- 为易飞企业管理咨询(深圳)有限公... 大岭山镇
职位信息 Familiar with the following subjects: Principles of Quality Management and Inspection; Test Methods; Quality tests; Has at least 2 years of experience regarding Parts Inspection and Assemblies intended for civilian aircraft; Able to read Production Drawings and to perform Parts Inspection; Understanding of Delivery Documents & Certificates Be able to evaluate FAI Documents (First Article Inspection EN/AS 9102) No Eyesight problems (including color-blindness); Other Requirements: Good co...
- 佛吉亚(中国)投资有限公司 大岭山镇
职位信息 FCT( Faurecia Cockpit Technologies), focuses on Display & Kinematics, Intuitive HMI & Touch Surface, Decoration & Interior Lighting and Personalized Climate Comfort & Air Quality, pushing Faurecia’s digital transformation. The CAD Engineer is responsible for the design development of new or existing products, in line with planning, process, quality and cost targets. He/she produces complete engineering designs translated in CAD models and creates all the associated documenta...
- 世邦魏理仕 大岭山镇
大岭山镇 职位信息 Responsible for three sites in South China (Guangzhou, Shen zhen, Dongguan), manage facilities to meet service levels to the client within the prescribed budget. Maintain customer& client relationship. Coordinate work assignments among site teams, vendors, and contractors, Develop an annual facility budget together with clients input including direct and indirect contract service expenses, preventative maintenance costs, energy management expenses, risk management and project/capit...
- 深圳伊特睿尔贸易有限公司 大岭山镇
职位信息 GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS You are excited about joining a Supply Chain team that is building an innovative brand, that prioritizing an elevated customer experience You have experience working on (and potentially managing) a team and can cultivate collaborative team growth and development You have great communication skills and the ability to work with a distributed team ( Asia and US) You know how to manage a project end-to-end and can keep team members on stringent timelines throughout that p...
- 佛吉亚(中国)投资有限公司 大岭山镇
职位信息 FCT( Faurecia Cockpit Technologies), focuses on Display & Kinematics, Intuitive HMI & Touch Surface, Decoration & Interior Lighting and Personalized Climate Comfort & Air Quality, pushing Faurecia’s digital transformation. The role of a Plant Production Control & Logistics Supervisor is to manage logistics activities of a plant and deploy the Group's Production Control & Logistics (PC&L) policy. The main missions of the role are to: Ensure customer satisfacti...
- 东莞市恒禧家具服务有限公司 大岭山镇
大岭山镇 Sourcing fabric according to the need of our customers or the company in order to achieve right quality at the right price 根据客户或者公司的需求采购面料 Follow our fabric purchasing, coordinate and record all fabric in& out, stock keep and reconcile with accounting department 跟进所有面料的采购,协调并记录所有面料的出入库,库存统计,确保跟财务部门的数据一致 Follow our fabric supply including regular visit, check the good and work our some improvement plan跟进所有的布料供应包括定期拜访供应商、检查货物以及展开改进计划 Manage the fabric library with new proposals, nice pres...
- 深圳伊特睿尔贸易有限公司 大岭山镇
ABOUT THE ROLE Interior Define is seeking a new team member to play a key role in expanding our brand story by joining our Supply Chain team in Asia. We are looking for a passionate individual who is excited to grow, innovate and disrupt the home furnishings industry through a transformative experience. The ideal candidate is eager to help us expand our brand, and to create a unique customer experience that far exceeds the uninspired, traditional furniture buying process. We are a fast-growing, ...
- 东莞威邦贸易有限公司 大岭山镇
大岭山镇 Job Description for Assistant Act as interpreter for American designer both in office/work area and on factory trips. Maintain accurate up to date logs of factory trip photos, project sheets given to Product Managers and artwork generated by Designer. These will be kept in separate notebooks designated by season. Maintain accurate up to date record of ongoing projects for specific customers. Order all materials needed by Designer. Examples include: components for sample making, fabrics, flo...
- 兴昂国际有限公司 大岭山镇
大岭山镇 Responsibility 1. Manage the full HR activities in PCC which will cover recruitment, payroll management, employee relationship and staff development. 2. To assist HRBP on corporate HR policy deployment to all factories in different locations, and ensure they are well communicated and implemented in responsible area. 3. To ensure HR policy and process in full compliance to law and requirement of external customer. Will be able to handle independently the external audit in HR part 4. To work ...
- 渥弗林咨询服务有限公司 大岭山镇
GENERAL FUNCTION Provide costing analysis to the Brand Team and the Costing organization. Defines and measures the financial impact of various product strategies, initiatives, and assist the Brands and the Costing manager to achieve the Gross Price Margin targets PRIMARY DUTIES Performs duties consistent with the company’s AAP/EEO goals and policies. Performs other duties as required/assigned by manager. Business Analysis: Works with Factory, Developers, Brand Team and Costing Team to review and...
