace platform, supported by a wide range of tailored marketing, data, and service solutions. Southeast Asia is the next big internet ...

  • 必维集团 CIF China 福建省

    福建省 岗位职责: Delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review as described in Audit Realization Have delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review, and the control of other members of audit teams. authorized to lead Bureau Veritas Certification Audits and to take those decisions as necessary during Audits and to recommend to the Technical Manager initial certificati...

  • 拓维集团 查看所有职位 长沙市 岳麓区

    1、对接拓维学堂线下业务中心人力资源全盘工作,扮演HRBP主管角色; 2、充分了解体系业务模式,理解人力资源政策及流程,担当所负责部门的人力资源顾问与合作伙伴,提供必要的建设性意见和建议; 3、配合所负责部门工作开展,提供人力资源全套解决方案,包括人力资源供给(包含关键人才引进、常规人才补充、校园招聘等体系化建设工作),组织能力构建,薪酬绩效把控及优化建议等; 4、关注所负责部门员工职业素养、专业技能提升;发掘部门能力建设需求,建立部门培训体系; 5、 协助所负责部门进行团队建设规划、文化建设,营造良好的员工关系,防范与处理劳资风险; 6、 在业务规划中代表人力资源部门与所负责部门进行沟通,并向人力资源部反馈协调部门需求。 任职资格: 1.本科及以上学历,从事人力资源工作4年以上,并具有2年以上团队管理经验; 2.具备常规人力资源知识储备及灵活应用能力,能够准确理解需求并提供解决方案.执行落地; 3.有职业梦想,有韧劲,具备较强的学习能力及人力理解力.系统思考能力; 4.具备连锁运营管理模式行业经验优先。 职能类别:人事经理人事主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:岳麓区银盆南路四水厂附近 ...

  • 必维集团 CIF China 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    Organize or participate in the organization of the audit: Carry out review of documentation Logistic preparations for the audit Obtain client approval for the audit program Identify & plan necessary resources for the audit Carry out the audit; Lead the opening meeting Carry out interviews identified with client Prepare the conclusions for the report Lead the closing meeting at the end of the audit Agree the non-conformities with the client Assess client compliance in order to issue or mainta...

  • 必维集团 CIF China 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    岗位职责: Delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review as described in Audit Realization Have delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review, and the control of other members of audit teams. authorized to lead Bureau Veritas Certification Audits and to take those decisions as necessary during Audits and to recommend to the Technical Manager initial certification, ...

  • 潮州华丰集团股份有限公司 潮州市

    一、 基本条件 1、2020年毕业的应届本科生、硕士生、博士生(石油化工类专业同时招聘专科生),在校无不良记录; 2、有梦想、有追求,性格外向、开朗; 3、专业知识扎实,综合素质良好,领悟性好; 4、热爱清洁能源事业。 二、招聘专业(岗位匹配相关专业) 1、综合管理类专业: 会计学、审计学、财务管理、税务、金融学、工商管理、行政管理、人力资源管理、法学、新闻学、汉语言文学、国际贸易、市场营销、信息管理、网络工程、计算机技术与运用等相关专业。 2、石油化工类专业(技术类): 油气储运工程、化学工程与工艺、机械设计制造及其自动化、过程装备与控制工程、电气工程及其自动化、机电一体化、仪表仪器、焊接技术与工程、石油化工生产技术、城市燃气工程、建筑环境与设备工程、化工设备与机械、电气自动化技术、港口工程、土木工程、高分子材料等相关专业。 职能类别:其他 微信分享...

  • 重庆申基实业(集团)有限公司 重庆市 渝中区

    公司简介 Ideally positioned in the heart of downtown, TheWestin Chongqing Liberation Square is a short stroll from corporatoffices,restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. Be renewed at this urban retreat forboth business and leisure travelers alike.Refresh in our indoor pool after a brisksession in our Westin WORKOUT® Gym. Experience the culinary delightsof our Chinese, Western and All Day Dining restaurants, or replenish your spiritwith a pampering treatment at our blissful Heavenly Spa®.Escape t...

