Job Duties: Responsible for the overall marketing and communication activities in the club Handle photo / video-shooting and development of all marketing and advertising materials Responsible for updating and monitoring online platforms such as websites, social media, EDM and other online channels Work closely with internal and external parties in the implementation, measurement and analysis of online and offline marketing campaigns Assist in the development of PR and marketing events including ...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 23,2019 - Donghai International Financial Holdings Company Limited 東海國際金融控股有限公司 Central
Job Responsibilities: 1. Business communication and relationship maintenance with Securities Software Vendors; 2. Brokerage Software bugs/requirements collection, software vendor communication and explanations, bug fix timetable management, and take responsibility to each tech regarding project; 3. Maintain Hundsun Ayers Technologies trading system and business-related systems to ensure system’s reliability, performance and stability; 4. Liaise with software vendors for system enhancements, syst...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 22,2019 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
Key Responsibilities: To assist teachers in planning, trying out and conducting science experiments and relevant demonstrations, as well as other science-related activities To prepare, update and manage science-related materials and resources To provide support to students on science-related learning To assist the Lead Laboratory Technician with daily operation To prepare, construct, operate and maintain laboratory apparatus and equipment, and to conduct routine laboratory tests. To source diffe...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 20,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Tseung kwan o
5 passes in HKCEE or level 2 or above in HKDSE, including English(Syl. B), Chinese & Mathematics; diploma graduates or above preferred Experience/Knowledge of marketing and advertising is preferred Good command of spoken & written in Chinese & English language; Proficiency with Microsoft Office Applications To provide administrative and operational support to the communication and fundraising works of Communications and Resource Development Department Good interpersonal & communi...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Tseung kwan o
中五或以上程度 持有效駕駛執照(可駕駛車輛類別1,2,4,9,10)、至少3年或以上駕駛小巴經驗(具社福機構接送長者及殘障人士經驗更佳) 管理前線司機、編制接送路線及向司機分派工作、監督司機日常接送工作及服務水平 調動車隊配合服務需要、處理突發事件,執行緊急車務應變措施 兼任司機執行接送工作、執行上司指派的其他工作 能聽及講流利廣東話及一般英語、懂簡單電腦操作及基本辦公室應用程式 擁有良好的人際及溝通技巧、 具編制路線及管理車隊經驗優先考慮 工作地點:主要在將軍澳區,如有需要,或需到其他地區工作...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Hong kong
香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考五科考獲第2級/達標或以上(包括中、英、數) 懂中、英文打字及熟識Word/Excel電腦軟件的使用 負責一般文書處理、與政府部門接洽並能獨立處理各類大小項目 協助執行部門政策、辦公室行政事務等工作 能獨立處事、面對壓力、有耐心、有效同時安排各項工作緩急次序 具備一般會計知識或經驗者優先考慮...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Hong kong
曾修讀保健員訓練課程,並已註冊成為保健員 對護理行業有熱誠、愛心及寧養服務有心志者更為合適 服務體弱長者、長期病患者及晚期癌症病人 與護士團隊並肩提供護理服務,需輪班服務 經驗較少者可申請為初級護理助理員...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - Golden Resources Development Limited 金源米業 Tsing yi
Degree in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering or relevant disciplines 3-6 years’ working experience in manufacturing environment, preferred gained from food industry At least 2 years in supervisory position Strong interpersonal and communication skill Co-ordination with suppliers, contractors and technical staff ISO 9001 & HACCP exposures is an definite asset Familiar with AutoCAD Fluent in spoken / written English and Mandarin Holder of Registered Electrical Worker (Grade A) is an advantag...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - Golden Resources Development Limited 金源米業 Tsing yi
- F. 3 程度或以上 - 負責日常品質檢查工作 - 無需有關工作經驗 - 提供在職培訓,有良好晉升機會 星期六長短週工作、 14 天大假、免費午膳供應、醫療津貼、員工獎勵及花紅...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - Golden Resources Development Limited 金源米業 Tsing yi
處理點收貨物及文書工作 中學畢業或以上 熟悉中英文電腦操作、懂 SAP 優先考慮 積極主動、精密仔細及具備良好溝通技巧 有貨倉操作經驗優先考慮 星期六長短週工作、14天大假、每月額外1天假期、紅白假、考試假、免費午膳供應、員工折扣、醫療保險、員工獎勵金及花紅等 有意者請按 立即申請 提交履歷表...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 17,2019 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
Key Responsibilities A key member in the Admissions Team to manage the admissions process, such as screening applications, organising admissions testing, handling enquiries, liaising with staff and parents, coordinates school events relating to admissions Conducts and reports data analysis Works with the Communications Team on marketing communications, campaigns including internal and external communications related to admissions Administers school programmes, such as scholarship programme Perfo...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 14,2019 - THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS CLUB 香港外國記者會 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Lead the team to manage full spectrum of purchasing function (food, beverage and non-food category) including sourcing, negotiation, purchasing, contraction management and vendor management Keep monitor the inventory control system is always functioning to give an up-to-date and accurate figures for all stock items both in quantity and in dollars value to assure adequate controls over actual physical stock in and stock out To review and monitor constantly the performance of sup...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 13,2019 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Homantin
在職培訓、醫療津貼 歡迎應屆畢業生、新來港人士 有意請電:王生:9828 8367、吳生:9669 8039...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 11,2019 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Homantin
在職培訓、醫療津貼 歡迎應屆畢業生、新來港人士 有意請電:王生:9828 8367、吳生:9669 8039...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 11,2019 - 基督教靈實協會 Hong kong
香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考五科考獲第2級/達標或以上(包括中、英、數) 懂中、英文打字及熟識Word/Excel電腦軟件的使用 負責一般文書處理、與政府部門接洽並能獨立處理各類大小項目 協助執行部門政策、辦公室行政事務等工作 能獨立處事、面對壓力、有耐心、有效同時安排各項工作緩急次序 具備一般會計知識或經驗者優先考慮...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 10,2019 - THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS CLUB 香港外國記者會 Hong kong
Job Duties: Assist IT Manager in performing hardware and software procurement, installations, configuration and IT house-keeping. Responsible for daily IT supporting and training jobs (e.g. Club Events) by providing the IT helpdesk and technical support in hardware and software to all users in the Club. Maintain and implement web applications and associated infrastructure & information distribution channels to members. Monitor and maintain performance on system, server, network or other IT C...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 10,2019 - Manulife 宏利 Hong kong
宏利Manulife的皇牌儲蓄計劃,需要積極進取的你推廣給各大客戶。 這是一個可將行常工作發展成事業的平台,發展潛力龐大,助你達到財務自由、時間自由。 全行接近 50% 佣金 Commission Rate / 每張單計 另設有底薪 (HKD 10,000 或過住年薪 80%) 平均月薪可達 HKD 27,000 - 77,000 或以上 不設任何業績壓力 工作內容 主力電話預約客戶會面處理申請手續 每月獎金及年尾花紅 專屬全方位有效培訓 在職銷售及產品培訓 公平晉升制度 觀塘甲級商場寫字樓工作 自我安排放假時間,不設大假日數 旅行獎賞,達標者可以一年去一次亞洲與歐洲(機票+酒店)...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 10,2019 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
有牌及無牌均可 專業在職培訓,專人跟進 高佣、有薪年假、醫療津貼 歡迎畢業生、新移民加入 有意請電: 9881-9141 黃生、6033-1383 張生 6199-6727 顏生、6100-0717 王生...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 8,2019 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 ( 所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9612 9975 紀先生...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 8,2019 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 ( 所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9612 9975 紀先生...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 8,2019
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