- 3M中国有限公司 大岭山镇
Responsibility: 1. Generate Material Requirement Plan based on the demand forecast. 2. Work out Master Production Scheduling to workshop, and following to keep the good service to customer 3. Work with business and related functions to control inventory turn and non-working inventory percentage in a desired level. 4. Proactively contact intercompany SOS and local buyers to follow up status. 5. Hold monthly supply review meeting to understand the short term and long tem MFG supply status, and ide...
- 耐帆包装工程有限公司 大岭山镇
Nefab China is part of the Nefab Group which was founded in 1949 and is a world leading global provider of sustainable packaging solutions and logistics optimization services. Nefab serves global companies in industries such as Telecom/Datacom, Energy, Automotive, Healthcare equipment and Aerospace. Nefab has 2,800 employees in Europe, North & South America and Asia. In 2018 the turnover was SEK 4,5 billion. Owners of the group are the Nordgren/Pihl family and FAM AB (Wallenberg). Global Com...
- 伟创力电源有限公司 大岭山镇
Flex is a leading sketch-to-scale? solutions company that designs and builds intelligent products for a connected world. With more than 200,000 professionals across 30 countries and a promise to help make the world Live Smarter?, the company provides innovative design, engineering, manufacturing, real-time supply chain insight and logistics services to companies of all sizes in various industries and end-markets. For more information please visit our careers page at www.flex.com. Industry: Elect...
- 东莞市美派电子科技有限公司 大岭山镇
职责: 1.跟进德国/法国/美国/印度等其他外国客户的新项目研发及订单交期,催促生产出货。 2.独立接待外国客户,独立与客户进行英文交流(交流产品要求),并把需求告知国内研发人员和同事。 3.服从上级领导的工作分配。 能力要求: 1.英语4级及以上 2.能独立回复英文邮件及翻译小部分英文规格书(中译英,英译中) 3.胆大心细,能大胆发表自己的想法,不畏缩 待遇: 工作日上班8小时,不建议加班,若业务急,需主动加班完成手头工作,包住(两人一套间),工作天包吃(三餐,两荤两素一汤),双休,工作满一年后每年有5天有薪假期,每周一次厂外集体运动,每月一次厂外集体活动,每年一次为期两三天的集体出游。据个人表现不定时发放优秀表现奖,每次奖金至少500元,不设上限。 月薪4000-6000元(视乎水平和态度而定),每个农历年底会根据过去一年的个人贡献程度发放年终奖,每满一个工作年度后视乎能力态度增加月薪。 职能类别: 英语翻译 业务跟单 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:大岭山镇水朗村龙健路8号龙健集团东莞市美派电子科技有限公司...
- 东莞松山湖国际机器人研究院有限公司 大岭山镇
工作职责: 1.按流程执行采购任务,包括:询价、比价、订样、采购合同的谈判等 2.执行采购合同订单的下发,物料验收及付款流程的履行、跟进和落实工作 3.维护并评估现有合格供应商,收集潜在供应商信息,持续开发供应商 4.完成有关发货情况、成本控制、库存明细等各类报表,提供和保存采购信心记录 5.供应商资料与产品资料管理 任职要求: 1.大专及以上学历,电子、计算机、工程类、物理等理工科相关专业 2.2年以上采购管理经验 3.熟练操作ERP 系统,熟练使用办公软件及各类采购报表 4.吃苦耐劳,认真细致,责任心强,具有很强的团队精神 优先条件: 做过家电产品类优先 公司简介: 云鲸智能科技(东莞)有限公司致力于使用先进的移动机器人技术提升生活品质,是一家专业研发服务机器人的高科技企业,2015年创立于东莞松山湖畔的国际机器人产业基地。 云鲸目前有50余位研发人员。既有来自上海交通大学、东南大学、华中科技大学、香港科技大学、东北大学、华南理工大学、美国卡耐基梅隆大学、英国布里斯托大学、美国佐治亚理工学院等国内外知名学府的新锐工程师,也有来自大疆、华为、中兴、格力、伟易达、艾默生、创维、小米生态...
- 东莞松山湖国际机器人研究院有限公司 大岭山镇
工作职责: 1.负责生产的成品出货检验 2.负责填写QA检验报告 3.负责检验不良的记录与反馈 4.跟踪检验不良的处理情况,及处理后的复检 5.检验区域5S 任职要求: 1.有电子厂或家电厂QA或OQC工作经验1年以上 2.熟悉成品外观检验基本方法和通用标准 3.熟悉出货检验流程和异常处理方法 4.熟悉AQL抽样标准 5.善于发现问题和反馈问题 优先条件: 做过QA或OQC的优先 补充要求:视力良好 公司简介: 云鲸智能科技(东莞)有限公司致力于使用先进的移动机器人技术提升生活品质,是一家专业研发服务机器人的高科技企业,2015年创立于东莞松山湖畔的国际机器人产业基地。 云鲸目前有40余位研发人员。既有来自上海交通大学、东南大学、华中科技大学、香港科技大学、东北大学、华南理工大学、美国卡耐基梅隆大学、英国布里斯托大学、美国佐治亚理工学院等国内外知名学府的新锐工程师,也有来自大疆、华为、中兴、格力、伟易达、艾默生、创维、小米生态链等知名企业的资深工程师,其中在原公司任职总监/总工级别人数有5位。 通过近3年的研发,云鲸在激光雷达SLAM、双目视觉、惯导融合方面有着深厚的技术积累,拥有自主...
