- 苏州朗米俊通讯设备有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 吴中区 月薪3,500 - 4,000元 1. 岗位职责: 负责制定并完善报表体系 负责整理并完善项目月度考勤 分析每天、每周、每月数据变化,实时预警 对项目人员类型进行分析及预警 根据不同技能、入司时长进行数据成效分析及预警 协助完成上级要求的其他事项 2. 任职要求: 1) 专科及以上学历(本科及以上优先录取),年龄23岁及以上;男女不限 2) 具有熟练的计算机操作能力及较强的数据分析能力 3) 善于发现问题,分析问题,解决问题 3. 工作时间: 朝九晚六,做五休二 职能类别: 业务分析专员/助理 关键字: 数据分析 业务分析 业务助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:吴中天运广场 公司信息 苏州朗米俊通讯设备有限公司专业从事信息技术外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO),现已成为苏州校企合作服务平台一员。 朗米俊客户服务中心成立于2015年, 8年来我们专注于业务流程外包(Business Process Outsourcing)业务,为客户带来专业,安全,高效,可持续的高品质服务。我们扎根于流程外包的运营与管理,与客户一起搭建起企业内部/外部的沟通/服务窗口。助力企业发展,展...
- 苏州朗米俊通讯设备有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 岗位职责: 1、负责店铺架构搭建,整体风格的构思、设计,完成核心视觉设计工作 2、运用专业的商业智慧和审美观,配合公司、运营部门制定相应的营销和设计策略 3、负责店铺设计的创意与审美艺术,根据行业及消费者心理需求调整店铺形象及商品展示 4、负责指导团队成员完成店铺整体布局、首页广告图片制作及美化、活动广告,详情页制作等相关设计工作 5、负责即时定期更新优化店铺主页及产品页面 6、负责小组的管理与工作安排 任职要求: 1、具有3C品类电商设计经验,有很强的指导能力; 2、美术、艺术设计、视觉传达、多媒体设计相关专业; 3、具有五年以上电商设计相关工作经验 4、有管理小团队的工作经验; 5、熟练掌握Photoshop、coredraw、AI、 GIF动画等网络设计软件,会***D优先考虑; 6、具备高度的责任心和高效的工作积极性; 6、善于沟通、积极主动、思维活跃富有创意!良好的合作精神和高度的责任感。 职能类别:平面设计师平面设计经理/主管 关键字:3C小家电管理项目负责人设计 微信 联系方式 上班地址:仁爱路99号西交大国际创业园...
- 麦克米伦信息咨询服务有限公司 Beijing
Publishing Assistant, Scientific Reports Nature Research Beijing Scientific Reports is a primary research journal from the publishers of Nature, covering all areas of the natural and clinical sciences. Online and open access, Scientific Reports publishes scientifically valid, original research papers across a wide range of disciplines, without barriers to access. With the support of external editorial board members, papers are rapidly peer-reviewed to ensure they are technically sound and make a...
- 麦克米伦信息咨询服务有限公司 Beijing
北京市 海淀区 Publishing Assistant, Scientific Reports Nature Research Beijing Scientific Reports is a primary research journal from the publishers of Nature, covering all areas of the natural and clinical sciences. Online and open access, Scientific Reports publishes scientifically valid, original research papers across a wide range of disciplines, without barriers to access. With the support of external editorial board members, papers are rapidly peer-reviewed to ensure they are technically sound an...
