- 深圳市前海奥尼科技有限公司 深圳市 福田区
Secrets is a top new narrative game featuring stories reimagined and brought to life on your mobile device! We're looking for several full-time, superstar story editors to work on a successful narrative mobile game at our studio in Shenzhen, China. You'll be working with a team of other story editors and freelance contract writers to adapt licensed popular fiction stories into interactive narratives that target a young *** audience. This position involves extensive editorial work, a good...
- 深圳市锦绣教育科技有限公司 深圳市 福田区
职位描述: 1.Part time job 2期望到岗时间:即刻right now 3.少儿英语教学两年或以上with two years and more children English teaching experience 4.薪资范围:$300/one and a half hours 5.工作时间:Weekends interesting class 6.工作地点:福田下沙广场附近(下沙地铁站B出口或下沙公交站台,步行5分钟即到下沙广场) Work Location: near Xiasha square in Futian Distrit (you can get off at Xiasha station ,Exit B or Xiasha bus stop ,only 5 minutes' walk from the square) 7.工作职责:教授6-16岁学生英语口语,提高学生英语的听说读写能力 teaching spoken English of six to sixteen students,improve the abilities of list...
- 北京莱博智环球科技有限公司 成都市 高新区
成都市 高新区 Location:Beijing or Shanghai or Jinan Responsibilities and roles include but are not limited to Work with the Worldwide OPS Team and Sourcing team to drive the recruitment and development of specialized resources for the China market to secure capacity for Lionbridge customers across defined domain segments. Provide direct resourcing support to Lionbridge Beijing & Jinan operations. Develop (find and qualify) linguists for Chinese Simplified (as source and as target language) to secu...
- 深圳市华诺视听科技有限公司 深圳市
深圳市 Basic Work Content: Responsible for comparing the competitors’ products listings and extracting the selling highlight points; Responsible for writing products Amazon listing and some advertising articles relevant to the company’s official websites and brand image; Fully understanding self-company products’ assembly steps, operation, structure, and specification parameters, then extracting the selling highlight points based on analysis result; Coordinate with other departments to optimize the...
- 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系 新竹市 東區
聯絡人:俞蘋 聯絡電話:03-5712121轉58725 【計畫概述】了解個人如何利用臉書等社群媒體使用新聞,以及其可能的影響。 【工作內容】協助蒐集文獻、設計問卷、以及蒐集資料 【徵求條件】研究生(不限科系),認真負責,英文讀、寫佳,具資料分析的經驗與能力 (最重要的是有積極學習的態度)。 【薪資範圍】依照科技部標準 【連絡方式】俞蘋老師,電子信箱:rpyu@nctu.edu.tw;電話:03-5712121 轉58725 【聯絡備註】意者請於即日起,將個人簡歷、聯絡方式寄給俞蘋老師,信件主旨請註明「應徵科技部計畫兼任助理:研究相關」,徵滿即停止招聘。...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 厦门蓝与黄教育科技有限公司 厦门市 湖里区
厦门市 湖里区 Responsibility: 1. Prepare science courses and provide demonstrations from science textbooks; 2. Invite children to demonstrate understanding of the science vocabulary and concepts; 3. Helping children learn make learning fun. Qualifications: 1. Native or fluent English communication; 2. Bachelor's degree/diploma or above; 3. English or Science and Engineering major. 职能类别:外语培训师其他 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门市湖里区枋湖西路114-101号A10单元...
