Results 1 - 20 of 7492
  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 岗位职责: Primary Responsibilities: ? Perform daily patient rounds, either individually, or as part of the team. Review subjective and objective findings including labs, diagnostic testing, vital signs, wound status, and drains and provide data to senior consultant surgeons when necessary. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic goals, etc. ? Arranges for consults and patient transfers as needed. ? Collaborates with senior consultants in the establishment of ...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Beijing

    You will mainly: Maintain a good image of the front desk area of the office . 保持办公室前台区域的良好形象。 Receive and welcome office visitors and provide appropriate direction. 接待和欢迎办公室访客, 并提供适当的引导。 Receive, direct and relay public inquiries, telephone messages. 接收、指导和转发公众查询、电话信息 Prepare welcome packs, staff ID cards and relevant on-boarding service for new office staff. 为办公室新员工准备欢迎礼包、员工卡和相关的入职服务。 Provide ordering service and distribution service of office supplies and maintain an adequate inventory of offi...

  • 北京和睦家复兴门诊所有限公司 Beijing

    岗位职责: School nurse who provide medical and first aid assistance to various members of a community. This role is the source of medical and disease information to the community. They work closely with school administrators and faculty to create a health safe environment to prevent potential risk of injury and deal with minor injury, provide common disease assessment, triage, referral and maintain the medical record in school system. The nurse who worked in school setting shall be independent pract...

  • 北京英伦翰林教育咨询有限公司 Beijing

    职位描述 JD: 1、 教授A-LEVEL/GCSE(地理 /历史 / 英语文学 / 社会人文/ 物理 /化学 / 数学 / 会计 / 经济 / 商务)相关课程; Teaching A-LEVEL/GCSE (geography /history /literature /physics /chemistry /math /account /economy /business); 2、 根据学员学习进度定期制定教学计划; Regularly making teaching plan for students on their learning process; 积极参加学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、试讲、会议等活动; ntributing to training, teaching and researching, demo, meeting and so on; 班级人数:一对一或小班课 ass size: one on one or small group 积极完成领导交代的其他工作。 tively complete the works assigned by the leade...

  • 臺北市私立教教我短期文理補習班 Taibei

    1. 負責一般文書資料處理和歸檔工作 2. 辦理核銷事宜 3. 協助處理庶務性行政工作 4. 工作行程安排 5. 聯繫家長及教師、安排補課、面談及課程安排 6. 辦理工作證及居留證相關業務 7. 本補習班為完全英文上班環境,所有溝通及文件均為英文 To provide administrative support services covering scheduling, customer service, general HR service inquiries, expatriate work permit, visa, and ARC applications and HR employment filing and maintain the routine support systems of the school. Key Responsibilities Common tasks include word processing, letter writing, dealing with telephone and email inquiries, creating and ...

  • 名興文理補習班 嘉義縣 番路鄉

    工作內容 1. 本類人員可區分為校園體系(具教師證照)及一般補教體系。主要工作內容為擬定課程計畫,並執行傳遞知識及關心學生。 2. 於補教業語言教學英文相關師資。 3. 於補教業從事教案設計及執行教學相關活動。 薪資待遇: 論件計酬(每件) 500 至 750 元 上班地點: 嘉義縣番路鄉下坑村菜公店108-21號 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 上班時段:18:00/下班時段: 21:00 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 教師、語文補習班老師、其他才藝類老師 職務更新日期:2019-07-05 職缺條件 工作性質: 兼職 身份類別: 一般求職者、日間就讀中、夜間就讀中、中高齡者、二度就業、原住民、身障人士 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 2年以上 學歷要求: 大學、碩士 科系限制: 語文教育學相關、英美語文相關 語文條件: 英文 聽:中等 / 說:中等 / 讀:精通 / 寫:精通 擅長工具: Word、Excel 工作技能: 不拘 所需證照: GEPT中級、TOEIC、TOEFL 其他條件: 未填寫 需求人數: ...

  • 家菲一美語 Taizhong

    工作內容 This is Chia Fei 1, and we are looking for a Native English Teacher to teach students English (junior high school students). If you have the need of the offer, please contact us. Position: Native English Teacher (part-time) Working Hours: We’ll discuss once we meet in person Job description and requirements: We need the one who has the experiences on teaching junior high school’s students and GEPT(oral speaking skill). Besides, topic for every single class is needed (good at interact with k...

