Results 1 - 20 of 16795
  • 兴业银行股份有限公司 Xuzhou

    徐州市 年薪100,000 - 500,000元 (一)支行行长、副行长(若干) 岗位要求: 全日制本科院校及以上学历;年龄35周岁以下;5年以上经济金融相关岗位工作经历,现任其他经济金融机构同职级职务,或现任其他经济金融机构下一职级职务3年以上;具有中级专业技术任职资格;熟悉商业银行各项业务产品及流程,熟悉区域市场情况;具有较强的团队管理和市场拓展能力,具备丰富的客户资源。 (二)企业金融业务部总监、副总监(若干) 岗位要求: 全日制本科院校及以上学历;年龄35周岁以下;5年以上经济金融相关岗位工作经历,现任其他经济金融机构同职级职务,或现任其他经济金融机构下一职级职务3年以上;具有中级专业技术任职资格;熟悉商业银行各项业务产品及流程,熟悉区域市场情况;具有较强的团队管理和市场拓展能力,具备丰富的客户资源。 (三)风险经理(若干) 岗位要求: 国家211工程、重点财经类院校及国外获得教育部认证的院校全日制大学本科及以上学历,专业对口;年龄35周岁以下;具有3年以上银行风险管理相关工作经历,熟悉相关法规政策,具有较强的统计分析、风险识别管控能力,具有良好的沟通能力。 (四)网络金融产品...

  • 成都通德药业有限公司 Chengdu

    成都市 温江区 月薪10,000 - 20,000元 1、收集国内外新产品、新技术、新项目信息,从药学、技术、注册、价格、竞争情况、市场潜力、销量预测等多角度进行综合评估和筛选,筛选出符合公司发展方向、具有市场前景,与公司资源能力匹配的项目。 2、寻找国内外制药企业、研究机构相关资源及合作机会。 3、负责公司项目的立项洽谈,促进成交,以及管理。 4、负责项目计划书评审、合同评审、并代表公司进行合同条款的讨论。 5、负责建立系统的新业务拓展渠道,发现新的业务类型、新的合作伙伴、新的市场机会,对公司进行新业务拓展。 任职资格: 1、医药相关专业,硕士及以上学历,具有3年以上医药行业BD工作经验,海外背景优先。 2、有药品项目研发及研发管理经验,并同时具备立项、洽谈推进和后勤管理经验者优先。 3、熟悉各大类产品线主要产品,熟悉制药行业的现状和发展趋势,在医药行业有丰富的人脉关系和交际网。 4、有较强的组织、协调、沟通和谈判能力,工作积极主动,有较强的责任心和职业操守,有优秀的学习能力和分析判断能力。 5、较强的独立工作能力,能够适应较多的出差。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: BD...

  • 拉格代尔商业有限公司 Shanghai

    Provides operational leadership for excellence in training to all store teams in Greater China (and business partner where this applies), including primarily product, service and selling skills trainings. Helps design specific training solutions and develop different training courses for all level staff that support company commercial priorities, with approval and support from Training Head. Acts as the lead trainer, nurturing and coaching a strong field trainer talent pool in the field that in ...

  • 音昱企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    1.形象健康有朝气 2.具有良好的服务意识和沟通能力 3.具有酒店或高档餐厅工作经验优先考虑 4.能进行一些简单的工作英语沟通优先考虑 (我司目前暂不能提供住宿,会另外发放住宿津贴人民币1000元/每月) 工作地点:上海徐汇区建国西路357号 Introduction of IMC Group 万邦集团简介 The IMC Group has over a hundred years of history since its founding, with over 10,000 employees in more than 17 countries. IMC Group’s global business footprint spans from integrated logistics (including shipping,shipyard and port management,ocean engineering and supply chain solutions) to diversified profitable investments, real estate and l...

  • 陕西尚捷实业有限公司 咸阳市 秦都区

    HKT香港电讯招聘 电讯盈科成立于2000年,是香港***的电讯公司, 也是香港电讯集团控股有限公司(HongKong Telecom. short form HKT)的控股公司, 该集团在全球各地聘用逾2万名员工。HKT则是香港首屈一指的电讯商,也是世界级信息及通讯科技公司。专注于提供语音和非语音客户服,务、技术支持、销售、客户挽留及相关服务的首屈一指的业务流程外包( BPO )供应商。 一:岗位职责 工作职责: 1、负责接受客户在线咨询,据业务流程要求为客户提供(无销售任务) 招聘要求: 1、18~35岁,大专及以上学历(高中、中专有工作经验均可); 2、较强的表达能力和沟通能力,具备客户服务意识; 3具备基本的电脑操作能力,打字速度在每分钟40个字以上; 4、能够适应翻班及轮班轮休工作制度(8:00-24:00轮班制)。 班次说明:每个班次8小时工作,做六休一,早班8:00~17:00,最晚班次16:00~24:00. 薪资待遇 1、实习生 综合薪资:2800-3000 (已毕业)综合薪资:2800-4000元/月 2、免费住宿,4~6人间。 3、云谷食堂统一就餐(平价职工食堂)...

