- 基督教中華傳道會劉永生中學 Hong kong
本校為一所基督教津貼中學,秉承基督精神辦學,著重學生的全人發展,現誠聘校長,獲聘任人士須於2021年9月1 日到職,申請人需具備以下資歷: 1. 認同本校辦學團體之辦學理念和宗旨,並能熱心及切實執行基督教辦學理念的工作; 2.具認可大學學位及教育文憑/證書或同等學歷; 3.持有教育局認可之校長資格認證,或正就讀相關培訓課程及預期能於2021年8月或以前獲取合資格認證; 4.具備不少於七年的學校管理及行政經驗,及良好中英語文和溝通能力; 5.具卓越領導才能,良好的團隊協作能力,能掌握香港教育發展趨勢,為學校持續發展制定短、中、長期策略; 6.具教育熱誠及培育青少年成長之使命感,適切帶動學校發展及提供更優質教育; 7.能與法團校董會、辦學團體及其他持份者緊密溝通合作。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 23,2020 - 耀朗教室 Ma on shan
誠聘功課輔導班導師/助理 工作範圍: 教導初中、小學生功課,溫習默書,測驗或考試。 控制及管理課堂小組秩序。 職位要求: 須細心、 有耐性、 責任感、工作認真、及守時。 工作時間: 工作時間任擇,彈性配合。 學歷: 應屆畢業生、中學畢業、大學或以上學歷。 時薪: $50~150 或以上 (視學歷及工作經驗而定)。 工作類型: 兼職 有興趣者可 whatsapp 5547 9951 與 黃Sir 洽。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 15,2019 - 遠傳電信 Taibei
1. Clean, analyze, and visualize data related to target business issues 2. Provide customer or operation insights via predictive and prescriptive analytics 3. Assess end-to-end, life-time financial impacts 4. Propose test design to ensure quality post-test action decisions 5. Recommend new metrics, techniques, and strategies to improve performance measurements ‧ Curiosity and passions in understanding user behaviors and solving problems ‧ Exceptional critical-thinking and analytical skills to de...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 遠傳電信 Taibei
Responsibilities Consolidate business needs across BU(Business Unit) to develop integrated communication strategy to achieve business objectives while enhancing brand value. ‧Develop go-to-market marketing strategy including market positioning, target audience setting and communication plan ‧Provide clear brief and closely work with / drive agencies and internal partners (PR, design, social media, media planning, digital marketing teams) to establish required support collaterals and ensure execu...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 沸騰了映像有限公司 Taibei
工作內容 國內外廣告/影集/電影,視覺特效製作: 1.為各樣式的Cg Models建立rigs (creature rigs, props, hero and background assets, motion capture rigs, face rigs etc ). 職務類別: 多媒體動畫設計師、電腦繪圖人員、影片製作技術人員 工作待遇: 月薪 26,000~45,000元 工作性質: 全職 上班地點: 台北市信義區永吉路180巷77號1樓 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 出差外派: 無需出差外派 上班時段: 日班 休假制度: 依公司規定 可上班日: 不限 需求人數: 1至2 人 條件要求 接受身份: 上班族、應屆畢業生、外籍人士、原住民【相關法令】 工作經歷: 1年以上 學歷要求: 專科、大學 科系要求: 不拘 語文條件: 英文 -- 聽 /略懂、說 /略懂、讀 /略懂、寫 /略懂 擅長工具: MAYA 工作技能: 不拘 其他條件: 技能需求: MAYA 其他:請準備作品...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 22,2019 - 上海耀华国际教育学校 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Professional Duties: 1. Teaching; (a) Planning and preparing ICT/Computer Science courses and lessons according to IGCSE/A-Level syllabus. (b) Teaching pupils assigned according to their educational needs, including the setting and grading of work to be carried out by the pupils in the school. (c) Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils. (d) On occasions, to provide cover for teachers who are indisposed. (e) Providing reports, oral and wri...