- 东莞松山湖国际机器人研究院有限公司 大岭山镇
工作职责: 1.负责生产线的成品外观或包装检验 2.负责填写检验日报表 3.负责建议不良的记录与反馈 4.QC检验区域5S 任职要求: 1.有电子厂或家电厂QC工作经验1年以上 2.熟悉成品外观检验基本方法和通用标准 3.熟悉制程异常处理流程和方法 4.视力良好,无近视和色盲 优先条件: 做过QC或IPQC的优先 公司简介: 云鲸智能科技(东莞)有限公司致力于使用先进的移动机器人技术提升生活品质,是一家专业研发服务机器人的高科技企业,2015年创立于东莞松山湖畔的国际机器人产业基地。 云鲸目前有50余位研发人员。既有来自上海交通大学、东南大学、华中科技大学、香港科技大学、东北大学、华南理工大学、美国卡耐基梅隆大学、英国布里斯托大学、美国佐治亚理工学院等国内外知名学府的新锐工程师,也有来自大疆、华为、中兴、格力、伟易达、艾默生、创维、小米生态链等知名企业的资深工程师,其中在原公司任职总监/总工级别人数有5位。 通过近4年的研发,云鲸在激光雷达SLAM、双目视觉、惯导融合方面有着深厚的技术积累,拥有自主研发的全套的服务机器人软件。也积累了丰富的多传感器融合和机电设计经验,能让机器人对复杂环...
- 中国联合网络通信有限公司 大岭山镇
中国联通营业厅是代表公司品牌的第一窗口,负责公司全业务的推广,也是公司目前重点关注的渠道,随着4G业务的发展,我们一直在寻找对通讯行业充满激情、睿智的销售精英加入我们的团队,共同完成又一次的超越。 【工作职责】 1.中国联通自建自营的营业厅综合业务办理,为客户提供厅内的联通业务咨询、受理及营销服务; 2.解答顾客的咨询,了解顾客的需求并达成销售,为客户提供业务办理指南; 3.负责所在营业厅的终端陈列及维护,客户资料的采集,协调,维系客户良好的关系; 4.贯彻公司各项销售政策,及时反馈市场信息。 【任职资格】 1.大专或以上学历; 2.五官端正、形象气质佳; 3.普通话标准,熟练使用本地方言,具有较强的语言组织能力;有敏锐的信息收集意识,较强的主动销售和服务意识,熟悉3G智能机的操作与应用,并能熟练演示;熟练操作办公软件; 4.具备良好的心理素质及团队协作精神;性格开朗、自信乐观、有激情、有冲劲、思维敏捷、领悟力强并具有一定的投诉处理能力。 【薪资福利】 1.转正后:底薪+提成,员工实到工资平均达4000元以上,最高月入过万; 2.提供食宿补贴、防暑降温费、五险一金、话费补贴,丰厚年终奖...
- 东莞市骏发机电制冷设备有限公司 大岭山镇
岗位要求 1.年龄25岁以上,排水、暖通、机电类专业大专以上学历 2.有暖通工作经验 3.熟悉暖通工程施工工艺、施工流程及相关验收规范,了解暖通工程施工材料市场行情和工程设计的行业规范 4.具有扎实的工程现场管理经验和良好的质量意识、成本意识与进度控制能力 5.具有良好的沟通、协调能力,丰富的现场协调能力、良好的团队精神与敬业精神 岗位职责 1.2年以上相关经验 2.熟悉专业施工图 3.具有良好的团队合作精神、敬业精神、高度的责任心和沟通能力 职能类别: 家用电器/数码产品研发 关键字: 暖通 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:东莞市大岭山镇西正路1号(格力电器)...
- 香港赣辉集团有限公司 大岭山镇
要求英语4级以上,熟悉电脑办公软件操作、口齿伶俐,善于沟通、能适应出差、维护旧客户,开发新客户,会营运阿里巴巴平台,有蓝牙经验者优先,***.(应届毕业生也可以) 联系人:赵先生13510797310 龙小姐13423916861 职能类别: 销售代表 关键字: 外贸业务 外贸销售 国外销售 上班地址:大岭山镇向东创业一街26号...
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