- 哥倫比亞兒童教育機構 Taizhong
工作內容 喜愛小孩對教育及兒童美語教學有興趣,平常需與外國老師合作上課及輔導學生,定時與家長溝通學生上課情形。到班時間一,三 12:30-18:30 二,四,五 15:30-18:30 薪資待遇: 月薪 23,100 至 28,000 元 上班地點: 台中市西區五權七街142號 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 日班 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 語文補習班老師、補習班導師/管理人員、升學補習班老師 職務更新日期:2019-07-08 職缺條件 工作性質: 兼職 身份類別: 一般求職者、應屆畢業生、夜間就讀中、二度就業 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 不限 工作經驗: 1年以上 學歷要求: 專科、大學、碩士、博士 語文條件: 中文 聽:精通 / 說:精通 / 讀:精通 / 寫:精通 英文 聽:精通 / 說:精通 / 讀:精通 / 寫:精通 擅長工具: Windows NT、Word、PowerPoint、Excel 工作技能: 不拘 所需證照: GEPT中級、GEPT初級、GEPT中高級 需備駕照: 輕型機車、普通小型車 其他條件: 具...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 樂苣健康廚坊 The Gym Chef Xinzhu
1.協助廚師處理廚務工作 2.協助準備食材 3.清潔廚房 4.擔任學徒角色,跟隨師傅學習專業的技能 5.外送 職務類別 : 餐廚助手 門市/展示/專櫃/賣場人員 休假制度 : 週休二日 月休八天(如遇五周六日、擇一員工訓練聚會 上班時段 : 09:30~14:00/白天班 年 7 月 7 日 需求人數 : 不拘 薪資待遇 : 時薪 150 至 180 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-長期、短期 上班日期 : 立即上班 職位等級 : 助理 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 外派說明 : 不需外派 工作條件 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 具備駕照 : 輕型機車、普通重型機車 交通工具 : 輕型機車、普通重型機車 徵才特色 應徵方式 連絡人 : 官先生 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。 親 洽: 新竹縣竹北市成功八路359號 電 洽:...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 樂苣健康廚坊 The Gym Chef Xinzhu
外送餐點 職務類別 : 快遞/送貨/外務 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 11:00~12:00 年 8 月 7 日 需求人數 : 不拘 薪資待遇 : 時薪 250 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 工讀-長期 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 工作條件 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 具備駕照 : 輕型機車、普通重型機車 交通工具 : 輕型機車、普通重型機車 必備附件 履歷照片 <職場性格測驗>報告 應徵方式 連絡人 : 官先生 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。 電 洽:...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
US international company with great career progression Competitive salary package, interesting and challenging job 關於我們的客戶 US global company, dedicated in hand held device and enterprise solution. 職務說明 Collaborate with US- and Taiwan-based product development teams to implement products that meet product requirements for Enterprise-Class Mobile Computing devices. Provide expert oversight & direction of all relevant activities carried-out on behalf at 3rd-party design partners' sites. Pro...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
上海市 An exciting opportunity to work for a leading US luxury brand International working environment and great flexibility travelling globally 关于我们的客户 It is a world-class manufacturer of acoustic guitars, acoustic-electric guitars, and guitar & specialty strings. Throughout the company's long history, its products can be seen and heard across all genres of music and in all segments of pop culture, from concert and theater stages to television and movies. It is now initiating strategic act...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
Clinical trainer for innovative Medical Device Oncology treatment 關於我們的客戶 The company's mission is to offer new, safe, and effective treatment options that could transform and improve the lives of patients. 職務說明 Educate, inform and observe doctors in the proper application of the treatment in patients Provide training to physicians and support staff Provide clinical and technical feedback regarding device performance, user ergonomics and suggest design improvements. Similarly, identify impro...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
Fast-growing market share US-based vendor in semiconductor industry Very competitive salary package with multi-national company culture 關於我們的客戶 o US-based company that boost the performance of automated test equipment o Recently focus on the semiconductor industry especially in Automated Test Equipment (ATE) Market 職務說明 o Building executive level relationships at strategic semiconductor accounts o Understanding current and future trends, industry dynamics, industry leaders, technical cadence and...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taiwan
Owned by the world's largest travel leisure company Flexible work environment 關於我們的客戶 My client is a Europe base Cruise Line Company owned by the world's largest travel leisure company. They have around 15 fleets and provide cruise holidays in the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, South East Asia and South America. 職務說明 Key Account management Work with senior management to plan& implement go-to-market sales strategy. Analysing market tr...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Beijing
