- 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei
產業類別: 電腦軟體相關 職務類別:軟體工程師 上班地點: 台北市中山區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.熟悉Java程式開發 2.擁有4年以上的JavaScript, ReactJS, Node.JS, VueJS 3.擁有2年以上的 Content Management System 經驗 4.擁有2年以上的 響應式網頁設計(RWD) 經驗 5.可基本英語應對為佳 任職資格 1.Java Spring architecture 2.HTML5 3.RWD...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei
產業類別: 汽車/零件製造 職務類別:專案管理主管 上班地點: 台北市內湖區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上) 職責要求 1.Work with cross functional teams and external partners to manage integration process for delivering product requirements within scope of the project in a timely manner. 2.Project manage the internal development across multiple engineering teams, including: Mechanical design, Battery & Thermal, Electrical and Software. 3.Develop a tacit understanding with engineering teams to enable close communi...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 法国巴黎家用产品集团宁波代表处 查看所有职位 Ningbo
PRINCIPAL MISSIONS: Create and manage our Alibaba’s webpage Identify potential clients through mail and meeting You will be responsible for researching customer through the Alibaba platform after creating it. You must have a strong mechanical aptitude and background in our range of product such as houseware, decoration, cleaning, kitchenware, toys, storage… Daily Works: Coordinate with sales team to revise pricing and sales incentive plan to achieve marketing goals. Create innovative ways to bui...
- 法国巴黎家用产品集团宁波代表处 查看所有职位 Ningbo
PRINCIPAL MISSIONS: Office daily administration Help for foreigners personal things Office purchase Samples arrangement Daily Works: Office daily reception Hotel, flight and train ticket booking Office purchase Contact with China Mobile and China Telecom in use Office administration Lists update Sample sending / pick up arrangement Office decoration Showroom arrangement: put new items in showroom, Sell old items and duplication ones. Update showroom list Other tasks from administration team and ...
- 英格斯模具制造有限公司 Hangzhou
Reports to project managers at the head-quarter. 直线汇报给意大利总部项目经理 It will work in cooperation with the Italian team on vertical applications maintenance and evolution. 与意大利团队合作,进行垂直应用程序的维护和演变 MANDATORY REQUIRMENTS: 岗位要求 Technical degree 本科学历及以上学历,软件工程或计算机软件开发等相关专业 Ability to work in a team with good communication and relational skills 有良好的沟通能力,有团队合作精神 Strong understanding of object-oriented programming 精通面向对象软件设计,熟悉设计模式 Expertise in Microsoft stack (VB.NET, C#, SQL SERVER – T-SQL, IIS, Visual Stud...
- 丹马士环球物流有限公司 Shanghai
Position Summary (statements to demonstrate the core purpose of the job) The core purpose of this role is to provide consistent, high quality customer service for SCM Customers, who value long term relationships and buy customized processes and solutions. The SCM Customer Service Manager engages directly with the Regional / Global Account and Program Managers for Large accounts & ensures a seamless customer service delivery to our clients with most efficient cost-to-serve. This position also...
- 通用磨坊投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 年薪400,000 - 550,000元 岗位概要: Key Performance Area 负责新店设计规范的制定与执行,协调设计与工程项目实施间的问题,管理设计单位的进度、方案标准和完图质量;提供装饰材料的建议、工艺革新,考虑提高店铺布局效率的机会点。参与品牌代际设计概念的开发,跟踪与实施。 Responsible for the formulation and implementation of new store design, solve problems between project design and implementation, control the progress, project standards and drawing quality of design company; Provide suggestions on decoration materials and technological innovation, try to improve the efficiency of store layout. Participate ...
- 应用材料投资有限公司 Xi'an
西安市 主要职责: 1、为客户提供技术支持及服务,设备维护,数据分析,故障处理等 2、公司内部技术支持,装机基础分析 3、为内外部客户提供技术培训 4、遵守公司安全条例,遵循公司知识产权指南 岗位要求: 1、本科学历,自动化/机电一体化/电子工程/电气工程及其自动化/机械制造及其自动化/精密仪器/光学等相关专业 2、良好的动手能力,较强的责任心与团队合作精神 3、韩语、英语听说读写熟练 职能类别:大学/大专应届毕业生 微信分享...
