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  • 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司 重庆市 江北区

    重庆市 江北区 公司简介 重庆市外商投资促进中心,直属于重庆市对外贸易经济委员会的政府事业单位,是中国国际投资促进会的会员单位、中国对外服务工作行业协会的成员单位和FESCO人力资源服务会员单位。 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司,系重庆市外商投资促进中心投资成立的全国有性质单位。公司秉承“人尽其才,职路至爱”的宗旨,历经十年的稳健发展,现已拥有国际化、专业化的高素质服务团队,建立了系统、庞大的人才储备库和广泛的招募渠道,已为近600家中外企业、相关政府与事业机构、社会团体,以及数十万人才提供服务,在国内外获得广泛赞誉。 岗位职责 Job Description: 1.Planning and delivering lessons to students aging from 13 to 18. Lessons taught include IGCSE chemistry,AS chemistry and A2 chemistry etc. 2.Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvemen...

  • 重庆投促人力资源服务有限公司 重庆市 江北区

    Job Description: 1.Planning and delivering lessons to students aging from 13 to 18. Lessons taught include IGCSE chemistry,AS chemistry and A2 chemistry etc. 2.Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement to students. 3.Participating in academic meetings, planning and organizing student activities, open classes, festive performance and decoration, co-hosting events or school promotion with other chemistry teachers. 4.Taking responsibilities as a coach and judge for ...

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