北京市 百万以上年薪 全球化团队 完善福利及培训体系 精细化运作体系 关于我们的客户 我们的客户为全球知名硬件品牌,革新及用户体现为其主要宗旨。目前,集团旗下的手机智能产品,其硬件、软件技术在行业内起到绝对的引领作用,也成为行业标杆。多年来,他们吸引了行业内众多精英加入,在这里实现了事业的舞台。 职责描述 1、基于全球项目,设计供应链运营管理系统,供应链运营模式评估和商业管理体系提升; 2、跨部门持续生产的供应链KPI设计,包括计划、采购、制造、物流和质量等环节; 3、业务过程分析,在其中找到关键点,全面寻找业务契机,寻找关键业务增长点; 4、全球供应链总结与评估报告撰写与提交。 理想的求职者 1、具备深厚的端到端供应链知识与实践经历,专家级别丰富的项目或咨询经验; 2、IT、电子相关行业供应链高级管理/高级咨询背景; 3、本科以上学历,管理学、供应链专业优先,英语流利(国际化团队); 4、思维敏锐,善于找出关键点,杰出的分析诊断能力; 5、优秀的个人影响力、人格魅力,沟通及推行技巧。 薪酬待遇 百万以上年薪 全球化团队 完善福利及培训体系 精细化运作体系 联系: Kitty Wang...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Changzhou
Responsible for all operations of the school other than academic and pastoral ca Be the line manager of non-academic, non-pastoral care, non-marketing and admiss 关于我们的客户 一家发展迅速的高端英国教育公司 我们有3年上市规划和全球扩张计划; 我们有70的英美外籍同事 我们有教育行业极富争力的薪酬绩效体系 职责描述 School Daily Operation Management Supervise all operation functions and operation staff, including operation assistants, receptionist, medical staff and outsourcing staff; Monitor performance of all operational staff under his/her supervision, and provide tra...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
上海市 Great career development Competitive salary package 关于我们的客户 Our client is a well-known foreign construction material company. 职责描述 Collect customer needs and market trends to provide a feasibility analysis for the development or introduction of new products. New product development support. Responsible for technical training and on-site services for the channel. 理想的求职者 Bachelor's Degree, preferred in Material Engineering, Architecture related. 8+ years related working experiences in cons...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taiwan
Competitive and niche market. Leading cancer solution brand. 關於我們的客戶 My client is an outstanding brand in providing cancer solution services. They dedicated theirselves to support physicians and patients with evidence-based information, which comes from Asian Genome Data Base and professional bioinformatics and biomedical team, to fight cancer. My client now is looking for someone who has passion in oncology area with solid experience in patent and intellectual property to join. 職務說明 Patent and ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taiwan
Multinational company, stable profit Head of Finance and Accounting 關於我們的客戶 Our client has over 60 years of experience we have developed a world-class comprehensive research and development department specializing in the engineering. 職務說明 1. Business Partnering: Actively participate in business strategy developments; Develop constructive financial analysis for business decisions and to achieve the business goals and objectives; Support General Manager to ensure full compliance with the local law...
tw.indeed.comAugust 25,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
Mutil-national working experience clear career path development 关于我们的客户 My client is a world leading retail brand. 职责描述 Report to HR Director. The primary focus will include, but is not limited to: 50% Partner with cross-functional teams in collating and ensuring agreement on online training requirements and content development for all departments in global GS offices. Work with L&D to assess the use of appropriate digital systems and technology to utilize for the knowledge sharing and train...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Beijing
北京市 Unique products, water treatment industry, contribute to human development People nice and professional, work with many bright people 关于我们的客户 Our client is the market leader in delivering great water management solutions to the world.Established in 1995, it's headquartered in Australia. Have offices in Australia,USA,China and agents in many other countries. 职责描述 Deliver timely, clear and accurate responses to technical request queries. Develop a strong knowledge of Water products and sol...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
上海市 静安区 very fast booming industry and local business strategy high quality collegues working with 关于我们的客户 our client is top overseas PE invest multiple industries: such as TMT, Pharm, Consumer goods, and real estate embracing global business with US fund. 职责描述 help Beijing office manager launch SH office for future daily operation work; support SH CEO daily admin such as travel, reimbursement, claim work; help SH CEO arrange next business planning and more strategic planning expending; 理想的求职者 a...
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