School of Continuing and Professional Studies General Clerk II (Tseung Kwan O Learning Centre) (Ref. 1900027C) (Closing date: October 29, 2019) The appointee will be responsible for (a) providing customer services and clerical support at the enrolment counters of the School’s Tseung Kwan O Learning Centre; (b) assisting in the daily operations of the enrolment team; (c) providing administrative support to ensure a smooth operation of the Learning Centre; and (d) performing other tasks as assigne...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
School of Continuing and Professional Studies Course Co-ordinator I(s)/II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Programme Administrator (Training and Development)’ or ‘Programme Administrator (Training and Development)’) (Ref. 1900028S) (Closing date: October 29, 2019) The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded in 1965, is a self-financing extension unit with the mission to provide quality lifelong education to the community. To fur...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
University Safety Office Laboratory Assistant (Ref. 1900028M) (Closing date: October 29, 2019) The appointee will be responsible for (a) collecting, packing and delivering goods, including dangerous goods and chemical wastes; (b) housekeeping of stores and vehicles; (c) order-processing and communication with clients; and (d) providing general support to the Dangerous Goods Stores Unit and the University Safety Office. Outdoor and strenuous works will be included. The appointee will need to co...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
School of Continuing and Professional Studies Accountant I/II (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Manager/Manager of Accounting’) (Ref. 1900028U) (Closing date: October 29, 2019) The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded in 1965, is a self-financing unit with the mission to provide quality lifelong education to the community. CUSCS now invites applications for Accountant I/II (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Manager/Manager of Acc...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - TV SOUL [心視台] Shek mun
誠聘兼職補習老師: 中、小學各級、各科、、專科補習老師。 有經驗,愛心,耐心。 歡迎退休老師 ,年齡不拘, 薪酬面議...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 13,2019 - TV SOUL [心視台] Shek mun
誠聘兼職補習老師: 中、小學各級、各科、、專科補習老師。 有經驗,愛心,耐心。 歡迎退休老師 ,年齡不拘, 薪酬面議...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 6,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Hong kong
全職員工月入可達港幣11,500至15,000. 具備良好粵語溝通能力、誠懇有禮 懂簡易電腦操作 工作表現優秀者可獲每月獎金 持相關學歷或多年工作經驗者,可申請為資深助理或配劑員 全職職位:每週工作48小時 (5/6天),輪班輪休。工作時間為上午10:00 – 下午10:00 (每天工作8小時) 兼職職位:工作時間可面議 其他福利或優惠: 全職職位 - 有薪年假和法定假期、雙糧、強積金、有薪婚假、和順堂購物優惠及醫療福利(包括直系家屬)等.. 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷、酬金要求及相關資料傳送至 立即申請 郵箱或可致電39526844 與陳先生聯絡。 中國www.wellsoon.cn 香港www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 3,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Tseung kwan o
具備香港註冊中醫師資格 可獨立臨床診症 全職醫師月入約可達港幣20,000 至 70,000. 福利和優惠: 全職醫師 : 底薪加優厚提成、特別奬金、銀行假期、有薪婚假、醫師責任保險、和順堂購物優惠及醫療福利(包括直系家屬)和在職培訓等.... 掛單醫師 : 基本服務費加優厚提成、特別奬金、和順堂購物及醫療優惠等.... 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷、酬金要求及相關資料傳送至本公司電子郵箱 立即申請 或可致電3952 6845與陳先生聯絡。 中國: www.wellsoon.cn 香港: www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 3,2019 - TV SOUL [心視台] Aberdeen
職位:兼職單反相機video拍攝人員兼剪片。 約一至兩小時清談式訪問拍攝兼剪片工作,按內容約分剪成3至5段短片,在家完成剪片工作。 「薪金面議」...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 3,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
School of Continuing and Professional Studies General Clerk II (Language Centre Assistant) (Ref. 19000258) (Closing date: October 15, 2019) The appointee will work at the School’s Tseung Kwan O Learning Centre, and will (a) support the daily operation of the Language Learning Enhancement Centre and Learning Resources Centre; (b) perform general clerical duties, handle enquiries, and provide office support and reception services; (c) ensure a smooth delivery of workshops and services; (d) maintai...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 3,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Kwun tong
工作地點: 觀塘 負責浸藥、煎藥、包装、出貨、一般藥房事務 年齡、經驗及學歷不拘 每週工作六天48小時,每天工作8小時 (工作時間為上午08:00–下午09:00其間),輪班輪休。 其他福利或優惠: 有薪和法定假期、強積金、和順堂購物優惠及醫療福利(包括直系家屬)等.. 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷、酬金要求及相關資料傳送至 立即申請 郵箱或可致電39526844 向陳先生查詢。 中國www.wellsoon.cn 香港www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Hong kong
