- 福建省乐创家居制品有限公司 Fuzhou
福州市 鼓楼区 月薪4,000 - 10,000元 职位信息 岗位介绍: 1.公司在B2B平台上有巨额的广告投放,如Alibaba,有稳定的询盘、客户资源,无需自己寻找、开发新客户。 2.定期不定期有参加国内外展会的机会(上海展、广交会、科隆展等),通过当面(展会)、书面沟通(邮件、社交平台等)相结合的方式与客户进行订单洽谈的工作。 任职要求: 1. 大专以上学历,英语六级或以上,男女不限。应届毕业生;会西班牙语、韩语等优先。亦可接受***。 2. 熟悉网上贸易平台B2B。Alibaba等平台操作; 3. 熟练书面和口头表达,具有基本的涉外商务谈判能力,熟悉进出口业务操作流程和办公软件; 4.服从领导,积极主动,擅长沟通、责任心强,有团队合作精神,。 公司福利: 1.待遇:基础工资+绩效考核+年终奖等; 2.为员工购买社会保险(生育、养老、工伤、失业、医疗); 3.享受国家法定节假日、带薪年假、节日礼品等福利; 4.员工年满一年享受公司每年有一次国内/国外旅游,购买商业团体险,体检,公积金等福利; 5.工作氛围轻松、活泼,公司目前在高速增长,需要大量的人才,公司为每一位同事均规划了完善...
- 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 经济技术开发区 实习生 月薪2,200 - 3,200元 岗位职责 1、员工入职、离职、考勤统计、结算,报销单审核等; 2、组织策划公司员工的各类活动; 3、负责办理各种证照,公司内刊的编制; 4、员工信息的维护与更新; 5、招聘录用各环节的相关工作; 6、HR相关的其他事宜。 任职资格 1、大三在校或研二在校,有较强意愿从事HR工作者,专业不限; 2、熟练使用办公自动化软件; 3、大学英语四级以上,读写良好; 4、认真负责,诚信,能承受一定的工作压力。 职能类别:实习生 关键字:人事行政实习 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and now Hutchinson has a long history of 160 years. In 1974, Hutchinson b...
- 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品有限公司 望牛墩镇
望牛墩镇 1. Responsible for all functions of relevant customer communications in terms of order status. 2. Respond relevant customers’ requests or questions in a timely manner, communicate without errors or misunderstandings. 3. Communicate relevant customers’ information efficiently within the organization to ensure we satisfy customer demand by producing the required quality in time and at lowest costs. a. Order checking and confirmation, shipping plan control; b. MMFC and actual sales, deviation ...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职责描述: VM data management and update. Communication with region and vendor with hard / soft projects. Dynamix key-in and payment follow up. Project Monitoring , check with photos and get feedback. Control VM projects on time deliver. 任职要求: Work experience Experience in VM Support of retail is a plus Language: English Technical skills : office tools Interpersonal skills Good communication skills 职能类别:展览/展示/店面设计 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:天目西路128号嘉里不夜城企业中心一座23层...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Define training strategy and work out annual training master plan for full channel Work out overall product & sales skill, service and retail operation training plans as proactive integration of business strategies Identify training needs based on the business Build up training system when necessary, including E-learning Design & develop training solutions Build up effective training curriculum about product and service as clear learning path for field sales team and BAs Work togethe...
- 广州市法瑞品牌管理有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 月薪7,000 - 10,000元 职位信息 1、负责电商渠道的产品信息系统建设,撰写品牌、产品等介绍、宣传文案; 2、根据公司自媒体/线下平台的内容运营方向和运营需求,负责平台各版块的内容创作、软文编写、图文编辑; 3、负责平台内容的运营维护、日常更新,粉丝的经营和维护,提升品牌及产品的影响力和关注度 4、负责外部内容资源的接入,以及自有内容的传播 5、支持完成网络推广策划和内容策划工作 6、协助电商平台的其他运营工作 任职要求: 1、具备较强的营销策划能力,具有良好的写作功底,有较强的理解能力、沟通能力及表达能力, 2、中文、新闻、传播、广告等广告相关相关专业专科以上学历优先,有2年以上互联网电商文案策划或服装行业文案工作经验者优先 3、工作细致耐心,踏实肯干,责任心强,良好的团队协作能力 4、面试者请携带上自己制作的相关文案策划作品。 职能类别:新媒体运营文案/策划 关键字:文案策划新零售电商凡人优品 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广州市番禺洛溪北环路88号渔人码头LOFT54商墅三号楼凡人优品 地图 公司信息 FR是一家经营时尚男女装、男女鞋、皮具箱包、内衣、家居服、首...
