Results 1 - 20 of 9
  • 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品有限公司 望牛墩镇

    望牛墩镇 1. Responsible for all functions of relevant customer communications in terms of order status. 2. Respond relevant customers’ requests or questions in a timely manner, communicate without errors or misunderstandings. 3. Communicate relevant customers’ information efficiently within the organization to ensure we satisfy customer demand by producing the required quality in time and at lowest costs. a. Order checking and confirmation, shipping plan control; b. MMFC and actual sales, deviation ...

  • 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品(东莞)有限公司 望牛墩镇

    望牛墩镇 月薪6,000 - 8,500元 职位信息 1. Responsible for all functions of relevant customer communications in terms of order status. 2. Respond relevant customers’ requests or questions in a timely manner, communicate without errors or misunderstandings. 3. Communicate relevant customers’ information efficiently within the organization to ensure we satisfy customer demand by producing the required quality in time and at lowest costs. a. Order checking and confirmation, shipping plan control; b. MMFC and ac...

  • 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品有限公司 望牛墩镇

    望牛墩镇 1. Responsible for all functions of relevant customer communications in terms of order status. 2. Respond relevant customers’ requests or questions in a timely manner, communicate without errors or misunderstandings. 3. Communicate relevant customers’ information efficiently within the organization to ensure we satisfy customer demand by producing the required quality in time and at lowest costs. a. Order checking and confirmation, shipping plan control; b. MMFC and actual sales, deviation ...

  • 东莞葛天那鞋袋制造有限公司 望牛墩镇

    望牛墩镇 英文简历是必须的 福利:包食宿,宿舍条件优越,三餐丰盛.五险一金。法定节假日+19天带薪年假。上下班专车接送。等等。 Job Description: 1 Fit prototype samples in EU size 37 2 Create sample order in ERP and follow up sample status 3 When receive each new article, communicate with R&D Manager to give them clear understanding of what designer needs 4 To Control the color card provided by Material Department 5 To review the Pattern Sample along with Master Pattern Maker, Senior Technician, before proceed with Prototype Sample 6 To review the P, B, ...

  • 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品有限公司 望牛墩镇

    望牛墩镇 Job Descriptions: Be responsible for equipment maintenance and facility management; Be responsible for the total production technical supporting and guidance. Be responsible for the design of layouts of plant and production lines. To innovate, optimize technological processes, and continually improve the product quality to reduce the scrap rate, cost and improve productivity. To analyze the related working reports on manufacturing, quality control, equipment maintenance etc., find and solve...

  • 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品有限公司 望牛墩镇

    望牛墩镇 Job Descriptions: Be responsible for equipment maintenance and facility management; Be responsible for the total production technical supporting and guidance. Be responsible for the design of layouts of plant and production lines. To innovate, optimize technological processes, and continually improve the product quality to reduce the scrap rate, cost and improve productivity. To analyze the related working reports on manufacturing, quality control, equipment maintenance etc., find and solve...

  • 格雷斯海姆塑胶制品有限公司 望牛墩镇

    Job Descriptions: Be responsible for equipment maintenance and facility management; Be responsible for the total production technical supporting and guidance. Be responsible for the design of layouts of plant and production lines. To innovate, optimize technological processes, and continually improve the product quality to reduce the scrap rate, cost and improve productivity. To analyze the related working reports on manufacturing, quality control, equipment maintenance etc., find and solve the ...

  • 东长集团有限公司 望牛墩镇

    1、年龄20-30岁; 2、高中以上学历; 3、持驾驶证C证以上,驾龄1年以上; 4、懂得小车司机礼仪等; 5、身高1.7米以上,形象佳能; 6、能适应加班。 职能类别: 商务司机 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:望牛墩镇...

  • 东长集团有限公司 望牛墩镇

    工作职责: 1、负责起草、审核、规范各类合同文本; 2、负责公司所有合同的签订、分发、收回、台账登记、更新、跟进、报告工作等; 3、负责公司所有合同档案管理,包括分类、归档存放、按权限提供查询等; 4、参与公司有关重大决议、规章及其他重要法律文件的合法性审查; 5、负责监督合同履行情况,协调解决合同履行中出现的法律问题,尽量避免合同纠纷产生; 6、负责解答、协助咨询公司及各部门法律事务; 7、负责代表公司参与法律事务的协商、调解、诉讼与仲裁活动,解决公司有关经济往来的法律事务; 8、公司及部门内部其他相关法律事务。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,法律专业; 2、2年以上公司法务工作经验或相关工作经验; 3、较强的学习能力,沟通协调能力、责任心强,工作积极; 4、熟练运用办公软件及PPT制作; 5、通过司法考试者优先。 工作地点:东莞市望牛墩镇 职能类别: 法务主管/专员 关键字: 法务 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:望牛墩镇...

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