- 國立雲林科技大學應用外語系 Taibei
國立雲林科技大學應用外語系 用人單位:國立雲林科技大學應用外語系 職缺公告日期:2019-08-26 報名截止日期:2019-09-16 開缺職缺:專任講師 x 1名 學校地址:雲林縣斗六市大學路三段123號 工作地點:雲林縣斗六 學術專長:教育領域(教育學門) 公告內容: Job Announcemen t : University Full-time Teacher Positions I. General description The Language Center at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan invites applicants for a full-time teacher position, beginning February 1 (or February17, 2020). II Qualifications and requirements for applicants A native English instructor Candidates should h...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 马鞍山百助网络科技有限公司 马鞍山市 花山区
岗位职责: 年薪待遇:70000-100000 岗位职责: 1、CEO助理分为:人资、财务、公关、产品、运营、技术、业务等方向,任选其一; 2、全面熟悉相关业务板块工作内容,协助CEO处理相关业务工作; 3、负责对相关业务对外统一模板、统一内容; 4、负责对相关业务信息的收集、梳理、汇报; 5、负责对CEO所发出的相关工作进行任务拆解-分配-跟踪-反馈; 6、负责参加相关会议,完成相关活动组织、接待等工作 7、完成CEO交办的其他工作; 8、CEO助理职业发展规划:助理-部门管理岗位-副总经理-总经理-副总裁-总裁-CEO。 招聘要求及条件: 1、文字功底好,理解能力强,能够把CEO口头交派的任务迅速形成文字,进行任务安排,能够时常为CEO提示错误、提供建议; 2、执行力强,沟通按时跟踪各项事情的进展并及时向CEO汇报; 3、口才好,有一定的演讲能力,能够代表CEO发言; 4、服务意识强,勤快机敏,在衣食住行等方面均能有相应考虑; 5、形象气质好,行为大方得体,能够出入各类社交场合; 6、主动性强,有领导力,有责任感,积极进取,抗压能力强。 职能类别:总裁助理/总经理助理经理助理/秘书...
- 北京拓普利达科技有限责任公司 北京市 石景山区
Job Responsibilities: 1、Responsibility for online marketing and maintenance on company brand and products on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, overseas forum, blog, etc. including but not limited to making posts, scheduling posts, launching activities, marketing, so as to increase the CTR, fans and interaction and the popularity. 2、Assist colleagues to optimize company website, improve website contents and copywritings Compose articles to promote the activities and products on the company w...
- 成都生气鲨鱼教育科技有限公司 成都市 高新区
Programming Teacher Job Opportunity in Chengdu City of China Our company "Coding First" is seeking a scientifically adventurous computer scientist or engineer to move to the beautiful and High-Tech city Chengdu in China. The teacher will engage in teaching programming to students aged 5 to 18. If you are excited to move to China, live & work there and learn the language then this opportunity may be the right one for you. What will you teach? Courses you will teach include: Python, C+...
- 重庆商和天下科技发展有限公司 重庆市 潼南县
重庆市 潼南县 月薪20,000 - 40,000元 ————想充分发挥现阶段自身已有优势、规避自身劣势、有意创业的职业经理人请进。 这是一个创业项目,但不是仅仅有钱就能做的项目,我们对人有较高的要求,若您能经得起沟通考核、真正志同道合、敢愿拼搏,我们可以对你进行大力支持,进入的门槛可以很低。 我们需要的人,是在职场里拼打了10年或以上,从事过中型企业经营管理工作,曾经伴随过一个企业成长,任企业中高层3年及以上,至少对企业经营管理某一个模块精通娴熟。 按照上面的条件,您或者在32-50岁这个年龄区间,如果您意识较他人超前一些,或您已深深感受到85后、90后带来的竞争和压力。 但是我们为什么要和他们争呢?为什么不能静下心来想想你和他们有什么不同,想想你自己有了哪些优势?为什么不去做更适合自己、自己更有优势的事情呢? 只是,虽然今天我们已经32-50岁了,但我们的优势够显著和稳定吗? 在现实的步步挤压之下,你是否已经曾有思考,你最终想成为什么样的人,你最终想靠什么稳定、持续的获得自己及家庭在这个社会中的那一份优势生存权。 今天我们可能还是一个高级打工仔,危机感有时或还并不强,只是有时会不得...