- 福睿曼品牌营销顾问有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 核心 职责 Conceptualise and execute stunning and creative designs based on given art direction. 根据确定的创意方向,进行概念化及可执行的创意设计。 Lead set environment designs for product launches, corporate events, pop-up experiences and exhibitions. 可以主导产品发布、企业活动、快闪体验和展览展示的整体空间及环境设计。 Collaborate with design team members to produce creative event designs. pan> 与设计团队成员合作,进行创意活动设计 Works closely with internal team to understand and interpret client’s design requirements and subsequently deliver...
- 屈臣氏个人用品商店有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 Duties and Responsibilities: 1.Finance sales data warehouse maintenance and development. 2.Identity eCommerce related system issues, work with multiple parties to resolve system issues and ensure the accuracy of sales data. 3.Take the lead in cooperation of new retail projects with IT and eCommerce departments to ensure the project launch with success. 4.Take the lead in identifying the opportunity of streamline and simplify the current workflow to improve efficiency of the whole team. 5.Pr...
- 杭州帕黛罗雅化妆品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 JOB DESCRIPTION: Develop contents for brand communication and social campaigns to make sure brand massages are delivered in a proper and efficient way Co-work with internal teams to create materials for online platforms and brand virals, strengthen brand awareness and attractiveness Brand Weibo/ Wechat owners to build owned social media platforms as core brand publishing platform Manage KOL and LMT fans club Assist PR in writing media release draft, maintaining relationship with media, c...
- 路威酩轩香水化妆品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 PURPOSE OF THE JOB To enhance counter image both soft and hard in point of sales, which covering the set up of animations and maintenance of all counters in mainland China. Control the design and quality of hard part for animation projects. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES Control the design and quality of hard part for animation projects, through close cooperation with Regional VM team, Marketing team & contractors and factory & site inspection Monitor contractor and coach field force to m...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职责描述: 1. planning product & promotion plan based on customers profile / retailer profile in order to achieve sales target (sell in / sell out) 2. Follow up monthly sellout figures on target with TP. 3. Collaborate with product marketing team to ensure online product / promotion align with brand marketing calendar. 4. Sales data analysis base on product / promotion performance and optimize the promotion efficiency. 5. GWP budget control and allocation by EC channels. 任职要求: 1. University g...
- 哈金森工业橡胶制品有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 1. Identifying, segregating and controlling all stock. Provide preservation to stocks which are subject to electrostatic, deterioration and shelf life specifications according to manufacturer’s requirements. 2. Performing the in-coming and shipping screening. Un-packing and Packing the goods properly according to procedures. 3. Managing the unserviceable parts in accordance with the requests of the procedures. 4. Controlling shelf life limited material and report to the Production Manag...
- 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu
招聘要求: 1.大专以上学历,在校生; 2.工科类专业(车辆类、机械类、材料类等); 3.勤奋好学; 职能类别: 质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师) 关键字: 口模、机械 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and now Hutchinson has a long history of 160 years. In 1974, Hutchinson became a subsidiary of TOTAL Group. Being the world's fifth largest oil and natural gas company, Total Group involved in business activities of petroleum and chem...
- 诺安实力可商品检验有限公司 Shanghai
Purpose of Job工作目的: Mérieux NutriSciences is dedicated to improving food safety and quality through nutritional research, scientific excellence and innovation at every step of the food supply chain. 梅里埃营养科学专注于在食品供应链通过营养研究、卓越科学和创新来提高食品安全与质量。 Mérieux NutriSciences offers a range of Food Label Consulting services to assist companies in the labeling of new or existing products and formulations as well as their legal compliance according to evolving regulatory requirements in different countries and ...
- 上海亚大汽车塑料制品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 水泵设计(1人): 任职要求: 1.流体机械,热能与动力工程相关专业本科及以上学历; 2.有3年以上水泵设计经验,熟悉汽车水泵或者汽车电子水泵的开发设计过程、产品试验过程、生产线规划验证和批 量生产过程; 3.良好机械专业理论知识,能熟练使用至少一种二维.三维绘图软件,如UG或CATIA和办公软件 4.熟悉机电类产品设计规范和验收规范及各类水泵的设计标准,有新产品研发经验; 5. 熟悉FEA,CFD,能独立进行相关分析并对分析结果做出正确的评判并以此为指导进行设计改进 6.熟悉汽车行业TS16949质量管理体系 职责: 1.负责与客户方面的技术沟通和交流,掌握客户的需求; 2.按时完成产品概念设计、结构设计等相关工作 3.负责组织完成DFMEA、根据零件和系统的工作要求制定分析与试验验证计划; 4.负责组织 编制产品、零部件测量规范、外购件技术规范和样品控制计划等; 5. 支持工艺完成工艺规划和持续改进; 6. 分析、消化和评审客户技术规范,完成技术可行性评估报告和水泵设计参数的计算; 7. 协助建立和维护相关的程序文件及作业指导书;编写设计...
