- 天津茱莉亚学院 查看所有职位 天津市 滨海新区
The Tianjin Juilliard School is seeking an experienced and certified ESL instructor who has a musical background, ideally some years of study of classical music, to guide English language instruction at the School which is comprised of an accredited Master of Music program and a Saturday Pre-College program. The Director of Language Studies will also serve as primary instructor of EAP classes for the Masters program and will teach some sections of Pre-College EFL as scheduling permits. Working c...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Major responsibilities: For TheLINK: Translation (English to Chinese and vice versa) Proofreading and fact checking Upload magazine on website and WeChat Work with external vendors (printer, translators), logistics and other CEIBS departments on admin related tasks Book meeting room and make other arrangements as needed for interviews Write articles for TheLINK if interested in doing so For the media teams: - Translation (English to Chinese and vice versa) Upload content to website (new...
- 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 Title : Assistant Media Manager / Managing Editor of TheLINK Magazine Department : Marketing & Communications Major Responsibilities: Work closely with Editors-in-chief to determine content, tone and strategic direction of the magazine. Ensure the highest possible quality of all Chinese language content. Overall responsibility for managing the multi-cultural team that provides content for the magazine (hard copy, website and WeChat versions), as well as external vendors (translation...
- 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区
岗位职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的教学任务,力求获得良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, seminars and tutorials, assess students’ coursework, set and mark examinations. 2、教书育人:承担对学生的思想、品德和作风教育责任,言传身教,为人师表。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, and be a paragon of virtue and learning. 3、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的指导。 Supervise students’research activities. 4、教学建设:参与课程开发、教材建设等工作。 Responsible for the development of related subjects or programs, prepare and develop teaching plan and materials. 5、教学与学术研...
- 國立臺灣大學工學院機械工程學系 Taibei
國立臺灣大學工學院機械工程學系 用人單位:國立臺灣大學工學院機械工程學系 職缺公告日期:2019-03-25 報名截止日期:2021-08-31 開缺職缺:教師 x 數名 學校地址:台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 工作地點:臺北市大安區 學術專長:工程製造及營建環保領域(電算機/工程/建築及都市規劃/環境保護學門) 公告內容: The Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University is seeking faculty members at all levels. Applicants with the following specialities are preferred: Mechanical Design, Solid Mechanics, System and Control, Advanced manufacturing technologies (Laser / Electron Beam Precision Machining, Photonic Manufacturing, Defen...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019 - 沈阳美德因妇儿医院股份有限公司 沈阳市 皇姑区
岗位职责: 1.在科室主任的领导下,服从科室主任工作安排; 2.检查时细心,仔细,全面,完整,及时书写诊断报告及发放,诊断明确,无误; 3.遵纪守法,廉洁行医,认真执行各项规章制度,作风严谨,一丝不苟,尊重科学,实事求是,不谎报数据,不出假报告。 4.爱护仪器,熟悉性能,严格遵守操作规程,认真执行医疗器械管理制度,定期保养,维修并对仪器进行检测。 5.保管好各种检查记录,建立档案,完善医疗资料,以便随访。 任职要求: 1、女,大专以上学历,本市户口优先; 2、具有三年以上超声工作经验,***是三维四维工作方面; 3、具有执业医师资格证书,掌握超声产前诊断相关技术; 4、医学基础知识扎实,临床工作经验丰富,技术精湛; 5、有敬业精神,稳定性强; 6、具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识,具有团队协作精神,有责任心和亲和力; 7、待人和善,有耐心,身体健康 职能类别: 超声影像/放射科医师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区泰山路15号 公司信息 美德因妇儿医院(Madein Wowen and Children’s Hospital)是根据中华人民共和国相关法规、严格按照ACOG(Th...
- 護理學院學士後護理學系 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:護理學院學士後護理學系 職缺公告日期:2019-08-06 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 護理學院學士後護理學系誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1 名( 公告至108.09.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):護理學或醫學相關領域科系畢業 Ph. D degree related to Nursing or Ph. D degree related to Nursing or Medicine * 職務條件: 1. 具護理師證書 With RN license 2. 具護理教學、獨立研究能力 With teaching experience and independent research ability 3.具護理相關教學或實務經驗者 With teaching experience or clinical practice in nursing. Management experience * 需提供資料(Materia...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 14,2019 - 明德學院 Centennial College Hong Kong
Duties The appointees will coordinate regular students affair activities and support students affair services, perform general administration and office duties, including counter services, general/telephone enquiries, English and Chinese word processing, data input, liaison with internal and external parties, maintenance of student/staff records and filing. Besides, he/she will also perform ad hoc duties as assigned. Overtime work may be required. Requirements (a) (i) Level 2 or equivalent or ab...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 13,2019 - 百汇医院管理有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 Job Summary The inpatient staff nurse plans and delivers quality care to patient, following appropriate and accepted protocols and maintaining high nursing standards. Essential Duties & Responsibilities Plans and performs direct patient care competently and independently Assesses, plans, prioritizes, delivers and evaluates individualized patient care from a holistic perspective Documents relevant information and maintains accurate, clear, comprehensive, and up-to-date patient records...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: Carry out hospital policies and procedures, provide quality of care to all patients, coordinate between relevant staff, and accomplish assigned tasks by Head Nurse and/or Assistant Head Nurse of out-patient. 任职资格: 1. Minimal Education Requirement—above college degree in nursing 2. Minimal experience requirement-5 years working experience in nursing 3. Minimum 2 years overseas nursing experience required for new hires. 4. Licensing Needed—Registered nurse license in China 5. Adequat...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: Responsibilities: ? Professionalism and positive work attitude ? Observes and documents pertinent information that reflects the patient’s clinical condition, with respect to the entire human being. ? Reports the same to oncoming nurses, charge nurses and physicians. ? Performs or supervises treatment and administers medications as required. ? Counts narcotics in accordance to the institution’s policies and procedures. ? Cooperates in maintaining a high level of order, safety and st...