經驗、學歷、年齡不拘 負責派送工作包括中藥、店鋪物料及文件等至全港各分店或指定地點 協助中央藥房的一般運作事宜 需外勤及體力工作 具備良好粵語溝通能力,,誠懇有禮,守紀律 懂簡易電腦操作為佳 月入可達港幣9,500至10,500 以上職位每週工作六天48小時,每天工作8小時(工作時間由上午8:30 – 至下午5:30或上午10:30 – 至下午7:30),輪班輪休 其他福利或優惠: 有薪年假、法定假期、特別假期、強積金、和順堂購物優惠、員工及直系家屬醫療福利等 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷、酬金要求及相關資料傳送至 立即申請 郵箱或可致電39526844 與陳先生聯絡。 中國www.wellsoon.cn 香港www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon
請親臨下列招聘日面試。 日期: 2019年10月10日 時間: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 地點: 伊利沙伯醫院S座1樓104室 職責 一般文職包括資料輸入、病人登記、繳費處、資料統計、文件存檔及處理公眾查詢 入職條件 1. 完成中五; 及 i)會考5科合格包括英文(Syl. B) 及中文 或 ii)文憑試5科合格包括 英文及中文 或 2. 完成中五; 及少許工作經驗。 員工福利 強積金, 醫療, 有薪年假10-21天,17天公眾假期, 約滿酬金, 購物優惠, 薪酬調整, 年度增薪, 提供在職培訓, 每週工作44小時(包括用膳時間) 註:當懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告時,是次招聘日將會取消。 查詢請致電3506 7202 / 3506 4765聯絡。 如未能出席招聘日者可致電5278 4945人力資源部洽,亦可將申請表傳真至3506 5090 或 電郵至 wmn345@ha.org.hk。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon
日期: 10月17日 時間: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM 地點: 九龍加士居道30號伊利沙伯醫院S座1樓104室 職責 病房中的一般文職包括資料輸入、病人登記、繳費處、資料統計、文件存檔及處理公眾查詢 入職條件 1. 完成中五; 及 i)會考5科合格包括英文(Syl. B) 及中文 或 ii)文憑試5科合格包括 英文及中文 或 2. 完成中五; 及少許工作經驗。 *申請如獲聘請將會在聘任期的首六個月內進行在職培訓。在職培訓期間的月薪為HK$13,330。當完成培訓並通過技能及表現評估後,月薪將會提升至HK$14,663。如未能通過評估,其聘用合約有可能會被終止。 員工福利 17天公眾假期、有薪年假10-12天、分娩/侍產假期、薪酬調整、年度增薪、約滿酬金、每週44小時工作(包括用膳時間) 、員工及合資格家屬醫療福利、購物優惠、在職培訓及良好晉升機會 註:當懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告時,是次招聘日將會取消。 查詢請致電3506 7202 / 3506 4675聯絡。 如未能出席招聘日者可致電5278 4945人力資源部洽,亦可將申請表傳真至35...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 2,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Hong kong
主要職務: 協助營運總監管理多間診所,有需要在不同診所工作 積極有效地作內外溝通,向客戶提供優質中醫藥服務 指導及提升團隊的客戶服務和銷售技巧 帶領團隊逹成公司定下的目標 配合公司的政策,協調各個部份,使各診所運作暢順。 Assists the Operations Director to manage a number of clinics, will need to work in different clinics Work with other parties to provide high quality service about Chinese Medicine Train up team members and raise their customer service and selling skills Lead the team to complete the company targets Cope with the company’s strategies, actively cooperate with different partners for the...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 29,2019 - TV SOUL [心視台] Shek mun
誠聘兼職補習老師: 中、小學各級、各科、、專科補習老師。 有經驗,愛心,耐心。 歡迎退休老師 ,年齡不拘, 薪酬面議...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 29,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
University Safety Office Laboratory Assistant (Ref. 1900024K) (Closing date: October 8, 2019) The appointee will be responsible for (a) collecting, packing and delivering goods, including dangerous goods and chemical wastes; (b) housekeeping of stores and vehicles; (c) order-processing and communication with clients; and (d) providing general support to the Dangerous Goods Stores Unit and the University Safety Office. The job will include outdoor and strenuous works. The appointee will need to c...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 26,2019 - 台灣積體電路製造 新竹科學工業園區
1. A highly motivated individuals with a strong technical background and capabilities to develop and sustain process technologies for flash memory and logic products. 2. Working with a team which may include device,integration, yield, lithography, etch and thin films or external suppliers to drive leading-edge integrated module development, control and improvements. 3. Be responsible for sustaining ownership such as day-to-day operations,equipment troubleshooting and mentoring technicians. Quali...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 台灣積體電路製造 新竹科學工業園區
Material Buyer Job Responsibility 1. Manage suppliers' relationships and their Quality, Cost, Delivery, Service and Sustainability toward reliable and cost effective supply chain 2. Develop procurement strategies and enhance/execute collaborations with suppliers and TSMC's RD/Operations. 3. Lead projects related to TSMC’s supply chain excellence. Planner Job Responsibility 1. Demand forecast and supply planning to ensure requirements fulfilled. 2. Supplier management to ensure reliable d...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 西交利物浦大学 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区
General Description As an important unit of XJTLU supporting system, Student Counselling Center takes the responsibility of providing professional counselling service to students. Apart from that, we also have the responsibility to create a harmonious cultural atmosphere, as well as to guide the students to have a better life. Main Responsibility and Accountability To provide individual counselling, group counselling, family interview, risk assessment and crisis intervention. To guide students’ ...
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