- 薩摩亞商快雪時晴科技有限公司 台灣
工作內容 【工作時間】07:30~ 20:30 (含休息1小時);固定班,不輪班;另可應徵夜班 19:30~08:30 【休假制度】月休八天(輪休制);滿四個月可返台休假6天(機票免費) 【面試地址】台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段297號3樓 (杜拜國際金融大樓) 【薪資制度】 1.任職滿三個月55K 2.轉正職至未滿一年日班65K,夜班75K 3.年資自從滿一年起日班75K,夜班85K (上述為底薪,獎金及津貼另計) 【需求能力】 1.情緒管理佳、有耐心 2.會使用Excel、Word、熟悉電腦操作 3.TOEIC 650分 or GEPT中級 or IELTS 5.5 以上之英文程度 【工作內容】 1.提供客戶產品說明,協助各式文件申請 2.資料輸入、行政文書處理及主管交辦事項 3.與國際客戶聯繫,紀錄並追蹤客戶的狀態 4.透過網路平台、電子信件、線上系統,提供客戶即時服務 【福利制度】 【-食-】免費零食及飲料;餐費補助 【-住-】提供住宿及設備;外宿補助 【-行-】每年總共高達30天返台假期(機票免費) 【-育-】完善之教育訓練及晉升制度 【-樂-】生日聚餐、部門聚餐、年度員工旅遊 ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 薩摩亞商快雪時晴科技有限公司 台灣
工作內容 【工作時間】19:30~ 08:30 (含休息1小時);固定班,不輪班;另可應徵日班 07:30~20:30 【休假制度】月休八天(輪休制);滿四個月可返台休假6天(機票免費) 【面試地址】台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段297號3樓 (杜拜國際金融大樓) 【薪資制度】 1.任職滿三個月55K 2.轉正職至未滿一年日班65K,夜班75K 3.年資自從滿一年起日班75K,夜班85K (上述為底薪,獎金及津貼另計) 【需求能力】 1.情緒管理佳、有耐心 2.會使用Excel、Word、熟悉電腦操作 3.TOEIC 650分 or GEPT中級 or IELTS 5.5 以上之英文程度 【工作內容】 1.提供客戶產品說明,協助各式文件申請 2.資料輸入、行政文書處理及主管交辦事項 3.與國際客戶聯繫,紀錄並追蹤客戶的狀態 4.透過網路平台、電子信件、線上系統,提供客戶即時服務 【福利制度】 【-食-】免費零食及飲料;餐費補助 【-住-】提供住宿及設備;外宿補助 【-行-】每年總共高達30天返台假期(機票免費) 【-育-】完善之教育訓練及晉升制度 【-樂-】生日聚餐、部門聚餐、年度員工旅遊 ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Video editor for informational, internal support videos that support new Apple products. This is a multi-editor production environment where the Editor will be refining and advancing numerous timelines with very specific scripting required. This role favors detail-orientation and FCP process expertise over creative editorial skills because we produce highly functional technical procedurals and we produce a lot of them. You may be working on localization cuts that require re-timing, assisting our...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Mathematics teacher With teaching certification At least Master degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progres...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Chemistry & Biology teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ le...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Economics & Business teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ l...
- 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区
上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Art teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progress. Pre...
- 盈达品标咨询有限公司 上海市 普陀区
上海市 普陀区 The position of Jr. Quality Assurance for Liverpool′s Asian Sourcing Office should be evaluated based on the following criteria: Job Description: Work together and report directly to the Sr. QA working under the Softline office Manager Collaborate with head office to develop, implement and follow up the technical strategic plan for Liverpool Asian Sourcing Office. Coordinate with the Merchandising team within his/her area. Visit suppliers regularly to solve / prevent production problem a...
- 深圳市国华光电科技有限公司 广州市 番禺区
The South China Normal University (SCNU) in Guangzhou has the following vacancy for a research fellow/tenure track position General description: Leading research on the epitaxial growth of GaN based quantum nanostructures for optical, electrical and electrochemical devices Background In 2017 a new research group, led by Prof. Richard Noetzel, professor of the National 1000-Talents Program of China, has been established at South China Normal University. Focus is the realization and exploitation o...
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