- 銘傳大學 台灣
[Position Openings] Ming Chuan University announces 1 special program teacher position (Application Deadline: 2019/7/10) 1. Unit: Department of Applied English 2. Job Title: Special Program Assistant Professor or above 3. Number of Candidates: 1 4. Location: Taoyuan (Gui-Shan District) 5. Education: Ph.D. in one of the following fields 6. Fields of Specialty: TESOL/Applied Linguistics, English education, English Linguistics, or English Literature 7. Application Materials Required: (1). Curriculu...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 銘傳大學 台灣
教師升等案經本校自行審查教師資格審定通過,並送教育部備查取得證書,升聘教師如下: 序 姓名 系所 升等職稱 代表著作暨參考著作 升聘年月 號 以「住宅變異性對居住穩定性影響分析」為 1 胡志平 都防系 教授 107 年 2 月 主要代表作暨參考作 8 篇審定通過。 以「1.跨媒介敘事與擴展「敘事網絡」歷程 初探:以國際大獎繪本之跨媒介轉述為例 2. 圖像敘事之跨媒介改編與美感接收端詮釋之 2 賴玉釵 新聞系 教授 分析面向初探:理論視角之反思 3.繪本敘事 107 年 2 月 轉述為影像歷程初探:以繪本《雨果的祕 密》之跨媒介轉述為例」為主要代表作暨參 考作 13 篇審定通過。 以「Effect of esterification condensation on the Folin-Ciocalteu method for the 3 梁致遠 生科系 教授 quantitative measurement of total 107 年 2 月 phenols」為主要代表作暨參考作 14 篇審定 通過。 以「緩起訴負擔條件之刑罰性探討」為主要 4 許絲捷 法律系 副教授 107 年 2 ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 遠傳電信 Taibei
We are looking for F2E (Front-End Engineer) who has experience with front end framework (Angular/Vue/React etc). This role will be one of the first of a in-house front-end development team, and will be instrumental in setting up tools, processes and documentation for the group in the future. Responsibilities will include translation of the UI/UX design wireframes to actual code that will produce visual elements of the application. Also work with backend Engineer to deliver the solution to our en...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 銘傳大學 台灣
2019.08.17 [Position Openings] Ming Chuan University announces 6 part-time teacher positions (Application Deadline: 2019/8/22) 1. Unit: English Language Center 2. Job Title: Part-time Instructor or above 3. Number of Candidates: 6 4. Location: Taipei (Shih-Lin District), Taoyuan (Gui-Shan District) , (Kinmen: Jin-Sha Township) 5. Education: M.A. or Ph.D. in one of the following fields 6. Fields of Specialty: TESOL, Linguistics 7. Application Materials Required: (1). Curriculum Vitae (Autobiograp...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 遠傳電信 Taibei
To facilitate the development and management of corp. RPA (Robotic Process Automation) project. It is also required to support the department to conduct process management, LOA management, ICS (Internal Control System) management & CSA (Control Self-Assessment) for digital transformation of the company. Corporate RPA (50%): 1. Program management of corp. RPA project. 2. Work with other departments to initiate RPA project. 3. Responsible for the implementation scope, schedule and financial ma...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 遠傳電信 嘉義縣
The main function of access network Sr. engineer will be focusing on network stability improvement. It’s main work scope include: 1.OSP Engineering / Mobil network implementation , operation and maintenance。 2.Transport network and Access network implementation, operation and maintenance 3.Customers service provision/recovery and customer complaint ticket solving 4.BTS/TX/Access network reliability enhancement 5.Spare parts Asset/ Materials/ Pacth cord Management 1.Positive / Active attitude is ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系 新竹市 東區
聯絡人:俞蘋 聯絡電話:03-5712121轉58725 【計畫概述】了解個人如何利用臉書等社群媒體使用新聞,以及其可能的影響。 【工作內容】協助蒐集文獻、設計問卷、以及蒐集資料 【徵求條件】研究生(不限科系),認真負責,英文讀、寫佳,具資料分析的經驗與能力 (最重要的是有積極學習的態度)。 【薪資範圍】依照科技部標準 【連絡方式】俞蘋老師,電子信箱:rpyu@nctu.edu.tw;電話:03-5712121 轉58725 【聯絡備註】意者請於即日起,將個人簡歷、聯絡方式寄給俞蘋老師,信件主旨請註明「應徵科技部計畫兼任助理:研究相關」,徵滿即停止招聘。...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 上海万耀企龙展览有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 ESSENTIAL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Plan and execute the international marketing strategy to develop the exhibition’s global awareness, channel potential clients to the sales team and recruit international trade visitors; Be in charge of international marketing budget; Provide necessary marketing research/analytical information to allocate/invest funds wisely; Measure and report performance of marketing campaigns, gain insight and assess against goals; Ensure the accomplishment of marke...