- 漳州市保尔福金属制品有限公司 漳州市 芗城区
工作性质:全职 职位类别: 工作经验:不限 学历要求:本科 招聘对象:不限 专业要求: 性别要求:女 年龄要求:20-30岁 参考薪资:4000-8000元/月 福利待遇: 养老保险 医疗保险 8小时工作制 其它待遇: 岗位职责 主要负责门设计及制图 岗位要求 熟练CAD等制图软件,有创意思维。 联系方式 点击查看联系方式 我是会员,我要投档,请先 点击登录 还没有注册?请 免费注册>> 成为求职用户 重要提示: 发个信息或投个简历 再打电话告知,获得面试的成功率提升50% 发信息 投简历 2分钟登记新简历...
- 派斯菲克纺织品设计(东莞)有限公司 虎门镇
虎门镇 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 职位信息 英语四级以上,实际的听,说,读,写流利 外贸业务经验2年以上,主要跟进供应商开发,采购,QC,出货。协助经理相关事务。 包吃住,双休,需要时要上班。 职能类别: 贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字: 包吃住 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:东莞虎门镇白沙三村工业区 地图 公司信息 Masood Textile Mills (MTM) is the largest fully vertical supplier of knitwear based in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Masood Textile Mills (MTM)是巴基斯坦费沙拉巴德市最大的针织品供应商。 Marketing offices setup in various locations in USA, the Netherlands & Hong Kong. 在美国,荷兰,中国香港我们都设有销售机构。 In south of China (Humen, Dongguan, 1 hour from HK) they have a Product ...
- 上海赛立特安全用品股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 普陀区 Establish sales objectives by creating a sales plan and quota for designated territories through market research and analysis. Maintain and expand designated territory customer base, building and maintaining rapport with key customers; identifying new customer opportunities. Recommend product lines by identifying new product opportunities, and/or product, packaging, and service changes; surveying consumer needs and trends; tracking competitors. Implement trade promotions via Social Media...
- 武汉屈臣氏个人用品商店有限公司 Wuhan
武汉市 汉阳区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 工作职责: 按照顾客需求,提供彩妆服务,打造各式妆容; 按照公司要求销售相关的彩妆品牌产品,达成或超额完成销售目标; 熟悉化妆产品,了解其成分和使用效果; 向顾客介绍最新的彩妆流行趋势,彩妆心得和技巧; 负责彩妆专柜陈列、管理和维护、工作,保证专柜保持整洁有序; 负责库存货品的管理工作,及时清查,定期整理、盘点,及时反映销售信息; 协助护肤BA在完成彩妆产品销售后为顾客提供彩妆建议; 熟悉当期促销信息,并能够准确的传达给顾客,有效促进销售; 掌握每期促销单品的销售情况,向美容主管和店铺管理组提供有效的反馈; 贯彻三大黄金服务法则以提高客户服务水平,提升顾客服务标准。 技能要求: 形象气质佳,有时尚感,对彩妆充满热情和兴趣; 彩妆技巧熟练,护肤彩妆知识全面,接受过系统彩妆培训; 工作热情主动,有良好的沟通技巧,服务意识强,正直诚信; 对彩妆流行色彩及时尚趋势有敏锐的触觉; 有一年以上专柜化妆经验或彩妆师工作经验优先。 职能类别: 专柜彩妆顾问(BA) 关键字: 彩妆师 彩妆顾问 彩妆 护肤 化妆 微信 联系方式 上班地址:汉阳人信汇屈臣氏...
- 美国天之尚品有限公司广州代表处 Guangzhou
职位信息 Title: Product Designer 职位: 产品设计师 Location: Guangzhou Panyu, Metro lines 3 and 7, across from Chimelong Park. 工作地点:广州番禺长隆地铁站附近(地铁3号线和7号线直达) Status: Full-Time 性质:全职 Company Profile: Greater Goods LLC is an agile product design company that has been operating and growing exponentially over the last 14 years. We design, source, and sell hundreds of OEM/ODM products which include consumer home goods, electronic goods, medical devices, and a wide range of hard goods. Our team is dedicated to des...
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