- 通用磨坊投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 The position is to deploy HSE systems and build capabilities into HD kitchens, HD shops in Asia as per requirements by global HSE system and Zero Loss culture strategy. This role is also responsible for driving initiatives to cultivate and promote safety culture across responsible locations. Key Job Responsibility Responsible for deploying HSE management system to innovation center, Ice cream manufacturing sites, and HD shops by implementing global HSE system and Zero Loss Culture strate...
- 品元創意有限公司 Taibei
工作內容 1. 從事平面媒體(如:海報、雜誌、報紙、包裝、廣告看板等)設計、繪圖、美術編輯等工作。 2. 藉由電腦或其他數位、電子工具來整合處理文字、圖片、聲音、影像等元素,完成特效、動畫、圖像或其他形式之視聽影像製作,以用於產品或創作中,如:電動遊戲、電影、音樂錄影帶或商業廣告等。 3. 在可能運用的宣傳媒體狀況下,進行構思及規劃以達成推銷某種業務商品或意念之目的等工作。 薪資待遇: 月薪 27,000 至 38,000 元 上班地點: 台北市信義區基隆路二段39巷32號1樓、34號1樓 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 上班時段:09:30/下班時段: 18:30 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 美術設計、廣告設計、多媒體動畫設計師 職務更新日期:2019-04-23 職缺條件 工作性質: 全職 身份類別: 一般求職者、應屆畢業生 是否出差: 需出差/外派,時間3個月以下 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 無經驗可 學歷要求: 大學、碩士、博士 科系限制: 大眾傳播學科類、建築及都市規劃學科類、美術工藝相關 語文條件: 中文 聽:精通 / 說...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 浙江圣奥家具制造有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 江干区 工作职责: "? Team and MR Strategy Build and lead a team focused on market research, including domestic and oversea market. Lead strategic MR, working with different function leaders to drive a proactive strategy that supports the company’s growth plans. ? Customized Research Work with the leadership team to understand the strategic issues, both current and in the future, design market research project to answer the questions, lead the project execution, and deliver insightful results to ...
- 诺心食品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 【岗位职责】: 1、负责公司的品牌、产品、营销及电商运营管理工作,制定整体运营计划,组织、协调公司的各项资源,确保公司整体经营目标的达成; 2、把控品牌核心理念,塑造符合战略要求的品牌形象,对品牌发展方向与经营运作状况具有敏锐的感知力和把控力,具备战略高度和市场敏感度; 3、把握市场和行业发展方向,为公司提供准确的发展定位,包括但不限于品牌定位、产品定位、目标用户定位、营销定位等; 4、制定公司市场营销计划,组织落地实施 ,并依据市场反馈,不断迭代创新; 5、负责公司品牌全电商渠道运营管理工作,包括运营团队管理、营销活动管理,对渠道平台的运营及销售目标负责; 6、制定年度经营预算,合理控制营运成本,并根据市场和公司的实际情况进行调整和有效控制。 【任职要求】: 1、本科及以上学历,经济类、市场营销类相关专业; 2、对互联网整体的市场营销工作有深刻认知,有较强的市场感知力、能敏锐地把握市场动态; 3、对互联网快消/生鲜食品行业和市场有深刻认识,具备较强的客户分析、营销策划、品牌塑造推广、客户谈判和团队管理能力,能承受较大的工作压力; 4、具有国际/国内大型互联网企业高级管...