- 富士達保險經紀人:富耀通訊處‧趙蔚嫣 台中市 西屯區
1.推動專案,制訂目標,規劃時程,並擬定策略及細節措施。 2.擔任顧問及專家的角色,提供可行方案,規劃配套作法。 3.負責跨部門溝通協調,解決衝突,達成目標。 4.掌握專案進度,定期提出分析報告,與改進建議。 5.蒐集資訊、研究趨勢,成為決策分析的工具。 職務類別 : 其他客服 保險業務/經紀人 門市/展示/專櫃/賣場人員 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 09:00~17:00/白天班 年 7 月 11 日 需求人數 : 5至10人 薪資待遇 : 月薪 35,000 元以上每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 上班日期 : 隨 時 職位等級 : 專員 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 不需出差 外派說明 : 不需外派 工作條件 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 身份類別 : 一般求職者 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 具備駕照 : 輕型機車、普通重型機車、普通小型車 交通工具 : 輕型機車、普通重型機車、普通小型車 必備附件 履歷照片 <職場性格測驗>報告 應徵方式 連絡人 : 趙蔚嫣小姐 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 上海培路文化传播有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 COMPANY INFORMATION Prelude, founded in 2014 in Shanghai is the leader of French language and culture training for both adults and children. “Original mode, Culture driven, Profession manner” are three core values of Prelude which bring a high level qualified service to more than 1000 white-collars and 200 families. With the network of 3 branches in different district in Shanghai and over 50 employees, Prelude has a 200% annual growth rate in 2015-2016. is the original French course designed...
- 东莞市图兰文化传播有限公司 东莞市 南城区
职位信息 Responsibilities: Preparing daily classes, related lecture notes and demo classes. Working closely with other teachers, create a good teaching environment. Assist in training Chinese teachers, product development and teaching materials development. Helping pupils to succeed in their learning tasks, giving them good experience so that they develop self-respect and foster personal maturity; Providing guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters; making relevant records and ...
- 上海芝麻堂文化传播有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Sesame Education English Tutoring Center based in Shanghai is looking for English-native teachers. Headquarters Location: Line 9 Yanggaozhonglu Station, Pudong, Shanghai The job description and qualifications are as following: Job Description: (Part- time) 1. Teaching and researching the learning of 3-18 years old childrens in the subject of English. 2. Participate in the preparation of lesson plans and curriculum planning, complete the teaching process, and ensure the quality of the course; 3. ...
- 荆州市学儿乐文化传播有限公司 荆州市
荆州市 Foreign English Teacher Responsibilities: 1 Provide quality English lessons to children aged 3-16, according to Scholastic’s Curriculum. 2 Plan and prepare lessons, communicate with parents and provide feedback on individual student performance. 3 Participate in teaching, training and marketing activities. Job requirements: 1 Bachelor degree above 2 Less than 65 years old 3 TESOL/TEFL certificate (at least 120 hrs) or more than 2 years teaching experience with recommendation letter 4 Neutral...
- 深圳市摩登世纪科技有限公司 深圳市 南山区
深圳市 南山区 Working in close collaboration with the game development team, the Community Manager will manage, launch, promote and sustain our innovative video game products throughout their lifespan. This position is located in our game studio in Shenzhen, but you will also work and collaborate with international teams, including but not limited to marketing & PR agencies, web development agencies, video production studios, artists, publishers and intellectual property brokers. From the beginnin...
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