Results 1 - 20 of 8
  • Paktor Hong Kong Limited Causeway bay

    為配合客戶業務需要,Paktor Premium HK現正招聘上述職位。 職務: 以電話致電特選客戶介紹及推廣服務 客戶名單由公司提供 (cold call) 職位要求: 中五程度 具一年或以上銷售或推廣經驗優先 具自信,性格開朗,積極進取 操流利廣東話   同事可享以下福利待遇: 固定底薪 + 優厚佣金  ( 佣金無上限 ) 固定上班時間 (無需夜班,星期日及公眾假期休息) 在職培訓...

  • Paktor Hong Kong Limited Causeway Bay

    You are someone who have a passion to contribute to the local dating scene and foster opportunities for singles to find their special someone. You love meeting new people and have a passion for sales. You will go the extra mile to close the deal and you understand how crucial strategic planning is in securing a sale. Finally, you are also someone who constantly strives to achieve your quotas and believe that nothing is impossible. Responsibilities: Meet prospective clients and conduct personal p...

  • Paktor Taibei

    Founded in 2013 with the mission of connecting singles in Asia through technology-enabled platforms, Paktor dating app has expanded beyond Singapore to the rest of Southeast Asia and North Asia, to form the largest social dating group in the region. Along with its other acquisitions, which includes a controlling stake in Taiwan live streaming company 17 Media and other social dating apps such as Goodnight, the group's social entertainment and dating assets jointly account for over 50 million...

  • Paktor Taibei

    希望你跟我們一樣是行銷狂、有創意、有想法 是個「具有理性的判斷,可以有創意發想的夥伴。」 不要太玻璃心,因為同事講話都很直接, 喜歡一群人聚在一起討論計畫的執行,並享受成果。 #期待你是... 1.對新鮮有趣的事情有熱誠 2.網路、youtube、PTT、Dcard成癮者 3.文字能力強,善於分析數據必可以利用數據做出下一步的規劃 4.樂於溝通,積極負責 工作內容: 1.兩年以上數位媒體行銷經驗。 2.熟悉數位廣告媒體: Facebook Ads、Google Adwords,具備成效行型廣告投放操作經驗尤佳 3.了解 Google Analytics 數據成效追蹤及分析 4.具企劃發想、文案撰寫、社群經營能力(FB、IG)。 5.網路趨勢掌握,能夠分析時事與脈動,並且掌握KOL的主題與性質。 6.創意十足,實踐力高,可團隊合作並善溝通。 7.須配合主管交辦事項。...

  • Paktor Taibei

    Responsibilities: Lead the local marketing team to plan and execute marketing activities that integrate digital, social, owned and traditional channels. Work as a key member to accelerate business growth, with a P&L mindset focused on optimizing team performance and marketing investment. Communicate and coordinate with functional department at local and regional level. Provide strategic guidance to local and regional teams to ensure business initiatives are being executed in line with region...

  • Paktor Taibei

    Responsibilities : Content Marketing Develop comprehensive content strategies aligned with short-term and long-term marketing goals Define key messages, recommend choice of media, and allocate resources so that campaigns are effective and appropriate for the intended audience Create engaging and original content which is aligned with the brand and effective in driving ROI for both paid and owned channels Plan and execute organic and paid social media campaigns, which include identifying opportun...

  • Paktor Taibei

    Content Marketing Develop comprehensive content strategies aligned with short-term and long-term marketing goals Define key messages, recommend choice of media, and allocate resources so that campaigns are effective and appropriate for the intended audience Create engaging and original content which is aligned with the brand and effective in driving ROI for both paid and owned channels Plan and execute organic and paid social media campaigns, which include identifying opportunities, engaging inf...

  • Paktor Taibei

    Handle day-to-day office administration tasks for Taipei office, reporting back to HQ on a daily basis. Perform receptionist duties including but not limited to greeting clients, handling all incoming phone calls promptly and courteously. Ensure tidiness of the office especially reception and meeting room areas. Responsible for purchase and maintenance of office equipment, stationery and pantry supplies. Source and manage new office equipment and maintain existing office equipment, including arr...

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