  • 金鹰企业管理有限公司 Nanjing

    南京市 鼓楼区 工作职责 AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 1. Corporate with Forensic Manager on BU fraud assessment and annual audit plan setting 2. Coach and train IA staffs of investigation and interview skills 3. As a investigation project leader, lead the team to perform fraud investigation, prepare and issue the audit report 4. Assist Forensic Manager in charge of the whistle-blowing hot-line, and prepare the register 5. Update the fraud investigation program 6. Perform business study of BUs, design the templat...

  • 东莞利威鞋业有限公司 Dongguan

    东莞市 职位信息 Receive from USA Designer the sketch and build a 3D Shoe on the system (upper, ornament and outsole); Create the 2D flattening file for paper pattern; Make 3D Digital Shoes for designer approval; Communicate with designer to ensure 3D Digital Style is according the requirements; Communicate with technical team to ensure the shoe production viability; Requirements: Graduation in Design (Shoes/Bags); Familiar with ICAD (INESCOP), SHOEMASTER CAD and other related systems; Have advanced Eng...

  • 华瑭大昌商业有限公司 Shanghai

    1、Filling for Finance and supply chain Documentation 2、Post the invoice and doc. to distributor, fill the address and tracking the status 3、POD tracking 4、Fill the payment application and deliver the requested doc. to functions. 职位要求; 1、College 2、Able to work under pressure 3.1+working experience 职能类别: 其他 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:东方路710号汤臣金融大厦20楼...

  • 雷肯农业机械有限公司 Wulumuqi

    乌鲁木齐市 1. Be responsible for pre-sale and after-sales service, manage and supervise dealers' technical service work, such as machine debugging, equipment maintenance, refurbishment, warranty claim and so on 负责本区域内售前、售后服务,管理和监督经销商的技术服务工作, 例如设备调试、维护保养、设备整修、质保索赔等; 2. Technically take part in field research, equipment selection, scheme making, feasibility analyses and so on, in order to offer strong technical support to Sales 从技术角度参与实地调研、设备选型、方案拟定、可行性分析等工作为后期的销售工作提供强有力的技术保障; 3. Make technical tra...

  • 安态企业服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Family Summary/Mission Creates, implements and evaluates training tools and programs to support the development of skills and competencies. Consult and/or work cross functionally to influence and promote change in order to continually deliver quality service to our internal and external customers. Position Summary/Mission ? Design, develop and deliver curriculum and training sessions to designated audiences of learners. ? Collaborate with local leadership and other design and development...

  • 赛峰企业管理有限公司 Tianjin

    Attached to the Production Manager and integrated into a team, your main tasks and responsibilities will be : Assembling (install or disassemble) nacelles, engine systems, nacelle components or equipment in accordance with the defined process, using all the recommended means and respecting the Quality, HSE and planning requirements. Making sure of the availability and the conformity of the documentation (complete file and coherent indices) necessary for the realization of the operation of assemb...

  • 上海东方泵业有限公司 Suzhou

    岗位职责: 1、负责合同评审单、排产计划单等相关资料的填写,按要求进行合同预评审与合同评审 2、负责办理合同变更等相关事宜 3、负责确认客户实际要货时间,并在BPM系统上向总部提出发货申请及相关事项 4、 负责按照合同的付款条件审核实际到账情况,并办理发货手续,及时系统里面做销售 5、完成上级安排的其他工作 任职资格: 1、年龄21—40岁 2、大专及以上学历,接受应届毕业生,1年相关工作经验优先考虑; 3、较强的服务意识,熟练使用电脑办公软件; 职能类别: 行政专员/助理 商务助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州市沧浪区东吴北路惠康大厦15楼 公司信息 上海东方泵业(集团)有限公司,是国内知名的以泵业经营为主业,涉及电机、阀门、电控系统、环保节能、机械铸造、热交换机、空压机、减速机、电气产品、压力容器等相关领域,集科研、制造、营销、服务为一体的科、工、贸企业集团。 Shanghai East Pump (Group) Co., Ltd is well-known in managing pump primarily in domestic, it involves in the mo...