  • 汉能移动能源控股集团有限公司 乌鲁木齐市

    乌鲁木齐市 月薪100,000元 职位描述:1、部门管理: (1)建立健全省级公司各项管理制度,制定科学合理工作流程;指导、监督和审核部门员工工作;负责部门间的沟通协调工作,贯彻和落实事业部领导的各项工作要求; (2)设计和调整部门工作和业务流程、组织架构、岗位设置及岗位职责,分派和调整部门员工工作,组织业务培训和交流; (3)定期召开部门工作会议,检查落实工作进度完成情况,并提出指导性意见。 2、销售管理: (1)建立户用事业部在省级销售市场的销售管理体系、经销商管理体系等;完成年度销售目标达成并持续维护市场开发与管理。 (2)指导、支持经销商开发、扶持、管理等;指导省级公司各业务、职能团队在事业部管理框架下完成内部管理与体系建设; (3)收集和分析商业项目信息,负责客情维护、业务谈判、价格管理、市场秩序维护、货款催收、售后服务、处理投诉; (4)全面指导、监控和执行事业部销售策略和销售计划。 3、目标管理: (1)参照部门战略规划,依据销售情况分解目标,制定并落实销售计划; (2)负责预算管理、PDCA循环管理,做好各项业绩、费用目标管理。 4、市场管理: (1)准确地把握市场信息...

  • 微软在线 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    As a BD manager, the ultimate mission is to grow Westwin business internationally. On a day-to-day basis, the person needs to drive our revenue team to provide exceptional service and digital marketing solutions to our clients globally and thus to identify and develop the potential collaboration opportunities with strategic partners. Responsibilities: Explore and manage corporate level relationship with strategic partners like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Bytedance, Alibaba, etc. Source and identif...

  • 上海微创软件股份有限公司 北京市 海淀区

    岗位职责: ? Work with product manager to design the voice style and voice speaker persona to make sure the voice product meets requirement in a certain user scenario. ? Work with external vendors/recording studios to select voice talents, plan recording, communicate on recording requirement. ? Prepare or design recording scripts, match files, and involve in directing the recording to ensure the quality of recording. ? Design audio product, including voice, sound effects, dialog and music; ? Make pos...

  • EA 艺电计算机软件有限公司 上海市 静安区

    职位描述: 检测以及记录软件错误,能在游戏软件发售版本之前严格按照测试计划进行测试; 协助流程规范组对测试过程标准化; 将已查出的相关软件错误提交到在线bug跟踪数据库服从测试项目经理的监督、管理及指挥: 1.对游戏的功能和可玩性进行评估,提出合理化建议 2.找出游戏中存在的BUG,提交测试工作日报 3.配合开发人员进行功能测试 任职资格: 1. 对游戏非常熟悉,懂得各种手机平台操作,具有良好的文字表达能力和文档处理能力,能够根据需求独立制作详细的工作报告; 2. 具有较强的团队精神和合作能力;能够承受一定的工作压力,具有高度的耐心,细心和恒心;能长时间保持注意力,在规定的时间内保质保量地完成工作,有良好的职业道德; 3.对游戏有充分的热忱,专家级的大型游戏经验,熟悉各种类型的游戏,熟悉游戏行业 4.1年以上手机测试或游戏经验者优先 5.逻辑思维清晰,出色的分析和判断能力,发现和解决问题的能力 6.有敬业精神,并能承受在紧迫限期内完成工作任务的压力 7.有责任感和团队合作精神,善于沟通 8.有相关游戏测试经验者优先 9.熟悉电脑基本操作与日常软件使用 职能类别:软件测试 微信分享 联系...

  • 谱瑞利软件技术服务有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Trainee Program: Get on the right track – in a real job. The PrimeXM trainee program is an advanced dual track acceleration program designed to give candidate the best possible start to their career. You will be part of the future growth of PrimeXM and an active role in the business from day one. You want to be a financial technology industry professional and are ready to stand up to the challenge of your first full-time position when the programs starts. We offer trainee positions along...

  • 哈尔滨新东方学校 查看所有职位 哈尔滨市 南岗区

    Harbin New Oriental School needs two foreign English teachers for children (4-9 years old) Required Qualifications: The candidate must come from the US, the UK, Australia, Canada,New Zealand or other countries where English is the native language. Benefits: The salary may go up to 25,000 Yuan per month after tax.(about 100 hours per month for teaching) You have 2 days off per week. The New Oriental School can provide you a work visa and the insurance. The holidays, air tickets, rental subsidy ca...

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