- 優才資源中心有限公司 Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
學歷要求: 專業資格/文憑 薪金待遇: $7,000 - $10,000 工作地區: 油尖旺區 工作經驗: 一年經驗 發佈時間: 2019-03-13 截止申請時間: 2019-04-12 上午9時至下午6時, 每週工作5天 2. 專上教育:文憑/證書課程; 1年經驗; 良好粵語; 良好普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂中文打字40字(每分鐘); 懂英文打字45字(每分鐘); 懂Microsoft office; 懂Outlook Express; 懂視窗操作; 完成商科訓練 3. Handle all the daily clerical work for departments Handle general administrative workManage documentationAssist in preparing annual budget plan...
www.indeed.hkMarch 27,2019 - 香港粵港澳大灣區發展有限公司 Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
工作職責: 處理人事日常管理工作,人事招聘,行政檔案管理;完成上級領導交辦的各項工作。 工作要求: F5以上學歷,應屆畢業也歡迎。 溝通協調能力強,工作細致認真,謹慎細心,責任心強;...
www.indeed.hkMarch 27,2019 - Cool Surplus Limited Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
ro Founded in New York City, 1999, ro continues to study and explore the expectations of metropolitan living. 工作地點: 港九新界區 資歷: 中五或以上程度 一年或以上零售經驗 良好的工作態度及溝通能力 能操流利廣東話、基本英語及普通話 員工福利: 佣金 獎賞 購物優惠 工作時間: 每天工作時間8-9小時 (輪班:上午9時半至下午11時) 薪金: 時薪 HK$50+ 有興趣者請電郵 CV 至 hr@robags.com 想了解我們更多品牌資訊,可登入 Website: www.robags.com Facebook: robagshk...
www.indeed.hkMarch 27,2019 - HARDWOOD SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
工作內容 : systems eng. duties(solid scripting skills(eg Windows&Linux platform),solid networking knowledge(OSI network layers,TCP/IP),exp with setup&admin of the virtualization&monitoring sys,exp with admin & performance tuning of the Windows/Linux based 要求學歷 : Secondary 7; Fair Cantonese ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write English 上班時間 : $12,000 - $15,000 per month, with Bank Holiday, Bonus and On-the-job Training, Mon to Fri: 9:00AM-6:00PM,...
www.indeed.hkMarch 27,2019 - Adecco Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
3-5 exp. in Luxury Visual Merchandising Promising Career Growth Attractive remuneration package Are you looking for a career in Visual Merchandising and have at least 2-3 yrs experience in this field? Our client, a fashion luxury and Beauty company is seeking for someone energetic and proactive to join their Professional Creative VM Team across Asia Pacific region. Job Responsibilities: Responsible for weekly shop visit to ensure all visual merchandising settings are aligned with brand principle...
www.indeed.hkMarch 26,2019 - 卓隆企業有限公司 Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
學歷要求: 中五程度 薪金待遇: $7,500 - $9,000 工作地區: 油尖旺區 工作經驗: 一年經驗 發佈時間: 2019-03-25 截止申請時間: 2019-04-25 1.上午9時半至下午5時半, 每週工作5天半 2. 中五程度; 1年經驗; 良好粵語; 良好普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂MS Word; 懂MS Excel; 持有LCC中級証書; 懂倉頡輸入法; 細心,勤力,能獨立工作 3. 負責日常會計及協助行政工作...
www.indeed.hkMarch 26,2019 - Musik Angel Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
於教育中心工作, 負責小組教授各類畫班包括粉彩畫, 水彩畫, 塑膠彩畫, 黏土, 比賽畫等課程。 導師需有愛心和相關經驗。 工作時間: 星期二 2:00-3:00pm 4:00-6:00pm 星期五 4:00-7:00pm 星期六 10:00-1:00pm...
www.indeed.hkMarch 26,2019 - Adecco Hong Kong Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon
3-5 exp. in Luxury Visual Merchandising Promising Career Growth Attractive remuneration package Are you looking for a career in Visual Merchandising and have at least 2-3 yrs experience in this field? Our client, a fashion luxury and Beauty company is seeking for someone energetic and proactive to join their Professional Creative VM Team across Asia Pacific region. Job Responsibilities: Responsible for weekly shop visit to ensure all visual merchandising settings are aligned with brand principle...
www.indeed.hkMarch 26,2019
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