  • 上海期货交易所 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 一、招收条件: 1、拥护社会主义制度,遵纪守法; 2、在国内外已获得博士学位者,或即将获得博士学位者; 3、品学兼优、身体健康; 4、具有较强的科研能力和敬业精神; 5、具有与研究项目相关的专业背景和较高的英文水平; 6、能够全脱产在本站进行研究工作; 7、同等条件下,具有与研究课题相关的从业经历、行业背景、研究经验者优先考虑;有一年以上工作经验者优先考虑。 8、符合工作站规定的其他条件。 二、博士后研究课题 1、期货市场对外开放背景下交易所境外设立交割库可行性研究; 2、中国咖啡期货品种开发研究; 3、天气指数研究与编制; 4、全国统一碳排放权交易市场建设研究; 5、石油化工产业链后备期货品种筛选及开发研究; 6、电力期货品种设计研究及其风险管理; 7、中国原油期货交易者行为及市场功能研究; 8、中央对手方的法律基础与责任边界; 9、期货经营机构交易云计算技术应用的研究; 10、期权组合指令与组合保证金制度研究; 11、新型场内外衍生品市场融合清算机制研究; 12、程序化交易监管体系研究; 13、期货市场国际化背景下的风险监控体系研究。 三、需提供的材料: 1、基本...

  • 圣戈班投资有限公司 Shanghai

    1、外汇交易confirm 2、每月***签字处理,合同备案 3、协助处理旗下公司账户及资金池业务 4、外勤(税局, CITI, HSBC, JPM等) 5、处理保函等其他财务工作 Requirement: 1、经管专业背景,大二或者大三 2、至少三个月实习时间(每周出勤三天及以上,可拼天) 4、有一定的excel基础 5、良好的沟通表达能力 6、一定的英语能力 职能类别:资金专员财务助理/文员 关键字:老师傅带世界500强亚太总部 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市东大名路1158号浦江国际金融广场17楼&18楼...

  • 麟和建筑工作室 Shanghai

    关于我们: 创设于2000年的麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+),是一个立足于建筑实践与城市研究的建筑师团队,探讨建筑本体要素的现代性以及中国城市背景下的大尺度建造,关注中国大规模建筑建造中的现代性定位,关注基于现实条件与语境的高品质建筑实现,构成工作室的设计实践基本方向。高度的研究性与实践性构成了设计作品的基本特征。 研究,决定了建筑师需要对社会和专业保持一种高度的敏感,需要保持一种批判性的思考,需要在建筑外在条件和内在逻辑的探求中寻找答案,需要创造性地回应项目背景与现实需求,需要广阔的视野与组织策略。研究,使工作室保持了一贯的开放性与前瞻性,并努力参与到中国建筑当代性的探索之中。 建造,决定了建筑师需要高度的专业知识与职业经验,需要各专业工程师磨合而成的高水平团队,需要建筑师与业主-承建商-专项设计-政府部门等的良好沟通,需要建筑师对于细节-材料-工艺-工地-生产等环节的全面掌控。实践,使工作室保持了高水准建成作品的持续实现,并获得良好的声誉与专业奖项。 麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+)成为中国当代建筑多样化背景下的活跃团队。从设计竞标、到工地配合、材料选择、整合专业设计...

  • 金瑞期货股份有限公司 Shenzhen

    Job Description The MusingBot Team under JiangXi Copper Corp. JinRui Futures Hong Kong is launching a new business to trade Hong Kong and Mainland China Exchange-Traded derivative products. Now we plan to hire two quantitative researchers and one system developer. If you joined, you would have the opportunity to work within an excellent team to meet new challenges, grasp solid understanding of the fields, and enjoy the excitement of building an emerging business from ground up and reach the frui...

  • 麟和建筑工作室 Shanghai

    上海市 关于我们: 创设于2000年的麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+),是一个立足于建筑实践与城市研究的建筑师团队,探讨建筑本体要素的现代性以及中国城市背景下的大尺度建造,关注中国大规模建筑建造中的现代性定位,关注基于现实条件与语境的高品质建筑实现,构成工作室的设计实践基本方向。高度的研究性与实践性构成了设计作品的基本特征。 研究,决定了建筑师需要对社会和专业保持一种高度的敏感,需要保持一种批判性的思考,需要在建筑外在条件和内在逻辑的探求中寻找答案,需要创造性地回应项目背景与现实需求,需要广阔的视野与组织策略。研究,使工作室保持了一贯的开放性与前瞻性,并努力参与到中国建筑当代性的探索之中。 建造,决定了建筑师需要高度的专业知识与职业经验,需要各专业工程师磨合而成的高水平团队,需要建筑师与业主-承建商-专项设计-政府部门等的良好沟通,需要建筑师对于细节-材料-工艺-工地-生产等环节的全面掌控。实践,使工作室保持了高水准建成作品的持续实现,并获得良好的声誉与专业奖项。 麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+)成为中国当代建筑多样化背景下的活跃团队。从设计竞标、到工地配合、材料选择、整合...