  • 东莞利威鞋业有限公司 Dongguan

    岗位职责: 1. 样品鞋试穿,并反馈试穿意见; 2. 整理试穿报告,更新报表。 岗位要求: 1. 美线女鞋6码、7码、8码标准脚(国产女鞋约36-39码脚); 2. 工作经验不限,应届毕业生也可;如有工厂/贸易公司试穿经验可优先; 3. 良好的沟通能力; 4. 熟悉办公软件操作; 5. 工作地点:常驻浙江温州、江西鹰潭、河南周口等地。 6B: 脚长/Length: 6/228mm/36-37码 掌宽/Width: 6B/214-218mm 脚背/Instep: 215mm 脚踝/Ankle: 210mm 职能类别: 业务跟单 模特 关键字: 试穿 脚模 模特 fitting model 6码 微信 联系方式 上班地址:广东省东莞市南城区宏图路(白马路段)...

  • 上海爵瑞实业有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 岗位职责Responsibility: 1. To be very familiarize with all company products and its categorized pricing structure prior to approach customers 熟悉了解公司产品, 以及价格结构, 类型; 2. Capable to utilize company’s competitive advantage (collective resources and market positioning) in doing business in regional markets 技巧性的发挥公司竞争优势,在区域市场开发业务; 3. To work due-diligently in developing new potential accounts in the designated territory and subsequently increase sales volume in Hotel and Restaurant segment within c...

  • 上海爵瑞实业有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 岗位职责Responsibility: 1. To be very familiarize with all company products and its categorized pricing structure prior to approach customers 熟悉了解公司产品, 以及价格结构, 类型; 2. Capable to utilize company’s competitive advantage (collective resources and market positioning) in doing business in regional markets 技巧性的发挥公司竞争优势,在区域市场开发业务; 3. To work due-diligently in developing new potential accounts in the designated territory and subsequently increase sales volume in Hotel and Restaurant segment within c...

  • 音昱企业管理有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 Job Position Summary Right hand of the Executive Chef and Executive Sous Chef to set standards and maintain them to the Wellness and Shangha Resort Standards ? To work very closely with the onsite Nutritionist team to create and produce meals in accordance with our guest needs and program needs ? Achieve smooth operation of the department ? Optimize the use of materials and manpower, thereby maximizing revenue and guest satisfaction. ? Execute training of Kitchen colleagues ? Set a good...

  • 迪脉企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: RECRUITMENT Actively work with HR managers to define the company recruitment strategy Clarify recruiting requisitions of all positions and teams and ensure the recruitment processes are conducted efficiently in accordance with company policies and standards. Optimize recruitment tools, increase recruitment efficiency, and improve both candidate’s and team leader’s job-hunting experience. Develop and maintain recruitment channels, platforms and partners. Publish job announcements, manager o...

  • 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    Your role Are you good with numbers and like working with large data sets? Do you know how to improve and automate existing processes? We’re looking for someone like that to help us: Develop reports and dashboards using Business Intelligence tools, ad hoc report preparation and management of existing reports Build and execute processes to identify, escalate and resolve data quality issues in our client analytics platform Assist with driving Research initiatives, marketing campaigns and other ope...

  • 五达企业管理有限公司 Shenzhen

    Egglaston is a company providing services in the manufacturing business of Lingerie to foreign customers located in Shenzhen( 10 minutes walk from Wuhe metro Station) Egglaston is currently looking for a candidate to be in charge of the Customer Service Manager of a customer for the lingerie production business service provided. Candidate Requirements Should have at least 2 years working experience managing customer orders following up orders with customers and factories. Should be willing to tr...

  • 兴业银行股份有限公司 Xuzhou

    (一)支行行长、副行长(若干) 岗位要求: 全日制本科院校及以上学历;年龄35周岁以下;5年以上经济金融相关岗位工作经历,现任其他经济金融机构同职级职务,或现任其他经济金融机构下一职级职务3年以上;具有中级专业技术任职资格;熟悉商业银行各项业务产品及流程,熟悉区域市场情况;具有较强的团队管理和市场拓展能力,具备丰富的客户资源。 (二)企业金融业务部总监、副总监(若干) 岗位要求: 全日制本科院校及以上学历;年龄35周岁以下;5年以上经济金融相关岗位工作经历,现任其他经济金融机构同职级职务,或现任其他经济金融机构下一职级职务3年以上;具有中级专业技术任职资格;熟悉商业银行各项业务产品及流程,熟悉区域市场情况;具有较强的团队管理和市场拓展能力,具备丰富的客户资源。 (三)风险经理(若干) 岗位要求: 国家211工程、重点财经类院校及国外获得教育部认证的院校全日制大学本科及以上学历,专业对口;年龄35周岁以下;具有3年以上银行风险管理相关工作经历,熟悉相关法规政策,具有较强的统计分析、风险识别管控能力,具有良好的沟通能力。 (四)网络金融产品经理岗(若干) 岗位要求: 国家211工程、重点财...

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