- 巴馬丹拿機電工程顧問有限公司 Hong kong
申請人必須具備下列基本入職資格: 持有香港理工學院╱香港理工大學╱香港科技學院╱香港工業學院╱香港專業教育學院之其中一間工業學院頒發的屋宇設備工程文憑或高級證書同等資格; 不少於3年或以上取得資格後的相關屋宇設備監督經驗; 須在香港中學會考(會考)或香港中學文憑考試(文憑試)在英文運用及中文運用取得2級* 或以上成績以符合有關職位的語文能力要求,或同等學歷。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 1,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
公司全數資助修讀職業訓練局的指定課程 中三程度或以上,無需工作經驗 四年制學徒計劃,理論與實踐並行 在培訓期間 調配往不同部門(保養、安裝、優化、調試)作全面實習 派遣到中山試驗塔實地訓練,表現優異者或可到日本作研修之旅 完成計劃後 獲取註冊升降機/自動梯工程人員認可專業資格 公司繼續資助修讀與工作相關的課程,如文憑、學位課程 提供完善晉升階梯,助你向專業路邁進 * 三菱學徒培訓計劃於每年三月份及九月份開始,於此月份前入職者將先聘請為助理技工,及後可申請轉職為學徒。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
(保養維修、安裝、優化、測試驗收及年度測試) 持有效升降機/自動梯工程人員註冊證人士可申請技工職位 無相關經驗而持有中三學歷或以上程度者可申請助理技工職位 完善晉升制度...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
(保養維修、安裝、優化、測試驗收及年度測試) 持有效升降機/自動梯工程人員註冊證人士可申請技工職位 無相關經驗而持有中三學歷或以上程度者可申請助理技工職位...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
公司全數資助修讀職業訓練局的指定課程 中三程度或以上,無需工作經驗 四年制學徒計劃,理論與實踐並行 在培訓期間 調配往不同部門(保養、安裝、優化、調試)作全面實習 派遣到中山試驗塔實地訓練,表現優異者或可到日本作研修之旅 完成計劃後 獲取註冊升降機/自動梯工程人員認可專業資格 公司繼續資助修讀與工作相關的課程,如文憑、學位課程 提供完善晉升階梯,助你向專業路邁進 * 三菱學徒培訓計劃於每年三月份及九月份開始,於此月份前入職者將先聘請為助理技工,及後可申請轉職為學徒。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
公司全數資助修讀職業訓練局的指定課程 中三程度或以上,無需工作經驗 四年制學徒計劃,理論與實踐並行 在培訓期間 調配往不同部門(保養、安裝、優化、調試)作全面實習 派遣到中山試驗塔實地訓練,表現優異者或可到日本作研修之旅 完成計劃後 獲取註冊升降機/自動梯工程人員認可專業資格 公司繼續資助修讀與工作相關的課程,如文憑、學位課程 提供完善晉升階梯,助你向專業路邁進 * 三菱學徒培訓計劃於每年三月份及九月份開始,於此月份前入職者將先聘請為助理技工,及後可申請轉職為學徒。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
(保養維修、安裝、優化、測試驗收及年度測試) 持有效升降機/自動梯工程人員註冊證人士可申請技工職位 無相關經驗而持有中三學歷或以上程度者可申請助理技工職位...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Highlights Renewable Energy Company, with great business aspect Prepare for IPO in USA Young and energetic team Job Description A leading solar company in HK is looking for accounting and financing talent to join the team and prepare for future IPO. Responsibilities: Responsible for general financial matters of the company including book keeping, consolidation, internal & management reporting; Handle full set of accounting and report ; Ensure the timeliness and accuracy of monthly fina...