  • 瑞达期货股份有限公司 Xiamen

    厦门市 Job description: Ruida futures is one of leading futures firms in China founded in 1993. Quantitative trading team in Ruida is looking for a researcher who will assist a trader. The previous experience in finance is not required. But the researcher should have strong background and interest in data analysis. Also, programming experience is required. The researcher should be able to think independently and be able to communicate their ideas fluently. And strong passion on learning new knowled...

  • 期埃施机械制造有限公司 Shanghai

    New product introduction including. Assembly process design Fixture design Work instruction set up other related tasks Requirements: 1. College degree or above in mechanical or related field; 2. Basic English skills (both written and spoken) is required; 3. This position could be for Master Thesis / project work or a temporary position (up to 1 year). 职能类别:工业工程师机械工程师 关键字:IEMechanical机械非标装配工艺外资欧美设计工业工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:青浦工业园区久远路239号2幢...

  • 西班牙贸易合作有限公司 Shanghai

    Job responsibilities: 1. Responsible for sales work for imported FMCG in China mainland, Hongkong and Taiwan area. 2.Conduct market investigation for imported products, develop the suitable importers for new products, assist importers in the work of importation, selling, etc. Customer maintenance is needed. 3.Communicate with foreign suppliers, take effective action for unexpected problems 4.master customer needs, visit customers from time to time, develop management strategies for target custom...

  • IMC精英|精隼|精明 嘉義市

    職務編號: IMC930940E09 工作地區: 嘉義市東區 工作類型: 中高階 產業類別: 機械設備五金 職務類別: 經營管理 職務內容: Manage a medium‐sized plant in order to deliver the products on time, at the right cost and at the best quality for maximizing customer satisfaction. Improve the order fulfilment process. Install a “learning organization” that is able to develop processes continuously. Work with team to align operations with the strategic and financial needs of the business. 薪 資: NTD / 面議 (經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 福 利: 勞工退休金提撥 / 勞、健保 / 依法令規定之相關福利 特 色: 彈...

  • IMC精英|精隼|精明 Taibei

    個案編號: R45699B23 工作地區: 臺北市 工作類型: 中高階 產業類別: 特定功能組件 職務類別: 財務經營分析 職務內容: 1. Support the tender manager on financial aspects. Provide input to negotiate on commercial issues and local risk review process. 2. Prepare project invoices, financial accounting and reporting. Drive and seek for optimization of project cash flow, revenues and GM contributions. 3. Oversees currency risk, bonds and guarantees and tax issues. 4. Participates in opportunity/rish identification, monitor all required mitigation act...

  • 佳化化学股份有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Responsibilities: Develop business in Africa or India including customer visits, sampling, product qualification and promotion of the products and the business of the Company and all aspects of the sale, distribution and delivery of the Products. Explore new opportunities for potential business in the territory. Conduct daily communication with customers to comply company KPI (achieve sales results, manage account receivables) Collect market and industry information and provide accurate feed...

  • 韦博国际英语(Web Education) China

    中国 Position Summary: We are looking for an ESL Content and Curriculum Designer to work on the curriculum design based in headquarters of WEB in Xu Hui District in Shanghai. He/she will work with the Education Department team to improve, write and develop an ESL curriculum based on industry best practices and current company material with an emphasis on conversational English and pronunciation. The candidate will work on creating a detailed curriculum and supporting lesson plans to establish: cle...

  • 英迈投资有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: 1. Handle legal project of the company, including company establishment, merger and acquisition. 2. Draft/revise/review all kinds of agreements from business team, such as vendor contract, customer contract, and other legal documents; 3. Deliver compliance trainings to employees. 4. Provide legal advice to company's managers and customers. Requirements: 1. Qualified PRC lawyer, fluent in English and Chinese; 2. Major in Law with education from oversea or famous law school w...

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