- 美心食品有限公司 Shanghai
品牌介绍: Shake Shack的传奇故事始于美国星级餐饮集团主席Danny Meyer,由他领导的联合广场餐饮集团(USHG)为支持慈善企划「I ? Taxi」,于2001年在麦迪逊广场花园开设热狗档。 2004年7月正式成立Shake Shack品牌。提供高品质、适合一家大小的食物,例如汉堡、热狗和奶昔。Shake Shack坚持殷勤款待、团结互助、高档休闲经营模式,打造绝佳聚脚点及勇于承担责任。 2015年1月30日Shake Shack在纽约交易所上市! 如今,美心集团将Shake Shack引进中国,于2019年初入驻上海! 岗位描述 - 门店副总经理 汇报至:门店总经理 直接下属:门店经理 主要工作职责: 1.筛选、聘用、入职、培训和带教团队成员在每日每个排班中保持整体运作的卓越和非比寻常的热情,通过源源不断的努力达到期望的财报表现; 2.建立和拥护SHACK PACT的文化,激励所有层级的员工具备冠军表现; 3.积极推动员工成长计划,指导培训系统的设计能够培养未来的领导者; 4.监管员工表现,在必要的时候,纠正或制止不当的行为; 5.管理和确保在采购、收取、会计、薪资、...
- 安永全球商务服务有限公司 Dalian
Job Summary: ? Participant business process improvement discussion, analyze automation opportunities, initiate the automation improvement plan. ? Lead to design, develop, test and maintain desktop automation to contribute business process efficiency and effectiveness improvement within agreed time bound. ? Advisory professionals on Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and be responsible for project delivery. ? Follow standard software development procedure, prepare necessary technical documents, an...
- 昱科环球存储科技有限公司 Shenzhen
1. Position Summary & Responsibilities 英文: Working on Capacity Enterprise HDD R&D activities. HDD level Head/Media Recording Integration & Testcode development: Implement standard manufacturing & bench HDD tests Modify standard test code to implement new algorithms and to adjust parameter settings Failure analysis using bench tester, oscilloscope, and toolkit Data analysis / mining / summary Head/Media recording performance characterization Feedback to Head / Media / CI / MI / RI...
- 百威2020全球管理培训生招募 China
Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in Leuven, Belgium, with secondary listings on the Mexico (MEXBOL: ANB) and South Africa (JSE: ANH) stock exchanges and with American Depositary Receipts on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUD). Our Dream is to bring people together for a better world. Beer, the original social network, has been bringing people together for thousands of years. We are committed to building great brands that stand the test of time and to br...
- 北京拓伟环球经贸有限公司 Beijing
北京市 通州区 Job Description / 职位描述 : Order management and tracking to ensure delivery in time; 订单管理及跟踪,以确保准时发货; Report production status and EST delivery time to Sales regularly; 向销售更新生产状况; Coordinate and negotiate the delivery quantity and date with own factory and suppliers according to order, responsible for the shipment transportation arrangement, and notify sales about the status of the delivery; 订单与自己工厂及供应商协商发货数量及发货日期等相关事宜,负责安排货物运输事宜,并通知销售订单交付情况; Inquire and negotiate the freight cost from for...
- 全球国际货运代理有限公司 Shanghai
Accountabilities: Enter House B/L data into system as instructed by Operations. Amend House B/L in system as needed. Release House B/L to supplier upon payment receipt. Minimize the use of “hardcopy” paper for record keeping and communication in favor of electronic, paperless methods (e-Mail, e-Fax, spreadsheet and word processing software, systems, etc…) Support a positive and attractive working atmosphere/environment Proficiency in sending AMS/ACI data in system. Education: College degree or a...
- 拓领环球货运代理有限公司 Shanghai
Job Description: 1. Pricing; 2. Solution design; 3. SOP preparation and implementation; 4. Internal & external communications; 5. Receiving and confirming bookings; 6. Booking handover with OP; 7. Applying to create new client code (for AR) in CW1; 8. Commercial/indoor sales; 9. Business development / Trade lane / Sales support. Job Requirement: 1. College Degree and above; have related working experience in customer serviece or relevant education background is preferred; 2. CET-4 or above; ...
- 广州同球教育科技有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 番禺区 1. Job Type: Full time; 2. Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM, 2:20 PM to 5:45 PM,7:30pm to 9:45pm evening study twice per week (40 working hours per week, no more than 24 class periods at 40 minutes per class period); 3. Working Place: No.6 school in Haizhu district Guangzhou 4. Salary Range: Salary can be negotiated depending on your educational background, teaching qualifications and teaching experience; with a full salary probationary period of 3 months; 5.Holidays:...
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