www.cpjobs.comApril 6,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirement: IVE Higher Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering, or Construction Good command of English and Chinese, ability to communicate in Mandarin Familiar with AutoCAD, able to handle electrical engineering drawings and documents independently, Interested in developing in the field of new energy, hardworking and eager to learn Fresh graduate is welcome, Remuneration and welfare: Monthly income package:over HKD 20000-25000 Incentive plan Year end bonus For application, please s...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirement: Ive Higher Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering, A0 or B0 Certificate of Registration of Electrical Worker preferred fresh graduate is welcome, familiar with AutoCAD, able to handle electrical engineering drawings and documents independently, hardworking and eager to learn good command of English, ability to communicate in Mandarin Remuneration and welfare: monthly income package:over HKD 25000-28000 financial support for further professional training, on job incentive p...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Scope: solar power system design and engineering, supervising on-site solar power system set up take care of government tender document submission coordination with main contractor and sub-contractor Job Requirements: Degree or above in Electrical Engineering, Energy Engineering. Higher Diploma from IVE also welcome. 2 year’s experience in Electrical Engineering work preferred, Knowledge about tender process preferred but not necessary, Proficiency with AutoCAD and various engineering soft...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirement: IVE Higher Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering. A0 or B0 Certificate of Registration of Electrical Worker. 2 years of working experience preferred, but not necessary. familiar with AutoCAD, able to handle electrical engineering drawings and documents independently. Candidate with less experience will also be considered. For application, please send CV by clicking 立即申請...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - Sinopower Holding (HK) Co. Ltd. 香港光電控股有限公司 Hong kong
Job Requirements: Degree or above in Electrical Engineering, Energy Engineering. Higher Diploma also welcome. At least 5 year’s experience in Electrical Engineering, knowledge process tender and quotation, coordination with main contractor and sub-contractor. B0 is preferred, A0 have more experience also be welcome. Familiar with AutoCAD drawing and MS Office operations. Good commands of both written and spoken English, Chinese, Mandarin. Candidates with less experience will also be considered...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 5,2020 - 魚類統營處 Aberdeen
現有下列職位空缺歡迎有興趣人士投考: 職位:市場督導員 僱用期:常規編制 薪金:$12,980 - $17,430(分5年遞增) 工作地點: 香港仔魚類批發市場 入職條件:- (一)完成中三課程 (二)一般電腦知識 主要職責: (一)協助營業/會計/總務部的工作 (二) 協助市場主任監察及維持市場運作 (三) 協助主場主任管理時薪僱員 (四) 執行其他由上級所指派的工作 (五) 有機會被安排到其他魚市場及其他部門工作 (註:此職位需要於清晨工作和隨時候命) 有意者請將履歷連電話號碼郵寄至九龍荔枝角道757號三樓魚類/蔬菜統營處人事部收,或透過Apply Now遞交, 截止日期二零一九年十二月二十日。...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 8,2019 - CLP POWER HONG KONG LIMITED 中華電力有限公司 Sham shui po
In CLP, we value young talent. We believe that graduates bring their own diverse background and perspective which can, not only add value to our organization, but which we can also help to nurture and grow. Through our IT Trainee Programme, trainees can: Gain exposure to business functions and the entire CLP IT organization Establish and grow industry relevant technical and soft skills Have an opportunity to work on modern technologies Commence career path in IT Work for one of the biggest brand...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 16,2019 - CLP POWER HONG KONG LIMITED 中華電力有限公司 Sham shui po
In CLP, we value young talent. We believe that graduates bring their own diverse background and perspective which can, not only add value to our organization, but which we can also help to nurture and grow. Through our IT Trainee Programme, trainees can: Gain exposure to business functions and the entire CLP IT organization Establish and grow industry relevant technical and soft skills Have an opportunity to work on modern technologies Commence career path in IT Work for one of the biggest brand...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 3,2019 - 魚類統營處 Aberdeen
現有下列職位空缺歡迎有興趣人士投考:- 職位:市場督導員(買手) 僱用期:常規編制 薪金:$12,980 - $17,430(分5年遞增) 工作地點: 長沙灣及香港仔 入職條件:- (一)完成中三課程 (二)一般電腦知識 主要職責: (一) 採購各類海產(活魚、冰鮮、急凍及貝介類); (二) 採集各魚貨的價格及與供應商議價; (三) 協助處理客戶報價單; (四) 處理各客戶訂單及購貨量; (五) 安排及協調物流; (六) 處理購貨單及存倉紀錄; (七) 監察貨品質素;及 (八) 執行其他由上級所指派的工作。 (註:此職位需要於清晨工作和隨時候命) 有意者請將履歷連電話號碼郵寄至 九龍荔枝角道757號三樓魚類/蔬菜統營處人事部收 ,或電郵至, 截止日期二零一九年十一月十日。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 29,2019 - Shun Hing Systems Integration Co Ltd 信興系統工程有限公司 Hong Kong
Responsibilities Contribute in radio system support activities for Hong Kong government and / or public transportation infrastructure Participate in hardware expansion / commissioning, site preparation and integration to live environment Responsible in conduction technical analysis and investigation, manage support services contracts, review operation and maintenance practices in proposing improvement plans Perform on site field measurement for site acceptance, optimization verification, network...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 26,2019 - Shun Hing Systems Integration Co Ltd 信興系統工程有限公司 Hong Kong
Responsibilities Provide solution preparation/ proposal based on customers’ requirements. Perform network implementation, deploy and test new system and service. Provide network equipment configuration and support. Design, deploy, support and maintain the local, metropolitan and wide area network infrastructure and perimeter security devices with standard designs and configurations. Take part in technical product planning, development and deployment. Handle fault diagnosis and service restoratio...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 26,2019 - 遠傳電信 Taibei
1. Clean, analyze, and visualize data related to target business issues 2. Provide customer or operation insights via predictive and prescriptive analytics 3. Assess end-to-end, life-time financial impacts 4. Propose test design to ensure quality post-test action decisions 5. Recommend new metrics, techniques, and strategies to improve performance measurements ‧ Curiosity and passions in understanding user behaviors and solving problems ‧ Exceptional critical-thinking and analytical skills to de...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019
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