- 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
上海市 徐汇区 Job Responsibility: Operates from a deep understanding of the total situation. Collaborates with other caregivers to challenge and coordinate institutional resources to maximize advocacy for patient and family care in achieving the most effective outcomes. Job Description: 1. Assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic 2. Document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome 3. Carry out investigation and treatment prescribed by th...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: ? Professionalism and positive attitude. ? Carry out various nursing interventions, assigned treatment and diagnosis to patients with the supervision of a senior nursing staff and/or head nurse as needed. ? Independently provide care for NICU level 2 or level 1 neonates (refer to SHU NICU admission and discharge criteria) ? Monitors and records symptoms and progress of patients on EMR ? Educate parents CPR, bathing, feeding, and other care as needed at home upon the newborn dischar...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: ? Consults and coordinates with health care team members to assess, plan, implement and evaluate patient care plans ? Preps operating room for patient/procedure ? Conducts pre- and post-operative education ? Communication well with surgical team, patients and family members. ? Records all care information concisely, accurately and completely, in a timely manner, in the appropriate format and on the appropriate forms ? Collaborate with other professional disciplines to ensure effect...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 岗位职责: 职位级别: Middle (4-8 years) 岗位职责 Example of Duties: Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensive examination, X-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extraction, crown and bridge, scaling, teeth whitening etc.) Maintaining a steady flow of patients by overseeing day-to-day bookings and by monitoring patient recalls Training and managing staff to maintain a high standard of dental care in a warm and friendly environment Dealing with any patient complaints ...
- 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
上海市 徐汇区 Job Responsibility: Operates from a deep understanding of the total situation. Collaborates with other caregivers to challenge and coordinate institutional resources to maximize advocacy for patient and family care in achieving the most effective outcomes. Job Description: ESSENTIAL TASKS: 1. Assess plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of patients throughout the clinic 2. Document accurately and concisely the care provided and its outcome 3. Carry out investigation and treatment...
- 國立台灣大學理學院 台北市 大安區
一、 應徵資格:具有地質科學相關博士學位,不限領域,但專長為 (1)構造地質與野外地質、 (2)沉積學與地層學、 (3)礦物學與岩石學、 (4)地質資源或水文與應用地質等領域者將優先考慮。 二、 截止收件日期:2020年1月5日(以電子郵件收件日期為憑)。 三、 預定起聘日期:2020年8月1日 四、 應檢具資料:個人履歷、學經歷證件影本、著作目錄、教學及研究計畫書、三位推薦人姓名及其聯絡方式、三至五篇最近七年內著作抽印本(其中一篇請自行指定為代表作,此代表作必須為2015年8月1日以後正式出版者)、與其它有助於瞭解申請者背景之資料。 五、 申請者請將檢具資料以電子郵件寄至:臺灣大學地質科學系教師徵聘委員會召集人徐澔德教授(電子郵件地址:jbhs@ntu.edu.tw) 相關資訊請參閱臺大地質科學系網站:http://web.gl.ntu.edu.tw Faculty positions at the Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University The Department of Geosciences at the Na...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 11,2019 - COLUMBIA嘉兴凯宜医院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 1. As a key member for hospital commissioning and start up, Responsible for hospital planning and construction works under the leadership of Hospital CEO, to deliver the commitment on time. 作为医院项目建设的核心成员,在院长领导下,按时完成机构对集团的承诺。 2. Assist Hospital CEO to formulate the strategic plan for hospital development, establish the hospital’s annual goals & objectives, the action plan, budget plan and implementation of the cost assessment. 协助院长制定医院建设和发展战略规划,确立医院年度发展目标、实施计划、预算方案及全成本考核的有效落实 3. In l...
- 醫學科技學院_ 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:醫學科技學院_ 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 醫學科技學院_ 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系_誠徵專任助理教授 (含)以上1 名(公告至108.9.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士 (Ph. D.) :生命科學或醫學生物科技科系畢業 With Ph.D. degree related to Life Science or Medical Biotechnology * 職務條件: 1. 免疫學(Immunology) 2. 免疫治療(Immunotherapy) 3. 腫瘤免疫學(Tumor Immunology) 4. 細胞治療(Cell therapy) 5. 具醫檢師執照為佳(Medical Technologist license) * 需提供資料 (Material needed) : 除本校人力資源處網頁 聘任作業 教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作目錄及 重要著...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 醫學院細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:醫學院細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-10-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 108 年度第 1 學期_ 醫學院細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上2名(公告至108.10.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) :具有生物醫學相關博士學位。 Ph.D. : Biomedical related fields. * 職務條件: 1.學術專精如下領域,並具備獨立研究能力: 類別一:幹細胞相關生物醫學或細胞治療與再生醫學為佳。 類別二:精準醫學或其他生命科學相關研究領域。 Academic specialization in the following areas, and with independent research capabilities. (1) Category1: Specialized in "Stem Cell related Biomedic...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019
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